Tag Archives: wall street

Spain issues arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister!

15 November 2015 (00:23 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Aban 1394/02 Safar 1437/04 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

The Spanish Supreme Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as for Avigdor Lieberman, Ehud Barak, Moshe Ya’alon, Eli Yishai, Benny Begin and Eliezer Marom.  They will be arrested if they set foot in Spain.
It concerns the 2010 Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid ship heading to the concentration camp known as Gaza Strip.  Nine unarmed civilians were killed.
The Israeli government is now pressuring the Spanish government to cancel the warrants.

False Flag: Attacker has extensive ‘criminal record’ yet spent no time in prison!

14 November 2015 (14:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

“…this is just the beginning.”-quote attributed to DAIISH

Live TV news reports out of Europe have been stating that one of the attackers had an extensive criminal record yet somehow managed to never spend time in prison. They never give details.  One report said the man, a French citizen, had been found guilty in the past of several crimes, implying court trials, yet no explanation why he didn’t go to prison.  This man is apparently the one French police say they’ve been tracking for some time.

French police now link an Egyptian passport to one of the attackers.  They also say a finger of an attacker belongs to a French citizen.

It should be noted that Belgian cops launched raids in Belgium against ‘terror cells’ immediately after the attacks in Paris.

Greek police made public statements saying they tracked one attacker from Syria all the way to France.  That ‘attacker’ entered Greece on 03 October 2015.

French police have already determined that the bombs used in yesterday’s attacks were made with TATP (aka TCAP, Acetone peroxide).   It has been used in past attacks in Europe.

In Germany, Bavarian police revealed they arrested a man last week after his car was found stuffed with weapons.  They now say the man was part of the planned attacks on Paris.

False Flag: French cops admit they were in contact with attackers! NATO invokes Collective Defense!

14 November 2015 (12:12 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

A commuter train derailed and crashed, then caught fire.  Apparently the train was not full of passengers and was conducting a test run when, for some unknown reason, it left the tracks and hit a bridge.  A local TV station said the high speed train was testing the new tracks and possibly left the rails due to high speed, five technicians onboard were killed.

French police admitted that they were tracking at least one of the now dead attackers, and that they’ve been in long term contact with three people just arrested in Belgium!

French police claim one of the dead attackers had a Syrian passport.

French TV commentators are questioning why the attacks were allowed to happen now that it’s obvious police were in long term contact with attackers, and obviously knew an attack was coming as demonstrated by evacuations that took place hours before the attacks started.  

U.S. and U.K. citizens confirmed victims of attack.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made an announcement, in English and French, essentially saying the attack on France was an attack on the United States.  France is a NATO member.  French president François Hollande declared the attack an act of war.  Any act of war upon one NATO member is considered an act of war against all NATO members (Article 5).

Angela Merkel, of NATO member Germany stated “We will help you lead the fight…”.  NATO member United Kingdom’s David Cameron stated “We are with you. United.”

U.S. ‘officials’ are now referring to Islamic State by its Arabic name DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

False Flag or Semantics? France accuses Britain of lying about Islamic State murdering children!

14 November 2015 (23:49 UTC-07 Tango 01, 13 November 2015)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

French news sources are accusing British news sources of lying about a video recently posted on the internet.  The DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) video shows dozens of males being executed.  The British Daily Mirror said they are juveniles and cited a source in Yemen for the confirmation.  France24 points out that one of the males being killed has a full beard.

This could be a matter of semantics for in many ‘traditional’ societies a male or female who is not married, has not procreated and is still living with parents is considered a juvenile even if they’re in their late 20s.

This explains why you see videos or pics from Palestine saying the Israelis killed another “girl” or “boy” even though the girls/boys being killed are in their 20s.  If they’re living with parents and are not married or hadn’t had children then in that society they are still ‘girls’ or ‘boys’.

And for those of you in more ‘traditional’ societies reading this, in ‘western’ societies a person is now considered an adult when they reach a specific age, in some ‘western’ countries it’s 17, others it can be 21.

