Tag Archives: wall street

World War 3: NATO Turkey violates Iraq airspace, bombs Kurds! Orders its citizens out of Iraq!

09 December 2015, 22:18 UTC-07 Tango 01 (19 Azar 1394/27 Safar 1437/29 Wu Zi 4713)

Reports say U.S. led NATO Turkey violated Iraqi airspace and then bombed the Kurdish areas of Deyrluk, Shiladzhi and Qandil.  Witnesses say the NATO aircraft were in Iraqi airspace for at least 30 minutes.  Compare that to the piddly 17 seconds the Russian aircraft was in Turkish airspace when it was shotdown!

In a pending sign of all out war between Iraq and Turkey, the Turkish Foreign Ministry ordered all Turkish citizens working in Iraq to leave!

Iran to reveal evidence Turkey supports Islamic State, U.S. denies it! Turkey invades Iraq, U.S. ignores it!

Iran to buy Russian Panzers!

09 December 2015, 22:03 UTC-07 Tango 01 (19 Azar 1394/27 Safar 1437/29 Wu Zi 4713)

There are Russian reports quoting Iranian Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Purdastan as revealing that Iran and Russia are working a deal involving the T-90 tank.  The deal could include production of the T-90 in Iran (the T-90 is no longer Russia’s most advanced tank).

Iran is still awaiting delivery of now outdated Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system, which was put on hold by UN sanctions.  In April this year Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the delivery of the S-300 system to begin.  As of today no deliveries have actually transpired.

So far there’s no mention by Iranian news media of any deal to buy T-90s.

Vehicle ID: Video of new Russian T14 Armata panzer, T15 ICV and T16 recovery vehicle! Detailed look at T-72/T-90 factory producing T-14! 

OSCE says U.S.-EU controlled Ukraine continually violates ceasefire!

09 December 2015, 21:44 UTC-07 Tango 01 (19 Azar 1394/27 Safar 1437/29 Wu Zi 4713)

“We do not spread rumors!”-Alexander Hug, OSCE

The U.S. and Soviet created OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) held a press conference that no news media in the U.S. led NATO ‘west’ were interested in.  In Donetsk, OSCE vice chairman Alexander Hug slammed NATO controlled Ukraine for constantly violating the Minsk ceasefire agreement, and praised the spirit of the people living in the areas sometimes known as Novorussia (New Russia).

33 minute OSCE press conference in which numerous ceasefire incidents are described, and the establishment of OSCE observation bases with security cameras was revealed:


OSCE was created more than 40 years ago after meetings between the U.S. and USSR.  Today 57 countries, including countries not in Europe, fund and support the OSCE.

World War 3: EU forcing taxpayers to fund new takeover bid in Ukraine, as NATO supported troops continue to violate the cease fire! 

United Nations admits police committing summary executions in UN controled DR Congo! And nobody gives a shit!

09 December 2015 (10:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

In the UN press conference note that there’s only handful of reporters in the audience!:

In 2013 the United Nations approved a U.S. led invasion of Democratic Republic of Congo, now the UN admits that police forces installed by the invasion force are running rampant conducting summary executions of anybody opposing the U.S./UN puppet government!

At least 20 killings documented since July, the UN admitted it was the “second wave of human rights violations” documented!

World War 3: UN orders South Africa to deploy troops to DRC!

Operation Jupiter: Ebola in DR Congo! 90% kill rate!

Operation Jupiter: Democratic Republic of Congo forcing six million children to get vaccinated. 

World War 3: UN official has proof the U.S. behind mass rape in DRC! 

World War 3: United Nations approves yet another U.S./European led invasion using first ever combat UN force called Intervention Brigade! Target is Democratic Republic of Congo!

United Police States: Cop admits medical help isn’t requested if they throw you down & render you unable to communicate!

09 December 2015 (10:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

“….after talking to Mr. Gray, he was unable to give me a reason.”-William Porter, cop explaining why medical help was not called for an obviously injured Freddie Gray

In Maryland, one of six evil cops on trial for the death of Freddie Gray admitted in court that they didn’t call for medical help because the victim didn’t ask for medical help, even though it was the police who rendered the victim unable to communicate!

“This defendant did nothing to get him a medic or get him to the hospital. He did nothing when he could have saved a man’s life!”-Michael Schatzow, State Attorney

United Police States: 2 Idaho prisoners die in 1 day! Evil Mormon MTC and drugs involved? 

United Police States: 4,667% increase in theft by cops! More than thefts by ‘criminals’! 

United Police States: 49% of Americans say Government is True Enemy of the State! 

Police Cause Gun Violence: Obama Homie Town cops shoot one victim per week!

09 December 2015 (09:44 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

In the Failed State of Illinois, lawsuits have finally forced Chicago’s evil Independent Police Review Authority to release data on criminal cop behavior (even though it’s supposed to publically available): An average of one civilian shot every week for the past eight years!  56-thousand complaints filed against cops during the time periods of 2001-2008 and 2011-2015 (no explanation why only those times periods were released)!

University of Chicago professor Craig Futterman is suing to get Chicago to release all info about bad cops going all the way back to 1968!  

United Police States: Idaho news media lie about criminal police records! 

Police Cause Gun Violence: Cops charged with murder triples, former cop credits video evidence! 

U.S. Civil War: Obama regime Homie Town prison genocide 7,185 people in Chicago! 

U.S. Civil War Chicago, 01 – 05 September 2014: USN sending doctors to Chicago war zone! Two man assassination squads? 

Food Crisis: Plastic food containers Genetically Engineer your offspring! Don’t eat that Ramen?

09 December 2015 (08:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

“Plastic is a way of life; it’s hard to get around that. Every day we could be ingesting tiny amounts of these compounds which, over time, can build up in the body and cause problems.”-Asif Zia, doctor who developed new system for detecting DEHP in food

Researchers from New Zealand’s Massey University have created a detection system for a plastic chemical that could actually alter DNA.  The chemical di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, or DEHP, is classified by the UN’s World Health Organization as an endocrine-disrupter that interferes with the body’s natural hormonal system.

Skin lesions appear on a lab rat’s ear after being injected with DEHP

The biggest concern is that DEHP is found in plastic food containers and is even been used in food and drinks.  Companies in the U.S. ally Taiwan have been caught using DEHP to color mass produced beverages.  DEHP is also known as a plasticizer and some countries (like the United States) allow food makers to use plastic as a ‘filler’ in mass produced foods (it reduces their costs).

The current DEHP detection systems can take weeks to produce results, and is very expensive so it’s rarely done.  The researchers at Massey University claim their new DEHP detection system takes only a few days and is much cheaper.

In 2011, Chinese food regulators forced instant noodle companies in China, Korea and Japan to test their ramen because one brand of noodles tested positive for DEHP.   The testing was done by the companies themselves (supposedly through third party testers), and of course they claimed their results were negative.  That included  Japanese company Nissan and the Korean company NongShim, both make and sell ramen in the United States.

Effects of Maternal Exposure to Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate during Fetal and/or Neonatal Periods on Atopic Dermatitis in Male Offspring

Food Crisis: Home juicing machines & soy milking machines contain carcinogens 

Food Crisis: Plasticizer melamine in milk!  U.S. FDA does not regulate!

Food Crisis: Remnant of Soviet Union driving minimum wage through the floor, blames hyper deflation! 

U.S. Food Crisis: Farmers told to “dispose” of crops if hit by floods! Against the law to sell flooded vegetables! 

World War 3: Dozens of U.S. mercenaries killed in Yemen!

09 December 2015 (00:22 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

Dozens of mercenaries working for U.S. genocide contractor Academi (aka Xe, aka Blackwater) have been killed while taking part in the ongoing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates invasion of Yemen.  On 08 December 2015, seven Columbians and one Australian were killed in a battle in the Bab-el-Mandeb area of Yemen.

Yemen says in total they killed 14 U.S. employed mercenaries.

In November the New York Times reported that 450 people from Colombia, Panama, El Salvador and Chile were fighting for United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Yemen.   Unnamed sources in Columbia said people are being offered $1-thousand USD per week plus automatic citizenship in UAE to fight in Yemen.

07 December 1941 vs 07 December 2015, the United States is now the evil Empire wreaking genocide across the world! 

World War 3: Egypt joins massive Saudi led invasion of Yemen! Supported by Obama regime! 

World War 3: United States orders citizens out of Yemen! Preps for invasion? 

World War 3: United States orders 2000 Marines on alert! USN to surround Yemen! 

Yemen makes threats over Gitmo!

World War 3: Yemen security guards fight U.S. Marines!

World War 3: U.S. deploys two company size elements into Yemen!

United Police States: Idaho news media lie about criminal police records!

09 December 2015 (00:00 UTC-07 Tango 01)/18 Azar 1394/26 Safar 1437/28 Wu Zi 4713

Just days ago Idaho mainstream news media reported that no Gem State cop has been charged with killing a civilian, in the past 16 years.  Wrong!

At least two cops were charged with killing people in 2011.  What’s amazing is that the mainstreamer news reported those charges when they first happened, but apparently totally forgot about them when they published their recent story praising local cops for not killing anybody!  (the Idaho Statesman blames their new database system)

But here’s some interesting info, those two cops are actually federal Native American Reservation cops.  A judge threw out charges against one of the Reservation cops and the other cop was acquitted of lying to the FBI by a jury.

Over the past decade there have been dozens of cop shootings of civilians in Idaho, however in most cases it was obvious the cop was justified.  But that doesn’t excuse mainstream news sources in The Gem State for lying about such things!

2 Idaho prisoners die in 1 day! Evil Mormon MTC & drugs involved?

God bankrupt! Charities forcing taxpayers to ‘donate’! ObamaCare fails to rape-in the profits! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 07 – 08 December 2015

California: El Segundo based children’s computer tablet maker Fuhu now bankrupt busted and being sold-off to rival Mattel.

