Tag Archives: wall street

To Destroy the Dollar: Chinese banks making bank off other countries!

07 September 2015 (20:52 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

“Offshore RMB [yuan] liquidity will be improved as the currency goes global, and cross-border RMB businesses remains heavyweight in the overseas sectors of Chinese-funded banks.”-Mao Yumin, CCB

China Communication Bank (CCB) net profit first six months Gregoria year 2015 $332.92-million USD, up 35.6% from same time last year!

Agricultural Bank of China‘s (ABC) overseas branches report net profits of $28-million USD, up 22.8%!

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) profits $27-million USD, up 13%!

Bank of China reports $4.65-billion USD in profits!

Central Asia gives up U.S. dollar for Chinese Yuan! 

Corporate Evil: Japan’s Toshiba admits to cooking the books, for the past 7 years!

07 September 2015 (20:23 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

In a shock to Japan’s economy, Toshiba has done a one-eighty going from claiming  $1-billion USD in profits for 2014 to now saying they lost at least $314-million!

But wait, there’s more!  Toshiba administrators admit to cooking their accounting books (at least $1.89-billion USD in “accounting irregularities”) , and will review their profit statements all the way back to 2007!

Reports say the Tokyo Stock Exchange will fine Toshiba $760-thousand.  Toshiba is also appointing new executive management.

Multiple explosions hit U.S. base in Japan!

U.S. executive arrested for trafficking illegal drug in Japan! 

No more McDonald’s, Japan style?

U.S. ally Japan supplies Islamic State with convoys of new Toyotas! 

“…..I want to kill all foreigners!” Afghanistan, 01 – 06 September 2015: Gas attack against 300 girls! Total failure of U.S. occupation! Obama secretly orders combat troop deployments!

It’s been about six months since my last Afghanistan update, and things have gone to hell in a hand basket!

“When millions of people around the world were taken aghast by the pictures of drowned three-year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi lying washed up on a Turkish beach…..they should see through the fact that the United States is mainly responsible for all the mess.

The main sources of today’s refugees — Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan — are targets of U.S. intervention, which led to devastation, chaos, deteriorating domestic security and extensive displacements. People in those countries could no longer enjoy even basic human rights. Many of them had no choice but to flee for life….”-Hu Yao, Xinhua

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reports nearly $1-billion USD of U.S. taxpayer funding wasted in Afghanistan.  It’s connected to the growing refugee crisis, and “There’s so much uncertainty, especially now. There’s been so much more fighting recently, and that’s going to cause more problems.” 

The New York Times revealed that the Obama regime has given control of U.S. combat drones (UAV) to Germany and Sweden.

Balkh Province:  13 Hazara Shia civilians were pulled from their mini-bus and summarily executed.  Witnesses say the attackers were wearing Afghan National Army (ANA) uniforms.

Bamiyan Province: “We are sitting on a fortune which could create cars and planes for the world, and jobs and schools for local people.”-Mohammad Reza, one of at least 1,200 farmers mobilising a militia to stop the illegal mining of $1-trillion USD worth of minerals from their farmland

Helmand Province: British empire news reports say the Obama regime has deployed more U.S. Special Operations Forces to the former United Kingdom Camp Bastion.  Also, an unnamed U.K. security source says the ANA is now paying Afghans not to attack them!  The deployment of additional U.S. forces comes after two USAF Special Tactics airmen ( a Captain and a Staff Sergeant) were killed at Camp Antonik last week.  News reports say the U.S. personnel were killed by men wearing ANA uniforms, the attack came despite multiple U.S. airstrikes.  

Herat Province: Three separate gas attacks, over the past week, against girl’s schools reported.  At least 3-hundred girls, as well as teachers, now hospitalized!  “When I entered the classroom, there was a very strong smell. When I went home, I fell unconscious.”-Nazia

Kabul Province: “The poverty was unbelievable! I was shocked because after 10 years there seemed to have been no improvement – the road was full of kids begging; women sitting on the roads, wearing burqas. They crowd around, 10 to 15 at each car. They run alongside, saying things like ‘I haven’t eaten’ and ‘my children haven’t eaten for many days’.”-Mahboba Rawi, charity organizer describes exiting Kabul International Airport into the streets of the capital 

Kandahar Province: SIGAR discovered that U.S. taxpayers spent $2.2-million building a new Special Forces HQ, that was before the project was canceled!  