Up until the mid-20th century (Gregorian Calendar system) there were many ‘western’ countries that still considered unmarried ‘adults’ living with mom and dad to be juveniles.  And if a ‘girl’ reaches her 30s without being married she’s an Old Maid.

British Empire, let slip the dogs of war: Islamic State DAIISH 

False Flag: French evacuations began hours before terrorist attacks! How did so many people get so many guns in anti-gun country?

14 November 2015 (20:33 UTC-07 Tango 01, 13 November 2015)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

160 people killed, 200+ wounded.  1,500 French soldier patrolling the streets of Paris.

Live news reports say the German foosball team was evacuated from their Paris hotel “just hours” before the terrorist attacks began. Die Mannschaft team members revealed the evacuations on social media.  Despite being evacuated from their hotel they were told to go ahead and play their scheduled soccer match.   In video of the game you can hear explosions in the background.  There are reports that French police evacuated several other Parisian locations before the attacks began.

In a possible retaliation, a refugee camp in Calais was set on fire, so far no reports of any refugees hurt.  The entire country of France is locked down (state of emergency/martial law), the borders are closed for the first time since World War 2 (more than 70 years ago).

One reporter asked the question how could so many guns and explosives get into the hands of so many people in a country that has such strict ant-weapons laws?

One analysts stated that he fears that ‘western’ U.S.-led NATO will use this as an excuse to declare war on Syria, even though the Syrian government itself is fighting the same terrorists within its borders.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop record gun sales, blame illegal immigrants! 

Syria, 24 – 27 October 2015: Watch as teenager is killed by Islamic State tank! Islamic State gets new U.S. pickup trucks! 

Your ‘elected’ officials know of coming massive 9-11 style attack!

Robots to kill 80-million jobs! “… it wasn’t funny anymore.” : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 10 – 12 November 2015

The Bank of England is warning that in the near future robots (automation) will take away 80-million jobs from U.S. citizens!

Failed State Alabama: After 65 years Capitol Book & News shutdown: “…to earn a living out of a retail bookstore….it’s hard these days. It’s hard to be little. It’s hard to be independent. Just think about all of the people who have gone out of business.We used to make jokes, like people do, that some day they’re going to have to carry us out of here feet first. I told that joke one day, and it wasn’t funny anymore.”-Thomas Upchurch, co-owner

California:  San Diego based drug testing lab Millennium Health now bankrupt busted after being caught ripping off Medicare.  Florida based General Mills Restaurants suddenly shutdown their San Diego Yard House restaurant, 110 people jobless!  In Costa Mesa, after publicly blaming the greedy landlord Scott’s Restaurant finally issued a shutdown WARN saying 106 people will become unemployed by the beginning of January 2016! In Studio City, Grill Concepts restaurant is shutting down by January 2016, 49 jobs lost, however the operators claim it will be temporary.  In Los Angeles, restaurant Greystone Manor issued a shutdown WARN saying 61 people will become unemployed by January 2016, however they claim it’s temporary.  In Bakersfield, Golden State Drilling issued a WARN saying 104 people will be laid off by the beginning of December!  Penske Logistics issued two WARNs saying 60 people will become jobless right before Thanksgiving.  Tax-sucking defense contractor Microsemi eliminating 57 jobs in Garden Grove,  by the beginning of January 2016.  Tax-sucker Boeing issued more layoff WARNs adding another 66 layoffs to the hundreds already announced.   In Sun Valley, JC Entertainment Lighting Services issued a mass layoff WARN saying 169 people will be laid off by the beginning of January 2016!  In San Jose, Cisco Systems continues to kill jobs, this time 126 employees were laid off!  In Santa Clara, Pennsylvania based Vishay Intertechnology announced they will eliminate 292 jobs by March 2016!  They are moving jobs to other countries, calling it “…moving headcounts into lower cost geographies.”  More proof brick-n-mortar stores can’t blame the internet, San Francisco based HotelTonight reservation app laid off 34 people.   

