Tag Archives: wall street

Anti-gun laws fail to stop U.S. cop from killing her boyfriend!

19 October 2015 (19:49 UTC-07 Tango 01, 18 October 2015)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“She told police he was beating her. So she shot him in the chest.”-Chula Vista police statement

Apartment complex in Chula Vista where cop is accused of killing her boyfriend with her gun.

In the Failed State of California a female U.S. Border Patrol cop is now in jail, accused of shooting to death her boyfriend.  She claimed her boyfriend was beating her, but news reports said the only injuries found on her were on one hand.   No further info is being released, you know, because it involves a cop.

49% of Americans say Government is True Enemy of the State! 


U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Children of divorced mothers lose citizenship? Human Rights apply only to Japanese citizens!

19 October 2015 (19:12 UTC-07 Tango 01, 18 October 2015)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

If you’re a Japanese woman and you and your husband divorce, better not get remarried and have children, they’ll not be considered ‘Japanese’!  Even the United Nations Human Rights Committee has condemned the main warmongering east Asian ally of the United States over it (the law was created in 1947 under the dictation of the occupying United States).

No, I’m not talking some medieval law, it’s the current law in Japan: A woman who gets divorced cannot remarry for a minimum of six months (Article 733).  Any marriage within six months is considered void, and if any children result from that marriage they are not considered legitimate citizens and could even be considered the ‘property’ of the former husband!  By the way, this law does not apply to divorced men!

Couple suing to have their marriage and child officially recognized by Japanese government.

What should be an archaic law is now in the news because a Japanese couple are suing in court to have it changed.  This is not the first time the Japanese Supreme Court might change such a drastic law, in 2008 the court halted the practice of not granting citizenship to children of single mothers.

Japanese soldier holding the head of a Chinese he just chopped off. Japan still denies they committed genocide during World War 2, and for some reason the United States protected most Japanese war criminals from being prosecuted for those crimes! From the late 1800s to just prior to World War 2 Japan committed massive genocidal acts in every territory they invaded, at least equal to what they did during World War 2!

Also, in Japan you are not considered ‘human’ unless you are a Japanese citizen, (“In Japan, all citizens were allowed to practice their traditional lifestyles, use their languages and exercise their religions freely, including citizens of Okinawa.  Nonetheless, the Government of Japan recognized only the Ainu people as an indigenous people.”-UN Human Rights Committee) therefore Human Rights only apply to officially recognized citizens.  This is the same law that evil Imperial Japan and evil Nazi Germany had, you know, those two countries accused of starting the Second World War and slaughtering tens of millions of people. Especially the Japanese who publicly beheaded Prisoners of War from the British empire, Soviet Union, China and United States, etc. because they were not considered ‘human’  (they even used them for biological warfare experiments).  Even the Nazi Germans had more respect than that for Prisoners of War (as long as you weren’t  Slavic, Hebrew, homosexual or a gypsy).


“I didn’t believe in my wildest dreams they would be shutting it all down!” “We are in the throes of a deep depression, and nothing is changing!” : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 16 – 17 October 2015

More proof of a growing food crisis in the U.S.: India based internet restaurant finding service Zomato eliminating 3-hundred jobs mainly within the United States!  The U.S. employees affected are those tasked with collecting data on U.S. restaurants.

Arkansas: Military subcontractor Actronix now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Administrators of the company that works for Lockheed Martin and British empire BAE say they have $2.3-million USD of debt versus $50-thousand in assets!

California: In Fresno, Club One casino now bankrupt busted with $9.5-million USD of debt!  It was revealed by an employee that storytelling app Flipagram laid off 17 people two weeks ago.

Colorado:  Even high tech can’t stop ObamaCare from killing healthcare services as Datu Health shutdown their Boulder HQ, 42 jobs lost.  It’s the result of its computer programs being consolidated under the control of Saint Joseph Health.

Florida:  In Naples, Estates Country Stores shutting down two of their Golden Gate Estates stores after selling the properties to convenience store giant 7-Eleven.