Nangarhar Province: “When I don’t smoke hashish I want to kill all foreigners!”-former ANA soldier who is now chained to a prison wall, being fed only tea, bread and black pepper! 

In the Pachir Aw Agam district, reports that Afghan Taliban attacked U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli created speed freak genocidal maniacs DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) aka Islamic State.  At least 20 people killed and houses have been torched.  Back in June Afghan Taliban warned DAIISH against “waging a parallel insurgency in Afghanistan.”

Paktia Province:  The ANA’s 203rd Military Corps says they called in a U.S. combat UAV to kill 32 people in the Gharak area of Ahmadabad district.

In the U.S. state of Ohio, a former Sergeant First Class in the Army National Guard is now facing trial for frauding taxpayers for funeral missions he allegedly did not take part in.  He’s accused of charging taxpayers for 130 funerals he was not part of!

In the U.S. state of Wisconsin, about 100 National Guard 950th Engineer Company personnel returned from Afghanistan.

Maryland National Guard’s 1100th Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group returned from Afghanistan.

The Wyoming National Guard’s Alpha battery, 2nd battalion-300th field artillery deployed to Afghanistan.

The state of Washington Air National Guard’s aged KC-135 tankers continue to re-fuel U.S. aircraft attacking Afghanistan.

16 – 21 February 2015: More proof corruption starts with the U.S. military! 

False Flag or Incompetence? Insurance payouts skyrocket, again!

05 September 2015 (11:09 UTC-07 Tango 01)/14 Shahrivar 1394/21 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/23 Yi-You 4713

The Binhua New Area Planning and Land Resources Administration announced it will build a 24-hectare (59 acre) park on the site of the thermobaric explosions in Tianjin Port.   They also claim they will build new schools and 5-thousand apartments in the area.

Credit Suisse, of Switzerland, has once again jacked up the expected insurance payouts caused by the Tianjin explosions, it’s now at $3.3-billion USD!

Two more factories blown up in China!

The latest stats:

Gansu: At least one dead, six wounded after fireworks factory totally destroyed in two massive explosions. Reports say production was halted in May after inspections found numerous safety violations.

Shandong: At least five people killed by a single massive explosion in Diaokou Township, Dongying. Six executives of the Shandong Binyuan Chemical Company now in police custody.

In Dongfu Village, the Runxing Chemical Technology factory exploded, so far no new update reports but at least one person was killed and nine wounded.


Residents who lost homes, or whose condos were badly damaged are being given the choice of selling-out to property developers or letting the government re-build their dwellings.

At least 11 people arrested, including the main shareholder of Rui Hai International Logistics, and a former Tianjin Port police chief.  The government has accused them of falsifying legal documents to avoid industrial safety regulations.

At least 40 types of volatile chemicals were stored in the Rui Hai International Logistics warehouse.

4,460 PLA and police personnel deployed

number of people killed increased to 161 (mainly firefighters, police and warehouse employees)

692 wounded (confirmed 67 Toyota employees wounded, it could have been more as the majority of Toyota employees had the day off, U.S. farm vehicle maker Deere also reported wounded employees, but refused to give specific numbers)

“Hundreds” still hospitalized

number of missing reduced to 12.

322 rescued

Blast radius 3km

779 buildings damaged or destroyed

More than 11-thousand new cars destroyed, area now called Tomb of Cars

Jaguar-Land Rover reports nearly 6-thousand new vehicles destroyed

1-thousand+ new Toyotas destroyed, 4-thousand 7-hundred new Toyotas damaged beyond repair

Lexus said they had 783 new cars at the port of Tianjin, but did not say they were damage, only that they would be delivered late.

1-thousand 5-hundred new Renaults destroyed

2-thousand 7-hundred new VWs destroyed

Evacuation radius 5km

Vanke Harbor City residential area hardest hit affecting 260-thousand square meters (853-thousand square feet)

10 hectares (24.7 acres) confirmed contaminated with sodium cyanide

17-thousand families evacuated

30-thousand people directly affected

12 schools and 3 apartment buildings now evacuation shelters

To Destroy the Dollar: Central Asia gives up U.S. dollar for Chinese Yuan!

05 September 2015 (10:53 UTC-07 Tango 01)/14 Shahrivar 1394/21 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/23 Yi-You 4713

The east Asian People’s Bank of China has signed a three years deal with the central Asian National Bank of Tajikistan.

The deal means Tajikistan is giving up the equivalent of $500-million USD for 3.2-billion RMB (yuan).

