Tag Archives: wall street

“It’s mind boggling!” Factory gets 4-million tax-dollars to kill jobs! ObamaCare proving to be austerity in disguise! 31% of citizens on welfare! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 02 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Alaska: Albertsons-Safeway shutting down the old Carrs-Safeway grocery store in The Mall at Sears in Anchorage, by mid-month.  It doesn’t help sales when there are two other Carrs-Safeway stores within two miles of The Mall at Sears.

Arizona: In Phoenix, Ameron International laying off five people.  Washington based Haggen Foods eliminated 41 jobs in Irving.

Colorado: In Denver, after 34 years Le Central French restaurant shutting down by mid-month, the owner said “it is time to stop.”

Florida: Florida Healthy Kids Corporation straight up blames Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) for jacking up the cost of healthcare, the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen (but what many critics warned would happen).  Starting next month, health insurance premiums per child will jump from an average of $140 USD per month to $284!  Sodexo food service issued mass layoff WARNs for Atlantis and Fort Pierce, 396 jobs lost before Thanksgiving!

Hawaii:  After 98 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the Honda Tofu factory shutdown without warning.  The family owners said it has become too expensive to maintain the operations, and sales have declined.

Kansas: Garden City shutting down its wellness center on North Sixth Street. The Garden City Recreation Commission blames decrepit, or lack of, exercise equipment, and not enough members who’re willing to pay higher fees for new treadmills (maybe the GCRC should’ve priced fees to cover the cost of new equipment to begin with, business school retards.  Most gym members assume the fees they pay cover such expenses).  In Overland Park, the Great Day Cafe shutting down by the beginning of October: “I think the landlord doubled their rent.”-‘Garrett’, employee

Missouri: In Sedalia, Patricia’s Mexican Restaurant shutting down by the end of the month.  The owner sold it last week.

New Jersey:  In Ramsey, merged automation companies Coperion and Ktron eliminating 34 jobs by the end of October.

New York:  At JFK Airport, British empire British Airways eliminating 198 jobs by Thanksgiving, blaming the expiration of a baggage handling contract!   Envoy Air shutting down their aircraft maintenance ops at both JFK and LaGuardia, between now and January 2016, more than 7-hundred jobs lost! Envoy Air joining the mass exodus from The Empire State and moving maintenance operations to Texas.  After 52 years the Le Roy Nursery School shutdown. The insane New York State Office of Mental Health shutting down the Children’s Psychiatric Center in West Seneca, and moving the children into an adult center in Buffalo!  Despite the announcement that the now Germany owned Dresser-Rand got millions of dollars in taxpayer funding at least 21 employees at the Olean factory were laid off without warning: “It’s mind boggling! It’s amazing that the day we find out Dresser-Rand is getting a $4 million grant, 21 of our union members got layoff slips. The company is contemplating laying off between eight and 10 more people.”-John Baglione, United Steelworkers Union Local 4601

Ohio: Lorain County shutting down the county run but not taxpayer funded Golden Acres Nursing Home: “….we’ve been losing money. The general fund doesn’t have money to subsidize it, and it shouldn’t. We can’t use taxpayer money to subsidize the home.”-Lori Kokoski, county commissioner

Pennsylvania: In Allegheny County, fabricator of engineered emissions control BCSI shutting down and eliminating 1-hundred jobs before Thanksgiving!  In Muncy, Grizzly Industrial shutting down and eliminating 60 to 70 jobs by the end of October, blaming “explosive growth in our internet business” and “consolidation of our distribution centers.”  In Pittsburgh, Gallery at Market East shutting down the east end of the mall for two years of construction work.  Local news reports say it will impact 26-thousand people each day, who travel through that area to go to work, or what-ever (since it seems most people are under-employed)!   In Harrisburg, one year after moving to a new location Arepa City restaurant shutdown, the owner blames no sales: “The business didn’t come with me. It dissipated…”-Daniel Farias

Texas:  In Selma, the Retama Park shutdown due to arguments by state ‘lawmakers’ as to how to force taxpayers to fund the gambling operation.  The highly suspicious Buckingham Oil Interests now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Many people wondered why a company officially based in Texas was actually run out of Massachusetts.  It’s also interesting that the founder died in August, right before the start of a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation.