Colorado: British empire Canada based Kinross Gold shutting down their Denver office, eliminating 110 jobs!   

Idaho:  After six years in Pocatello Cynthia Louise Boutique shutdown.  The owner is focusing on her Christian ministry to female prisoners.

Iowa: In Shell Rock, farm equipment maker Unverferth Manufacturing laid off about 48 people, blaming low sales.  In Davenport, after 66 years Riefe’s Family Restaurant shutting down right before Xmas.

Kentucky:  AK Steel jacked up the number of people to become unemployed after December from 940 to 1-thousand 1-hundred!  They blame cheap imported steel (which is an excuse I’ve heard since the 1980s).  Ferus Natural Gas Fuels shutdown their Jenkins plant without warning, laying off at least 20 people. 

Maine: Payment processor WEX eliminating 80 jobs in South Portland.

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, after 17 years Chiang Mai Thai restaurant shutting down right before Xmas.  The owners did not want to renew the lease.

Failed State New Jersey: In Florham Park, Germany based BASF issued a WARN saying 92 people will be laid off by mid-January 2016.  East Orange General Hospital now bankrupt busted despite its pending $84-million USD sale, 860 jobs threatened!

New Mexico: Oil service company Baker Hughes Pressure Pumping suddenly shutdown their fracking ops in Farmington and laid off 67 people.

Failed State New York:  Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing EmblemHealth Services to issue a shutdown WARN for their NYC Claims Processing office, 101 jobs lost by February 2016!  In Rochester, Sweden based medical tech Getinge Sourcing announced 52 layoffs by January 2016.  In Staten Island, after 44 years iconic Mandolin Brothers guitar shop shutting down when the inventory is gone.

North Dakota: In Fargo, after 13 years Monte’s Downtown restaurant shutting down after Xmas, blaming competition.

Ohio:  Hyundai Ideal Electric eliminating 56 jobs in January 2016.

Pennsylvania: In Lancaster, American Axle & Manufacturing revealed it laid off 11 employees back in August.   Trib Total Media eliminating 133 jobs (the WARNs say 133, news reports say 153) between Xmas and mid-January 2016!  In West Mifflin, after 25 years Levin Furniture shutdown after the landlord made a deal with Lowe’s.  After 29 years Distelfink Bakery shutdown without warning: “We were struggling, and thought we had come to an agreement with attorneys and with the landlord, to stay current … plus pay the back rent.  In the meantime, they went to court and got a judgment against us.”-Kate Berger, co-owner

South Carolina: 95 years old (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) Moe Levy’s Reliable Loan and Pawn Shop shutting down because the lease will not be renewed due the rent being jacked up.

Texas: ObamaCare forcing TAPS medical transportation in Wichita Falls to shutdown after Thanksgiving.  In Corpus Christi, after surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions Braslau’s Fine Home Furnishings shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Washington DC:  Education tech company Blackboard laid off an undisclosed number of employees.  News reports guesstimate 1-hundred people lost their jobs! 

Wisconsin: What automotive industry recovery?  Racine based transmission maker Twin Disc laid off 15 people and announced pay cuts and work furloughs for everybody else in order to save $4.3-million USD!    Rockwell Automation warned of 255 layoffs in 2016, saying “…we believe we’ll see a slowing of the economy.”  

08-09 November 2015: “It is a bummer…we can’t keep going.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

The Future of Fish Fry: The dead in Japan can now procreate!

12 November 2015 (14:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Aban 1394/29 Muharram 1437/01 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology claim they’ve created a way to create new life from the frozen dead!

Actually they discovered that stem cells in frozen trout can remain viable for three years.  They transplanted the cells into live trout and those cells were able to grow and create eggs and sperm and eventually baby fish (aka Fry).

No, not that kind of Fry!

Until now the conventional wisdom said cells of frozen creatures were no longer viable.

