Influenza False Flag: Tamiflu proven to be worthless & even deadly! Is it a Bilderberg op to kill you off?

10 April 2014 (23:33 UTC-07 Tango 09 April 2014)/09 Jumada t-Tania 1435/21 Farvardin 1393/11 Wu-Chen 4712

“The stuff is toxic. It increased the risk of psychiatric events, headaches and renal events in one in 150 people. People reported nausea, vomiting and constriction of the airways. In Japan eight children jumped out of windows and committed suicide.”-Tom Jefferson, The Cochrane Collaboration

A five year study by Oxford University and The Cochrane Collaboration suggests that the British empire government of United Kingdom wasted the equivalent of $839-million USD stockpiling, and forcing Britishers to take, Tamiflu (aka oseltamivir).

Another anti-viral, Relenza (aka zanamivir), is also considered dangerous.

The study accuses the legal drug pusher, Swiss based Roche, of “sloppy science” and of actually lying about the effectiveness of Tamiflu against influenza.  This would explain the growing reports from the medical industry that Tamiflu is not working against the flu virus.

The Cochrane Collaboration found connections to increased cases of psychotic episodes and suicides in Japan, where Tamiflu is prescribed more than in any other country for the treatment of flu.  Even Japanese doctors have been warning that Tamiflu is not doing what Roche says it does!

This is not the first time Oxford University warned of the evils of Tamiflu. Back in 2009 they warned that children should not be given Tamuflu or Relenza.  The University’s initial research revealed that Tamiflu reduced the average number of sick days, for a person infected with flu, from seven to a pathetic 6.3, and that it had no effect in reducing the number of days a person spends in the hospital!  It also has bad side effects in children and adults with compromised immune systems.

The Cochrane Collaboration pointed out that in 2009 drug maker Roche provided almost no evidence of clinical trials to back up its claims for Tamiflu, yet your evil corporate controlled health care systems, and ‘elected’ officials, welcomed the new drug without question.