Vermont: In Brattleboro, after 14 years the Twilight Tea Lounge shutdown.  The second owner, Anneka Kindler, said customer “accessibility became more of a factor” and the business risks are now too unstable.

Washington DC: The non-profit Center for Immigration Studies says 51% of immigrants get some type of taxpayer funded welfare, while 31% of native born citizens get the same type of help.  While anti-immigrant groups see this as proof immigrants are tax-suckers, I see it as proof the economic system in the United States is a failure because having 31% of your citizens on welfare is a failure!!!

01 September 2015:  “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

False Flag or Incompetence? Two more factories blown up in China!

02 September 2015 (03:07 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Shahrivar 1394/18 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/20 Yi-You 4713

In Gansu Province, a fireworks factory exploded killing at least two people and wounding six.  The factory was located in the city of Longnan.  Homes in the area are damaged.

A second chemical factory in Shandong Province was destroyed by a massive explosion.  It happened in the city of Dongying.  At least five people dead.  Reports say the factory was not near any residential areas, the fire lasted five hours.  Pics show massive damage similar to what happened in Tianjin.

After surprise investigations of chemical factories, the Chinese mainland government has decided that almost 1-thousand factories need to be relocated!

Toyota continues to get hit! Insurance payouts double!

The latest stats:

Gansu: At least one dead, six wounded after fireworks factory totally destroyed in two massive explosions. Reports say production was halted in May after inspections found numerous safety violations.

Shandong: At least five people killed by a single massive explosion in Diaokou Township, Dongying. Six executives of the Shandong Binyuan Chemical Company now in police custody.

In Dongfu Village, the Runxing Chemical Technology factory exploded, so far no new update reports but at least one person was killed and nine wounded.


Residents who lost homes, or whose condos were badly damaged are being given the choice of selling-out to property developers or letting the government re-build their dwellings.

At least 11 people arrested, including the main shareholder of Rui Hai International Logistics, and a former Tianjin Port police chief.  The government has accused them of falsifying legal documents to avoid industrial safety regulations.

At least 40 types of volatile chemicals were stored in the Rui Hai International Logistics warehouse. 

4,460 PLA and police personnel deployed

159 people dead (mainly firefighters, police and warehouse employees)

692 wounded (confirmed 67 Toyota employees wounded, it could have been more as the majority of Toyota employees had the day off, U.S. farm vehicle maker Deere also reported wounded employees, but refused to give specific numbers)

“Hundreds” still hospitalized

number of missing reduced to 14 (nine firefighters and five civilians), however I’ve seen reports from outside China that say 60 people are still missing.

322 rescued

Blast radius 3km

779 buildings damaged or destroyed

More than 11-thousand new cars destroyed, area now called Tomb of Cars

Jaguar-Land Rover reports nearly 6-thousand new vehicles destroyed

1-thousand+ new Toyotas destroyed, 4-thousand 7-hundred new Toyotas damaged beyond repair

Lexus said they had 783 new cars at the port of Tianjin, but did not say they were damage, only that they would be delivered late.

1-thousand 5-hundred new Renaults destroyed

2-thousand 7-hundred new VWs destroyed

Evacuation radius 5km

Vanke Harbor City residential area hardest hit affecting 260-thousand square meters (853-thousand square feet)

10 hectares (24.7 acres) confirmed contaminated with sodium cyanide

17-thousand families evacuated

30-thousand people directly affected

12 schools and 3 apartment buildings now evacuation shelters

United Police States of America : Wake up, the war is on! Cops ramp up genocide as administrators admonish civilian victims!

02 September 2015 (21:16 UTC-07 Tango 01, 01 September 2015)/11 Shahrivar 1394/18 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/20 Yi-You 4713

“It is time for the silent majority in this country to support law enforcement!”-Devon Anderson, Harris County District Attorney, Texas, ordering silly-vilians to bend over and take it up the ass

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) counts how many police are killed, but when it comes to how many civilians are killed by police the FBI only counts those it classifies as Justifiable Homicide.  Several organizations, including The Washington Post and United Kingdom’s The Guardian,  have been compiling murder by cop numbers based on news media reports, and it’s starting to look like police have been waging war upon civilians for some time, and now it’s ramping up to genocide.

The latest reports say that for the month of August six cops were killed, while cops killed 103 civilians!  Civilian Lives Matter!

