Reports out of Russia say Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq have agreed to establish a command center in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, with the goal of coordinating joint strikes against the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State).
The New York Times has revealed that the war in Syria is not a civil war as at least 30-thousand people from other countries, with ulterior motives, are doing the fighting. That’s called a Proxy War!

Aleppo Governorate is one of several governorates sharing a border with U.S. led NATO Turkey. Turkey is a major inserter of foreign insurgents as part of the Proxy War in Syria.
Aleppo Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report several battles with insurgents coming from NATO member Turkey. The battles took place on the international highway in and out of Turkey. Battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase continued. Reports of civilians killed after the Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed the insurgent controlled Hulk neighborhood of Aleppo city. Reports that civilian POVs (Personally Owned Vehicle) have become collateral damage during fighting between YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) units and Nusra Front insurgents, as well as a woman wounded by a sniper. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted ten airstrikes on insurgent held areas of Aleppo City, with insurgents responding with artillery mortar fire, five civilians killed. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that NATO member Turkey attacked Syrians who were fleeing the fighting in the town of Efrin.

Syrian Arab Army T72s retake farmland from insurgents in the Damascus area, earlier this year.
Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Insurgents fired artillery mortar rounds into Syrian Arab Army controlled Dahiyat al-Assad, wounding several people. Near al- Qadam, reports say DAESH and other insurgent groups reached a ceasefire agreement after days of fighting amongst themselves (the big sillies).
Daraa Governorate: Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed a convoy of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front). Reports say a Syrian anti-government rebel was blown up by his own motorcycle bomb, not sure if that was his intent. Another claim that a man from the area was tortured to death in a prison in Damascus.
Deir Ezzor Governorate: Reports that the DAESH commander, who was a doctor from a Gulf Arab state, was killed while conducting the assault on Deir Ezzor airbase. Reports that local militia (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) fought with DAESH over control of a radio station.

This female YPG fighter, manning a 12.7mm heavy machine gun on a T72 panzer, has more ‘balls’ than most ‘merican men!

Russian made BM-21 Grad rocket launchers of the Syrian Arab Army.
Homs Governorate: Reports that Syrian Arab Army fired artillery rockets into the insurgent controlled al-Wa’er neighborhood in Homs City, at least seven people killed, 20 wounded. In al-Zahra neighborhood in Homs City, insurgents assassinated a retired Syrian Arab Army colonel by boobytrapping his POV with a bomb. Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields. Two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed when DAESH detonated a remote control car bomb.

Even emergency responders like Red Crescent are targets. This ambulance in the city of Homs didn’t make it, I don’t know about the paramedics.
Idlib Governorate: Airstrikes reported on the town of Saraqeb, unknown number of people wounded. The airstrikes came as people in the town began protesting the new ceasefire deal between non-DAESH insurgents and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah). The people aren’t against the ceasefire, they say they’re mad because Saraqeb town wasn’t included in it. In other parts of the governorate hospitals, and Red Cross/Red Crescent personnel, prepared to accept mass casualties as part of the Iranian-Turkish brokered UN ceasefire agreement.
Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched airstrikes on Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents and their U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks.

Quneitra Governorate borders the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Israel has occupied Syria’s Golan since 1967, and it’s where Israeli backed insurgents cross into Syria.
Quneitra Governorate: Police report that Israeli backed insurgents conducted home invasions (Israeli settler style) in the al-Amal Farms, killing three civilians, one a seven years old girl along with her 70 years old grandmother. There were reports of local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) engaging Israeli backed insurgents, one NDF personnel killed. Reports that eight Syrian rebels were killed, including one that was a former Syrian Arab Army soldier. At least three Syrian Arab Army personnel killed.
Syria, 25 September 2015: Children from around the world fight & die in Syria!