Tag Archives: wall street

God abandons vets! ObamaCare kills entire school district! Food distributor kills 124 jobs 2 days before Thanksgiving! Orange Dino finally dies! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 13 October 2015

More proof that ObamaCare is a total failure as the Washington Examiner reports that “The federal government had given out $2.4 billion in loans to the 23 co-ops as of December 2014….” and that five have already been shutdown by ObamaCare itself.  The report goes on to say the remaining 18 insurance co-ops will not survive more than a year. 

California: In Marina del Rey, internet Snapchat shutting down Snap Channel, about 15 tech jobs lost.  San Francisco based internet ‘storefront’ Humble Bundle laid off 12 people admitting they were way “too ambitious” in their hiring practices.   In Oxnard, employment service Aerotek Staffing issued a shutdown WARN, 38 jobs lost after U.S. Thanksgiving.  Drug pusher Kythera Biopharmaceuticals issued a layoff WARN in Westlake Village, 117 jobs lost after Thanksgiving!  A GMRI owned Red Lobster restaurant in Los Angeles is shutting down, 83 jobs lost before Thanksgiving. The Marine Terminal is shutting down in Los Angeles and Oakland, 175 jobs lost before Xmas!  Ports America laying off 11 people before Xmas.  Insurance and finance company MullinTBG laying off 53 people in Irvine and El Segundo, before Xmas.  Drug pusher Onyx Pharmaceuticals shutdown without notice (shutdown on 25 September, gave official WARN on 08 October), 377 people now unemployed!  Food distribution company Triple B Corporation issued a shutdown WARN for their Irwindale operation, 124 jobs lost two days before Thanksgiving!

Florida:  Too Big to Jail evil British empire bank Barclays issued a WARN, at least 28 people becoming unemployed right after Xmas.  In Orlando, Southeastern Container issued a WARN saying 42 people will become unemployed right before Xmas.

Hawaii: Oahu, state health inspectors shutdown and then fined the Paalaa Kai Bakery.  The shutdown was for health code violations and the fine was for selling food after they were ordered to stop.  The inspections are part of new food martial laws under the new Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 50, Food Safety Code.

Failed State Illinois: In Cairo the only grocery store in town, Wonder Market, shutting down before Xmas. The nearest grocery store is over the border in Kentucky.  Local news said corporate officials did not respond to their questions.  Apparently the area is considered one of the poorest in the state.

Kentucky: Louisville based drug pusher PharMerica has ‘admitted’ to conspiracy with Abbott Laboratories in a drug promotion kickback scheme.  The company will pay federal and state governments $9.25 million USD, but when you realize it’s going to be spilt up among various federal programs, as well as dozens of states, it’s a slap on the wrist.

Louisiana: What hurricane recovery?  Desperate Tulane University is now bribing employees to quit (voluntary buyouts), and if that doesn’t work “…we will likely have to consider additional measures, such as non-voluntary layoffs.”

Massachusetts: In Saugus, after 57 years the home of the Orange T-Rex, Route 1 Mini Golf & Dairy Castle, shutdown.  The owners always kept their 1950s style operation looking brand new, unfortunately they had to sell out to greedy property developers who’ll tear everything down!

Failed State Michigan: Jackson Public Schools laid off seven teachers due to lack of money.

Missouri:  Battery maker Enr Sys laid of 66 employees, blaming not-recovered sales.

Nebraska: After only one year two eateries in the University of Nebraska’s student union shutting down after Xmas. The owner of Subway Pizza Express and Auntie Anne’s Pretzels says sales to students have crashed by 44% from last year!

New York: In Amagansett, after ten years Crossroads Music shutting down after Xmas, the owner blames the internet.   In Jericho, after 343 years (surviving a whole lotta crap) iconic Milleridge Village issued a shutdown WARN, at least 174 jobs lost the week after Xmas!  However, local news reports say 250 people actually work at the colonial times themed shopping center, which is also known as Milleridge Inn!  The whole thing was sold off back in May to an evil REIT (real estate investment trust).  Rochester based but now Texas owned Home Properties warned of an undetermined amount of layoffs.  This is what happens when one company takes over another, no matter what they tell their employees.  The new owner says the layoffs will start with forced retirements, “modifications” to job descriptions and the layoff of recently hired people.  God refuses to stop the shutdown of one of ‘his’ top hospitals in the U.S. of A.; New York Presbyterian Family Medicine Center by January 2016.  It’s directly blamed on Affordable Care Act, which is more proof that ObamaCare is more powerful than God! 

