Tag Archives: wall street

“I just can’t compete with what’s going on out there…”: U.S. Job Losses & Closings 31 December 2015


National Association of Realtors says pending home sales dropped for the third time in four months.  It’s blamed on high prices and low inventory.

Arizona: In Sierra Vista, after 20 years Peacock Restaurant and Z Bar shutdown, the owners blaming many things but especially a crazy hike in rent.  Tucson based Carondelet Health Network laid off 1-hundred people!

California: Drugs maker KaloBios Pharmaceuticals now chapter 11 bankrupt busted after two of its administrators quit when their former CEO (infamous for jacking up cancer drug prices astronomically) was arrested for frauding investors!   More proof internet based businesses are not recession resistant; a day after grocery delivery service Instacart (once valued at $2-billion USD) revealed it laid off 12 employees, administrators announced they are jacking up their delivery fees by 50%!  In San Diego, after 38 years Pacific Beach Community Garden shutdown after selling out to a property developer.

Connecticut: Hartford Health Care eliminating 120 jobs at Windham Hospital!  

Idaho:  The state Public Utilities Commission has accepted monopoly Idaho Power‘s 20 years operation plan.  The plan includes shutting down a coal fired plant and passing on the shutdown costs to captive customers.  The ‘lawmakers’ of The Gem State allow Idaho Power to operate as a monopoly.

Illinois: In Bloomington, Kep’s Country Kitchen shutting down after selling out to a competitor.  God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing ‘his’ Hospital Sisters Health System to end inpatient healthcare services at Saint Mary’s Hospital, other services are being consolidated to other hospitals, 3-hundred jobs affected!   Winter Storm Goliath has shutdown historic sites Fort de Chartres, Fort Kaskaskia and Pierre Menard Home with record floding from the Mississippi River.

Indiana: In South Bend, Yummy Cupcakes shutting down Gregorian New Year’s Eve: “Unfortunately traffic hasn’t been….what we hoped it would be. It just came to the point where there’s not enough coming in.”-Larry Katz, owner

Iowa: Bridgepoint Education-Ashford University moving ahead with shutting down its Clinton campus in 2016, at least 50 jobs lost.  In 2011 the university had 959 full time students, in 2015 full time enrollment dropped to 418!    Pier 1 Imports shutting down their 20 years old Crossroads Center Mall store, no further details given, the mall manager told local news that he only just found out himself.   In Ames, after less than two years Julieann’s home decor shop shutdown: “I just can’t compete with what’s going on out there now.”-Julie Brooks, owner

Kentucky: In Bowling Green, after 25 years the Shake Rag Restaurant shutting down after Gregorian New Year’s Day.

Massachusetts: Partners HealthCare System shutdown their Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care North Shore, 3-hundred jobs lost! 

Michigan: In Eaton Rapids, Davidson’s Old Mill Yarn shutting down their retail operations after 94 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions).  Wholesale operations will continue, at one point they employed 75 people.

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, the Burnet Gallery shutting down.  It’s located in the Le Meridien Chambers Hotel, which was sold-off in August and the new owners apparently don’t like art galleries.

Missouri:  Winter Storm Goliath has shutdown the Smartt Field Airport with record flooding from the Mississippi River.

Montana: A guest writer (and dairy producer) in The Missoulian has revealed that a state regulation is forcing local dairy producers to shutdown.  It’s called Amended Rule for Milk Inspection Fees.  The writer warns even more dairy ops, like his, are about to be shutdown and he wants the public to take action.

New Jersey: More proof internet/high-tech jobs are not recession resistant; Mercer County Community College announced it is eliminating as many as 24 IT jobs.  After 33 years J&G Pet Food and Supply shutdown after the owner was kidnapped and beaten.  To add insult to injury the owner wasn’t even the guy the retarded kidnappers wanted!

New York:  In Albany, after 56 years restaurant Justin’s being shutdown by the A-hole State Liquor Authority.   In Village of Lyons, no more village police department due to the Village merging with next door Town of Lyons.

North Carolina: In Greensboro, after 66 years Cashion’s Furniture and Decorating shutting down in January 2016.  The current owner will continue as an interior design consultant.

Ohio: In Columbus, after 40 years Bernies Bagels & Deli shutdown due to property re-development in the University District.

Oklahoma: Drysdales Western Wear laid off at least 20 people from its Tulsa warehouse.  It’s part of the company’s plan to shift to more internet sales.

Oregon:  In Eugene, after 56 years Serv-U Market shutdown, the owners sold-out to a big grocery store chain and the sale forbids them from saying which chain.

Pennsylvania: No more Manny, Moe and Jack? Philadelphia based auto parts chain store Pep Boys being sold for $1-billion USD to Icahn Enterprises, expect layoffs and shutdowns.

Texas:  Dallas based phone service AT&T ending its two years contract because it can’t afford to continue subsidizing it.  Starting in January 2016 potential customers will have only two choices of plans.  In Wichita Falls, the last full service Shell fuel station (on Taft and Midwestern Parkway) shutting down.  The owner sold the property, which he admitted had “environmental issues”.