“Consider the fact that cops have killed well over 5,000 Americans since 9/11.     Many of these killings have occurred during no-knock raids, which have risen by 4000% since the 1980s.   To put that in perspective, Iraqi insurgents have killed around 3,500 Americans in Iraq since 9/11 in Operation Iraqi  ‘Freedom’.  That’s to say, Americans killed by cops now outnumber Americans killed in the Iraq war.   You are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than by an actual ‘terrorist.‘”-filmingcops

“…the police-against-citizen kill rate is more than 145 per 100,000.”

Police in the US Kill Citizens at Over 70 Times the Rate of Other First-World Nations

Fatal Encounters breaks down killing by cop state by state

People Shot Dead by Police this Year


The Counted: People Killed By Police in the U.S.

776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Over 1,100 U.S. Civilians Were Killed By U.S. Police In 2014

Killings by Utah police outpacing gang, drug, child-abuse homicides

Idaho cop joins dumb ass dog killer club!

Christian Nebraska cops violate U.S. Constitution & kidnap family’s children because of “immoral” choice of words

The FBI authorizes at least 15 crimes per day in the United States!

Prison number one reason men are unemployed?

Your tax dollars pay for Texas rape camps!!!

“Mommy, mommy he shot the kitty!” Sick cop blasts kittens with his government authorized gun, in front of children! Turns out it’s official policy! 

‘Christian’ Mormons behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi? Same company behind Abu Ghraib? 

“They had him in cuffs, and they shot him. Twice!” female cop shoots man already restrained!

More than 2,000 innocent people sent to prison in the United States, just the “tip of the iceberg”! 

“…the entire retail node has experienced a decline.” “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.” Obama ‘home’ state suspends lottery payments! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 01 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Arizona: In Scottsdale the Los Sombreros Mexican Restaurant shutdown.  In Mesa, the Lo Fi Coffee shop shutdown.

California: The U.S. Postal Service shutting down their Bakersfield mail processing plant: “The only reason they haven’t done it yet is because they need congressional approval.”-John Flores, American Postal Worker’s Union

Colorado: Wisconsin based Quad Graphics shutting down their Loveland operations by the end of October, 137 jobs lost! Administrators blame the bad economy, but is it really because Quad Graphics failed in its takeover bid of rival Courier Corporation?

Connecticut: In Milford, after 14 years Loading Dock Wine & Spirits shutdown, the family owners blame the evil ‘lawmakers’ for “the ever changing CT. Liquor laws favoring large non-family owned businesses”.

Florida: In Miami Beach, after 11 years Mansion Nightclub shutting down next week.  The corporate owners have been shutting down and selling off their nightclubs in The Sunshine State because they can make more money selling the property.  Virginia based tax-sucker Orbital ATK shutting down its Clearwater operations by Spring 2016, blaming reduced military spending, at least 99 jobs lost.  In Boca Raton, the Cheese Course restaurant shutdown.  In Fort Lauderdale, the Chow Sushi & BBQ shutdown.

Illinois: Chicago based nuclear power company Exelon warned of “potential position reductions at the executive level and below” blaming skyrocketing operating costs and revenues that can’t keep up.   What construction industry recovery?  The Quincy Lighting & Home Center shutdown after 67 years of sales.  Apparently a new business is moving in.   Recently announced layoffs at farm vehicle maker Deere (at their Davenport Works and Harvester Works) has the operators of Riverbend Foodbank scrambling: “The increase in request for food in our community has definitely happened.We know that in order to feed every individual in our community  who are going hungry we actually need to triple the number of meals that we provide…”-Nancy Renkes, director

In Normal, the Naturally Yours Grocery store shutdown: “We just weren’t getting enough business and are disappointed.”-Donna Dierks, manager

 In the homie state of Barack Obama, lottery winners are now being given IOUs instead of their cash winnings. The latest victims are a husband and wife who won $250-thousand USD with a scratch-off ticket.  Instead of getting cash they got a letter from the Illinois Lottery saying they’ll be paid as soon as the state ‘lawmakers’ can create a budget for the new fiscal year: “Due to the ongoing budget situation in Springfield, some lottery winner payments have been delayed. All winners will be paid in full as soon as the lottery and the Illinois comptroller have the legislative authority to do so.” 

