Tag Archives: wall street

Police true cause of Gun Violence: California man gunned down by half dozen fat-ass cops!

04 December 2015 (11:49 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“They executed my son!”-Gwen Woods, mother of latest victim of police gun violence

While the mainstream U.S. national news media continues to focus on the possible False Flag attack in San Bernardino, California,  there’s no mention of the police shooting that killed who appeared to be an unarmed man.


In cell phone video it looks like between five and eight fat-ass San Francisco cops gun down a man who was trying to walk away from them.

This is a screen grab from a video showing the man begging for his life right before the cops summarily executed him.

Police admit they were pissed-off because the man refused to drop a knife, even after they shot him with a non-lethal-yet-painful pellet bag/bean bag (which explains why the man is cringing in pain).  The videos show that even if the man had a knife he was not wielding it!  The dumb-ass fat-ass cops decided to summarily execute him, apparently because he was suspected of stabbing somebody. The victim’s mother says he was hit 25 times!

You fucking puke-ass cops armed with semi-auto handguns and wearing bullet proof vests are fucking afraid of a man with a knife, and he’s not even threatening you with it!?!?!

The number one excuse that cops give for summarily executing their victims is that they were “fearing for their life” even though in the overwhelming majority of those cases the victim was trying to run away from the homicidal cops!  They were not attacking the cops!  In this case San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi said the man “was not posing a direct threat” to the cops!

Gun Ban Reality Check: Assault Rifles already banned in California! Shooter was mental health employee! 

4,667% increase in theft by cops! More than thefts by ‘criminals’!

Obama regime Homie Town police genocide 7,185 people in Chicago!

California police admit killing 6-thousand 156 civilians over a nine years period!

Cops ramp up genocide as administrators admonish civilian victims!  (this posting has a lot more examples of police gun violence & summary executions, that should prove the cops are the ones waging a terrorist war on the United States)

Fat Ass Cop tasers 100 pound handcuffed woman, now she’s dead!

“This construction here just slaughtered us…!” “…we have not made one penny of profit…” : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 04 December 2015

California: In San Francisco, Roosevelt Tamale Parlor shutdown due to the owner’s “health issues” (so much for ObamaCare).  In Mission Viejo, five years after making a “comeback” Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour shutting down after the Gregorian New Year’s Day.

Georgia: In Decatur, after two years Sobban restaurant shutting down so the owner can focus on his restaurant in Atlanta.

Hawaii:  The Children’s Place in the Windward Mall shutting down after Xmas.  No explanation by administrators, but it’s a clothing store so it should be obvious.

Illinois:  The Sugar Mama Bakery shutting down their Bloomington store, to “be more efficient”.  Japan based train maker Nippon Sharyo eliminating an additional 60 jobs in February 2016.  They already killed off 181 jobs due to problems with their prototype!  In Lakeview, after 39 years The Alley counterculture store shutdown, the pissed-off owner Mark Thomas says “This construction here just slaughtered us….somebody walked in and made an offer I just could not say no…”

Iowa: The Gap, GapKids and babyGap stores in the Kennedy Mall shutting down after Xmas.  They’re clothing stores, so it should be of no surprise.  What automotive industry recovery? Commercial Vehicle Group shutting down their Edgewood factory and moving production to Mexico.

Maryland: Giant Food shutting down their prescription drugs distribution center, 90 jobs being lost to a contractor.

Michigan: Bain Capital affiliated Toys R Us shutting down their 45 years old Southfield store after Xmas.

Minnesota: In Saint Cloud, SNAP Fitness shutting down after Xmas.

Nebraska: In Lincoln, after 23 years music venue Knickerbockers shutting down, the owners blaming it on a property development conspiracy by city administrators: “…we kind of got the impression the city was very interested in this happening.”-Chris Kelley, co-owner

New Jersey: After 70 years Mattson’s Family Market shutdown, the owners blamed competition by corporate grocery stores.