Washington: Illinois based KapStone Paper & Packaging laying off 25 people at its Longview operations, blaming crashing demand for paper products.

Washington DC: Restaurant Mio shutdown, supposedly a new “concept” will take its place.

West Virginia: Murray Energy laying off more than 1-hundred coal miners due to the crashing coal market.   State ‘lawmakers’ shutting down the National Guard Armory in Keyser.  The ‘lawmakers’ are trying to save money by consolidating armories.

Wisconsin:  Pastiche Bistro and Wine Bar shutting down its Bay View location in favor of its Milwaukee location.   News reports say Jefferson County suffered at least 1-thousand 42 job loss WARNs, making it the hardest hit of Scott Walker’s Right to Work you over counties in 2015!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

World War 3: Iran to push oil to $10 per barrel! U.S. to impose new sanctions!

31 December 2015 (02:41 UTC-07 Tango 01)/ 10 Dey 1394/19 Rabi’a’-Awwal 1437/21 Wu Zi 4713)

Like the crying, whining, spoiled brat that it is, the United States is about to impose new sanctions against Iran, Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates, despite that nuclear deal!    This time it’s over Iran’s ballistic missile production.

But here’s some economic retaliation for you; Iran has revealed that it spends less than $10 USD to produce a barrel of oil!  Oil prices less than $30 per barrel could kill the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and even some European and U.S. oil companies!

Iranian oil ministers claim that even at $30 per barrel Iran will see a 5% increase in economic growth in Gregorian year 2016!  Their oil production is positioned to simply increase volume as prices fall, and still make money.  They also predict oil prices will remain below $60 per barrel for at least four years.

Happy Gregorian New Year United Failed States of America!

Iran to buy Russian Panzers!

Iran to reveal evidence Turkey supports Islamic State, U.S. denies it! Turkey invades Iraq, U.S. ignores it! 

NATO Turkey terrorism Puppet Master! U.S. does not bomb Islamic State oil ops! 

Iran Navy upgrade with new anti-ship missiles!

U.S. petrodollar meet the new Iran Petroleum Contract! 

German news media supports Russia’s accusations that Turkey buys oil from Islamic State! 

U.S. Food Crisis December 2015: “…what are you supposed to do when the kids tell you they are hungry & they don’t have any money?”

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of December, 2015: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Prestigious France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down all 16 schools in the United States! In the past decade graduates have been accusing the 115 years old cooking school of ripping them off, saying school recruiters lied about how much a cook can be paid after graduating. The U.S. Department of Education agrees and is ending federal student loan funding for Julia Child’s alma mater.

Winter Storm Goliath: Record flooding along the Mississippi River will result in higher winter crop prices as farm land is destroyed.  Weather forecasts warn the flooding will continue well into January 2016.  In Texas reports that the storm killed 5% of the area’s dairy cows.

Alabama:  In Opelika, cafe The Overall Company shutdown, word is that a temporary coffee shop will take its place while the building is being re-purposed.

Alaska:  Snow Goose Restaurant and Sleeping Lady Brewery shutting down after being sold to a competitor.

Arizona: American Meat Company shutdown their 62 years old Tucson store, administrators blamed a “combination” of issues.  In Phoenix, restaurant operator Gallagher’s now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, five restaurants threatened.  In Prescott, Hooligan’s Pub and the bar Swagger shutting down after Gregorian New Year’s Eve.  The owners blame health problems for forcing them to retire early.  In Sierra Vista, after 20 years Peacock Restaurant and Z Bar shutdown, the owners blaming many things but especially a crazy hike in rent.

Arkansas:  In North Little Rock, after only 11 months Sassy Cake Lady bakery shutdown without warning.  The owner said the rent is too high and she will return to operating a bakery out of her house. In Little Rock, the Brown Sugar Bakery shutdown, the owners said brick-n-mortar stores don’t work anymore and will try running a bakery out of a food truck.  After 30 years Silvek’s European Bakery shutting down in March 2016.   Sweet Love Bakery shutting down in January 2016, the owner blames lack of holiday sales: “Normally December we make enough money to float us through that slow time. This year we just weren’t seeing the same orders.”-Kelli Marks (normally they have 6-hundred cookie/cupcake orders for December, but this year only about 1-hundred orders were placed!)

California: Emeryville based Jamba Juice announced it is shutting down 30 stores in Illinois and New York, 104 jobs lost!  Administrators said the stores “are cash flow negative”.   San Francisco’s iconic Magnolia Gastropub and Brewery now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. The dip noodle administrators blame it on their expansion creating the Magnolia Dogpatch & Smokestack BBQ restaurant.  Gee if only individuals could file bankruptcy on the grounds of being stupid.  Also in San Fran, Roosevelt Tamale Parlor shutdown due to the owner’s “health issues”.  In Mission Viejo, five years after making a “comeback” Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour shutting down after the Gregorian New Year’s Day. In City of Industry, Bay Valley Foods issued a shutdown WARN, 62 jobs lost in February 2016.  In Los Angeles, P.F. Chang’s Bistro issued a shutdown WARN, 86 jobs lost in January 2016.  In Laguna Woods, the Albertsons-Safeway owned Vons grocery store shutting down in January 2016, officially blaming the greedy landlord.  In Sonoma, El Darado Hotel & Kitchen issued a shutdown WARN, 113 employees will become unemployed in February 2016!   In San Francisco, 1960s iconic patty melt maker Lucky Penny Coffee Shop shutdown because of a greedy property developer.  In Pleasanton, Albertsons-Safeway continues with the layoffs, this time 66 people unemployed by February 2016.   Morrison Healthcare Food Service ended their Chico operations, 87 jobs lost.  Failing to prove its graduated students can find good paying jobs France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down its Pasadena cooking school in February, 126 jobs lost!   TGI Friday’s shutting down their Carlsbad restaurant, 45 jobs lost by the end of February 2016. In Kerman, massive farm layoffs as Gerawan Farming-Prima issued a shutdown WARN for February, 2-thousand 551 jobs lost due to the ongoing drought!   More proof internet based businesses are not recession resistant; grocery delivery service Instacart (once valued at $2-billion USD) laid off 12 employees and jacked up delivery fees by 50%! Administrators also stated they “no longer need to maintain such an aggressive hiring pace”  in 2016.   In San Diego, after 38 years Pacific Beach Community Garden shutdown after selling out to a property developer.

Colorado:  In Colorado Springs, after three years Lucha Cantina shutdown.  The operators are consolidating their food ops to fewer restaurants.

Florida:  Fast food chain Bojangles shutdown all eight Sunshine State locations!  Local news reports say the franchise owner suddenly ‘bailed’!  In Tallahassee, Proof Brewing shutting down their Tennessee Street location, the owners want to focus on just one brewing operation at a time.

Georgia: In Decatur, after two years Sobban restaurant shutting down so the owner can focus on his restaurant in Atlanta.  In Jonesboro, after 68 years Dean’s Barbeque shutdown due to skyrocketing pig meat prices and a family feud.  In Atlanta, Manuel’s Tavern shutting down after being sold-off to a property developer.  After five years Cafe Jonah and the Magical Attic shutting down by the end of February 2016: “Our landlord is not renewing our lease and intends to sell the property. I have been searching for the past year for a comparable space that we could call home, but have not found anything…” 

Hawaii:  The Fresh Cafe Downtown and Fresh Cafe Kakaako shutdown with little warning.  It’s blamed on a dispute between the co-owners.

Idaho:   Pay too much for your holiday turkey?  Producers blame a shortage of the big birds (due to Bird Flu) for high store prices but the state Department of Fish and Game claims there are so many wild turkeys in eastern Idaho that they’re asking for a special “expanded” hunting season.  Turkeys are not native to Idaho and their growing population is considered a threat to native game birds.  A man in Idaho Falls has pled guilty to ripping off potato supplier Idaho Select-Select Express.  His guilty plea requires him to payback $1.7-million USD to his former employer (I’d like to know how he’s gonna do that) and in exchange prosecutors dropped 70 other charges of forgery!  Some good news that’s actually bad news; Corporation for National and Community Service ranks Idaho in 2nd place in the country for volunteerism.  Why is that bad?  Because it’s a freakin’ sign of how many people are suffering you Gem State rock heads! 68% of Idahoans help their struggling neighbors, such as with food,  through ‘informal volunteering’!   Kevin Settles, the owner of three successful Bardenay restaurant and distillery operations, decided to exodus The Gem State with his fourth op.  Why? “I would like to operate in a state that doesn’t have a state control system. I have three licenses in three areas and even then it isn’t a stable investment. There is always the chance you lose it to a violation and then who knows when you will get another.”  Gee, and our exalted ‘conservative’ republican ‘lawmakers’ have always led us to believe they’re against such state controls.  Settles is moving to Colorado.   In Ammon, the optimistic city leaders went running to the local news media with “the biggest booming” business news ever!  They’re getting a Kneaders cafe, Popeyes chicken (there’s already at least one nearby in next door Idaho Falls) and a  Rita’s Custard and Ice.  Yep, the same ol same ol, service sector jobs that are totally reliant on manufacturing sector jobs, which they don’t got.

A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals court judge ruled that your ‘elected’ Idaho lawmakers act with extreme hatred (“animus”) regarding things like whistleblowers revealing how badly animals are treated in Idaho slaughterhouses: “The overwhelming evidence gleaned from the legislative history indicates that (the statute) was intended to silence animal welfare activists, or other whistleblowers, who seek to publish speech critical of the agricultural production industry….a review of the (statute’s) legislative history leads to the inevitable conclusion that the law’s primary purpose is to protect agricultural facility owners by, in effect, suppressing speech critical of animal-agriculture practices.”-B. Lynn Winmill

The evil and corrupt Idaho School District 25 (aka Pocatello/Chubbuck school district) fired a food service worker for giving a starving child a free lunch valued at a measly one dollar and 70 cents!  On top of that the A-hole District 25 administrators sent the good samaritan (now former) employee a letter stating they consider her act of charity “theft”!  The former food service employee told new sources she offered to pay for the meal herself but that offer was rejected by her supervisor: “…what are you supposed to do when the kids tell you they are hungry and they don’t have any money?”-Dalene Bowden, hero District 25 food service worker fired for trying to feed starving children

To make matters worse it turns out the Irving junior high School student had money in her school lunch account, but was told she didn’t have any money and was forced to throw away her food.  Watch KPVI interview with student who said her school lunch account was good to go.   