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, Darlington Holiday Warehouse shutting down its seasonal flagship Airport Expressway store.  Despite forcing loyal southside customers to drive the nearest store on the northside, administrators said shutting down the southside Airport store would “make a better shopping experience for everyone.” 

Kentucky: In Louisville, after 97 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) The Vernon (aka Vernon Lanes) bowling alley shutting down after Halloween.  The bowling alley was put up for sale in April, but so far no takers.  “October 31 is going to be the last day. It’s going to be a big party. Kentucky Blues Society is going to come down. We’re gonna blow it out!”-Scottie Lawler, assistant GM

Maine: After 46 years Goff’s Hardware shutdown.  The owner is funding his retirement with the sale of the property, lamenting “Most of these mom-and-pop places have gone by the wayside. Everybody wants bigger. More.”

Massachusetts:  Brigham and Women’s Hospital eliminating 1-hundred jobs as Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is expected to cause them to lose $10-million this year!  ACA is causing operating cost to go up 4% while revenues barely went up by 1%.  In Westford, printer Courier Corporation shutting down, 2-hundred jobs lost!  Is it connected to the $216-million takeover by rival RR Donnelley?

Minnesota: Minneapolis based retailer Target eliminated even more jobs, this time 235 tech jobs gone without warning this morning, 35 open jobs closed, and 40 international jobs eliminated!  News reports said that the CEO said last month that future job cuts would not be “huge”.

Mississippi: The police state city leaders of Columbus want to crack down on crime by forcing convenience stores and grocery stores to close early.  Here’s an idea; how about create high paying jobs to keep people with too much time and not enough money busy?  Police statists always go with draconian measures that actually push the economy further down the death spiral!

Missouri: In Kansas City, Poco’s restaurant shutdown after a short run.  Local news reports say the property, across the street from a Costco, has become a revolving door for failed restaurants.  Natasha’s Mulberry & Mott shutdown, but the owner swears she’ll return. After only two months Texas Tom’s shutdown, but critics said the food was terrible.  After three years Empire Deli & Pizza was evicted by the city of Saint Louis.  Also in Saint Louis, the Queen of Sheba restaurant and Stefano’s Restaurant shutdown.

New Jersey:  Hunterdon County shutting down their county jail, due to lack of taxpayer funding. Instead county leaders will pay neighboring Somerset County $90 per day for each Hunterdon inmate they house.

New York: For the second year in a row Ithaca College has to layoff employees due to Disappearing Students Syndrome.  At least 40 jobs will be eliminated this school year.  The Big A-hole, I mean Big Apple New York Shitty, I mean City shutting down seven pre-kindergarten schools days before school starts! City administrators admitted the schools violated health codes, and claim they will place the children of the 175 families affected into other schools!  Interestingly three of the shutdown schools are Christian and one is Muslim.

Texas: The Sam Houston Race Park shutdown due to arguments by state ‘lawmakers’ as to how to force taxpayers to fund the gambling operation.  Houston based oil company ConocoPhillips announced they will eliminate about 1-thousand 8-hundred jobs, more than 5-hundred jobs in The Lone Star State will be targeted!  Does it have anything to do with reports that Warren Buffett wants to buy the Phillips 66 spinoff?  In Austin, the non-profit Ecology Action of Texas recycling center shutting down two weeks ahead of schedule, in order to give themselves plenty of time to vacate the premises.  In El Paso, Houchen Community Center shutting down their Child Care Development Center in Segundo Barrio by the middle of September, blaming “a lack of income and increasing costs.”  Local news reports say tax filings from the past few years show Houchen Community Center is losing money.