New York:  In Ulster, Sports Authority shutting down the day before Xmas.  Local news media said administrators refuse to explain, it’s a sportings goods store so it should be obvious.  In Ridgewood, after 17 years 1/2 Price Kids clothing shop shutting down after Xmas.  After 57 years the suck-ass economy killing-off Slaterville Volunteer Ambulance Service.  It will cease ops after Xmas due to lack of volunteers. In Glen Falls, after only one year Rare Earth Wine Bar shutting down after Xmas because “…we have not made one penny of profit and it’s simply time to throw in the towel.”

Oregon: After 14 years Hood River Sewing & Vacuum shutdown: “I would have liked to have sold, but I put the word out and in the industry the consensus is that stores like this, unless they’re a lot bigger, just don’t sell. Based on talking to vendor reps and other owners I know, I decided to close.”-Eileen Utroske, co-owner

Pennsylvania:   Strawberry Patch Hallmark card store shutting down after Xmas.  Woods n Water furniture and pool store shutting down next week, due to the owner’s health problems.

Tennessee: Dupont shutting down the last of their Chattanooga  factories after Xmas.

Virginia: Taxsucker Newport News Shipbuilding laying off an additional 7-hundred people in February 2016, blaming decreased spending by a broke U.S. government!

Wisconsin: After 132 years (surviving The Great Depression and several recessions) Ashland Jewelers shutting down after Xmas.  Bank Mutual shutting down four locations, as well as suspending its employee retirement plan!  Administrators say the economy is so bad they need to cut costs by at least $1-million USD per year!   

01-03 December 2015:  “Before Christmas…we’re all going to lose our jobs!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Desperate Failed States: Obama regime wants women for all combat jobs, in direct opposition to his own Generals!

04 December 2015 (07:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“I’m announcing my decision not to make continued exceptions, that is, to proceed with opening all these remaining occupations and positions to women. There will be no exceptions.”-Ashton Carter, desperate incompetent Obama stooge Secretary of Defense

I’ve always said women should be able to fight in front line combat jobs if they can meet the same physical standards as men (some countries they can and do, but not here in the U.S., the majority of females in the U.S. military can barely meet their own dumbed down physical standards) but what the U.S. Department of Defense is doing now is not about Femi-Nazi faux equal rights it’s about desperation, they’re that fucked up!

1972 U.S. Army recruiting ad targeting women. Note the ad ends by saying “Today’s Army wants to join you”, sounds rapist doesn’t it?

The decsion by Obama’s dip-shit of a Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter came in direct contradiction to statements by USMC General Dunford (just as Dunford directly contradicted Carter’s statements about Islamic State, right in front of Carter’s sorry wimp ass face right in front of Congress; Marine Corps General says Obama regime Big Ass Liars & Failures, as thousands of Islamic State operatives already in United States!)!  

This is fucking bull-shit! Shave the hair like a man, why? It’s not about conformity, it’s about making sure your gas mask seals properly! Oh but let me add Equal Fucking Rights, I shave my head you shave yours gott damn it!

Holy shit people! When you have the Secretary of Defense and the top General of the Chiefs of Staff contradicting each other, while sitting next to each other in front of a U.S. Congressional panel, your country is heading down the shit-hole of failed stateism!  

Who said women are Pacifists? Meet some of the 2,000 FEMALE snipers in Syria! 

Rojava Kurds reveal PRO-GUN ANTI-TAX revolution!

“This is where armor fights!” Idaho National Guard returns to the Cold War era , First female combat mechanic! (plus some pics of my strung out militia career)

“Before Christmas…we’re all going to lose our jobs!” Evil Mormon MTC kicked out of Washington? Cabela’s for sale? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 01 – 03 December 2015


Georgia:  Savannah based (and owned by tax-sucking General Dynamics) aircraft maker to the elites Gulfstream eliminating 1-thousand 1-hundred jobs across the U.S.!  Administrators said it was the result of their “evaluations” of where the U.S. economy is heading (down the shit-hole).