Illinois:   In Quincy, after 12 years Roly Poly sandwich shop shutdown, no reason given.   The Sugar Mama Bakery shutting down their Bloomington store, to “be more efficient”.  Food giant General Mills shutting down their West Chicago factory, 444 jobs lost by Summer 2016!  Gate Gourmet lost its contract with United Airlines at O’Hare International Airport, 821 jobs affected!  In Bloomington, Kep’s Country Kitchen shutting down after selling out to a competitor.

Indiana:  In Bloomington, after 12 years award winning Restaurant Tallent shutting down, the owner wants more time with his family.  Michigan based Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern shutting down seven restaurants due to lack of sales.  Only one Bagger Dave’s will remain in Indiana.  In South Bend, Yummy Cupcakes shutting down Gregorian New Year’s Eve: “Unfortunately traffic hasn’t been….what we hoped it would be. It just came to the point where there’s not enough coming in.”-Larry Katz, owner

Iowa: In Shell Rock, farm equipment maker Unverferth Manufacturing conducting another round of layoffs, this time an undisclosed number of employees will become unemployed in January 2016.  Last month Unverferth laid off about 48 people, blaming crashing sales.  In Cedar Rapids, a 30 years old Burger King fast food joint shutting down in January 2016, because of the greedy property owner: “The lease came up and our rates went up. We wanted to do a scrape and rebuild, but we just couldn’t do it economically on a leased piece of ground. It just doesn’t make sense.”-Perry Beaton, franchise owner

Kansas: In Topeka, Mad Eliza’s Cakes & Confections shutting down their brick-n-mortar store and focusing on catering only: “The many extra expenses and workload of keeping and stocking a storefront can only be justified when there is a line at the counter a large portion of the time…”-Mark and Peggy Murnahan, owners

Kentucky:  In Bowling Green, after 25 years the Shake Rag Restaurant shutting down after Gregorian New Year’s Day.  In Saint Matthews, The Feed Bag shutdown after 28 years of yummy Reubens.  The property was sold, the owner said it was time to try something new.  A building collapse has shutdown several businesses in Brooksville.   Local news reports say the vacant building along Miami Street had a history of problems, and was last listed as being worth a piddly $1-thousand USD.  City administrators are working with the current owners of the building to figure out what to do.  The owner of next door Carota’s Pizza says “This is devastating to us and other businesses. I hate being closed. We have been trying to shift around employees, but I may lose some employees because they need the work.” 

Louisiana: More proof the internet is not recession resistant; newly created New Orleans based “pop-up” elitist events dining sensation Dinner Lab already eliminating jobs.  30 employees let go as company administrators shift to contracted workers.  Department of Wildlife and Fisheries ended deer hunting season early due to massive flooding caused by Winter Storm Goliath.

Maryland:  Giant Food shutting down their prescription drugs distribution center, 90 jobs being lost to a contractor.

Massachusetts:  After 40 years popular Yenching restaurant shutdown without warning, no explanation just a ‘thank you’ note taped to the door.   The Hadley KFC (aka Kentucky Fried Chicken) shutdown due to low sales and higher labor costs: “We just can’t make money here anymore with the minimum wage increase and new part-time sick leave. Things weren’t that great anymore, but those things were the final nail.”-Mike Houston, franchise owner

Michigan:   In Grand Rapids, Montello Meat Market shutting down their two years old Downtown location.  No reason given.  After 14 years Monte’s Lounge shutdown, the property is being re-purposed.   Farm industry company GSI Manufacturing announced they will shutdown their Calhoun County factory in March 2016, the new owners are moving operations to Illinois, 70 jobs lost.   Restaurant Taylor Amigo’s shutdown, the owner said the lease was up and the building was too big for the amount of business he does.  In Detroit, after 35 years The Lark restaurant shutdown on Xmas Eve.  Seven years old Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern chain shutting down a restaurant in Detroit, blaming lack of sales.

Minnesota:  In Minneapolis, after 26 years Origami restaurant shutdown.  After six years Loring Kitchen & Bar shutdown.  After 11 years Franklin Street Bakery shutdown.  In Aurora, Zup’s Food Market forced to shutdown in January 2016, the owner Jim Zupancich bemoaned the crashing mining industry “We did everything we could. We’ve really been fighting this since May…..      ……a bundle of things that led to the closing, including LTV Mining near Hoyt Lakes shutting down in 2000/2001, with 1,500 employees losing their jobs. Then about a year ago, Mesabi Nugget shuttered for at least two years if not permanently. Meanwhile, now only half of the six taconite mines on the Range are operating, and about 2,000 mine workers are unemployed!”