Failed State Hawaii: In Honolulu, after 30 years popular Bubbies Homemade Ice Cream & Desserts  (known for ‘R’ rated ice cream names) shutdown its Varsity Center store, shocked customers reacted with “Oh my Gaawwdd!”  The owner said they will now focus solely on wholesale production of mochi ice cream.

Homeless families in tent cities on Hawaii’s beaches, hurting tourism, the real reason for the state of emergency declaration.

For proof Hawaii has failed, the governor just declared a state of emergency due to rampant homelessness (the highest in the U.S. of A., per capita)!  The martial law governor admitted his plan is to round up the homeless: “We are making sure that we have options for those who are homeless to move into an emergency shelter….”-David Ige

Idaho: Local news media proudly boasted of Idaho’s personal income ‘growth’ making The Gem State number 8 in the country.  Hate to burst your bubble but 1.1% is not growth, it’s stagnation! And what does that say about the rest of the country?  Let’s break it down to reveal just who’s getting that 1.1% increase in personal income; utilities, landlords-property owners-property developers-real estate, banks and insurance companies.  Yep, if you’ve been paying attention to my Job Losses reports those are the very people jacking up costs to everybody! Gee, the 1% of Idaho are the ones getting the 1.1% increase in personal income, go figure.

Failed State Illinois: After 61 years Gillenberg’s Furniture shutting down because the owner said “I am tired, I want to do some traveling.”  Oak Brook based McDonald’s in deeper trouble than first thought.  According to Business Insider, franchise operators are fed up with corporate policies that include not offering financial help to 30% of franchise owners who admit they are broke: “We are in the throes of a deep depression, and nothing is changing!  Probably 30% of operators are insolvent.”-Mark Kalinowski, analyst

Louisiana:  CHI Aviation shutting down its Galliano operation after Xmas, 74 jobs lost due to the collapsing oil industry.

New York:  The Bon Ton shutting down their Syracuse store by February 2016, 43 jobs lost.  Due to the pending shutdown of New York Presbyterian Hospital Family Medicine Center (caused by ObamaCare) Hunter Ambulette-Ambulance lost their contract, 113 jobs lost after Xmas!  Watertown’s New York Air Brake laid off 20 people and warned more layoffs will take place if sales do not improve, no severance either.

Ohio: What construction industry recovery?  WestRock shutting down their Coshocton operation two days after Thanksgiving, 225 jobs lost!  It’s the result of two mergers in the past five years.

Pennsylvania: Allegheny Technologies warned of mass layoffs at it Pittsburgh HQ, no numbers given.

Tennessee:  Hutcheson Medical Center laid off 70 more employees and eliminated the Chickamauga clinic, the Battlefield Lung Specialists, and the Multi-Family Practice Clinic on Battlefield Parkway and the intensive care unit! Local news reports say the hospital with 179 beds now has a “skeleton crew”, an employee said don’t waist your time going there because you’ll be sent to another hospital.  So much for Affordable Care Act increasing access to healthcare!  Rail company CSX laid off an additional 3-hundred people as they suddenly shutdown their Erwin rail yard, Unicoi County Mayor Greg Lynch exclaimed “I knew Wednesday that something was going on, but I didn’t believe in my wildest dreams they would be shutting it all down! …it’s the worst thing that’s happened here in my nine years as mayor.”

Texas:  Oil company Schlumberger warned of even more layoffs, no number given.

Virginia: In Williamsburg, The Inspired Bride shutdown ironically because the co-owners got divorced!

Washington:  Virginia Mason Hospital and Medical Center warned of job cuts in 2016, “because we anticipate a short-term reduction in patient volumes” caused by Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).  India based restaurant locating service Zomato shutdown their Seattle office without warning, it’s part of their plans to eliminate at least 150 U.S. jobs! 

Orwellian double speak for Think Like a Thief!

Wisconsin:  University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire laid off 11 people blaming state funding cuts.  More proof Apple is a hypocritical thief (after accusing Samsung of stealing their patents) as a jury of the U.S. District Court ruled that Apple ripped off the patents of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.  Apple must pay WARF $234-million USD in damages.

14 – 15 October 2015: Factory says America is broke, will move to Russia!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Anti-gun Laws & beheadings fail to stop mass shooting in Saudi Arabia!