Idaho:  Data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows the average income for Idahoans is crashing and burning!  The U.S. Census Bureau also reports an increase in poverty in the State nicknamed The Gem State!   

According to the Idaho Department of Education more than 60 school districts saw decreasing enrollment, even though the overall statewide enrollment levels were up from last year.  For unknown reasons School District 2 (West Ada) is seeing the lion’s share of enrollment increase, far outpacing the next four districts with the top enrollment.

In Nampa, after 28 years the facility for ‘troubled girls’ Syringa House shutting down because the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare stopped sending them ‘troubled girls’.

 The idiot ‘conservative lawmakers’ screwed over the taxpayers again!  The Idaho Supreme Court has ruled that taxpayers must pay the Coeur d’Alene Tribe about $57-thousand USD concerning competition from Round Eye operated horse racing casinos.  An earlier court ruling shut those equine gambling ops down.

Illinois:  Richland Community College laying off staff and refusing to pay MAP grants to students, blaming the failed state ‘lawmakers’ for failing to come up with a budget!

Iowa: Alliant Energy shutting down its Dubuque power plant by June 2017.

Massachusetts:  3D Systems shutting down in the Boston Weak state and eliminating 85 jobs, calling it a “strategic decision”.  After 40 years popular Yenching restaurant shutdown without warning, no explanation just a ‘thank you’ note taped to the door.

Nebraska: Sterling based outdoor adventure store Cabela’s is looking for a new owner, reports say a major stockholder (Elliott Management) is disappointed in continued declining sales and wants to bail.

Nevada: Las Vegas based comic publisher and toy maker Wizard eliminating much coveted jobs with its Wizard World convention ops!  Administrators say the suck-ass economy is forcing them to run their conventions as “efficiently as possible”.

New Mexico: In the city who has the most corrupted cops (according to the U.S. Department of Justice), the Albuquerque Journal eliminated eight customer service jobs, that’s just over half of the customer service positions.  Kroger shutting down their Smith’s grocery store in Socorro, 66 jobs lost in January 2016.

New York:  What construction industry recovery?  Pre-fab building maker FC Modular issued a WARN warning that they might shutdown their Brooklyn Navy Yard ops in February 2016, 194 jobs could be lost!  Too Big to Jail Sterling National Bank issued a layoff WARN,  nine people losing their jobs by March 2016.

Ohio: Zanesville based recycler Axion International chapter 11 bankrupt busted and selling its assets.  In Eldina,The Master’s Touch Floral shutting down after Xmas.  The owner admitted she doesn’t have enough sales to hire more employees, which would make her job much easier, so she’s giving up after 18 years.   Chester Packaging issued a shutdown WARN, 79 jobs lost by April 2016.

Pennsylvania:  Drugs pusher Philidor Rx Services finally revealed to state administrators that they shutdown, back on 23 November, 262 jobs lost!  Bemis Healthcare Packaging shutting down in January 2016, no job numbers given.  Illinois based food maker Mondelēz International issued a WARN for their Philadelphia ops, 251 jobs to be lost!  Food maker Cargill issued shutdown WARNs for three operations in Lititz, 125 jobs lost in January 2016!  At the end of November train car maker ACF issued a WARN saying 181 people will lose their jobs, now local news reports say it’s actually more than 3-hundred jobs being eliminated sometime in January 2016!  PA Media group eliminated seven jobs, blaming grocery chain stores for ending their Sunday Edition advertising.

Texas:   In Fort Worth, Forest Park Medical Center chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale.  After eliminating more than 10-thousand oil field jobs this year, Houston based Schlumberger warned that 2016 will be just as bad saying more jobs will be lost due to “expected reduced activity”.  In El Paso, after 123 years (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) Union Fashion shutting down after Xmas.  It’s blamed on the suck-ass economy.

Virginia: What automotive industry recovery?  Sweden based Volvo announced it will eliminate 734 jobs at their truck factory in Dublin, starting in February 2016!  Local news report said that back in September Volvo execs promised the gov’na they would be hiring more people!