International Criminal Court says U.S. guilty of war crimes! Preps for ‘Nuremberg’ trials against United States?

12 November 2015 (14:26 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Aban 1394/29 Muharram 1437/01 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

“The ICC therefore has jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed on the territory of Afghanistan…..

…the Office has found that the information available provides a reasonable basis to believe that crimes under articles 7 and 8 of the Statute have been committed in the situation in Afghanistan, including crimes against humanity of murder under article 7(1)(a), and imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty under article 7(1)(e); murder under article 8(2)(c)(i); cruel treatment under article 8(2)(c)(i); outrages upon personal dignity under article 8(2)(c)(ii); the passing of sentences and carrying out of executions without previous judgement pronounced by a regularly constituted court under article 8(2)(c)(iv); intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population or against individual civilians under article 8(2)(e)(i); intentionally directing attacks against personnel, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance under article 8(2)(e)(iii); intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to education, cultural objects, places of worship and similar institutions under article 8(2)(e)(iv); and treacherously killing or wounding a combatant adversary under article 8(2)(e)(ix).

…The information available suggests that victims [of the United States] were deliberately subjected to physical and psychological violence, and that crimes were allegedly committed with particular cruelty and in a manner that debased the basic human dignity of the victims. The infliction of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques,’ applied cumulatively and in combination with each other over a prolonged period of time, would have caused serious physical and psychological injury to the victims. Some victims reportedly exhibited psychological and behavioural issues, including hallucinations, paranoia, insomnia, and attempts at self-harm and self-mutilation.”Report on Preliminary Examination Activities (2015), The Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court

Russia to create new military alliance in response to Obama’s moves in Afghanistan! 

Obama regime murders 17 cops in Afghanistan, to stop drug bust! 


“It is a bummer…we can’t keep going.” ObamaCare kills nursing programs! Disney kills Planet Hollywood? Idaho housing market lies! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 08 – 09 November 2015

Arizona: In Phoenix, after 30 years Ofelia’s bridal shop shutdown, the pissed-off owner said she never recovered from the 2008 recession: “When the economy come down, they [suppliers] continue to sell me a bunch of dresses, and I don’t sell them!”-Ofelia Martinez

California:  San Ramon based oil giant Chevron announced it will eliminate 1-thousand jobs at an oil field that’s located in a ‘neutral zone’ between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait!  Chevron administrators blame the Saudis and the Kuwaitis who have caused all work at the disputed site to stop, for months now.   An algae bloom has killed the Dungeness crabbing industry.  The algae makes the crabs poisonous to eat.

Colorado: Englewood (Meridian) based Dish-Network reported a net loss of 23-thousand customers in its 3rd quarter!   

Failed State Florida:  Planet Hollywood issued a shutdown WARN for its Disney Springs location, 468 people out-o-work by mid-January 2016!  However, the overrated restaurant company claims the layoffs are temporary as they plan to build an expensive new restaurant inline with the new Downtown Disney attraction.

Idaho: What housing market recovery?  Time for a reality check on misleading Idaho news reports about increased home loan applications.  The overwhelming majority of mortgage applications are concentrated in one county, Ada, which is home to The Gem State’s capitol Boise.  The further away you get from Ada County the more the number of applications crash and burn.  Only 8% of applications came from minorities who faced a 20% rejection rate (higher than non-minorities).  Many of the mortgage applications were for refinance of existing loans, or existing home improvement/repair projects, not for buying a home.  The Associated Press did not give a specific source for their info, vaguely referring to the “banks and mortgage companies” as their source.

Illinois:  In Winnetka, after 24 years O’Neil’s Restaurant shutting down by January 2016.  The owner is focusing on his other two restaurants because “We tried remodeling O’Neil’s and changing the menu but…it just ran out of gas.”