Ohio: In Niles, Lone Star Steakhouse shutdown saying it wasn’t worth it to renew the lease. In Hamilton, after 30 years Trimmer Hardware shutting down in November: “It’s a combination of declining sales over of the last ten years, coupled with rising costs….competition from the big-box stores and people’s buying habits are changing….. it leaves little room for the mom-and-pop stores.”-Doug Trimmer

Oregon: In Portland, it’s been revealed that the entire city block between South West 2nd and 3rd and Taylor will be demolished!  This includes the 110 years old Lotus Cardroom and Café.  

South Carolina: Retailer Belk shutting down their Union store in January 2016, 27 jobs lost.  The entire company is now up for sale.

Failed State Tennessee: Days ago I reported that the entire Clay County School District shutdown, news reports would only say it was due to lack of funding.  Now it’s been revealed that the lack of funding was caused by the implementation of Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare):The straw that broke the camel’s back was really the Affordable Care Act for us and it has made it very difficult for us to have our employees properly covered and meet the mandates of the law. That was going to require new revenue and the commission felt like they couldn’t do that through a tax increase.”-Jerry Strong, director

Texas:  In El Paso, the non-profit Exploreum museum shutting down after Xmas: “…the museum can no longer cover all annual operating costs, according to its board. Attempts to secure adequate city, community, foundation and corporate support have failed.”-public statement

Utah:  Homeless military veterans left out in the cold because God is shutting down ‘his’ Saint Mary’s Center for Recovery due to lack of county taxpayer funding.  “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him.”-Mark 12:17

Washington: In Bellingham, after 32 years Michael’s Books shutting down after Xmas.  The owner is moving away to try something new.

12 October 2015: Target kills 3,100 jobs!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

God is Evil: Jews ram 13 year old boy with car after killing his 15 years old brother!

On the video you can hear Jew Boys shouting in Hebrew and Arabic (Arabic because they wanted him to understand what they were doing to him) “Die, you son of a whore!! Die!!”  I dare you to Watch the evil video and stop listening to your evil Israeli controlled  government and mainstream news media!  And if you’re one of those ‘christians’ who support Israel you are a closet worshiper of evil!  Nobody in the video is rendering any kind of medical aid, not even the uniformed cops (the cops actually push the boy down when he tried to get up)!  There are confusing reports, some say the 13 years old died while others say he’s seriously injured.


Here’s a list of what else was heard coming out of the as-hole mouths of Israeli Zionist: “Die you fucker, die you son of a whore, die you son of a bitch…”
“Shoot him in the head, this son of a bitch”
“Die you son of a bitch”
“Shoot him in the head, shoot him in the head!”
“Shoot him in the head, do him a favor”

God is Evil: Rich A-hole Saudi chops off maid’s arm because she went to police for help! 

Syria, 12 October 2015: More than 1,200 insurgents killed in 24 hours! USAF paradrops 50 tonnes of ammo to Islamic State! NATO Turkey refuses mandatory Open Skies recon flights!



Russian Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii reports that U.S. led NATO Turkey is refusing to allow Ukrainian made Antonov 30B recon aircraft to patrol the Turkish-Syrian border, in violation of requirements of the Open Skies Treaty!  The Russian An 30B is clearly marked OPENSKIES, a mandatory Open Skies flight was due on 12 October.

Former U.S. ambassador to Syria (from 2010 until 2014) Robert Ford said Obama’s Syria policy was “not working and was not going to work” and he “could no longer defend” it!

Kurdish personnel and their twin 23mm autocannon.

In Lebanon, representatives of the Rojava Kurdish soldiers and Syrian Arab militias announced an official alliance to fight the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]).  The new alliance called Democratic Forces of Syria stated “The sensitive stage our country Syria is going through and rapid developments on the military and political front … require that there be a united national military force for all Syrians, joining Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs and others groups.”, however it might also be a requirement to gain true support from the United States.

