07 June 2013 (12:08 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rajab 1434/17 Khordad 1391/29 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711
Pennsylvania’s School Reform Commission has approved a school budget that will close 23 schools, and affect almost 3000 jobs.
Officials in the Keystone state say it’s necessary to pay down $304 million USD in debt.
But wait, that’s almost how much the evil police stateist elites are spending to build two new prisons! $400 million is being spent to build State Correctional Institutions Phoenix I and II.
Ask yourself, why would government officials slash and burn millions of dollars in funding for schools, in favor of spending millions of dollars on new prisons?
Not only could it be that Martial Law is coming and they expect to be filling those prisons, but under the private corporate prison system they’re actually making money while public schools don’t make a dime.