Corporate Incompetence: Japanese nuclear plant operator lies about plant safety, gets caught!

In Japan, the restart of the Genkai nuclear power plant has been put on hold, after a whistler blower revealed that the company boss ordered false statements about the plant’s safety.

Operator Kyushu Electric Power Company got the go ahead to restart the nuclear plant, located in Saga prefecture, after a public meeting in which email testimonies were read in favor of restarting the plant.  Those emails, supposedly from independent observers, and even affiliates of KEPCo, turned out to be lies.

Saga is located many hundreds of miles from Fukushima, on the southern island of Kyushu.

It’s been revealed that the boss of KEPCo ordered false emails to be sent to the public hearing, in order to win approval for restart.

Now local officials will wait until the central Japanese government completes its new stress tests, before giving the go ahead for restart.