Also out of Lebanon, Amnesty International is now accusing the Rojave Kurds of war crimes, basically genocide: “By deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds, the Autonomous Administration [Rojava] is abusing its authority and brazenly flouting international humanitarian law.”

Aleppo Governorate:   As usually, battles raged across the governorate.

U.S. instigated war can’t stop university graduation in Syria!

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Despite the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war Damascus University’s Faculty of Medicine at al-Shabab City graduated 450 doctors! 

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reports that DAIISH has executed yet another person for “apostasy”.  Battles continue for control of the Deir Ezzor airport-air base and several towns.  At least five people killed.

1,500 boxes of food distributed to civilians in Hasakah.

Hasakah Governorate: The charities Al-Berr and Social Services handed out 1-thousand 5-hundred boxes of food to people who fled the Abu al-Houl area because of insurgents and are now refugees in Hasaka City. That’s an increase of 2-hundred food boxes over the amount handed out in September.  The food comes via the UN World Food Program.  Health care is also provided to internally displaced refugees.

Boeing C-17. Reports say the NATO U.S. has been taking ‘Islamic’ fighters from Jordan into NATO Turkey, who then cross the border into Syria with brand new U.S. & Japanese made gun-trucks.

The predominantly Christian dominated U.S. Air Force paradroped 50 metric tons of ammo and weapons to unnamed takfir ‘Islamic’ insurgent groups in Hasakah: “Due to operational security, we will not have any further details about the groups that received these supplies, their location, or the type of equipment in the airdrop.”-Steve Warren, U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force (this wouldn’t be the first or second time the U.S. gave supplies to DAIISH-Islamic State, and then said “oops” after they were caught). Kurdish news sources said the paradrops, by four Boeing C-17s, contained ammo for both U.S. M16-M4 and Russian AK assault rifles.  Kurdish news sources stated that the supplies did not reach Kurdish forces but went to “Arab insurgents”!

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army liberated the towns of Kafar Nabouda, Atshan, Qubeibat, Maarakaba, Oum Harten, Sekik, Tal Sekik, Tal al-Sakher, and al-Bahsa.  In the capital city Hama, more than 3-hundred Syrian rebels turned themselves into government administrators under the current amnesty program.  New reports say the government’s amnesty program is being supported by religious administrators.  SOHR reports battles are intensifying.

Homs Governorate: Battles continued.

Idlib Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force and Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii claimed to have bombed an insurgent training camp/command post that was home to at least 1-thousand 2-hundred insurgents!  The camp was near the town of al- Mastumeh.  Russians specifically used their latest strike aircraft the Sukhoi 34.

Latakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army, National Defense Forces (local militias)Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units and Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units liberated the towns of Jub al-Ahmar and Kafar Delbe, in addition to Katef Jouret al-Batikh hills and Ruwaiset Khandaq Jamo.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force and Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii report conducting intense airstrikes on insurgents surrounding the town of Salma.   A now desperate U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) is demanding genocide against Syrian Alawites: “There is no choice but to escalate the battle and to target Alawite towns and villages in Latakia and I call on all factions to…daily hit their villages with hundreds of missiles as they do to Sunni cities and villages.”-Abu Mohamad al-Golani

10 – 11 October 2015: Islamic State imposes gun ban

Idaho abandons California! Target kills 3,100 jobs! God reveals the true god is money! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 12 October 2015

Nielsen TDLinx reports that since 2004 more than 10-thousand bars/pubs have shutdown across the United States! 

Flagship Food Group’s Meridian, Idaho, HQ. They’re about to kill 123 jobs in California!