Since 2008 the People’s Bank of China has signed direct currency swaps, avoiding the U.S. dollar, with at least 20 countries.

5th annual Anti-United States economic forum underway in Cuba! 

European Union Joins China to destroy U.S. dollar!

Operation Jupiter: U.S. Army shuts down Utah anthrax factory! Global update

05 September 2015 (04:33 UTC-07 Tango 01)/14 Shahrivar 1394/21 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/23 Yi-You 4713

“These repeated failures are eroding all confidence, and they have got to stop. Our nation’s bioterrorism response efforts are in jeopardy as we continue to uncover problems….”-joint statement from the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee

Secretary of the U.S. Army John McHugh ordered the shutdown of anthrax factories in Ohio, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia and Utah.  It was also revealed that the United States operates anthrax factories in Africa’s Egypt and South America’s Peru.

Most of the “mistaken” ‘live’ anthrax shipments originated at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah.   It was part of a program run by the Critical Reagents Program (CRP), whose symbol is a winged devil (they claim it’s a gargoyle).  

In Texas, the Department of State Health Services issued a warning after a deer and a horse died from anthrax.

A former University of Texas biology professor is suing the university for firing her.  The university revoked her tenure by claiming she was a terrorist and was helping China develop weapons grade anthrax.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated and could not find any evidence to back up the university’s claims.

California based Pfenex got a $143.5-million USD taxpayer funded contract to make anthrax vaccine for humans.

California’s Keck Graduate Institute says a type of quinine discovered in 1944 could be used against anthrax and ebola!

Anthrax deaths continue in Canada.  Four more Bison have died in Alberta, at least three tested positive for anthrax.

In China‘s Shaanxi Province at least 19 people are infected, 18 are hospitalized.  15 mules, cattle and sheep died from anthrax in the village of Yuanzhuang.   50 people have been vaccinated.

In the British empire’s United Kingdom a new book reveals how the Ministry of Defense experimented on military personnel, and the general public, with anthrax and other biological warfare agents. 

In Georgia, an anthrax outbreak is hurting their beef exports.  Neighboring Armenia traced the anthrax infections of two people back to the consumption of beef imported from Georgia.

In Morocco, nine people are infected with anthrax.  The Ministry of Health suspects they got infected after touching infected cows.

The death toll in Kenya is now at 3-hundred!  Cape buffaloes in Lake Nakuru National Park are being killed off by anthrax.

India to vaccinate cows in Manalmedu in Bhavani Sagar range after a dead elephant tested positive for anthrax.  The Forest Service workers say they incinerated the carcass.  Back in May, another elephant died of anthrax near Hasanur, but was buried in a deep pit.

In Australia‘s state of Victoria a little uproar over an anthrax outbreak that began after taxpayer funding for biosecurity was cut.  49% of the budget was cut and 42% of biosecurity employees laid off over the past four years.  This year there’s been an outbreak of anthrax in cattle near the town of Tatura.  The government is now spending $9.4-million AUD to upgrade their degraded biosecurity ops.

Conspiracy involving National Guard?

“a massive institutional failure” as Anthrax spreads

“…liquidate the assets…” “You can’t keep fighting the economy…” Idaho taxpayers forced to support teacher’s union! Paypal abandons Puerto Rico! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 04 – 05 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: San Jose based internet payment service paypal has notified users that after October they will no longer allow person to person money transfers in or out of Puerto Rico!  Foster City based Marvel superhero video game maker Gazillion laid off an undisclosed number of employees, one employee tweeted it was “A LOT”.  In San Francisco, after 15 years restaurant Pesce shutting down next week, some people question the recent move into a bigger (and more expensive) place.

Connecticut: How can we track unemployment numbers?  The state Department of Labor is shutting down five unemployment centers and eliminating 95 jobs.  

Florida: Palm Beach County eliminated healthcare jobs due to massive state funding cuts for the Adults with Disabilities program.

Idaho:  Once again, taxpayers are being raped in The Gem State!  It’s been revealed that the teacher’s union known as Boise Education Association is being funded with taxpayers dollars: “Every dollar that taxpayers are asked to put into public schools ought to go to public schools, not into feeding the union machine!”-Wayne Hoffman, Idaho Freedom Foundation

It’s also been revealed that Idaho is one of several states that allow the employers of home healthcare workers to pay them less than minimum wage and avoid overtime pay!

