Tag Archives: wall street

False Flag: New suspect search, news media changing its report!

02 December 2015, 17:14 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Live news media saying a house to house manhunt is underway in the area where the GMC Yukon was destroyed by police gunfire.  Reporting that residents saw somebody jumping their fences.  Live news media now saying it’s unknown how many shooters are out there.  Initially they said three men stormed the Inland Regional Center.  Now two suspects dead.  A man arrested in another area after a police car chase.  Residents saying they’re seeing a man or men jumping fences.

Marine Corps General says Obama regime Big Ass Liars & Failures, as thousands of Islamic State operatives already in United States!

Anti-Terror drill ends up killing people! Or was it really a False Flag op that was found out? 

False Flag: Witness to shootout says suspect dressed like “officer”! News media making effort not to show bodies.

02 December 2015, 17:05 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

ABC7 live reporter interviewed witness who was driving behind cop chase.  He gave his name as Jose Rocha and said once the shooting started a person ran out of the GMC Yukon who “looked like an officer”.  Jose pointed to his own shirt to indicate the clothing worn by the now dead suspect looked like police or military uniform.

Jose also said before Yukon stopped the suspects were “throwing things out of the back window”.  He said cops told him they were bombs.  The area is locked down, even Jose’s car has been locked down by cops using the excuse that they have to search the area because of what was being thrown from the Yukon.

Jose said once the Yukon stopped it was “constant shooting”.  He indicated the Yukon’s gas tank was shot, saying gas was coming out before it stopped.

It’s interesting that Jose says suspects are dressed like “officers” and then the fact that live news media stated they will not show suspects’ bodies.

False Flag: 2nd dead suspect!

02 December 2015 (16:53 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

San Bernardino police pull dead body out of back seat of GMC Yukon, using armored Bobcat called a TacCat.   Now pulling out other items, live news anchors speculate there is a third suspect in the vehicle.

Policeman behind armored wall of TacCat.

Shoot out area is two miles from San Bernardino airport.

False Flag: Another ‘suspect’ arrested? Live reporter questions why suspects were still out & about!

02 December 2015 (16:34 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Live reporter says police arrested a man in a separate incident.  A man driving a sedan was chased by cops, he crashed into a truck carrying water bottles, he then ran on foot before being captured by police.  The incident happened in the area near the Inland Regional Center.

Back at the shootout between cops and people in a black GMC Yukon, a live reporter in the ABC7 helicopter stated “it’s brazen that these suspects would be out driving around knowing that police are out looking for them.”

Armored Bobcat excavator, known as a TacCat, being used to inspect GMC Yukon.

False Flag: California cops shoot driver of black GMC Yukon!

02 December 2015 (16:18 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Live helicopter video shows blacked out GMC Yukon and San Bernardino cop car on four lane city street, guns on the ground, both vehicles riddled with bullets, blood on the ground.

Suspect on ground probably dead.  Responding police conducting neighborhood search for other suspects.   Multi-vehicle accident took place before shoot out.  Live reporter says every window on Yukon, except windshield, shot out calling it a “massive shootout”.

Live video also shows cop car filled with bullet holes, radiator fluid pouring from radiator.  Armored vehicles coming in.  Another suspect might be inside Yukon.  Suspect might have been heading to San Bernardino airport.

False Flag: Obama lies again, says only in America are there mass shootings! He ignores the 4,184 Syrians killed in one month, by Obama’s attempted regime change in Syria!

02 December 2015 (16:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that have no parallel anywhere else in the world.”-Barack Obama, yep, he’s the prez of the United States, CBS News interview

The United Kingdom based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights recently reported that the U.S. instigated war in Syria killed 4-thousand 184 people in the month of November, mainly with U.S. government supplied guns!  In the city of Tadmir alone the U.S. backed Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH executed 18 people on 30 November!

False Flag: Obama flat lies to CBS News about buying guns!

02 December 2015 (16:03 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“We have a no fly list to prevent certain people from flying on planes, but those same people can go into a gun store and buy a gun.”-Barack Obama, yep, he’s the prez of the United States

Here’s the truth, no law abiding U.S. citizen can go into a gun store and buy a gun on the same day.  Federal law says you must wait several days for a criminal background check.  Obama bold faced lied!

False Flag: “Men in black” Police already on scene!

02 December 2015 (15:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Witness said his wife, who works in the Inland Regional Center, said she described a man “dressed in black shooting into the first floor”.   It should be noted that every witness says the same thing about the timeline of when the shooting began, is the same time police were already on scene!  Many family members of ‘victims’ have stated to live reporters that the shooting and the police presence happened at the same time!

False Flag California: Armored Bobcats being used! “they were on a mission.” “they came in with a purpose.”

02 December 2015 (15:18 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Live news reporter says they are intentionally not showing the building where the shooters attacked.  

Live helicopter news video shows armored Bobcat mini-excavator being used.  San Bernardino Police Chief Eric McBride say shooters acted as if they “were on a mission”, adding “they came in with a purpose.”   No hostages taken, says police did not engage attackers.

ABC7 live reporter says four busloads of ‘victims’ have been taken away by law enforcement for “intensive questioning”.

Witness says fire alarm went off shortly after 11:00 hours (UTC-08 Uniform time), when they exited the building’s rooms there were police already on scene, including helicopters, and they were told there are “active shooters” and to go back into the rooms (shelter in place).  The event going on was a banquet for “clients”.  The Inland Regional Center involves several separate buildings, but everybody on scene keeps referring to them as if they were one building.  Shooters appeared to have targeted the building were the banquet was being held.

Another witness says property was surrounded by police, does not think police fired any shots.

A family member of a ‘victim’ says he called his wife at 11:05 to invite her to a party, but she screamed “there’s a shooting” and hung up.  He’s on scene looking for her, the last text message he got from her said police took her to the golf course, he hasn’t been able to find her.  He says she works with kids who have mental disabilities.


False Flag OP in gun control crazy California: FBI refuses to call it Terrorism! Police asking for public’s help! 14 dead, 14 wounded!

02 December 2015 (15:07 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Public asked to call phone number manned by San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.  Several neighboring counties and state law enforcement responded.  

San Bernardino Police Department believes shooters were still in the Inland Regional Center building when police entered, but the suspects somehow escaped and fled in a black SUV.  Says 14 people killed, at least 14 wounded, numbers could go up because not everybody accounted for.  “Hundreds” of people still inside building.   Inland Regional Center involves state and county employees treating mentally ill people.  Police refuse to answer reporter’s questions about how shooters were dressed, says “never heard they were wearing camouflage”.  Will only say shooters were armed with “long guns”.  Bomb technicians on site due to “objects” that were suspicious.   Refuses to reveal to news media what witnesses are saying to police.  Made disclaimer saying “some of this information could change”.

Federal Bureau of Investigation says wounded people still inside Inland Regional Center, refuses to call it a terrorist event!