Florida:  Fast food chain Bojangles shutdown all eight Sunshine State locations!  Local news reports say the franchise owner suddenly ‘bailed’!  In West Palm Beach, non-profit Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League Thrift Store shutting down because next door construction is consuming the only parking lot!  In Miami, PCH Communications (formerly Commonground/MGS) laid off at least 62 employees without warning.  The Illinois based company was forced to shutdown by “…Circumstances beyond the agency’s control, namely the adversarial relationship between the holding company, PCH Communications, and their lender Fifth Third Bank have caused this major disruption. The entire agency was completely surprised by the bank’s actions.”

Idaho:  Some good news that’s actually bad news; Corporation for National and Community Service ranks Idaho in 2nd place in the country for volunteerism.  Why is that bad?  Because it’s a freakin’ sign of how many people are suffering you Gem State rock heads! 68% of Idahoans help their struggling neighbors through ‘informal volunteering’!   (Blind Bat News is brought to you by such informal charity by a tiny number of Idahoans, because Blind Bat News makes no money from advertising, and nobody wants to use the ‘donate’ button for some reason. If you guys donate maybe Blind Bat News could become a real threat to mainstreamer news sources.)

Illinois: Rock Valley College eliminating 30 jobs due to the failed state ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget.  In Quincy, after 12 years Roly Poly sandwich shop shutting down after Xmas, no reason given.

Iowa: Insurance company Transamerica warned of mass layoffs in 2016.  It’s part of their ongoing consolidation operations.  They’ve already consolidated 14 division into two, eventually there will be only one!

Michigan:  Health insurance giant Blue Cross Blue Shield warned of massive layoffs across the state.  The insurance industry created ObamaCare is failing to rape-in the profits because smart and healthy ‘Mericans who don’t need health insurance know it’s a fucking ripoff and are protesting with their wallets by refusing to sign up!  Blue Cross Blue Shield says as a result they must cut $300-million USD in Michigan jobs by 2018! 

Minnesota: The Christian God is weaker than the God known as Money as the Catholic Diocese of Duluth now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Of course it doesn’t help that its godly priests were caught raping children!!!  The Christian God must now fork over $8.4-million USD to settle sex crimes lawsuits, and of course that money is actually coming from the stupid blind faith sheeple of the wolf in sheep’s clothing church.

Montana: After 62 years Hi Line Cleaners in Chester shutdown.

New York: Too Big to Jail Morgan Stanley killing at least 1-thousand 2-hundred jobs in 2016!  Also in NYC, ancient internet company AOL eliminated 1-hundred jobs due to its takeover of evil cell phone company Verizon!  Reports say more AOL-Verizon layoffs are in the works.  PCH Communications (formerly Commonground/MGS) laid off at least 28 employees without warning.  The Illinois based company was forced to shutdown by “…Circumstances beyond the agency’s control, namely the adversarial relationship between the holding company, PCH Communications, and their lender Fifth Third Bank have caused this major disruption. The entire agency was completely surprised by the bank’s actions.”

North Carolina:  Philips shutting down their Henderson light bulb factory, 50 jobs lost by September 2016. Local news reports say it’ll be the second Philips factory to be shutdown in North Carolina.

Ohio: In Columbus, after 28 years the Wall Street Nightclub shutting down after Xmas, blaming “Financial stress from declining business and deteriorating building conditions were compounded by the loss of parking with condo development in the neighborhood and the loss of third party production companies.”

Pennsylvania: Another false ‘charity’ in money trouble, Easter Seals laid off 22 HQ employees because the state ‘lawmakers’ failed yet again to come up with a taxpayer funded budget.  A true charity doesn’t rely on forcing taxpayers to ‘donate’ by asking ‘lawmakers’ to rape taxpayer funding!  In Richland Township, Concurrent Technologies laying off 30 people after Xmas.  Company administrators say it’s the only way they can stay “competitive” in this suck-ass global economy.

Tennessee:  An eight years old tax-sucking company with an evil sounding name that might possibly be involved in smuggling Afghan heroin, Vanquish Worldwide, eliminated ten administrative jobs. They blame the loss of a major government contract (U.S. Central Command’s National Afghan Trucking [NAT] logistical support contract, now you see the heroin trafficking connection).  Vanquish administrators admitted they were billing U.S. taxpayers $25-million USD every year for their Afghan trucking ops: “This is part of the government contracting process…..especially with large contracts and NAT is the largest ever in Afghanistan….!”-Dawn White, marketing manager

In Nashville, after 19 years Noshville Delicatessen shutting down after Hanukkah. The entire city block has been taken over by an evil property developer.

Washington:  Seattle Weekly laid off six people.  Because of the suck-ass economy they’re contracting out (freelancing) their jobs.

West Virginia: In Morgantown, after 20 years Jane V. Jewelers shutting down after Xmas.

Wisconsin:  The Gap clothing store in the Fox  River Mall shutting down in January 2016.  After 55 years Edwardo’s Ristorante di Pizza shutdown, when asked why he gave no explanation the owner would only say “I didn’t want to discuss night after night why we were closing.” 

05 -06 December 2015: “…sales are down to 2005 levels…costs are at 2015 levels.” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”