Interestingly, the Right to Work you-over Gem State is finally realizing just how much Right to Work is actually resulting in a labor shortage.  The Department of Labor admitted there is not enough workers for expected new jobs (because people are leaving), so they started a new website inviting college grads to get screwed-over in the Right to Work state.

Illinois:  The state’s Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity reports that, officially, 2,140 people lost their jobs in August!  In Arlington Flats, Microsoft owned cell phone maker Nokia laying off 139 people in October!  In Chicago, sports medicine and clothing maker McDavid eliminating 115 jobs in November!  It’s the result of their merger with Minnesota based Shock Doctor Sports.  Too Big to Jail investment banker Piper Jaffray eliminating 41 jobs in October.   In Rochelle, Japan based bullet train maker Nippon Sharyo Manufacturing laying off 1-hundred people due to problems with their latest prototype.  In Kankakee, after 34 years Paperback Reader shutdown: “The last couple years have been harder and harder. You can’t keep fighting the economy and technology all the time.”-Paula Goodwin

Kansas: In Wichita, the last Metro Grill shutdown, owner Victor Hammond lamented “We worked so hard. Maybe if we’d been in a different location.”   In Topeka, after more than 40 years Health Food Mart shutting down: “We just don’t have enough business to keep the doors open….”-unnamed manager

Minnesota:  Pub operator Chatterbox Enterprises now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Mississippi: The YMCA shutting down its Jackson Deville Plaza ops, it’s blamed on a lack of local support.

Missouri: Restaurant Applebee’s moving its Kansas City HQ to California, affecting 220 jobs!  Reports say 90 people will continue operations in Kansas City and about 30 will be offered transfers to The Golden State.

Nevada: Canada owned Robinson Nevada Mining Company eliminated 36 jobs. 

New Hampshire: In Lebanon, after 45 years shoe store Shoetorium shutdown, blaming crashed sales and skyrocketing operating costs: “Business has dropped off…..You have people come in the store, look at your stuff and then they go and buy it online.”-Marty Carlton

New Jersey: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forced insurance company MetLife to issue a mass layoff WARN for operations in Somerset, 136 jobs lost by the end of October!

New York: Affordable Care Act probably had a hand in Liberty Healthcare losing their contract to operate the Westchester Behavioral Health Center, at least 199 jobs lost right after Thanksgiving!  Affordable Care Act probably had a hand in Morrison Management Specialists losing their food service contract at the Nostrand Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 40 jobs lost by the end of the month.  In NYC, Too Big to Jail Misys International Banking Systems joining mass exodus out of The Empire State, 54 jobs relocating out of state between December and June 2016.  At the Griffiss International Airport, Switzerland based Midair USA will conduct mass layoffs and is in danger of shutting down.  It’s blamed on declining aircraft maintenance contracts, which are expected to get worse as their biggest customer, in Russia, was just taken over by a rival.  The county run Griffiss Airport is owed more than half a million dollars by Midair.

North Carolina: In Siler City, after 20 years non-profit Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County shutting down, blaming “an increasingly difficult economic and funding climate for nonprofits.”

Pennsylvania: TV shopping channel QVC issued a shutdown WARN for their West Chester HQ/distribution center, 147 jobs lost by the beginning of November!  Is it connected to QVC’s $2.4-billion USD takeover of Zulily?  In Lancaster, after 35 years law firm Hartman Underhill & Brubaker shutting down, at least 48 jobs lost.

South Carolina: In Florence, Porter’s Gift Shop shutting down: “We had hoped to pass the store on to someone who would continue its wonderful service and traditions. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, this has not happened.”-facebook posting

South Dakota: In Custer, after almost 50 years The Flintstones Bedrock City Theme Park and Camping Resort shutting down due to change of ownership.  The new owners have yet to sign a deal with Warner Brothers to continue using the Flintstones theme.

Tennessee: In Nashville, the Dollar General store shutting down on Fifth Avenue North, due to a change in property owners.  North Knoxville, after 22 years Kitts Cafe shutdown: “A year and a half ago, I had cancer, chemo all that, a double mastectomy and I just thought ‘you know it’s probably time for me to be thinking about retiring.’”-Joyce Kitts

Vermont: In Burlington, after 75 years Bove’s Restaurant shutting down in December, the owners will focus on wholesale and catering.

