08 November 2013 (03:14 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Muharram 1434/17 Aban 1391/06 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711
“The reason why the employers are doing this is it’s a big money grab!”-Tom Geiger, UFCW Local 21 in Washington
“I started working in the grocery business over 40 years ago. The proposals we saw this time from employers were some of the worst I’ve ever seen. They tried to turn us into Walmart!”-Dave Schmitz, President of UFCW Local 21
- Fred Meyer in Pocatello, Idaho, was not judged but their owner Kroger was. Kroger ranked 31st out of 68.
- No power, no Smith’s in Chubbuck, Idaho.
- The last Albertsons in Pocatello, Idaho. Consumer Reports ranked 50th.
- Reports say Home Depot is slashing-n-burning employee hours & benefits. “That’s the power of Home Depot.” This pic was taken before the Chubbuck, Idaho, Allstate call center was built.
- This the Chubbuck, Idaho, Walmart. Consumer Reports ranked Walmart 67th out of 68!
I know of at least one Boise area Fred Meyer that has drastically cut their employee hours, below 24 hours per week. An employee there told me the cuts were unexpected, her hours were cut to 16 per week and she lost her Fred Meyer health insurance. (Idaho is a Right to Work you over anti-union state) This was in mid-October. It turns out the insurance was actually cut before then. She had nine cavities filled and when the dentist filed the insurance claim they were told by the insurance provider that the policy had been canceled on 30 September!
She told me the majority of the employees at the Boise area Fred Meyer, where she works, are scheduled for only 20 hours per week. There are three Fred Meyers in Boise.
Back in October a Fox.news report stated that as many as 30-thousand grocery store workers were preparing to go on strike in Washington state. This was because they learned their employers were about to slash and burn their hours and benefits, to take advantage of Obama Care. The report named Kroger Company’s Fred Meyer and QFC as some of those companies preparing to rip off their employees. Albertsons and Safeway were also mentioned.
Kroger Company is a massive operation based in Ohio, and includes Baker’s, City Market, Dillons, Food 4 Less, Foods Company, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Gerbes, Harris Teeter, Jay C, King Soopers, Kroger, Owen’s, Pay Less Super Markets, QFC, Ralph’s, Ruler Foods, Scott’s, Smith’s and numerous jewelry stores, dairy operations, bakeries, delis and meat plants all across the United States.
Obama Care (aka Affordable Care Act, aka Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) allows companies to cancel health benefits for any employee working less than 30 hours per week.
Lie: A lie is a false statement made by a person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally, such as Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
I’ve seen many mainstreamer pro-Obama Care articles outright calling reports of cuts to employee hours and health benefits lies. Investors.com has been updating a list of U.S. corporations and school districts that have announced they will cut hours and benefits because of Obama Care, so who’s the real liars? As of 05 November 2013, the Investors.com list now includes up to 363 U.S. corporations and school districts, click here to read it and weep.
In June 2013, Reuters revealed that the major non-governmental employer of the U.S., Walmart, was intentionally cutting employee health benefits because of Obama Care: “Full-time people are getting slimmer and slimmer.”-unnamed Walmart manager in north Carolina
“Everybody who comes through the door I hire as a temporary associate. It’s a company direction at the present time.”-unnamed Walmart manager in Alaska
Things are so bad for Obama Care that the Obama regime, and its supporters, are spending millions of dollars to bribe mainstreamer news media to report only good things about Obama Care: “Families USA has received a $1 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which it will use to collect and distribute to the media personal stories of those who have benefited from the new health insurance exchange….”-Time, 25 October 2013
And how’s this for audaciousness; Obama Care was touted as helping low income people get healthcare, but now the Obama regime is asking those same people to donate their precious little money to promote Obama Care: “President Obama’s political arm, Organizing for Action, is using the uproar over the failed Obamacare website to raise money…..A link takes the email recipient….to what appears to be the real business at hand: a new page with a solicitation for $15-$1,000 or some ‘other amount.’….OFA plans to spend ‘the next five months’ promoting Obamacare and ‘making sure people have the facts.'”-White House Dossier, 29 October 2013
“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013
Idaho & other states beat out Obama Care
Obama Care creates crisis for Idaho!
More health care cuts blamed on the Federales!
One million U.S. citizens lose their health insurance because of Obama Care!
Obama Care a false flag op to destroy you!
Obama Care NAZI operatives deploying
HHS official avoids explaining why Obama Care website crashed
Idaho joins Obama Care insurance exchange corruption!
“Navigator” has warrant for her arrest!
Idaho throws 91% of poor adults to the curb!
Obama Care intentionally priced out of your reach?
Your credit score can stop you from complying with draconian Obama Care
Obama Care heading into “Death Spiral”?
Already insured Californians hit with major Obama Care sticker shock!
Obama Care meant to reduce U.S. civilian population!
Major U.S. employer slashes health insurance for 15000 people