Mississippi:  Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks ending deer hunting season early due to record flooding from the Mississippi River caused by Winter Storm Goliath.

Montana: A guest writer (and dairy producer) in The Missoulian has revealed that a state regulation is forcing local dairy producers to shutdown.  It’s called Amended Rule for Milk Inspection Fees.  The writer warns even more dairy ops, like his, are about to be shutdown and he wants the public to take action.

Nebraska:  In Lincoln, the Russ’s Market (formerly Food-4-Less) at 70th and Van Dorn streets shutting down by the end of January 2016, the parent company is consolidating grocery ops into fewer stores.

Nevada:  In Las Vegas, White Cross Market shutdown, the current owners said they tried to bring the iconic grocery store back from the dead, but the economy won’t allow it.

New Jersey:  After 70 years Mattson’s Family Market shutdown, the owners blamed competition by corporate grocery stores.  After 140 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Kirby Bros animal feed and supply store shutting down after Xmas.  The owners blame ‘Global Warming’ saying the warmer weather allows farmers to graze their livestock longer, obviating the need for feed.  After 33 years J&G Pet Food and Supply shutdown after the owner was kidnapped and beaten.  To add insult to injury the owner wasn’t even the guy the retarded kidnappers wanted!

New Mexico: Kroger shutting down their Smith’s grocery store in Socorro, 66 jobs lost in January 2016.

New York:   In Albany, after 56 years restaurant Justin’s being shutdown by the A-hole State Liquor Authority.  In Soho, Italian steakhouse Costata shutdown and looking for a cheaper location. In Buffalo, Dog é Style hotdog joint shutting down by January 2016.  In Glen Falls, after only one year Rare Earth Wine Bar shutdown because “…we have not made one penny of profit and it’s simply time to throw in the towel.”   In Batavia, the Müller Quaker Dairy shutdown and sold-off, 2-hundred people laid off!  Local news sources hope the new owner (Dairy Farmers of America) will get operations going again soon.  In Syracuse, Danzer’s Restaurant shutdown, an employee said it’s because of the owners bad health.  In New Dorp, a 16 years old Wendy’s burger joint shutdown without warning.  News reports say employees were telling customers the greedy landlord would not agree to a new affordable lease.  In Bronx, after 55 years Zaro’s Bakery shutdown, the owner blames the greedy property manager: “After almost 60 years, this is the notice we get? No chance to bid on the space, no chance to try to keep business?”-Michael Zaro

North Carolina:   In Chalotte, after 18 years Cosmo Cafe shutting down in January 2016.  The owner decided he could make more money renting out the property.   The Golden Peanut and Tree Nuts shelling factory shutting down by February 2016, at least 81 jobs lost.  The owner, Archer Daniel Midlands, blames “market conditions”.  Morrison Healthcare Food Service shutting down their Pinevale operations, 80 jobs affected by February 2016.   Morrison lost their contract with Carolinas Healthcare System.  In Cary, Firewurst sausage joint shutting down: “After nearly 3 years of toil and sacrifice to build a local brand that could ultimately become a national franchise, we have come to the conclusion that our brand is…..not sustainable.”

Ohio: In Dayton, the Denny’s restaurant shutdown without warning, the administrators were not happy with the lack of sales.   In Windham, after 35 years the Sparkle Market grocery store shutdown, the owner blamed declining local population for his declining sales.  Forrester’s on the River shutdown after a quagmire of lost business and legal battles.   In Findlay, the Brazier Dairy Queen on Lima Avenue shutdown.  In Columbus, after 40 years Bernies Bagels & Deli shutdown due to property re-development in the University District.

Oregon: In Portland, after two years Levant restaurant shutting down after the Gregorian New Year’s.   In Eugene, after 56 years Serv-U Market shutdown, the independent owners sold-out to a big grocery store chain and the sale forbids them from saying which chain.

Pennsylvania:  The state Game Commission says not enough hunting licenses were sold and they must furlough two employees. After 43 years of feeding hundreds of hungry families every week the Chester County Food Kitchen shutdown.  The operators blame crashing donations and skyrocketing costs of operation.  Food maker J.M. Smucker shutting down their Pittsburgh pet food operations, 123 jobs lost by February 2016.  Smucker is consolidating operations to Ohio.  In Pottstown, after 94 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) The Very Best hot dogs-hamburgers-steaks  joint shutdown.   Illinois based food maker Mondelēz International issued a WARN for their Philadelphia ops, 251 jobs to be lost!  Food maker Cargill issued shutdown WARNs for three operations in Lititz, 125 jobs lost in January 2016!  Food service contractor Sodexo issued a WARN saying 72 people in Wilkes-Barre will become jobless by July 2016.  In Duryea, Nanny Rose Day Care shutdown without warning.  Local news media discovered that parents had filed a complaint with state regulators saying the day care op was not feeding their children!  Employees said they were straight up threatened by an attorney: “The phone just rang and they stood there with the phone, and that was a lawyer, and they said that if we say anything this is going to go further. I was shaking. I really was. I’m just shaking.”-employee I won’t name

South Carolina: In Simpsonville, JB’s Barbeque forced to shutdown due to the owners head injuries.