Virginia: In Lynchburg, the Apple Market shutdown and has been for sale for a while, with no takers.  What construction industry recovery?  Once one of Virginia’s fastest growing companies, 20 years old Capital Door Systems now chapter 7 bankrupt busted: “We are going to let the bankruptcy trustee put everything in order and liquidate the assets and pay out what is possible to the creditors.”-Roy M. Terry Jr., attorney

Wisconsin:  In Whitewater, CNC machining company HyPro shutting down, 62 jobs lost by November.  After 33 years the Chancery restaurant on South 27th Street, in Milwaukee, shutdown and now up for sale.  The Chancery restaurant on Gas Light Drive, in Racine, has been sold.  The YMCA shutdown their Wausau childcare center “due to unforeseen circumstances”.

03 September 2015: “We just could not sustain it any more…”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Booming business for Syrian airline, reduces ticket prices!

03 September 2015 (10:29 UTC-07 Tango 01)/12 Shahrivar 1394/19 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/21 Yi-You 4713

Privately owned Cham Airlines has been increasing routes, the latest are two daily flights from Syria to Oman.  And thanks to increased passenger volume the Syrian Ministry of Transport requested that ticket prices be greatly reduced to take into account the ongoing U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli led ‘civil’ war ravaging their country.

The flights to Oman follow new routes to Doha set up in August, and flights to Kuwait started in April.

Syria dumps $50-million USD!

“We just could not sustain it any more…” Boat builder for the 1% proves “there is no alternative” to economic collapse! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 03 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

A new study shows that low income people are making even less money now than in 2009!  The National Employment Law Project says overall wages have been collapsing since 2009. 

Another study shows that since 1973 all the benefits from increased worker productivity have gone to the 1%!  The Economic Policy Institute says the people who actually make the money for the executives and shareholders, the workers, have gotten nothing for their efforts to be more efficient! 

California: Reports that Palo Alto based Hewlett Packard (HP) is forcing employees who don’t get laid off to take a 50% cut in pay!  Basically some HP employees are being pushed into contractor jobs (I know what that’s like).

Colorado: Glaze, the Baum Cake Shoppe shutdown, the owner refused to say why.

Connecticut: In Newington, after 54 years T-Bowl Lanes-Fun Squared shutdown.  The owners got an offer for their property from Ashley Furniture they couldn’t refuse.  Specialty healthcare provider The Kent shutting down by the end of the month, blaming three years of financial losses, 80 jobs lost.

Idaho: Boise based Syringa Networks announced it is ending its Syringa Wireless service after Xmas: “….Syringa Wireless has fought hard to maintain low prices and high quality service for our Idaho communities…..Over the last 3 years we have made extensive financial investments…..As a small, locally owned and operated provider, we have arrived at a point where it’s simply not feasible to continue to operate.”

Illinois: Affordable Care Act forcing Blue Cross-Blue Shield to layoff 60 people, affecting eight communities.  The jobs were contracted out.  American Coal laid off 110 people, the third round of layoffs at the Galatia mine this year, in the first two rounds 257 people lost their jobs!  Challenger, Gray & Christmas says  U.S. corporations announced 41-thousand 186 planned layoffs in August! 

Indiana: What automotive industry recovery?  In Winchester, Japan owned car parts maker Indiana Marujun warned 765 employees of plant shutdown by November 2016, saying “conditions gave us no other options.”

Kansas: In Independance, Affordable Care Act forcing Kansas Mercy hospital to shutdown, 190 jobs lost in October: “This was not the outcome we had sought or expected at the beginning of the discernment process, and our hearts are heavy. However, like many other rural health care providers today, we have struggled to remain viable in the face of a changing environment and economy.”-Lynn Britton, ceo

Maryland: Crown Cork & Seal shutting down their factory in Essex, 47 jobs lost in October.

Massachusetts: After 115 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the iconic Colonial Theater shutting down in October.  It was intimated that it has been losing money big time for awhile now. It’s final fate is in the hands of Emerson College.

Minnesota: The Boys & Girls Club eliminating its staff at its La Crescent Community Arena location. It’s blamed on a lack of boys and girls.

Nebraska:  In Omaha, the No Frills grocery store shutting down in time for Xmas.  The owner, SpartanNash, claims all 42 employees will be offered jobs at other stores.

North Carolina: The Michael Waltrip Racing Management Company shutting down two locations in Cornelius, between November and April 2016, at least 217 jobs lost due to loss of revenue!