Virginia: In Gloucester, Cox Communications shutting down their The Cox Solution Store due to lack of sales, saying that location sees only 15% of the customers that their other Solution Stores see.  In Culpeper, after three years Apple’s Closet clothing consignment store shutdown: “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.”-Bridgette Williams, owner

Wisconsin: Electronics retailer Best Buy continues to shut down stores, this time their Fond du Lac store, 60 jobs affected by the beginning of November!  Best Buy reps told local news that it was because they see no recovery in the economy: “We chose not renew the lease at this location in part because the entire retail node has experienced a decline.”-Megan Boyd

31 August 2015: Property speculators massacring mom & pops! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Property speculators massacring mom & pops! More successes equaling failures! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 31 August 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Florida: After 28 years Jacksonville’s Maritime Museum shutting down after Xmas. It’s blamed on crashing donations.  In Palm Beach the owners of Blondies, a restaurant known for serving ‘breakfast’ for ‘dinner’, shut it down after four successful years blaming the greedy landlord.  In Miami Beach, the operators of restaurant Piola South Beach say they’re being shutdown by the greedy landlord, after 15 years: “There was no form of negotiation nor effort made from the other party to come to a civilized agreement amongst partners who had been together for over a decade.”-Angelo Angiolliori, manager

The South Florida Business Journal also blamed greedy landlords: “Investors are having to justify their record-high purchases with record-high rents. And it’s becoming increasingly difficult for restaurants and independent companies to make a profit while paying more than $300 per square foot….”

Idaho: Taxpayers are funding $467,435 USD in utility connections for the new Inn at 500 Capitol in Boise.  As usual the taxpayer funding is going to a ‘foreign’ outfit, Obie Development Partners in Oregon.  What’s really interesting is how news outlets in Boise can’t seem to get the story right; in March, Boise Weekly said it’s a ten story hotel with 180 rooms.   But then in April, Boise Weekly said it was a seven story hotel with 104 rooms.  The latest Idaho Business Review report says it will have 113 rooms.  The new hotel, partially funded by local taxpayers, isn’t expected to be completed until December 2016.  Also in Boise, the taxpayer owned 8th and River streets property will be developed into a condominium (“Prices will start in the high 200s [that’s $200-thousand], he said, and escalate from there.”)  The property is owned by taxpayer funded Capital City Development Corporation, the condominium (to be called The Afton) will be built by Mike Hormaechea who refuses to say how much it will cost (he also claims to already have buyers for the condos).  The first phase might be finished by early 2017.

Illinois: In Shiloh, after six years Lacefield Music store shutdown. The owners say they are forced to look for a new location, but will continue to teach piano in the meantime.  Farm and construction vehicle maker Deere (John Deere) notified employees at their Davenport Works and Harvester Works of impending layoffs due to crashing sales.  180 jobs lost by the beginning of October (that’s on top of the 1-thousand 5-hundred Deere employees already laid off).  Deere administrators also forecasted that sales would crash another 21% before the end of 2015, directly blaming a lack of recovery in the construction industry: “We thought construction would be up, but that hasn’t happened, yet.”-Ken Golden

Louisiana: Oil services company Baker Hughes issued a layoff WARN for 28 employees in Shreveport.

Maine: Lincoln Paper & Tissue shutting down one of three tissue machines, eliminating 25 jobs.  The shutdown will take place over the next few days.  The tissue is made for napkins, towels, table covers and health care products.

Maryland: Gaithersburg based Hudson Trail Outfitters announced it is shutting down all stores after almost 50 years of sales, blaming the crashing economy: “The retail landscape has changed so much within the last 36 months and the company has decided that the time has come to begin to ‘wind down’ all company affairs.”-Sandy Cohan, ceo

Massachusetts: Electronics retailer Best Buy continues to shut down stores, this time their Hampshire Mall and Berkshire Mall stores. 127 jobs affected by the end of October!

Mississippi: Electronics retailer Best Buy continues to shut down stores, this time their Jackson store on Ridgewood Court shutting down by the end of October, 61 jobs affected.

New York: Bankrupt Coyne International Enterprises issued a shutdown WARN for all four of their Commercial Laundry Services, 150 jobs lost by the end of October!  Despite the Affordable Care Act, taxpayer funded disabled persons’ care home Broome Developmental Center being shutdown in 2016, patients being forced into privately run care centers.  One percenter former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg to eliminate an additional 80 jobs at his Bloomberg news media ops, by Labor Day.  God refuses to stop ‘his’ College of Saint Rose from instituting layoffs and program cuts due to a $9.3-million USD shortfall caused by The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome: “Like many institutions across the country, enrollment at the College of Saint Rose has declined….”-Lisa Haley Thomson

North Carolina: In Burlington, after two years Verona Italian Restaurant shutdown.  In Greensboro, Graffiti’s Bistro shutdown due to the owners realizing they can make more money selling it off.  In Eden, after five years 912 Bethlehem Restaurant shutdown “for personal reasons”.