Washington:  The evil Utah based Mormon for profit “facilities” operator Management & Training Corporation issued a shutdown WARN for its Sedro Woolley op, 90 evil taxpayer funded jobs lost at the end of January 2016 (good riddance!).  Redmond based Microsoft eliminating 60 jobs in Israel, claiming it will bring those jobs back home to the U.S. of A.

Washington DC:  More proof ObamaCare (Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act) is a big fail; yet again the cost of paying for healthcare went up, to a record $3-trillion USD in 2014!

West Virginia: In Wierton, the Ponderosa Steakhouse shutting down before Xmas, 30 jobs lost due to new property owners: “I love my job here, and I love my customers. Before Christmas, you know, we’re all going to lose our jobs!”-Shari Stillwagoner, employee

Wisconsin: D&S Manufacturing laid off 26 people, blaming the suck-ass global economy: “In the industry we serve, there’s competition from all over the world now. It’s global, there’s no question … It’s very competitive and it’s getting more challenging.”-John Barkley, vp

28-30 November 2015: More ‘Green’ companies bite the eco-dust! More taxpayer rip-off artists!

U.S. Food Crisis, November 2015: “I sit at night and I worry that…this time somebody got shot…”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Finally, mass polluter JR Simplot near Pocatello hit by regulators!

03 December 2015, 19:55 UTC-07 Tango 01 (13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

These cars in Chubbuck, Idaho, are not sprinkled with snow, it’s phosphorus ‘rain’ from nearby Don Plant.  Click pics to make bigger:

I’ve lived near the JR Simplot ‘Don Plant’ phosphorus refining operation since 1996, and I’m sick of the smell and the white powdery ash that covers my vehicles and plants, contaminating my pet’s water, and etching the outside of my home’s windows.  For years local news media reported that JR Simplot was going to reduce emissions, now the federal EPA and the U.S. Department of Justice have convinced the food controlling giant to spend at least $42-million USD to do just that, lest it be hit with an even bigger fine: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Justice today announced a settlement with the J.R. Simplot Company that resolves alleged Clean Air Act violations related to modifications made at Simplot’s five sulfuric acid plants located near Pocatello, Idaho, Lathrop, California, and Rock Springs, Wyoming.”EPA press release

Simplot Don Plant is actually in Power County, but its mailing address is Pocatello, in Bannock County.

Gun Ban Reality Check: Assault Rifles already banned in California! Shooter was mental health employee!

03 December 2015 (15:47 UTC-07 Tango 01)/12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

So much for gun bans and improving access to mental health! The shooter was an employee of a county run center for people with mental disabilities.  Assault rifles have been illegal to own in California since 2001 (yep, the same year the False Flag 11 September attacks took place).

Any Californian who bought an assault rifle before 2001 must register it with state law enforcement and are banned from selling or transferring ownership of the gun!

California police continue to claim they are confiscating hundreds of illegal assault rifles every year! Many anti-2nd Amendment advocates (thereby making them anti-United States) say that assault rifles flood California from states were they are still legal, that’s a lie!

In the early 1990s, when I lived in California, a sensational case took place in San Francisco.  Thousands of AK-47 assault rifles were captured by federal and state authorities at a port facility, along with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo.  Police would not say how or who tipped them off to the illegal shipment.  The guns were already illegal under existing federal anti-gun laws!  They had no serial numbers (they were made that way) and no documentation of who made them!  Police speculated the guns were made in China and the ammo was made in Russia.  Some police tried to tell California news media that such illegal shipments of assault rifles were how the powerful drugs gangs were getting their guns, but the anti-2nd Amendment news media ignored such statements.  There were several incidents like this during the 1990s and anti-2nd Amendment advocates (including several now infamous Femi-Nazi politicians) used the incidents to justify banning the ownership of legally manufactured and sold assault rifles!

In 2014 I revealed that many of the assault rifles being smuggled into California involved an openly anti-gun California politician with connections to Chinese and Filipino gangs! 

Yet again, another U.S. ally Saudi prince arrested for drugs trafficking! 

Afghanistan: Proof USAID is a Global drug dealer!

Bullied Isle Vista shooter deranged by prescription drugs? 

Bullied High School girl now in prison….Prescription drugs involved! 

California city admits goal of destroying 2nd Amendment Rights! 

 Mexican anti-gun laws a big fail… Government behind most of the violence! 

Ten year anti-gun operation in Florida a big fail!

2nd Amendment is Citizen run Martial Law

Prescription drugs turning citizens into gun wielding zombies! 

The 2nd Amendment is about civilians owning military weapons!!!

U.S. military personnel are drug addicts!

Afghanistan: Two million drug addicts under U.S. occupation! 

California cops caught selling illegal guns!

U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command to admit that many U.S. personnel are drug addicts. 

Afghanistan: The U.S. & U.K. are the biggest drug dealers in the world!

Iran claims U.S. and Israeli governments smuggling Crack & Meth 

False Flag: Suspect has Arabic name! As I warned Islamic State alive & well in U.S. of A.!

02 December 2015, 19:33 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

News sources name a male suspect of the Inland Regional Center attack as Said (Syed) Farouq.  Resident of California, citizenship being investigated.

I wrote yesterday: Marine Corps General says Obama regime Big Ass Liars & Failures, as thousands of Islamic State operatives already in United States! 

False Flag: FBI profiler calls it “hybrid mass shooting”! Says it’s military mission oriented! No more ‘lone shooters’!

02 December 2015, 19:24 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“The quality of living in the United States has changed.”-Mary Ellen O’Toole, former FBI profiler

Live CBS news from California interviewed former FBI profiler, Mary Ellen O’Toole, who said mass shootings are rehearsed.  Warns that current mass shootings are new “hybrid” shootings, involving multiple shooters, both male and female, with escape plans.

‘Hybrid’ shooters are “very mission oriented” engaging in military style operations, with intent to kill as many as possible over a long period of time.  O’Toole stresses that these mass shootings are “new” to the United States!

O’Toole admits you cannot “profile” a mass shooter.  Admits FBI stopped using the word profile, years ago, because each mass shooting shows major differences.

False Flag: Bombs confirmed! FBI still refuses to call it terrorism! Witnesses thought it was a drill!

02 December 2015, 18:48 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Police refuse to say how many suspects.  Confirmed that there was a dispute at the holiday party prior to attack.  Police also confirmed that a ‘tip’ or ‘focus area’ led them to a female and male suspect in the city of Redlands.  A chase ensued which ended in the shootout with the expensive black GMC Yukon.  Police refuse to give details about the ‘tip’, confirm the suspects dressed in “tactical gear”.    

While Obama calls for gun ban police have confirmed that bombs are involved in the Inland Regional Center attack, in San Bernardino, California.  Possession of bombs is already illegal in the United States, obviously no new or current anti-gun laws would’ve prevented this event!

FBI reps say they are still not willing to call it a terrorist attack.  Apparently the FBI had info that led them to the house in Redlands.  Police refuse to talk about that info.

Reporters saying witnesses thought the Inland Regional Center attack was a drill,  as I’ve pointed out in earlier posts most witnesses said police were already staged before shooting started!

Anti-Terror drill ends up killing people! Or was it really a False Flag op that was found out? 

False Flag: News media now says county officials targeted! Female suspect killed?

02 December 2015, 17:48 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Live helicopter reporter saying he sees what looks like a bomb.  Reporter also says 2nd suspect pulled from Yukon looks like a female.

Live news media now says the ‘event’ taking place at the Inland Regional Center when the attack started was a “holiday party” for county administrators.  Earlier witnesses said it was an event for “clients”.   News media revealed that all county offices were shutdown immediately after attack on Inland Regional Center.

Armored Bobcat, TacCat, pulling body of 2nd suspect from Yukon, helicopter report said it looked like a woman.

News media showing cell phone video of witness Jose Rocha, who stated suspects were dressed like “officers”.