Pennsylvania: In Downingtown, Stauffers Market shutting down mid-month ’cause the owners want to retire.  In Philipsburg, after five years Fezell’s County Market and the Sunoco fuel station shutting down by mid-month: “It’s just cash flow reasons. Just simply not able to cash flow the store.”-Tim Fezell, owner

Texas:  ION Geophysical Corporation eliminating an additional 168 jobs, on top of the 225 people they’ve already laid off this year!  Administrators don’t have any hope of recovery, at least in the short run: “The difficult cost reduction initiative we are undertaking today is necessary to prudently scale the company during this period of significantly decreased revenues, which we believe will extend into 2017.”-Brian Hanson, ceo

Washington DC: Law firm Dillworth Paxson shutting down its DC office, apparently due to a defection of lawyers to another law firm.   The U.S. Department of Labor said last week’s new unemployment claims hit 282-thousand!

West Virginia:  Affordable Care Act is the final straw for mental healthcare provider Process Strategies, so they laid off 37 employees: “We just could not sustain it any more…”-Jim Strawn

Wisconsin: Elitist Palmer Johnson Yachts shutting down their Sturgeon Bay facility due to lack of ‘trickle down’ orders from the super-rich, 1-hundred jobs lost: “Our operation and employment levels have continued to diminish, sales have diminished, offshore competitive pressures have escalated, and as a result this action becomes a necessity…..there is no alternative.”

02 September 2015: “It’s mind boggling!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

U.S. Civil War, 31 August – 02 September 2015: California admits killing thousands of civilians! Idiot cops shoot each other! Fast food employees refuse service to cops!

Civilian Lives Matter!

Incomplete list of news reports:

Unfair and unbalanced Fox News reports that police recruitment is crashing.

The British theguardian reports that U.S. police “fatally shot 30 people in moving vehicles this year, despite federal guidelines advising them not to.”

Arizona: Peoria police are investigating one of their own after video surfaced showing the cop beating a cop dog (K9).  

California:  The state Department of Justice has launched a new website that actually publicises the number of civilians killed by cops. It’s called Open Justice, and it shows that between 2005 and 2014, 684 people per year have suffered “death in custody”, versus only 10 cops killed per year!  6-thousand 156 civilians killed by law enforcement in a nine years period!    Fresno cops arrested a 15 years old for posting stupid Eminem lyrics on his Instagram account. The boy says his account was hacked.  In Oakland, somebody punked the cops by placing a lifelike baby doll in a car and then called 911. No further info at this time.  This comes after cops shot and killed a woman they say was hitting them with a metal chain.  This after video was posted showing an Oakland cop spitting on people.

Florida: In Pembroke an Arby’s employee refused to serve a local cop.  Despite the manager ordering the employee to serve the cop, the Pembroke Pines Police Department ‘leaned’ on Arby’s and got an official corporate apology directly from the ceo and vp of operations, however the arrogant despots Broward and Dade County Police Benevolence Association said an apology was not enough!

Georgia:  Atlanta area cops shot and wounded a homeowner and killed his dog, and also shot one of their own.  DeKalb County police claim they were responding to a burglary call.  It sounds like a total case of Keystone cops; they failed to see if anybody was home then broke into the house themselves whereupon the family dog scared them and they killed it.  When the homeowner responded they shot him in the leg, and somehow one of the cops was also shot, by the other cop! 

DeKalb County is the same place where director of DeKalb County public safety and CNN employee (yeap, he works for CNN) Cedric L. Alexander said “…an attack on an officer is an attack on you and your community.”

Hawaii: The city of Honolulu destroyed $575-thousand USD worth of brand new never used 9mm police pistols despite a tradition of auctioning off unwanted weapons to the 2-thousand 2-hundred person police force.

Idaho: After numerous accusations by prisoners and counselors, the Department of Corrections admits they place people into cells with no beds or toilets, called ‘dry cells’.  Police state administrators swear they won’t do it anymore.  In Meridian, an investigation into why a police SUV collided with a civilian SUV in a lighted intersection.  Two eastern Idaho police shootings were declared suicide by cop,  two other police shootings resulted in injuries and were declared justified. 

Illinois: A manhunt continues for whomever led a 32 years veteran cop into an ambush.  The rebels shot and killed the cop then took the cop’s own weapon and pepper spray.  The veteran cop was described as “GI Joe” by the mayor of Fox Lake.  Why was it so easy to lure a veteran “GI Joe” cop into an ambush?  An NBC News reporter has questioned the incongruities of the official Fox Lake Police Department statements: As Manhunt For Slain Illinois Officer Continues, Unanswered Questions Remain

Indiana: “…privacy activist who has filed hundreds of public records requests to learn about how cell-site simulators are used nationwide had a request denied earlier this week by the Indiana State Police….releasing the requested information constitutes a possible risk to terrorism or even ‘agricultural terrorism.'”

Maryland: The son of Baltimore’s police chief is charged with murder, assault and weapons violations. 

Massachusetts:  A Millis police officer says somebody shot at his police car.  Cops have ordered residents to “shelter in place”.  A manhunt is on for two people in a truck.

Missouri: A new study to be released by the federal Department of Justice says police are responsible for escalating the civil unrest in Ferguson. 

New Jersey: In Newark, a carjacking ended in a standoff, which resulted in one underaged suspect dead and five arrested.

New York: A man arrested after ramming his car into a cop car, as cops were arresting two other people.  Police say the cops and the suspects in the cop car were injured.  In Washington Heights, police invaded a Love is Love party and severely beat an already injured high school basketball player, allegedly saying “I don’t give a fuck about your foot!”  The victim has undergone skin grafts as a result. 

Ohio: A Twinsburg cop shot and killed a 76 years old man after responding to a domestic disturbance.  Apparently the man shot and wounded his own wife and killed his son.  In Dayton, a man was pulled over by a paranoid cop “Because you made direct eye contact with me and held onto it while I was passing you on Salem.”

Oregon: In Eugene, police SWAT responded to a strangely behaving man who was periodically firing off rounds from a rifle (apparently he would step outside of his home, shoot, put the gun down and go back inside).  Instead of doing what NAZI cops around the U.S. do, they aimed to wound the man using what local news reports called a “less than lethal round”.   The man was treated at the scene, and it turns out he had warrants for his arrest anyway.

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia says it’s short 2-hundred cops. Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey wants taxpayers to fork out more bucks to increase salaries, and he wants to dumb down qualifications to be a cop.   Now realize that a Susquehanna Township Police Sergeant recently killed himself after being caught robbing his estranged wife and trying to frame her boyfriend!  An off-duty cop was killed while riding his motorcycle, by a hit and run car driver.  A tow truck driver captured the hit and run driver.

South Carolina: A former police chief is under house arrest after his murder trial ended in a mistrial. However, he pled guilty to misconduct.  For some unknown reason the police chief got an arrest warrant for his victim then killed him as he was driving away in his truck.  The city has settled a wrongful death suit with the family.  Another family is asking the state Supreme Court to take action regarding the death of their son.  An independent autopsy showed that cops shot him twice from behind as he was sitting in his car in the parking lot of a Hardee’s fast food joint.   Cops claimed the man was trying to run them over.   A Columbia cop was fired after being involved in a fight and shootout at a nightclub. 

Tennessee: In Memphis, a man was shot five times and rushed to a hospital, police refuse to give news media any info. 

Texas:  Video shows a man with his hands up being shot dead by two Bexar County sheriff deputies.   Bexar County District Attorney commanded civilians not “rush to judgment”.   In Clyde, police now say a cop was murdered in his own home: “The circumstances behind his death indicate that the probable cause is homicide. Aside from that, I’m not going to comment any further….”-Stan Standridge, Abilene police chief

Virginia: Two Norfolk cops now facing embezzlement charges.  Court documents say the tax-sucking cops were charging for hours they did not work.  Prince William County police arrested an 18 years old for driving a car made up to look like a cop car. The dumb wanna-be cop tried to pull over a real cop!

Washington: A judge decided that an Olympia cop will not be charged with assault after shooting a man he claimed was threatening him with a skateboard.  Instead the skateboard assault artist will be charged.  In Vancouver, a cop dog (K9) was stabbed to death after a confrontation with a man who has multiple arrest warrants. 

Wisconsin: “…I am too pissed off tonight to be diplomatic about what’s going on…..I said last December that war had been declared on the American police officer led by some high profile people, one of them coming out of the White House, and one coming out of the United States Department of Justice….it’s open season right now….”-David A. Clarke Jr., Milwaukee County Sheriff

Before movie theater shooting why were Cops already Staged? 

surprise investigation into evil for profit prison operator CCA!

Civil War Chicago, 01 – 05 September 2014: USN sending doctors to Chicago war zone! Two man assassination squads? Cops pay out $1.25-million for killing people!