California: Once Los Angeles based but now Idaho based Flagship Food Group issued a shutdown WARN for their Chatsworth food factory, 123 jobs lost before the U.S. Thanksgiving! To show you that corporate America sees no recovery in the near future, in Los Angeles Packaging Advance issued a shutdown WARN for May 2016, 192 jobs lost!  Menzies Aviation continues to eliminate jobs, this time 51 jobs lost before Xmas.  San Diego Sports shutting down right after Thanksgiving, 123 jobs lost!  In Emeryville, MobiTV laying off 57 people right after Thanksgiving.  China owned solar power company SunEdision issued layoff WARNs for 62 Californians beginning right after Thanksgiving.  Fireman’s Fund Insurance issued a layoff WARN for their Novato office, 73 jobs lost before Xmas.  Khol’s department store shutting down their huge store in Santa Clara, 119 jobs lost by the end of January 2016!  In Palo Alto, British empire Canada owned U.S. tax-sucker Space Systems Loral (SSL) laid off 90 people without warning, notifying state employment administrators five days after the fact.

Georgia: Suddenly restaurant Rosebud shutdown “effective immediately” because of “unforeseen circumstances”.

A busy loading dock, yet mail handlers were told they were let go "Due to lack of work"!

A busy USPS Pocatello Gateway loading dock, yet we Mail Handlers were told we were let go “Due to lack of work”! (that’s what it says on my written layoff notice)

Idaho: Six months after I lost my job at the Pocatello Gateway Postal Processing Center, due to plant shutdown, the ‘elected’ officials of Pocatello and Chubbuck are pushing the USPS to re-open the center.  I posted many articles in the last few weeks of my USPS Mail Handling job (and afterwards, I even tracked a package to see how long it now takes for mail to come into east Idaho) primarily because I was shocked at how many east Idahoans were unaware there was a mail processing center here.  Now the mail gets processed out of state in Utah.  The local johnny come lately public administrators want public input regarding the efforts to re-open the Gateway processing center on Flandro Drive in Pocatello (go to www.oldtownpocatello.com).

Idaho Power’s gas fired Langley Gulch Power Plant, built in 2011, now to be run by Germany’s Siemens.

 Major electricity supplier Idaho Power has signed a 20 year deal to contract out maintenance work on its gas fired plants to Germany based Siemens.  But get this, Idaho Power refuses to say how much the contract is worth, and, is selling $21.9-million USD of equipment to Siemens as part of the deal, sounds like Idaho Power is hurting for cash.

Failed State Illinois: In Gary, the 21st Century Charter School laid off seven employees due to crashing enrollments.  News reports said one pissed-off teacher “destroyed” her classroom before leaving.   That Which Cannot Be Named refuses to stop the shutdown of the Mayer Kaplan Jewish Community Center.  The strange thing is they’re still registering children for next year’s programs and claim they will be setting up shop in a new undetermined location.
Maryland: In Baltimore, the Sports Legends Museum shutting down due to a lease dispute with the property owner.

Target HQ in Minnesota, job killing has become their forte!

 Minnesota: More proof corporations don’t see any future recovery as Minneapolis based retailer Target announced it will kill-off 3-thousand 1-hundred jobs (layoff 1,700 people and eliminate 1,400 vacant jobs) over the next two years!  

Oklahoma:  Oil industry company Continental Resources announced it is cutting pay for employees under the guise of trying to prevent mass layoffs.

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia based FMC announced it will eliminate 850 jobs blaming currency wars!  God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Joseph the Worker Church due to lack of money, proving that the real god is money!  After three years non-profit ‘tech incubator’ Seed Philly being forced to shutdown due to the new property owner terminating the lease early.

Failed State Tennessee: In Nashville, Khan’s Desserts shutting down because “…the rent has gone up greatly, and without partnership or investment, we are unable to move to another location.”

Texas: In Tyler, busy bug killer Center Chemical shutting down by the end of the month. The owners say they want more time with their grandchildren.   Round Rock based Dell just made the biggest tech takeover deal ever ($67-billion USD).  Now the administrators of Dell/EMC hinted at mass layoffs: “Of course when we do this we want to make sure we do this in a way that’s very attractive to the EMC shareholders and a fair deal…”-Joe Tucci, EMC ceo

11 October 2015: Entire school district shuts down!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Germany publishes ‘How To’ guides for illegal migrants!

12 October 2015 (03:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/20 Mehr 1394/28 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/30 Bing-Xu 4713

Germany’s state run DWTV has published numerous How To guides for immigrants flooding into Europe, under the heading Germany Guide for Refugees.  Numerous stat counts have revealed that the majority of war “refugees” are actually illegal immigrant workers.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel swears taxes will not be raised to cover the skyrocketing costs of dealing with immigrants!

As an example of German hypocrisy, I was born in Germany (No my parents were not in the U.S. military!), I have a ‘souvenir’ birth certificate from the state of Bayern (my parents were living in Rottenbauer at the time), yet, under current German laws I cannot immigrate back to Germany using the ‘souvenir’ birth certificate.

Why is this important?  In early 1996 one of my co-workers at KYMA in Yuma, Arizona, and I decided to take a day trip to Mexicali, Mexico.  My co-worker looks like a ‘Mexican’ yet when we walked back across the U.S. border the Border Patrol asked him only “Where were you born?”, he replied “Phoenix.” they let him through (at this time you did not need documentation to cross the U.S.-Mexican border).  The Border Patrol asked me the same question, but when I told them I was born in Germany they held me up!  They demanded to see my state issued birth certificate, which I do not have (I have a U.S. Department of State FS 240 notice of birth) and nobody in the U.S. carries it around on them anyway, and we began arguing.  They refused to accept my Arizona driver’s license as ID!  Mexicans waiting to walk into the U.S. began backing away, wide eyed at the fact the U.S. Border Patrol was refusing an obvious Gringo from entering the U.S.  Finally I pulled my Army National Guard ID and the Border Patrol let me in!   Yes, this ‘immigration’ thing really pisses me off because it has directly impacted me, more than once!

Idaho burdened by $187-million worth of illegal immigrants!

immigration a False Flag op to make corporations richer! 

Refugees flooding Europe proven to be False Flag!

migrant-refugee flood will permanently change Europe! History shows immigrants are greatest self-inflicted threat to Empires!

Bilderberger measles vaccination program used as weapon of war against immigrants 

Migrants seeking work in the U.S. at record lows!

Total Gun Ban Total Failure, Australia: Yet another gun related incident in country that totally bans guns!

12 October 2015 (01:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/20 Mehr 1394/28 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/30 Bing-Xu 4713

I finally managed to get a handgun. Australians, if you study at UNSW don’t go in tomorrow.”-internet threat

Aussie campus on lockdown after threat of gun attack, even though Australia bans guns.

We are treating this incident seriously and have been liaising with the NSW Police through the anti-terrorism and security group and Local Area Command.”-University New South Wales

Total Gun Ban Total Failure: Mexico!

Yet another shooting in total gun ban Australia!

Syria, 10 – 11 October 2015: Islamic State imposes gun ban upon penalty of death! NATO Turkey ‘rescues’ insurgents with ambulances! Tunis reports Islamic State running like dogs! Russia making deal with devil dog Saudi Arabia?

The sides confirmed that Saudi Arabia and Russia have similar goals concerning Syria. First of all, they are to prevent a terrorist caliphate from getting the upper hand in Syria.”-Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia

Reports say that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been discussing a political solution to the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war in Syria with one of those instigators; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).  Russian spokepersons said both Putin and KSA Minister of Defense Mohammad bin Salman agreed there will be no ‘caliphate’ in Syria!

The Defense Minister for the north African country of Tunisia, Farhat Horchani, reports they’ve noticed at least 250 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) have fled from Syria to their home countries of Tunisia and Libya.  Horchani also stated that they are arresting the Tunis DAIISH as they return from Syria.

U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli insurgents have refused an offer by the United Nations to hold peace talks!   The insurgents are protesting the successful Russian airstrikes!

Many people of the European country of Bulgaria demonstrated in support of the Russia airstrikes in Syria.

YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) fighter patrolling the streets of a Kurdish controlled neighborhood in Aleppo City.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with DAIISH for control of the Syrian Military Academy. A convoy of U.S./Japanese made gun-trucks were destroyed as they approached the Academy from DAIISH controlled Raqqa Governorate.  Syrian Arab Army increased attacks against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al Nusra (Nusra Front) and other insurgents.  Battles for control of al-Nayrab Airport and Kweiris airbase continued.   YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) liberated al-Qeba village and reports more assaults against their positions in Aleppo City by Nusra Front repelled.  YPG & YPJ units attempted to liberate the DAIISH controlled town Sarrin.   Anti-secularist civilians in the Aleppo City neighborhood of Bestan al-Qasr supposedly praised Nusra Front and al-Joulani insurgents.

Sukhoi 34 over Syria.

Daraa Governorate: Syrian Arab Army attacked U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front, destroying U.S./Japanese made gun-trucks as well as armored vehicles.  Seven people killed.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  At least four civilians killed by airstrikes, and three rebels assassinated by “unknown gunmen”.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army killed 120 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH insurgents and four armored vehicles while defending the Deir Ezzor airport-airbase.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reports that DAIISH executed a man in the town of al-ShHil for refusing to turn over his personally owned weapons. SOHR also says desperate DAIISH is forcing civilians to dig trenches and bunkers.

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that four YPG personnel killed by DAIISH.



Hama Governorate: Russian Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii says they used recon UAVs (drones) to pinpoint targets near the village of Atshan, for their Su-24Ms to attack.    Syrian Arab Army liberated the towns of Atshan, Bahsa and Tal Skeik,  destroying 20 vehicles and disarming dozens of landmines.

Apparently Nusra Front left a trail of corpses in Bahsa village, all with signs of being tortured then executed.  Across the governorate 125 Nusra Front and DAIISH insurgents killed.  Dozens of U.S. made TOW panzerfaust weapons destroyed, as insurgents claim they destroyed dozens of Syrian panzers. At the refugee camp of al-Alman four trucks full of ammo were destroyed and one captured.  Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units stepped up attacks against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front.


Homs Governorate: Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and DAIISH around Tadmur (Palmyra) City, as well as across the governorate.  Attacks also continued against Nusra Front.  SOHR reports that DAIISH publically executed three men from Tadmur for “apostasy and being spies”.   Syrian Arab Army Air Force and Russian Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii continued airstrikes near the al-Shaer oilfield, and other areas of the governorate.

Idlib Governorate:  Russian Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii continued airstrikes on the city of Saraqeb, and surrounding insurgent artillery positions.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force also continued airstrikes across the governorate.   Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units stepped up attacks against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front.  At least six civilians killed.

Iranian soldiers.

Latakia Governorate: Russian Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii continued airstrikes near Salma, using Sukhoi 24M swing wing strike aircraft.  Russian pilots claim they destroyed five U.S./Japanese made gun-trucks armed with 23mm autocannons and four gun-trucks armed with artillery mortars.  Syrian Arab Army  destroyed seven vehicles in Rabiaa area, killing the operators who turned out to be Chechens. National Defense Forces (local militias)Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units and Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units increased attacks against insurgents.  Of interest, U.S. led NATO Turkey actually sent ambulances into the governorate to ‘rescue’ their insurgents.

Quneitra Governorate: Reports indicate fierce back and forth battles over territory.

Raqqa Governorate:  Kurds in the DAIISH controlled governorate report that border guards from U.S. led NATO Turkey attacked them.  At least one Kurd killed.

Sweida Governorate: Near Najran village two civilians killed when insurgents ambushed their cars.

08 October 2015: Iranian general killed while defending Syrian airbase!

To Destroy U.S. Dollar: European Central Bank tells U.S. Federal Reserve ‘Go take a hike!’

11 October 2015 (10:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Mehr 1394/27 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/29 Bing-Xu 4713

“Our monetary policies do present paths that are very different. I would say fundamentally diverging paths for the future.”-Mario Draghi, European Central Bank, 10 October 2015

“The capital market in the EU is relatively less developed compared with the U.S.A…   ….we must manage our European common house, not only on the basis of national interests, but by adopting a systemic, common vision.”-Pier Carlo Padoan, Minister of Economy and Finances of Italy, 09 October 2015

“We are following our own formula…  ….In the European Union, we have to act differently than in the union that makes up the United States.”-Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister of Germany, September 2015

Australia & Singapore first to use Chinese Yuan in major transactions!