Pennsylvania: Stupid state ‘lawmakers’ have contracted with evil Too Big to Jail US Bank to provide debit cards for residents who meet strict qualifications as being ‘officially’ unemployed.  Redner’s Warehouse Market grocery store in Trexlertown shutting down, 74 jobs lost by the end of September.  It’s blamed on too much competition.

Texas: It’s been revealed that California based Hewlett Packard (HP) has been eliminating jobs in Houston since May!   In total 70 people will be jobless by the end of the week.  They’re getting severance so they won’t be counted as unemployed.

Virginia: In Richmond, after almost ten years successful doggy treat store Three Dog Bakery shutting down.  Despite being a successful operation the operators haven’t been able to raise the funding necessary to become a full franchise store, as required in their license agreement with Missouri based Three Dog Bakery.

Washington DC: After seven years the Crime Museum shutting down due to the greedy landlord: “The Crime Museum’s landlord has decided to execute their rights under the lease agreement and request that we vacate the premises.”-Janine Vaccarello, coo

30 August 2015:  “You are firing the wrong people here!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

MERS: Conspiracy involving National Guard? Sudden increase in cases! Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca threatened?

31 August 2015 (06:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Shahrivar 1394/16 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/18 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

The Health Ministry of Jordan reports three new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in less than a week.  This is significant when you realize Jordan had a total of 14 MERS cases between 2012 and the week prior to the new cases.

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), apparently the origin of the coronavirus, a full blown outbreak is underway; 71 new cases in the past month, and 15 in the past 48 hours.  Since 2012, 505 people in KSA have died from MERS, three in the past 48 hours.

However, a doctor with KSA’s National Guard says actual cases and deaths are much higher than what the government is reporting.  She should know because she works at the King Fahad National Guard Hospital in Riyadh where, apparently for some odd reason, MERS cases there are not being included in the official reports by the Ministry of Health.  (Operation Jupiter)

KSA health administrators are considering a Hajj ban on anybody who has been in contact with a victim of MERS, let alone those who’ve actually been infected.  The slaughtering of camels is now banned.  It’s has yet to be confirmed but it’s suspected that 90% of camels in the region carry MERS.

The east Asian country of Republic of Korea refuses to officially call an end to the MERS outbreak, despite 40 days without any new cases.  So far 36 people have died since the outbreak started in May of this year.  An investigation revealed that South Korea’s hospital system actually made the outbreak worse: “As carriers developed symptoms, they wandered around big hospitals with better facilities and equipment without any prior notice. It resulted in medical staffs and families of the patients contracting the virus in a defenseless state.”-Lee Jong-koo, JW LEE Center for Global Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine

The country’s Health Minister is being replaced as a direct result of the outbreak.

Korean Air Lines reported a $144-million USD loss due to crashing numbers of Chinese and Japanese tourist who would have traveled to Korea if not for the MERS outbreak.

The Bank of Korea reported huge drops in tourist revenues, as much as 50%, and sales declines are still ongoing.

People getting sick long after quarantine ends!

Syria dumps $50-million! ‘Humanitarian’ NGOs join Islamic State!

31 August 2015 (05:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Shahrivar 1394/16 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/18 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

On 25 August 2015, the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) issued a sell order for $50-million USD.

The reason is that CBS administrators see signs of a rebounding Syrian economy and even growth in their exports, despite the evil U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli led civil war ravaging their country.  They want to flood Syrian banks, businesses and consumers with U.S. cash in preparation for a spending onslaught.

This is in part due to the nuclear agreement between Iran and the European Union and United States.  Iran will ask the Syrian government to hold new elections and will greatly increase oil shipments through Syria.

However, this does not apply to DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) aka Islamic State controlled areas of Syria.  The evil U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli created speed freak genocidal maniacs incorrectly called Islamic State are intentionally destroying local economies.  Even the so-called humanitarian NGOs in those areas seem to be part of the economic conspiracy: “Why are the relief people denying us aid? Don’t they have any mercy? In the end, they refused to provide us with anything!”-Umm Muhannad, sons found jobs paying a combined $14 per week, but NGOs still refuse to help

In fact, a report out of Indonesia says DAIISH (Islamic State) is actually recruiting members by claiming they will be conducting humanitarian work: “I accepted the offer to go as I had incurred a debt of nine million rupiah which I borrowed as capital to start my meatball business. When I got there, I was paid only US$50 a month. I made more money back home. I could earn at least 3.5 million rupiah a month.  I was very disappointed as the reality was not what I had been promised.”a slightly built, young father of four to The Straits Times, and please note that Islamic State was paying him with U.S. dollars

NATO ground forces defend Islamic State!

“You are firing the wrong people here!” Economists suspect mass exodus of workers! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 30 August 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: In San Francisco, restaurant Bugaloo’s shutdown by “whacked out Valencia Street rent”, the tiny location is now available to anybody who is stupid enough to shell out $17,500 per month.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America essentially admitted to ripping off employees of overtime pay when it made the biggest overtime settlement ever; $36-million USD!  It involves employees of BofA’s LandSafe Appraisal, which is now being sold-off.

Connecticut: “Under a cloak of secrecy, the university’s board of trustees approved a spend-heavy budget. This was an irresponsible move, and it adds justification to calls to bring transparency to the budget process.”-rep-am.com, concerning the 50 layoffs at University of Connecticut

Florida: Local news reports say the state unemployment fund is running out of money, and might have to borrow money from Uncle Sam: “Florida has a poorly financed program and one of the strictest programs in the country.”-Rick McHugh, National Employment Law Project

Idaho:   According to the Idaho State Journal, many of southeast Idaho’s school districts have shifted to a four day week realizing a huge savings in school bus transportation costs.  However, a study done by the Rural Opportunities Consortium of Idaho says that overall costs to taxpayers actually went up: “Contrary to expectations, some districts saw their costs rise as a result of the need for additional enrichment activities and after-school snacks during the extended day.” 

Indiana: In Clay County, employers and state unemployment administrators are confused as the unemployment rate is going up despite increased hiring.  All the industry and employment ‘experts’ can do is speculate that what jobs that are available are not jobs that people are willing to take: “We see those numbers, they tend to have us look internally as to what could we be doing more to be attracting people that may be looking for work.”-Jeff Deaton, administrator with Great Dane who claims they need 150 laborers

Kansas: Economists at Wichita State University might have discovered the true reason why overall unemployment rates are going down; mass exodus of workers from the U.S. market.  Economists say recent data actually conflicts concerning whether employment is going up or down, and that it seems more and more people are working more than one job and that more newly unemployed people are not registering as unemployed: “….there is still something going on. You look at it, and it just doesn’t make sense. The question is, why did it happen all of a sudden in Kansas?”-Jeremy Hill, WSU economist

“Because most of the people surveyed are leaving employment but not entering unemployment, it appears they are leaving employment for personal reasons….choosing not to work”-Justin McFarland, Kansas Department of Labor

Kentucky: In Louisville, after 52 years the Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center shut down due to numerous “fire safety issues, electrical and plumbing violations, and general sanitation and plumbing violations.”  The current owners took over in 2011 and refused comment to local news media

Maryland: “These are very capable people being shown the door. You are firing the wrong people here!”-Peter Franchot, state comptroller concerning the recent layoffs of dozens of prison employees

Missouri: Local news reports say only one fifth of the 179,058 people counted as unemployed are getting unemployment assistance!  Despite that state ‘lawmakers’ are trying to cut back on unemployment assistance even more, the gov-na recently vetoed a bill that would limit assistance to just 13 weeks!

Montana: In Bozeman, outdoor sports store Northern Lights Trading Company shutdown, the Babcock Street location sold-off.  The remaining brick-n-mortar stores will focus on water sports only.

New York: In Canton, North Country Neighbors Too flea market shutting down in September due to the greedy property owner selling the building.  In Troy, The Grocery store shutdown, the owner admitted to a lack of focus saying “It evolved into an ineffective sandwich shop. It’s not working out.”  Supposedly the location will now become a cafe.  In Fishkill, after 22 years of providing landscaping material the Plant Depot shutdown: “It’s an intense business. It takes a lot of out you. We’ve been here seven days a week for the last 22 years. It’s just time for a break.”-Lou Paggiotta, co-owner

Ohio: Too Big to Jail Fifth Third Bank shutting down two Butler County offices, as part of their plan to shutdown 130 offices by the end of the year.