17 October 2015 (17:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Mehr 1394/03 Muharram 1436/05 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Despite strict anti-gun laws, and the threat of being beheaded for breaking laws, a man shot and killed five people and wounded nine.  The man was killed by police.

U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) took credit for the shooting, saying the man was targeting Shi’a Muslims.

“You can get illegal firearms easily if you know where to look. Getting them legally, on the other hand isn’t for everyone and can be very difficult if you do not have connections.”-internet post explaining how people get guns in Saudi Arabia

Rich hypocritical Saudis brandishing their illegal guns at a wedding!

In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) it is illegal to openly sell a gun.  Most guns are bought illegally, however, the government has an amnesty program that allows those who bought a gun illegally to register the gun and get a license to own the gun.  This requires a criminal and mental background check, as well as testing the gun barrel for evidence that it might have been used in a crime.   It is also illegal to hunt with a gun.

Despite tough anti-gun laws, which include banning open market sales, KSA is ranked number six out of the top ten countries for private gun ownership!

Idaho woman dies after selling herself to foreigners for gestational surrogacy! Idaho turns to now deadly Baby Farming for economic survival!

17 October 2015 (14:56 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Mehr 1394/03 Muharram 1436/05 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Parents from all over the world are coming to The Gem State to have children.”-KTVB, Boise, Idaho

“American women are being paid to put themselves at significant physical risk every day in this country to produce babies for others.These mostly low income women are injected with powerful hormones and other drugs to maximize chances of pregnancy, virtually without government oversight. Women didn’t get this far to be treated like breeding animals.”-Jennifer Lahl, Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

According to Surro Sisters for Brooke the Burley, Idaho, woman was gestating twins for a couple from Spain when she died from “a rare medical complication” on 08 October 2015.  This was not the first time she sold herself to be a surrogate fetus carrier (for legal reasons they now avoid the term surrogate ‘mother’).

Please note that Brooke’s own home town news media failed to mention that her pregnancy was not ‘hers’ but was a way of making money.

The Huffington Post is the one who found out about Brooke’s role in what is being called Baby Farming in Idaho.  The article pointed out that in Spain (where the paying parents are from) it is illegal to be a surrogate mother. Despite being paid to carry twins for the Spanish couple, a fund raiser was held to pay for her funeral!  It was through that fundraiser that the Huffington Post reporters discovered the Baby Farming deal.

A post by Jennifer Block reveals the downside of being a surrogate, and even reveals that women can make between “…$15,000 to $30,000 – for a job that is high-risk, 24/7, and lasts about a year, maybe more…” (THE OTHER SIDE OF SURROGACY. WHAT GESTATIONAL SURROGATES REALLY GO THROUGH.)

The Huff’ Post article estimates an 89% increase in U.S. women becoming surrogate gestators, primarily due to economic reasons.  Hard and fast data is not available because apparently Baby Farming is supposed to be ‘hush hush’.

Idaho loses jobs, record number of people in workforce, yet unemployment rate remains the same? Blame immigrants!

17 October 2015 (14:10 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Mehr 1394/03 Muharram 1436/05 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Local news media continue to be confused by conflicting data from the Department of Labor, thinking an unchanging unemployment rate is good.

Here are some reasons it’s bad: A net of 5-thousand jobs added in September but those were mainly the usual education jobs that happen at the start of every school year, so they can’t be counted as a sign of ‘growth’.  1-thousand construction jobs lost in September, this is interesting because at the same time the Dept. of Labor says job growth in the construction industry increased.  The Department also stated that the number of people in The Gem State’s workforce hit a record high of 800-thousand 800 (in a state that has a population between 1.5 million and 2 million), yet stated that only 1-hundred people were newly unemployed and yet also stated that the labor participation rate (as well as unemployment rate) was “unchanged” from the previous three months, and apparently 22% of unemployed people getting unemployment assistance dropped out!

The so called ‘Republican conservative’ Red State is among the most “welcoming” to migrants! Yet another reason why it’s a Right to Work (you citizens over) State!

This data comes after the University of Idaho reported a 6% increase in people moving to metro areas to look for work (basically the Boise area is the only metro area) because they can’t find any in the rural areas, and an admission by the Depart. of Education that the immigrant population has become so big that taxpayers will now pay for their English classes!  