Tennessee: In Nashville, after 19 years Noshville Delicatessen shutdown. The entire city block has been taken over by an evil property developer.  In Knoxville, after 34 years The Lunchbox restaurant shutdown.  In Memphis, Kroger shutting down their Hickory Hill Road grocery store, blaming 10 years of low sales. Administrators say the 17 years old store has not made a profit since 2006.

Texas: In Austin, Mijos Tex-Mex Cantina shutdown without warning.   According to the Star Telegram the following restaurants shutdown in 2015 in the Dallas Fort Worth area;  AF+B, Bijoux, Bite City Grill, Buttons, Olen Jack’s Grille,  Paco & John Mexican Diner, Tillman’s Roadhouse, Salsa Fuego, San Salvaje, Sera Dining & Wine, Sol de Luna, Spoon and Vance Godbey’s.

The Houston Press published a list of restaurants that shutdown in 2015, just in the city of Houston:  60 Degrees Mastercrafted, 
Acacia Food Mart,  Akamaru Japanese Restaurant, 
Arturo’s Uptown Italiano,  Berryhill,  Big Woodrow’s,  The Bird House,  The Bird and The Bear,  Bistro des Amis, 
Bonnie’s Beef and Seafood, Brick & Spoon,  Cafe Express,  The Chicken Ranch, Chuanr/ Tree Tree Grill,  Clutch City Squire, 
Commonwealth,  Dua,  Dosi Restaurant + Soju Bar, Eatsie Boys Museum Park Cafe,  Eleven:Eleven,  Fire Station 11, Getto Burger, 
Hollister Grill,  I Love This Bar & Grill, Kahn’s Deli, 
Lillo & Ella,  Majorca Bistro & Tapas,  Mezzanine Lounge, 
Mia Bella Trattoria,  Osteria Mazzantini, 
Outlaw Dave’s Worldwide Headquarters,  Piatto, 
Preview Modern Seafood,  Prince’s Hamburgers, 
Radical Eats,  Ragin’ Cajun,  Roznovsky’s Hamburgers, 
Ruggles Café Bakery,  Ruggles Green, The Stag’s Head Pub, 
Te House of Tea,  Teala’s, Texadelphia, Texas Cafeteria, 
Tipico Café,  Tony’s Barbecue & Steak House, Überrito, 
What’s Up Cupcake,  Wunsche Bros. Café & Saloon, 
Yapa Kitchen Fresh Take Away, Yum Yum Cha, Bizkit Junkie,  Harwood Grill and Spring Water Cafe.

Utah: In Logan, the Golden Corral all you can eat buffet and a Dunkin Donuts shutdown.   The city’s Economic Development office told local news sources that based on last year’s tax revenues the economy is still good there in Logan/Cache County!

Vermont: Waterbury based coffee roaster Keurig Green Mountain has been sold-off, for $13.9-billion USD.  The new owner, JAB, could eliminate even more jobs.

Virginia: In Fredericksburg, after 11 years Hop & Wine shutting down in January 2016.  The owner blamed many factors including state booze laws.    In Alexandria, Mancini’s Cafe & Bakery shutdown.

Washington:   In Bellingham, after 20 years Vis Seafoods shutdown its brick-n-mortar store and shifting to internet orders only.

Washington DC: After only one year Native Foods Cafe shutdown both their DC locations, administrators refused to say why.  Maybe it’s ’cause they’re ‘vegan’.  After eight years the Hello Cupcake shop in Dupont Circle shutting down.  Restaurant Mio shutdown, supposedly a new “concept” will take its place.

West Virginia: In Charleston, after 51 years the Fas-Chek grocery store shutdown, blaming competition.  Martin’s Food & Drugs shutting down three stores as soon as their leases expire sometime in 2016, 357 jobs lost!  This is telling because local news reports says Martin’s is the top grocery store, for sales, in West Virginia.  In Wierton, the Ponderosa Steakhouse shutdown, 30 jobs lost due to new property owners: “I love my job here, and I love my customers. Before Christmas, you know, we’re all going to lose our jobs!”-Shari Stillwagoner, employee

Wisconsin: After 55 years Edwardo’s Ristorante di Pizza shutdown.   Pastiche Bistro and Wine Bar shutting down its Bay View location in favor of its Milwaukee location.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, November 2015: “I sit at night and I worry that…this time somebody got shot…”

“We’re not seeing any growth.” Warren Buffett kills more jobs! Investment funds see 2016 as Bad Year! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 30 December 2015

Alabama:  Yet again, Walter Energy eliminated hundreds of jobs, this time 319!  Earlier the bankrupt coal miner eliminated 794 jobs between July and November!