Rhode Island: “I sadly inform you that the District’s financial position may force us to layoff all of our firefighters because we will be unable to pay them.  A collective bargaining meeting is scheduled with the union at 6:30 PM on Monday, August 31st.  If this last ditch effort is unsuccessful, layoffs will be discussed….”Coventry Fire District

The non-profit mental illness Oasis Wellness & Recovery Center laid off seven employees and cut operating hours due to the loss of a state grant for “The peer support model”.   (don’t be surprised if there’s an increase in mass shootings in Rhode Island)

Tennessee: In Green County, contractor Renfrow Brothers suddenly lost their US Nitrogen contract, 350 jobs lost! Apparently the new contractor is not hiring on any of the Renfrow Brothers employees.  US Nitrogen administrators issued this statement “Changes to US Nitrogen’s contractor levels are a necessary and planned step in the complete of its state-of-the art facility.”  Local news reports make it sound like it was a surprise to Renfrow Brothers.  I’ve also discovered that US Nitrogen is fighting multiple lawsuits.  One plaintiff stated to news media that “They simply came on our land and proceeded to dig……The No Trespassing signs were removed by the workmen.”

Texas: Irving based animated pizza joint Chuck E. Cheese’s shutting down their Kingston, Ontario, Canada restaurant.  In 2014 Chuck E. Cheese’s was taken over by Apollo Global Management.  Administrators with Apollo Global told Canadian news media that the Kingston shutdown was the result of a “period of growth.”

Wisconsin: Johnson Controls halting Project Unity and eliminating 197 jobs in October!  In New Berlin, The Sportsman’s Channel laying off seven people in October.

29 August 2015: “…had to sell our three horses and three pigs, next it will be the Harley.” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Where are they going? U.S. citizens invading Palestine! ‘Christians’ tempting Fate by tempting their God!

30 August 2015 (11:26 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Shahrivar 1394/15 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/17 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

“I think it’s dangerous and it’s immoral. It’s turning a national conflict into a religious war between the Judeo-Christian world and Islam, and a religious war is the most dangerous one.”-Rabbi Ehud Bandel, International Council of Christians and Jews

“Come and see what is going on, and that your support of the settlements is making people suffer. Your contribution is causing suffering, and that’s not Christian.”-Reverend Fadi Diab, Saint Andrews Church in Ramallah, to U.S. ‘Christian’ supporters of illegal settlements

Israeli news media has revealed that 60-thousand U.S. citizens are taking part in the illegal land stealing in West Bank, Palestine.   It’s now estimated that a total of 170-thousand U.S. citizens have moved to Israel.

Researchers at the University of Oxford discovered that the majority of U.S. citizens who left for “…the occupied territories hold PhDs, they’re upwardly mobile…..politically active in the leftist social movements in the U.S…..and voted for the Democratic Party….”

It’s been known for decades that right wing ‘christians’ in the United States actively support Israel and the policy of land stealing, in the false belief that it will speed the ‘Second Coming’ of their lord.  They obviously never read the warnings in their own Bible about doing such a thing:  “Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.”-Deuteronomy 6:16

“Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”-Matthew 4:7

“And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”-Luke 4:12

Where are they going?  elitist British-Jewish empire investors are destroying your country! 

Where are they going? South of the border is the number one destination, just ask Jesse Ventura! 

Once again, Palestinian girls have more ‘balls’ than most ‘men’!

30 August 2015 (10:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Shahrivar 1394/15 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/17 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

Unarmed Palestinian girls, and women, ‘man upped’ and kicked the ass of an armed Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldier who was in the process of kidnapping a boy with a broken arm!

Many humanitarian organizations have documented decades of kidnappings of Palestinian males by Israelis, under the guise of preventing future terrorism.   On 28 August 2015, IDF personnel attacked Palestinians in the West Bank for protesting yet more illegal land stealing.  As is the SOP, the IDF began targeting males for kidnapping, including boys.  But when an IDF soldier targeted a boy with a broken arm the women and girls went nuts!

Pics show that as he tried to ‘arrest’ the boy the unarmed Palestinian females swarmed him and kicked his ass, rescuing the boy!

Related: 14 years old Palestinian girl has more ‘balls’ than most ‘men’!