Even the Catholic Church encourages immigration to Idaho!

Mmmm, immigrants, is that why there’s now a record number of people in The Gem State’s workforce and an unchanging unemployment rate despite the fact people are struggling to find jobs (Like me, in the past five months I’ve gotten five rejection emails saying I didn’t “have the qualifications” they were looking for, and they were all ‘entry level’ jobs! Is it my age or my ethnic status?  Way to go Bannock County! )?  (Blind Bat News does not make any money, I am not paid to write this stuff and I’m not the owner of Blind Bat News.  The owner has been paying out of their pocket to maintain this site because they believe in the ‘message’.  In the past advertisers have ripped the owner off, and now nobody wants to click on the relatively new Donate button and donate!)

Martial Law U.S.A.: RC model planes now considered ‘drones’ must be registered with Obama Regime!

17 October 2015 (01:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Mehr 1394/03 Muharram 1436/05 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administration are being tasked by Barack Obama to register all owners and operators of remote control model planes!

I guess they can get a little big and dangerous.

Model planes are now considered ‘drones’ under new regulations.   The new rules go into effect on the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.  Kit bashers who build flying models will have to get “permission” to fly their homegrown planes, and then register them.


Australia bans: “remotely controlled device, including a vehicle or a model of a vehicle, including, for example, any of the following operated by remote control— (a) a toy car (b) a model plane (c) a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle” 

Idaho Students Building Model Kits


World War 3 video: Iraq uses Chinese supplied drone against U.S. supplied Islamic State!

16 October 2015 (17:33 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Mehr 1394/02 Muharram 1436/04 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

The Caihong (Rainbow) 4B UAV might have been developed from U.S. UAVs captured by Iran over the past few years and shared with China.


It uses Lan Jian 7 (Blue Arrow 7) laser guided ground attack missiles, TG100 bombs and the AR-1 missiles (based on the U.S. Hellfire).

Iraq! Kurds & U.S. advisors hit with Islamic State gas attacks, Obama regime cover-up!


The Great Reneger: Obama cancels future oil drilling operations!

16 October 2015 (16:18 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Mehr 1394/02 Muharram 1436/04 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Blame low oil prices, but once again the President of the United Failed States of ‘Merica, Barack Obama, has gone back on one of his policies; oil drilling in the Arctic: “In light of Shell’s announcement, the amount of acreage already under lease and current market conditions, it does not make sense to prepare for lease sales in the Arctic in the next year and a half.”-Sally Jewell, U.S. Secretary of the Interior  

For weeks I saw reports that foreigner Royal Dutch Shell was ending oil ops on the Arctic, off the U.S. coast, but now it’s been revealed that Obama refused to extend their lease.  

Dumb environmentalists, who think humans have so much power we can destroy the Earth despite that fact that Mother Earth and Father Sun always wipes out every dominant species at some point, praised the oil drilling lease termination even though it’s really about jacking up oil prices so the oil companies can make bigger profits, and that when those profits start rolling in the expansive drilling will resume.  

The Obama regime has halted new oil drilling in the U.S. Arctic for the next two years.  That’s exactly the amount of time big oil companies have predicted it will take for them to start raking in big profits off their $100+ USD per barrel oil.  You see the oil companies have been cutting way back on oil production, killing thousands of jobs (just read my numerous Job Losses reports).  


The Great Reneger: Obama will NOT withdraw U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan!  

Russia to create new military alliance in response to Obama’s moves in Afghanistan!

16 October 2015 (04:32 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Mehr 1394/02 Muharram 1436/04 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Vladimir Putin told CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) members that a new military alliance is needed to counter the United States in Afghanistan, calling the U.S.-NATO “terrorists of a different type”: “‘Terrorists’ of different types are gaining more influence, and they do not hide their plans for further expansion. One of their aims is to break into the Central Asian region….  It is necessary to ensure the effective work of the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center, to continue coordinating the work of intelligence agencies and exchanging information. It is particularly important to closely monitor the situation near the external borders of the commonwealth.” 

The Great Reneger: Obama will NOT withdraw U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan!