Tag Archives: wall street

World War 3: United States kills dozens of Syrian civilians in latest airstrike!

08 December 2015 (15:12 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Azar 1394/25 Safar 1437/27 Wu Zi 4713

Less than 24 hours after the U.S. led NATO bombed Syrian government forces (instead of Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH) the United Kingdom based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports at least 36 civilians killed and 20 wounded in the town of al Kahn, Haksa Governorate, by another U.S. led NATO airstrike.

Syrian government sources said the toll may go higher as many people are afraid of going to the hospital because the United States has a reputation for bombing hospitals.

Al Kahn (al Kahna) town is considered to be in False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) controlled territory.  NATO sources claim DAIISH were seen entering the town, that’s why they bombed it.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the Obama regime has accepted responsibility for only one civilian death in Syria so far.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claim they have documented at least 246 civilian deaths caused directly by United States.

What happened to the real hijacked 9-11 airliners, or MH370? Take a look, and be scared!

08 December 2015 (11:50 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Azar 1394/25 Safar 1437/27 Wu Zi 4713

The claim that the airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center were not the actual civilian airliners has been poo-pooed by countering ‘then what happened to the real airliners?’  The same has been said about claims Malaysian Airlines MH370 was actually flown to a secret airport.  Guess what, there’s plenty of pictorial evidence of such secret airports!  Most are abandoned airports or military bases, but even today the operating airport in Malaysia has revealed they have several airliners that nobody knows where they came from or who owns them!  Take a look at the evidence, see if any look like planes that we’ve been told disappeared or were used in terrorist attacks.

A couple of the several abandoned airliners recently ‘discovered’ at Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

In 2014, it was revealed that NATO supported insurgents in Libya ‘disappeared’ 11 airliners from the Tripoli International Airport, they have yet to be found.

Abandoned commuter airliners Abilene, Texas, near USAF Dyess Air Force Base.

Three abandoned airliners at the vacated Greek Ellinikon International Airport.

Dozens of abandoned airliners spotted in 2008, at United Kingdom’s Lasham airfield.

Hundreds of abandoned airliners at the Southern California Logistics Airport, in Victorville, formerly the USAF George Air Force Base.

Just a few of the thousands of airliners at the world’s largest airliner graveyard at Mojave Air & Space Port in California.

Pinal Airpark, Arizona.

Phoenix Goodyear Airport, Arizona.

Roswell International Air Center, New Mexico.

Abandoned Boeing 737 in a residential neighborhood Bali, Indonesia.

A second Boeing 737 also in Bali, Indonesia.

Do your own research, you’ll be amazed….  Then try to figure out what happened to the passengers…

California Shooting CRAFT INTERNATIONAL False Flag Op! News media continually described black GMC, innocents in black Ford sacrificed! Witnesses swear shooters were 3 men!

08 December 2015 (10:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Azar 1394/25 Safar 1437/27 Wu Zi 4713

“…just one in a long string of false flag events that I am afraid to say are not over. We’ll probably be seeing several more before the end of the year, because of the events that are going on in the world, specifically with the NATO being implicated in the buying of oil from DAIISH and other events…”-Steven D Kelley, former NSA/CIA contractor

In the immediate aftermath of the 02 December Inland Regional Center shootings in San Bernardino, California, all mainstreamer news sources were being told by the FBI and local police that basically nobody saw it coming, then yesterday the FBI came out and stated that the couple police murdered had been radicalized “for some time”.

And it could be outright murder by cop of that couple, why? Because they were driving in a black Ford Expedition, not the black GMC Yukon that I heard every California TV stations repeatedly describe all afternoon!  I even heard several California TV newscasters question why the suspected shooters were still driving around in the area hours after the Inland Regional Center shooting went down.

Police even admitted they targeted the couple because the man had left the Inland Regional Center holiday party upset after getting in an argument with co-workers.  He and his immigrant wife were set up, murdered by the very perpetrators of the shooting, it’s called being a patsie!  Not only does the couple’s Ford Expedition not match what the local mainstreamer news was describing for hours on end, but the couple does not match witness after witness testimony that the shooters were at least three men!

Witness after witness interviewed by local SoCal TV news said there were three shooters, all men.  One woman, interviewed after the cops murdered the two people (a man and a woman) in the Ford Expedition (at that time the media was still calling it a GMC Yukon), swore that it was three men doing the shooting at the Inland Regional Center.  The live reporter asked her if she was sure, based on what cops were saying at that point, and she stated the shooters were “Three athletically built males.” 

Then there’s the man who said his wife called him from the Center and said “A man dressed in black was shooting into the first floor of the building.”   This was while other relatives of people inside the Inland Regional Center said “two men were walking the hallways shooting”.

Then there’s Jose Rosa who said he was driving on the street where cops blasted what we now know is a Ford Expedition.  He said he was forced to stop, it sounded like the cops didn’t expect him to be there, but he said he saw a “man dressed like an officer” exit the black SUV.  Many witnesses described the three male shooters as being dressed in black and/or tan uniforms.

“The people that were on the scene and saw this happen also reported that three tall white men wearing black shirts, khaki pants and tanned combat boots were actually the shooters. The description is almost exactly what the gentlemen from Craft International, the mercenary organization that was involved in so many other false flags, actually look like. This seems to be their standard uniform. The people that are being implicated, the couple, first of all if they were planning something, if they were radicalized as this is being said, and clearly the NSA, the FBI will be right on the top of these people all the time, but rather than stopping them from doing something, they were nurtured to be used for this exact purpose. I do not suspect that these people have anything to do with the actual shooting. I suspect that these were patsies. Obviously, the United States is getting very very desperate; the government here is very desperate, they need to do something immediately to disarm the United States prior to a revolution, because the people here are waking up very fast, and they are ready to shut down this evil empire.”-Steven D Kelley, former NSA/CIA contractor

Chris Kyle, now dead? founder of Craft International

Craft International was founded by ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle.  In 2014 his wife sued Craft International for illegally using his image, after he was killed, to promote themselves.

“Kyle is in major trouble. He had just published a book, American Sniper, in which he had proven to have lied. Moreover, the lie was against a prominent individual, Jesse Ventura, who called him on the lies and ending up suing him for defamation. It was a clear case for Ventura: he was in the right, and he could prove it. That meant the damages could be big, far more than Kyle could possibly afford. Trial was set for August 1, 2013. Then, suddenly, people are to believe, the veteran sniper turns up dead, shot to death by an associate on a firing range.”– Did Craft International’s Chris Kyle Fake his Death?

Pic of Craft International mercenary planting backpack bomb at Boston Marathon, it’s definitely not a Chechen: 

Be aware that nobody was allowed into the area where the black Ford Expedition was blasted, not only during and after the police execution, but even before!  I saw several witness in the neighborhood tell local TV that police told everybody to stay away BEFORE THE MASSIVE GUNFIRE TARGETING THE FORD EXPEDITION BEGAN!  Even a newspaper reporter stated he was prevented from entering the area when the cops aimed their guns on him and order him to leave.

I’ve witnessed this type of False Flag tactic used by San Bernardino County Sheriff deputies before.  They seal off a neighborhood before perpetrating a crime.  In 1983 I was driving home from work after working several hours overtime at Edwards Air Force Base Bombing Range, it was almost midnight when I approached my residence in Hesperia, California.  Just two blocks from my street there was a couple of what looked to be hastily erected barricades, no signage no police visible, I drove around the barricades as there was no other way to get to my street.  Suddenly I was swarmed by San Bernardino County cop cars, with one deputy drawing his weapon and screaming like a drugged out speed freak.  Not once did he ask for my ID, he did not ask me to get out of my car, all he was freaked out about was that I had crossed the barricade.  He was literally screaming his head off, pointing his revolver at me.  I explained I was on my way home from work and even tried to show him my driver’s license to prove my address.  He screamed at me to get home and if he saw me again that night he would “shoot your sorry ass!”   And I’m not even ‘black’ or ‘Hispanic’!

This was the first of several incidents where I learned that the number one drugs dealer in San Bernardino County is the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department!  I had friends in Victorville and Hesperia who were into drug use and guess where they bought most of their drugs from?  San Bernardino County cops!  In one case we went to a house in Victorville, the deputy had his  taxpayer issued cop car parked in his driveway, he sold my friend a baggie of ganja right thought his bedroom window!  There were a lot of house parties back in the ’80s, and at one party I identified a man selling cocaine as a San Bernardino County deputy because I had encountered him before, when he was wearing his cop uniform. The amazing thing is nobody else at the party seemed upset that he was a cop.

In the mid 1990s, as a TV news producer at KYMA in Yuma, Arizona, I was constantly getting phone calls from people claiming to have evidence that cops were behind the massive drugs smuggling from Mexico.  I was particularly interested in the calls we constantly got from people in Mohave County, Arizona.  Dozens of calls from different people claiming their sons had been “recruited” by San Bernardino County (which borders Arizona’s Mohave County) deputies to act as drug informants only to have them arrested and imprisoned once they crossed into California!  In other words, teenagers in Arizona were being set up by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department in California, given drugs to ‘traffick’ into California under the guise of being an undercover agent for ‘the good guys’ then being arrested by those good guys and having all their property stolen under the Criminal and Civil Forfeiture laws.  After asking my News Director, several times, about investigating these allegations I was finally brought into a closed door meeting where I was told “We in the news media don’t report such things.  We don’t give airtime to people in jail or even the man on the street when it comes to serious issues. Our only official sources are the government and corporate representatives.”  It was further explained that this unwritten policy was at the suggestion of news media attorneys who were trying to prevent lawsuits, or the FCC from shutting us down.  It’s also unwritten policy for local TV news to “make friends” with local law enforcement.

My last few weeks at KYMA, in 1996 before being transferred to KPVI in Pocatello, Idaho, was covering a mass shooting event.  That shooting involved two Yuma cops machine gunned to death, each one having a full clip of MAC10 rounds pumped into them while they were at the combined drug task force HQ.  Who was the shooter?  Another cop!  A cop who was setting himself up as THE drug lord of Algodones, Mexico!   The two cops he killed had been investigating the disappearance of guns, cash and drugs from their evidence vault, and the trail led to this undercover U.S. cop operating in Mexico.  An obvious question we in the local news media were not allowed to ask was how did this undercover cop know that he was being investigated, and how did he know who the investigating cops were?  The obvious answer is he was tipped off by fellow ‘bad cops’.  DON’T TELL ME THE COPS AND THE GOVERNMENT ARE ON OUR SIDE, THEY ARE THE PUPPET MASTERS OF DRUG DEALERS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES!  Drugs are the number one cause of mass shootings in United States! 

United Police States: 2 Idaho prisoners die in 1 day! Evil Mormon MTC & drugs involved? 

False Flag Proof: International ‘cash police’ says U.S. cash is King of Crime!

Police Cause Gun Violence: Cops charged with murder triples, former cop credits video evidence! 

False Flag: Obama says no signs of impending terrorist attack upon U.S., so get ready for it! 

False Flag: Somebody stole weapons from the U.S. Army! Again?

Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare!

United Police States: Woman forced to undergo forced body cavity search, then cops send her the bill! 

07 December 1941 vs 07 December 2015, the United States is now the evil Empire wreaking genocide across the world!

Did any of the true red, white & blue U.S. mainstream national news media remember to remember that infamous day in history?  Nope, they failed: “….December 7th, 1941, a date that will live in infamy!”


Japan bombs the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Army in the Hawaiian Territory, about 3-thousand people killed.


On that day Japan also attacked Thailand, British Malaya, U.S. Territory of Guam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Shanghai, Singapore and U.S. Wake Island, but nobody talks about that.  In Europe, Nazi Germany declared Operation Night Fog, a genocidal plan to eliminate any European who was openly opposed to the Nazi political organization, but nobody talks about that.  It has been documented that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan used False Flag ‘terrorism’ events to justify implementing such genocidal acts.  It should be noted that while it was 07 December in the Western Hemisphere it was 08 December for Japan and Germany.

Canada immediately declared war on Japan on 07 December (Western Hemisphere time).  United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands and New Zealand waited until 08 December to declare war on Japan.  Oddly, China declares war on Japan on 09 December 1941, even though Japan invaded and occupied China in 1937 (using a False Flag terrorism excuse)!

07 December 2015:  74 years later and it is the United States and United Kingdom who are now the evil empires (?perhaps they are actually one empire?) creating False Flag ‘terrorism’ attacks around the world to justify their genocidal acts.  The reason is the same as the true reason for Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan; the capture and/or control of economic resources.  (you can also control a resource by destroying access to it, what I call Control Through Chaos)

Afghanistan:  The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission says violence against women has increased 7% under continued U.S. occupation.  That’s based on reports from just three provinces of Paktia, Khost and Paktika, within a nine months period. 150 cases involving murder, suicide, rape, forced marriage and economic crimes.

In Nangarhar Province, a truck bomb wounded 12 people, the truck driver was killed.  He tried to ram the truck into a police compound.

The current government of Afghanistan has become so distrustful of the United States that it made an official appeal to Russia for military help!  Russian administrators gave the U.S. a subtle warning: “They [requests] are being worked out, but all will be decided proportionally, reasonably and carefully. Let the Americans take care….as they are there with NATO forces, this is the their problem first of all.-Zamir Nabiyevich Kabulov, Russian envoy to Afghanistan

Canada: The new government of the U.S. led NATO member reiterated it will end airstrike operations against the False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria])!  The Canucks claim they’re going to “do something more efficient” about DAIISH.

Egypt: The ‘western’ puppet government continues to expand their moat building operations to cut off southern Gaza-Palestine under the guise of destroying ‘terrorist’ tunnels, claiming they destroyed 20 tunnels on 07 December.

Germany: A growing number of German politicians are openly admitting that U.S. ally Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is directly funding terrorism: “We must make it clear to the Saudis that the time of looking the other way is over. From Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi mosques are financed throughout the world…”-Sigmar Gabriel, Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs

It should be noted that ‘western’ mainstream news media continue to insist that the rulers of Saudi Arabia are Sunni Muslim, they are not!  They are Wahhabi/Salafi Muslim.

Iraq:  The independent government has given U.S. NATO member Turkey 48 hours to get the hell-outta their territory, or face “all available options”.  The Iraqi air force has been put on alert to conduct airstrikes against the U.S. ally Turkey!  Turkey invaded northern Iraq under the False Flag guise of fighting terrorism!  There are reports that Turkey is quietly withdrawing.

Israel: It’s been revealed (yet again) that citizens of the United States are directly funding illegal (under international law) land grabs by Israelis.  This time $220-million USD were traced from 50 non-profit Flase Flag charities from the U.S. to Israel!  It was revealed by Israeli news media.

An Israeli military junta court has sentenced an elected Palestinian female politician to 15 months in prison for inciting acts of terrorism. If you think about it, that’s a light sentence for a politician accused of being a terrorist, a sure sign the charges are false.

Israeli occupation forces in Al Quds killed their 115th Palestinian since October.  Once again they claim their victim was a terrorist.

As Egypt expands their isolation tactics on the south end of Gaza-Palestine, Israeli occupation air forces bombed the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City, accusing the people of being terrorists.   Nothing was reported regarding casualties.

Nigeria: The U.S. puppet government admitted they will not meet their publicly stated deadline for eliminating terrorism, justifying continued government oppression.  United Nations estimates 20-thousand people have been killed and 2.5-million made homeless since the 2009 anti-terrorism operations began!

Novorossia (former republics of Ukraine):  Donetsk People’s Republic reports at least 20 artillery and small arms attacks by U.S. led NATO supported Ukrainian militia.  82mm mortars and 120mm panzer cannon were fired on the villages of Zaitsev Ozeryanovka, Gorlovka, Staromykhailivka, Zhabunki, Trudovs’ka, Spartak and near the Donetsk airport.

Lugansk People’s Republic reports NATO supported Ukrainian artillery bombardment of towns in the Slavyanoserbsk area.  The Lugansk Ministry of Emergency Situations reported numerous “victims and destroyed facilities”.

Poland:  U.S. led NATO member is now denying earlier reports that it would allow the United States to base nuclear armed missiles on its military bases.  Those nuclear ballistic missiles, under a new NATO plan for all NATO members, are to be aimed at Russia.

Syria: In the city of Aleppo four civilians were killed and six wounded after U.S. led NATO supported insurgents launched artillery rockets near the Russian Consulate in al-Muhafaza neighborhood, and mortar rounds were lobbed into the al-Khaldiyeh neighborhood.

The United States targeted a Syrian army camp in Der Ezzor Governorate, killing three Syrian government soldiers and wounding 13.  The Syrian army says their camp was hit by at least nine rockets launched from U.S. led NATO aircraft.

Yemen: The United Nations agreed to hold cease fire talks to stop the U.S. ally Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s genocide in Yemen.  The Mujahideen of Yemen directly accuse Saudi Arabia of being the puppet masters of the False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).  On 06 December, DAIISH assassinated the governor of Yemen’s Aden Province.

It should be noted that there has been a long war between the Arabs in what is now called Saudi Arabia and the Arabs of Yemen (Sheba, as in Queen of Sheba).  It goes back to the creation of Islam.  Prior to Judaism and Christianity the number one religious symbol in Sheba was the Crescent Moon and Venus, the same symbol later adopted by ‘moderate’ Islam.  However, the Muslims became obsessed with annihilating the Sheba god Dhu-al-Khalasah.  They succeeded in destroying the temple of Dhu-al-Khalasah and then, following the Catholic Christian example, built their new house of worship on the old ‘pagan’ temple.  Back to today and DAIISH.  Remember I said Saudis are not Sunnis as claimed by ‘western’ news media, they are Wahhabi/Salafi who are obsessed with destroying any kind of symbolism, like the Crescent Moon and Venus used by most Muslims, which explains why the number one victims of DAIISH are moderate Muslims (not Christians).  And the Yemenis, even though forced to convert to Islam, are still seeking vengeance after all these centuries for what the ‘Saudi’ Arabs did to their ‘pagan’ gods (and of course for destroying their economic empire once known as Sheba).

Sumerian Lament: Saint Andrews patron of Confederate States, patron of New Russia!

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

Confederate States of America flag:

New Russia (Novorossia), anti-Ukraine, anti-NATO, anti-European Union flag:

The Confederate States of America lost their bid for independence, will Novorossia?

Sumerian Lament:  History shows immigrants are greatest self-inflicted threat to Empires! 

World War 3: EU forcing taxpayers to fund new takeover bid in Ukraine, as NATO supported troops continue to violate the cease fire!

07 December 2015, 19:18 UTC-07 Tango 01 (17 Azar 1394/25 Safar 1437/27 Wu Zi 4713)

Under the guise of “strengthen governance….at local, regional and central levels…” the European Union (which is not supposed to be a political union, it’s officially an economic union only) will force taxpayers (mainly from Germany and Poland) to fork out the equivalent of $97.6-million USD for a new attempted NATO propaganda putsch to capture the ‘hearts & minds’ of local governments in Ukraine.

Anti-NATO, anti-EU freedom fighters using a flag similar to the old Confederate States of America flag.

Donetsk People’s Republic reports at least 20 artillery and small arms attacks by U.S. led NATO supported Ukrainian militia, just today.  82mm mortars and 120mm panzer cannon were fired on the villages of Zaitsev Ozeryanovka, Gorlovka, Staromykhailivka, Zhabunki, Trudovs’ka, Spartak and near the Donetsk airport. The pathetic OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) said they would deal with the escalating NATO supported violence by installing additional security cameras at the airport! Small arms fire reported in Sahanka, Zaichenko and Sosnowski.

Ukrainian panzers advance on Lugansk

Lugansk People’s Republic reports NATO supported Ukrainian artillery bombardment of towns in the Slavyanoserbsk area.  The Lugansk Ministry of Emergency Situations reported numerous “victims and destroyed facilities”.

World War 3: Ukraine preps to invade Crimea!

World War 3: U.S. bombs Syrian government troops, not Islamic State!

07 December 2015 (08:45 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Azar 1394/24 Safar 1437/26 Wu Zi 4713

Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the U.S.-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles.”-Syrian government statement

The United States targeted a Syrian army camp in Der Ezzor Governorate, killing three Syrian government soldiers and wounding 13.  The Syrian army says their camp was hit by at least nine rockets launched from U.S. led NATO aircraft.

The Syrian government is fighting the False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) and the U.S. attack on the Syrian government forces is proof the Obama regime supports DAIISH.

Anti-Gun Pathetics: “This is for Syria!” Gun ban fails to stop knife attack in United Kingdom!

Obama lies again, says only in America are there mass shootings! He ignores the 4,184 Syrians killed in one month, by his own attempted regime change in Syria! 

“ISIS is protected under our government.”-unnamed U.S. college administrator 

Obama proves he is incompetent! Thinks DAIISH & ISIL are two different groups!

Another Doctors Without Borders hospital intentionally bombed by U.S. allies!

Obama accuses Russia of bombing civilians on same day U.S. planes bomb hospital!

France: Wi-Fi encryption to be outlawed! Will extend Martial Law well into 2016!

07 December 2015 (08:32 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Azar 1394/24 Safar 1437/26 Wu Zi 4713

“This ‘state of emergency’ grants the forces of order like the police and the army exceptional powers that put people’s liberties at risks, whether it’s night-time raids on their homes, house arrests, or the ban on demonstrations.“-Patrick Baudouin, International Federation for Human Rights

After already extending their ‘state of emergency’ (a type of martial law) to the end of February 2016, ‘lawmakers’ of French Liberté have revealed that it will be extended again!

On top of that they are writing a new law that will ban the use of internet encryption software over public Wi-Fi services: “It’s not just about terrorism; it allows the intelligence agencies to resort to surveillance for a broad range of motives: scientific, economic espionage or monitoring social movements…..some of the measures really come down to legalizing mass surveillance.”-Felix Treguer, La Quadrature du Net

So much for Liberté, 84% of French prefer a Police State! 

United Police States: 2 Idaho prisoners die in 1 day! Evil Mormon MTC involved?

07 December 2015 (08:20 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Azar 1394/24 Safar 1437/26 Wu Zi 4713

Two people being held in two Idaho jails died on the same day, one at the Bonneville County Jail in Idaho Falls, the other at the Correctional Alternative Placement Program facility near Boise.  There is a connection; both of the ‘victims’ are from Bingham County.

On 05 December, guards at Bonneville County Jail claim they found an 18 years old murder suspect dead in the cell.  He had been in the county jail since August, waiting for his murder trial (so much for speedy trial as the Constitution dictates).  County prison administrators claim they’re investigating the cause of death.

On 29 November, guards at the Correctional Alternative Placement Program claim a 47 years old prisoner went into seizure after taking an overdose of prescription drugs.   He died in hospital on 05 December.  What the hell are prisoners doing being allowed to control their own medication?  Here’s a clue; the Correctional Alternative Placement Program is run by the proven to be evil (or at least incompetent) Mormon owned Management & Training Corporation!  The Idaho Department of Corrections claim they will investigate the MTC related death.

Evil Mormon MTC kicked out of Washington?

‘Christian’ Mormon MTC behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi? Same company behind Abu Ghraib?

“…sales are down to 2005 levels…costs are at 2015 levels.” More ‘green’ energy shutdowns! Novartis caught illegally pushing drugs in Idaho, again! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 05 – 06 December 2015

Alabama: In Trussville, ObamaCare administrators have cut off funding for the Golden Living Center, forcing it to shutdown after New Year’s Day, at least 111 jobs lost!  In Opelika, cafe The Overall Company shutdown, word is that a temporary coffee shop will take its place while the building is being re-purposed.

Arizona: After 42 years the Harkins Camelview 5 movie theater in Scottsdale shutting down next week.  The Fashion Square 7 movie theater already shutdown.  Both owned by the same company who swears they will build an even bigger “luxury” movie theater to replace the two old theaters.

California: San Francisco’s iconic Magnolia Gastropub and Brewery now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. The dip noodle administrators blame it on their expansion creating the Magnolia Dogpatch & Smokestack BBQ restaurant.  Gee if only individuals could file bankruptcy on the grounds of being stupid.  In Santa Rosa, after 23 years the privately run animal shelter and children’s summer camp McDonald Ranch shutting down because evil A-hole city administrators revoked their license to operate.  The owners are looking for homes for everything from guinea pigs to horses.  They’re now forced to sell the property.

Florida: In Longwood, VIP Petcare issued a WARN saying 12 people will be laid off by the end of January 2016.

Georgia: Macy’s shutting down their North DeKalb Mall store by the end of January 2016.

Idaho: Switzerland based drugs maker Novartis paid $390-million USD to settle U.S. charges of kickbacks to pharmacies that pushed Novartis’ drugs into Medicaid and Medicare patients.  This is just a slap on the wrist as the money has to be split between at least 40 states.  For The Gem State a piddly $52-thousand will come from that pot.  By the way, this isn’t the first time Novarits got caught being a criminal in Idaho, back in 2010 they paid the state $350-thousand for basically the same thing, bribing healthcare providers for pushing their drugs!  Idaho ‘lawmakers’ continue to rape taxpayers, and again it involves lawsuits but this time the tax payments came from an little known fund.  The Legislative Legal Defense Fund has shelled out more than $275-thousand over the past three years to hire private attorneys to fight cases involving sage grouse and ObamaCare.

Kansas: Spain based renewable ethanol refiner Abengoa suddenly shutdown their Hugoton operations, laying off 50 people without warning.  Abengoa is now bankrupt busted, considered the biggest bankruptcy in Spain’s history!

Michigan:  Detroit Medical Center eliminating at least 125 jobs!  Administrators blame ObamaCare for forcing them to “achieve efficiencies across our system”.  They laid of 127 people last year.  Kent City Community Schools shutdown their elementary school, blaming water service problems.  In Grand Rapids, Montello Meat Market shutting down their two years old Downtown location.  No reason given.  After 14 years Monte’s Lounge shutdown, the property is being re-purposed.   Farm industry company GSI Manufacturing announced they will shutdown their Calhoun County factory in March 2016, the new owners are moving operations to Illinois, 70 jobs lost.  In Howell, after at least 90 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) clothier Swann’s shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone: “There’s more going out than coming in, and you can’t run a business if you can’t make a profit.”-Pam Shaw, owner

New Jersey: In Edison, Cosmetic Essence issues a WARN saying 1-hundred people will become unemployed by the end of January 2016!  It’s all thanks to their “technology innovations” at their distribution center.

New York: More proof the internet is not immune to shutdowns, NYC based free music site Songza being shutdown in January 2016 by its new owner Google Play.  In Pleasantville, after 41 years mom-n-pop Try and Buy toy store shutting down on Xmas Eve: “Our sales are down to 2005 levels and our costs are at 2015 levels.”-Barry Schwartz, co-owner

North Carolina: The Golden Peanut and Tree Nuts shelling factory shutting down by February 2016, at least 81 jobs lost.  The owner, Archer Daniel Midlands, blames the suck-ass economy (“market conditions”).

Oregon: In Portland, after two years Levant restaurant shutting down after the Gregorian New Year’s.

Pennsylvania:  Food service contractor Sodexo issued a WARN saying 72 people in Wilkes-Barre will become jobless by July 2016.  In Duryea, Nanny Rose Day Care shutdown without warning.  News reports say parents had to suddenly leave work to pick up their kids.  However, local news media discovered that parents had filed a complaint with state regulators saying the day care op was not feeding their children.  Employees said they were straight up threatened by an attorney: “The phone just rang and they stood there with the phone, and that was a lawyer, and they said that if we say anything this is going to go further. I was shaking. I really was. I’m just shaking.”-employee I won’t name

Texas: In Fort Worth, Trinity Bicycles shutdown without warning.  News media discovered the popular shop had been shutdown the week before the U.S. Thanksgiving.  The owner is refusing to comment.  Giant corporation General Electric is demanding local taxpayers kickback some money for the GE Manufacturing Solutions train factory in Fort Worth, under the Triple Freeport Exemption which burdens those who do pay taxes!  The vacant ACH Child & Family Services property is now for sale.  California based cookware and furniture seller Williams Sonoma shutting down their Arlington upholstered furniture factory in January 2016, 85 jobs lost.  Rush Overland shutting down their Abilene factory, blaming the oil industry, 50 jobs lost after Xmas.  British empire Canada based oil company Flint Energy shutting down ops in Kilgore and Victoria after Xmas, 86 jobs lost. 

Vermont: In Burlington, after 23 years Bella Boutique shutdown, the owner said she’s pursuing a different business venture.

Washington DC: After only one year Native Foods Cafe shutdown both their DC locations, administrators refused to say why.  Maybe it’s ’cause they’re ‘vegan’.

West Virginia: In South Charleston, Saint John Heart and Hand Day Care shutdown blaming “government regulations and the economy”.


WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”