Tag Archives: wall street

False Flag or Insanity: Christian Red Cross admits it wants “relationship” with Islamic State!

06 December 2015, 20:12 UTC-07 Tango 01 (16 Azar 1394/24 Safar 1437/26 Wu Zi 4713)

“Yes, we are of course looking at building a relationship…….Ten million people under the control of the Islamic State….”-Yves Daccord, ICRC Director-General

The Christian empire created International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is asking the False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) for “permission” to deliver ‘aid’ to people enslaved by the ‘western christian’ created False Flag takfir Muslim organization.

The desire of the Red Cross to have a “relationship” with DAIISH comes on the eve of a once every four years ICRC global meeting.  At this year’s ICRC meeting the focus will be the so called christian empire created rules of war. The Red Cross wants a resolution that will force all states who have signed the Geneva Convention to reveal how their governments are upholding the rules of war.  That’s a total failure for many reasons, but here’s the biggest: DAIISH is not a recognized government or even a state and as such has never signed-on to those so called Laws of War!

The Red Cross wanting to force legal entities to comply with their own ‘laws’ and at the same time wanting a “relationship” with an entity (DAIISH) that is 100% illegal is a case of wanting to preserve their cake and eat it too.

Red Cross Hummers in Idaho. Why?

Anti-Gun Pathetics: Run Away! becomes official French policy for dealing with terrorism!

05 December 2015, 20:39 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 4713)

Official French policy for dealing with terrorism,




Here’s my suggestion: 

Islamic State adopts Monty Python “Run Away!” tactic because Russia’s airstrikes are working! 

Anti-Gun Pathetics: “This is for Syria!”

False Flag Proof: Iran to reveal evidence Turkey supports Islamic State, U.S. denies it! Turkey invades Iraq, U.S. ignores it!

05 December 2015, 20:26 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 4713)

Major General and doctor Mohsen Rezaei stated that the government of Iran will be publishing evidence its military advisors in Iraq have gathered concerning oil smuggling by Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).  Their evidence backs up Russia’s claims of oil smuggling ops in Syria; that the main buyer of that smuggled oil is U.S. led NATO member Turkey.

Reznaei’s statements come at the same time Turkey invaded northern Iraq.  So far the Turkish government and ‘western’ news media say it’s a mission to train Kurds fighting DAIISH.  That’s a bold faced lie for two reasons!

1: The Iraqi government never asked Turkey for such a training mission and is now demanding Turkey get the fuck-outta their country: “The Iraqi authorities call on Turkey to… immediately withdraw from Iraqi territory…. considered a serious violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”-Fuad Masum, President of Iraq

2: Turkey has repeatedly declared war on the Kurdish people!  Turkey has made no distinction between Kurdish political movements in Syria (Rojava), northern Iraq or within Turkey, constantly attacking them all.  Now they claim they’re engaged in military training of Iraqi Kurds?

The Obama regime, shown to be pathological liars by Blind Bat News, adamantly denies their puppet Turkey buys oil from DAIISH, even though more than 1-thousand 4-hundred oil trucks from DAIISH controlled areas go to Turkey, every day!

Now the Obama regime is warning of terrorist attacks against U.S. government personnel in Turkey: “Due to information about a possible security threat against the U.S. Consulate compound in Istanbul, the U.S. Consulate General Istanbul advises all U.S. citizens to avoid U.S. Consulate in Istanbul through the remainder of the weekend until December 6, 2015.”-Overseas Security Advisory Council

Iraq declares war on United States after Obama regime revealed new ‘Special Operations’ offensive! 

World War 3: United States invades Syria!

False Flag Proof: Italy traces U.S. cash through charity to Turkey to Islamic State!

05 December 2015, 19:34 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 4713)

The Italian government has shutdown a charity group claiming to raise money for Syrian children.  The charity dealt in U.S. and European cash that was then sent to the U.S. led NATO member Turkey, who then paid Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) insurgents.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) says that more than 75% of the ‘western’ countries that claim they’ve frozen terrorist bank accounts in fact have not!


Obama proves he is incompetent! Thinks DAIISH & ISIL are two different groups! 

False Flag Proof: International ‘cash police’ says U.S. cash is King of Crime!

05 December 2015, 19:11 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 4713)

“…….The currencies most frequently encountered in consignments of criminal cash – the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Swiss franc, etc. – are the most stable, widely used……” -FATF study reveals the U.S. dollar is by far the most used form of cash within criminal organizations

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) study Money Laundering Through the Physical Transportation of Cash also found that the number one source of U.S. cash for “criminal organizations”  was drug trafficking, followed by smuggling and then tax fraud.  I’ve written many times how the United States, United Kingdom and NATO are the biggest drug dealers in the world.

The FATF study also showed the top reasons for illegal money transfers cross borders is to avoid “audits” and government fees, remember many executives of ‘western’ corporations admit to this.  However, the authors of the FATF study admit that government increased regulations on controlling cash actually increases what’s known as Capital Flight (cash leaving the place of origin, thereby weakening the local economy).   In political science such a vicious cycle is considered a sign of what’s called the Failed State system.

FATF says the U.S. instigated drug war in Mexico also involves money laundering on a massive scale: “…from USD 6 billion to USD 36 billion annually, with a generally accepted figure being around USD 25 billion….

Cash derived from regional drug sales is generally taken to a central counting house in one of several US cities, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The cash in its original form is usually in low denomination notes, and is converted to USD 100 or USD 50 bills, either at the consolidation points or in the original cities of sale.

The potential impact of any seizures is reduced by a variety of means, including regular rotation of transport vehicles and restricting the size of individual shipments to between USD 150 000 to USD 500 000, so that if any one vehicle is stopped the loss is not significant to the criminal organisation concerned and so does not significantly disrupt its operations. Typically multiple cars are sent, each carrying a relatively small percentage of any given cash shipment. The Mexican criminal organisations constantly rotate drivers who drive the cash shipments from the consolidation centre to the designated border town close to the drug trafficking centre of the particular trafficking organisation. The cash is either aggregated and vacuum packed in a safe house on the US side of the border before being shipped into Mexico….”

In 2014 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security declared victory in the drugs war in Mexico and claimed it had arrested more than 2-thousand 3-hundred people and captured more than $547-million USD in cash as part of the ongoing Operation Pacific Rim.  If it’s a victory, tell that to the innocent Mexicans still being slaughtered today!  Operation Pacific Rim included the creation of the Bulk Cash Smuggling Center in 2009.  Could this actually be a False Flag cash smuggling operation under the guise of fighting cash smuggling?

In 2014 the Tunisian government conducted Operation Hannibal to determine the main type of cash being smuggled through its banks.  It’s the U.S. dollar!  In fact 94% of cash smuggled through the northern African country is U.S. dollars, European Union euros and United Kingdom pounds, in other words ‘western’ cash.

Drugs number one cause of mass shootings in U.S.

United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war

Obama led NATO biggest drug dealer in the World? Amphetamines, it’s what Islamic State does! 

Obama Lies: Women lead terrorist attack in Chad, anti-gun U.S. news media ignores it!

05 December 2015, 18:20 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 10th month 4713)

Three suicide bombers blew themselves up in three different places at the weekly market on Loulou Fou, an island in Lake Chad.”-statement by Chad government

The African country known as Chad reporting a terrorist attack which killed at least 27 people and wounded at least 130.  This comes a few days after U.S. False Flag anti-2nd Amendment president Barack Obama stated “We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that have no parallel anywhere else in the world.”

Tell that to the people of Chad!  The three kamikaze bombers were women, something that shocks U.S. and European news media weenie heads.

“…..Barack Obama in his second mandate would be buried in a deluge of images which would present him as the most sinister character in the history of the United States.–Fidel Castro Ruz, 2013

Obama lies again, says only in America are there mass shootings! 

Obama flat lies to CBS News about buying guns!

Kenya: Anti-Terror drill ends up killing people! Or was it really a False Flag op that was found out? 

The Great Reneger: Obama cancels future oil drilling operations!

The Great Reneger: Obama will NOT withdraw U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan!

Obama preps for war with Iran! Reneges on ending sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”! 

Obama Lies: Hey United States, why don’t you get out of the dozens of countries you occupy? 

Obama lies: European election observer contradict Obama saying Crimean referendum was lawful! 

Obama lies: Contrary to what Obama tells you International Law says any region can declare independence from any government!

Iraq buys Russian aircraft, after Obama regime apparently reneges on F-16 delivery! 

Obama reneges on Ukraine ceasefire, imposes new sanctions on Russia!

Obama lies again: Instead of closing Gitmo, he’s increasing military guards!

Obama lies about having the support of the International Community 

Iran captures Al Qaeda members trying to launch attack inside Iran, links to the United States, Obama lies 

Obama reneges on Afghan prison handover, Karzai getting pissed!

Obama lies about freedom of speech, bans two newspapers from White House 

Anti-Gun Pathetics: “This is for Syria!” Gun ban fails to stop knife attack in United Kingdom!

05 December 2015, 17:32 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 10th month 4713)

In a country that bans gun ownership for the overwhelming majority of its ‘subjects’, yet another terrorist attack has taken place, and yet again the weapon of choice was an edged weapon  (and yes, the U.K. even regulates the ownership of knives).

Reports say the attack took place on the London subway system known as The Tube or The Underground.  A man shouting “This is for Syria!” began slashing people with a knife.  Several False Flag ‘western’ news media said the man had a machete, yet witness after witness said he had a knife about three inches long.  The average machete has a blade more than 12 inches long.

Gun Control U.K.: Strict gun ban doesn’t stop elected officials from owning outlawed guns!

Gun Control U.K.: God & anti-gun laws failed to prevent Christian college teacher from being stabbed to death! 

Martial Law Idaho: Homeless being forced into concentration camp! Proof Idaho’s economy sucks!

04 December 2015, 22:55 UTC-07 Tango 01 (14 Azar 1394/22 Safar 1437/24 Wu Zi 4713)

The City of Boise launched a secretive, surprise attack on a vulnerable community.  We are aware of no open meeting that the City ever held about its plan, nor did the City ever discuss its plan with Cooper Court residents.  The planning was done behind closed doors, to intentionally keep the broader community out.  The taxpayers and the people directly impacted were left out…….the City intentionally created panic, confusion, and paranoia.  Worse, it is forcibly evicting and processing human beings.-American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho 

“Today is a day we have to stand up and help people in our community……this isn’t about enforcement this is about the safety of these people.”-William Bones, police chief of Boise making Orwellian Doublespeak statement, all police state systems use the same rationalization

“The situation at Cooper Court has become increasingly a concern for us. I hoped as it got colder, the numbers would go down. Unfortunately, it went the other way.-Dave Bieter, incompetent Marie Antoinette-ist mayor of Boise 

“If they’re not going in the shelter, they’re going to go find a place to camp. It’s going to be freezing cold, we’re not gonna be able to get anything to them. And that’s how we lose people every year. This is going to kill people.-Jodi Peterson, Cooper Court volunteer

“…we don’t know what’s going to happen to us. We don’t know where we’re going to go, we have no one but each other and if they do separate us then we don’t even have each other!-Jojo Valdez, homeless woman, by the way separating people is a proven tactic of genocide

Local TV station KTVB confirmed homeless people are being “processed”.

The city of Boise has ordered 3-hundred fascist cops, city personnel and even so called ‘charity’ groups to disband the homeless town known as Cooper Court under the guise of a new ‘anti-camping’ law.  Captured homeless people are to be interned in the Temporary Community Resource Center (TCRC) at the Fort Boise Community Center.  However, local newspaper Idaho Statesman reports that homeless people have been able to escape the round up, with “only a fraction” of the Cooper Court ‘campers’ arriving at the TCRC concentration camp.

One area of Cooper Court, Boise, Idaho.

Cooper Court included homeless families with children.  Back in September homeless advocates stressed that even if the Boise fascists shut the tent city down it wouldn’t solve the growing problem of people losing their homes: “This tent city is exposing a huge donut hole of our current services….Even if everyone were to be moved away, it wouldn’t change homelessness in Boise.-Wyatt Schroeder, CATCH of Ada County  (scary Orwellian name for a charity group for homeless people, CATCH, but they sound sincere)

Boise, Idaho, renders 400 War Refugees homeless in the name of jacking up rents! 

Census Bureau says Idaho incomes down, poverty up! 

Police Cause Gun Violence: Cops charged with murder triples, former cop credits video evidence!

04 December 2015, 22:04 UTC-07 Tango 01 (14 Azar 1394/22 Safar 1437/24 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“You have to wonder if there would have been charges if there wasn’t video evidence.”Philip Stinson, former policeman now Bowling Green State University criminologist who compiles data about criminal cops

Stinson has told the Associated Press about what has transpired so far in 2015: 15 cops charged with murder or manslaughter while on duty, that’s triple the yearly average.  It should be noted this involves on-duty police, not cops who were off duty, or cops charged with lesser crimes!  Stinson stresses that if it weren’t for civilians demanding that video evidence be used most cops literally get away with murder, and remember, Stinson is a former cop.

This had all the trappings of a life-threatening situation for a law-enforcement officer, PCP-laced juvenile who had been wreaking havoc on cars with a knife, except you have the video that shows a straight-out execution!-Joseph Tacopina, New York lawyer who has defended police in the past

“For forever, police have owned the narrative of what happened between any encounter between a police officer and a civilian.  What video does is it takes that power of the narrative away from the police……If not for the recording, I have no doubt that the officer in the Walter Scott case would be out on patrol today.-David A. Harris, University of Pittsburgh law professor

Stinson et al: California Police Sexual Misconduct Arrest Cases, 2005-2011

Stinson: The Criminal Behavior of Sworn Law Enforcement Officers

Stinson et al: Arrested Officers and Their Victims

Police true cause of Gun Violence: California man gunned down by half dozen fat-ass cops! 

Martial Law: Uncle Sam knows how many guns you own!

04 December 2015 (12:16 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

U.S. gun owners are constantly told there is no gun registry system in the United States, that’s a lie!  Even The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence bold face lies and states “…federal law prohibits the use of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to create any system of registration of firearms or firearm owners.”

If that’s true then explain the federal ATF National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, as well as U.S. Census Bureau records of gun ownership! 

CBSNews recently posted an expose on how many guns are owned by U.S. citizens, and they used federal gun registry data!  

At least eight states require gun registry, California being one.  A few states actually ban the registering of guns.  Yet CBSNews has data from every state through the federal government!  The only way this could be is that the federal criminal background check is also being used as a gun registry system, despite what we’re constantly being told.

Gun Ban Reality Check: Assault Rifles already banned in California!