Iowa: In Davenport, after 66 years Riefe’s Family Restaurant shutting down after Xmas, 55 jobs lost.  The owner said he needed to spend more time with his family.  After 50 years the last Family Foods grocery store shutting down.  Don Goetz, the co-owner of the Anamosa store, said “We hung on as long as we could, but we lost money for the last four or five years.”

Minnesota: In Austin, Riverland Community College joins the new trend of eliminating nursing programs and laid off six nursing instructors and halted the enrollment of new nursing students!  Administrators blame ObamaCare saying “We’re making changes in the curriculum so that our program is more reflective of the health industry today.”  Here’s the list of Minneapolis based Target store shutdowns to take place across the U.S. by the end of January 2016: Austin, Texas. Odessa, Florida. Casa Grande, Arizona. Victorville, California.  Flint, Michigan. Columbus & Springfield, Ohio. Milwaukee & Superior, Wisconsin. New Ulm, Minnesota. Ottumwa, Iowa. Anderson, Indiana. Louisville, Kentucky.

Failed State New Jersey: Too Big to Jail Manufacturers and Traders Trust (aka M&T Bank) issued a mass layoff WARN for New Jersey relating to the shutdown of their Buffalo, New York, location.  366 New Jerseyans to become unemployed by January 2016! (however, I’ve not seen any WARN issued through the New York Department of Labor)

Failed State New York:  In Massapequa Park Village, after 42 years Rosanne’s Jewelry shutting down in January 2016.

Pennsylvania: ObamaCare likely behind the job destruction at AmeriHealth Administrators.  They issued two mass layoff WARNs saying 476 Keystone State jobs (130 at Horsham & 346 at Fort Washington) are being lost as the company is moving elsewhere!  Pooka’s Hookah & BYOB Lounge shutting down, the owner warned back in October “I realize I must part with my Dreams. Time pass’s and life decides our destiny.”

Rhode Island: In Providence, after eight years Mediterreneo Restaurant shutdown, the corporate owners admitted they were made an offer for the property which they could not refuse.

Texas: TXU Energy is offering its customers free electricity at night time, the catch is higher electricity rates for daytime use.

Wisconsin: In New Richmond, after five years Brady’s Brewhouse shutdown: “A business has to close when there is not as many sales as there are expenses. It is a bummer that we can’t keep going. We just didn’t have enough sales or customers to keep us open.”-Chris Polfus, owner

06-07 November 2015: “We can’t stick it out any longer”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Dumbing Down Japan: ‘Secret’ order to eliminate ‘thinking’ classes revealed! “attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.”

08 November 2015 (09:57 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Aban 1394/25 Muharram 1437/27 Ding-Hai 4713

Back in June the U.S. backed neo-imperialist government of Japan ordered all 86 taxpayer funded universities to “abolish or convert” courses that are not considered useful to big corporations (using the the Orwellian doublespeak term “society’s needs” when they really meant big corporations’ needs).  Those course to be abolished involve literature, history, philosophy and social sciences.

There is growing protests over the order to dumb down Japan:

“Pursuing studies of humanities and social sciences may not produce quick economic results, but shunning them risks producing people who are only interested in the narrow fields……Studies of literature, history, philosophy and social sciences are indispensable in creating people who can view developments in society and politics with a critical eye….Shimomura’s [Hakubun Shimomura of Ministry of Education issued the order to abolish such courses] move may be interpreted as an attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.-The Japan Times

“…there is a need for the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences (HSS) to work closely together in order to….play a vital and unique role in critically comparing, contrasting and reflecting on the way in which human beings and society operate.”-The Science Council of Japan

“…abolishing subjects such as sociology and philosophy just because they are not useful in business is incredibly short-sighted….business and making money is not everything in a society….”-Makoto Watanabe, Hokkaido Bunkyo University

Even the federation of Japanese businesses known as Keidanren condemned the order to dumb down their employees, basically saying Japanese businesses need employees who can think for themselves.

Japan admits Fukushima workers dying of cancer!

U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Human Rights apply only to Japanese citizens!