Arizona: After 46 years Oasis Bedroom shutting down all four furniture stores, blaming competition from national chain stores.  In Prescott, Hooligan’s Pub and the bar Swagger shutting down after Gregorian New Year’s Eve.  The owners blame health problems for forcing them to retire early.

California:  More proof internet based businesses are not recession resistant; grocery delivery service Instacart (once valued at $2-billion USD) laid off 12 employees. Administrators also stated they “no longer need to maintain such an aggressive hiring pace”  in 2016.   Cupertino based Apple computers has essentially admitted to tax evasion charges in Italy.  Apple wil pay the equivilant of $347.7-million USD to settle unpaid Italian taxes from 2008 to 2013.

Colorado: In Colorado Springs, after three years Lucha Cantina shutdown.  The operators are consolidating their food ops to fewer restaurants.

Hawaii:  The Fresh Cafe Downtown and Fresh Cafe Kakaako shutdown with little warning.  It’s blamed on a dispute between the co-owners.

Now employee owned Norco in Chubbuck, Idaho

Idaho:  More rebellion against the 30+ years old Right to Work you over laws as yet another company is taken over by its employees.  Boise based Norco, “the nation’s largest privately owned welding, safety, medical and gas supplier”, is now 35% owned by its employees under the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)!  Utility company Idaho Power begging wealthy customers to make donations to Idaho Power’s privately funded Project Share, which helps low income people pay their winter heating bills.  Between October 2014 and September 2015 a measly $200-thousand USD has been raised for Project Share.  The Gem State does not have taxpayer funded social programs to help people pay their utility bills, yet taxes in the Right to Work you over state are unusually high for so few social programs.

Illinois: Overpriced (at least here in Idaho) Big Lots! shutting down their Rockford East State Street store in January 2016.

Kentucky:  A building collapse has shutdown several businesses in Brooksville, some permanently.   Local news reports say the vacant building along Miami Street had a history of problems, and was last listed as being worth a piddly $1-thousand USD.  City administrators are working with the current owners of the building to figure out what to do.  The owner of next door Carota’s Pizza says “This is devastating to us and other businesses. I hate being closed. We have been trying to shift around employees, but I may lose some employees because they need the work.”

Louisiana:  Department of Wildlife & Fisheries ending deer hunting season early due to radical weather causing record flooding from the Mississippi River.

Minnesota: After 43 years Borgstrom’s Hallmark gift store sutting down in 2016 because “We’re not seeing any growth.”

Mississippi:  Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks ending deer hunting season early due to record flooding from the Mississippi River.

Montana: Signal Peak’s Bull Mountain Mine under threat of shutdown due to state permit problems, 320 jobs threatened!

New York:  NYC based ‘investment’ fund Seneca Capital Investments being shutdown by its owner, all investments supposedly being returned to the investors because 2016 is looking to be a bad year for investments: “I am no longer able to continue making the commitment and sacrifices required to run outside capital. Despite negligible redemption requests and increasing market opportunities that are the result of a challenging year in event-driven investing, I cannot in good faith start next year with the dedication required to manage your capital.”-Doug Hirsch  

North Carolina: DAL (Delta Air Lines) Global Services (aka DGS) laying off 56 employees contracted to work for American Airlines at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.  In Charlotte, after 18 years Cosmo Cafe shutting down in January 2016.  The owner decided he could make more money renting out the property.

North Dakota: In Grand Forks, after 47 years locally owned auto parts store H.E. Everson shutting down, blaming the encroachment of national chain auto parts stores since the oil boom.  At one time there were 19 H.E. Everson stores across two states.

 Pennsylvania:  Once again, God not as powerful as ObamaCare as Saint Joseph’s Hospital is shutting down, at least 675 people unemployed by March 2016!  Because of ObamaCare hospital services are being consolidated into fewer locations.

South Dakota:  Veterans Affairs wants to shutdown the Hot Springs VA Medical Center, 418 jobs lost by 2020!  Analysts say it’ll result in the regional economy losing $55-million per year!

Tennessee: In Memphis, Kroger shutting down their Hickory Hill Road grocery store, blaming 10 years of low sales. Administrators say the 17 years old store has not made a profit since 2006.

Texas:   The second largest U.S. rail company, Fort Worth based and Warren Buffett owned BNSF, laid off 1-hundred people in North Dakota and Minnesota, blaming crashing freight shipments!

Utah: In Logan, the Golden Corral all you can eat buffet shutdown.  According to local news reports this followed a ten week span that saw Gold’s Gym, Dunkin Donuts and Sports Authority shutdown in Logan.  The city’s Economic Development office told local news sources that based on tax revenues the economy is still good there in Logan/Cache County!

Wisconsin: Door County Rubber Stamp & Scrapbooking shutting down their 22 years old Egg Harbor store.  Like many other businesses the owners are consolidating retail operations into fewer stores.

U.S. Job Losses & Closings 29 December 2015: “We were blindsided….It’s like a funeral here.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“We were blindsided….It’s like a funeral here.” 70-thousand U.S. oil jobs gone, more of the same in 2016! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 29 December 2015

Arizona:  In Phoenix, after 30 years Ofelia’s bridal shop shutdown.

California:  More proof video games are not recession resistant; on Xmas day Laguna Hills based Red 5 Studios informed its employees it did not have enough cash to issue their Xmas time paychecks!  Unconfirmed reports that Red 5 Studios also laid off employees in November and December.  All year long clothing maker Hudsloan Enterprises advertised that it was looking for employees for its “rapid growing clothing” operation. Now Hudsloan is shutting down its Los Angeles operations in February, 265 jobs lost!   Upscale sunglasses maker Oakley issued a layoff WARN in Foothill Ranch, 76 jobs lost in February 2016.   Failing to prove its graduated students can find good paying jobs France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down its Pasadena cooking school in February, 126 jobs lost!  In Fontana, motion control company Parker Hannifin issued a shutdown WARN, 69 jobs lost in February 2016.  In San Francisco, British empire based U.S. taxsucking BAE killing more U.S. jobs, this time 63 people laid off.  Tax sucker Boeing issued several layoff WARNs, 79 jobs lost in February 2016.  TGI Friday’s shutting down their Carlsbad restaurant, 45 jobs lost by the end of February 2016.  In Los Angeles, Hyatt Regency Century Plaza shutting down in March 2016, at least 796 jobs lost!  In Kerman, massive farm layoffs as Gerawan Farming-Prima issued a shutdown WARN for February, 2-thousand 551 jobs lost due to the ongoing drought!

Georgia:  In Atlanta, after five years Cafe Jonah and the Magical Attic shutting down by the end of February 2016: “Our landlord is not renewing our lease and intends to sell the property. I have been searching for the past year for a comparable space that we could call home, but have not found anything…”

Indiana: Michigan based Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern shutting down seven restaurants due to lack of sales.  Only one Bagger Dave’s will remain in Indiana.

Iowa: In Cedar Rapids, a 30 years old Burger King fast food joint shutting down in January 2016, because of the greedy property owner: “The lease came up and our rates went up. We wanted to do a scrape and rebuild, but we just couldn’t do it economically on a leased piece of ground. It just doesn’t make sense.”-Perry Beaton, franchise owner

Kansas: In Topeka, Mad Eliza’s Cakes & Confections shutting down their brick-n-mortar store and focusing on catering only: “The many extra expenses and workload of keeping and stocking a storefront can only be justified when there is a line at the counter a large portion of the time…”-Mark and Peggy Murnahan, owners

Maryland: The GAP clothier shutting down in the Westfield Annapolis Mall.  After 33 years the last Wavedancer store in Baltimore shutting down in January 2016.

Massachusetts:  After almost six years Persnickety Toys shutdown their Pittsfield location due to down holiday sales: “I did have the option to not close dependent upon the outcome of the holiday season, but I’m afraid that while it was pretty busy, it just wasn’t busy enough.”-Mike Moore, owner of Pittsfield store

Another 30 years old fast food joint shutdown, this time in Hadley.  The KFC (aka Kentucky Fried Chicken) shutdown due to low sales and higher labor costs: “We just can’t make money here anymore with the minimum wage increase and new part-time sick leave. Things weren’t that great anymore, but those things were the final nail.”-Mike Houston, franchise owner

Michigan: Only seven years old Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern chain shutting down a restaurant in Detroit, blaming lack of sales.   Bankrupt California based American Apparel shutdown its Lansing store without warning.

Missouri: In Jefferson City, after 37 years Kirlin’s Hallmark gift store shutting down by the beginning of January 2016.

Nebraska:  In Lincoln, the Russ’s Market (formerly Food-4-Less) at 70th and Van Dorn streets shutting down by the end of January 2016, the parent company is consolidating grocery ops into fewer stores.

New Mexico: In Silver City, after ten years non-profit fiber art store The Common Thread shutdown.  The operator said sales weren’t high enough to pay the utilities.

New York: In Soho, Italian steakhouse Costata shutdown and looking for a cheaper location.

Pennsylvania:  In York, Metso Minerals issued a WARN saying 71 jobs lost by February 2016.  Too Big to Jail FNB-Metro Bancorp-Metro Bank eliminating 230 Dauphin County jobs by February 2016!  In Pottsville, Ryder issued a WARN saying 95 jobs lost by March 2016.  In Brackenridge, ATI Flat Rolled Products issued a WARN saying they will eliminate 259 jobs by the end of February 2016!  After 101 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) the non-profit Mahanoy City Visiting Nurse Association killed off by skyrocketing costs and lack of donations.    In Wayne, after 34 years Newman and Saunders Galleries shutting down next week.  The owners are selling the property and will focus on internet sales only.   The state Game Commission says not enough hunting licenses were sold and they must furlough two employees.  In Reading, upscale clothier The Archive shutting down, the owner blames low sales on a bad location.  Michigan based DTE Energy shutting down their Shenango coke plant in January 2016, 173 jobs lost: “We were blindsided….It’s like a funeral here.”-Mike Ruane, employees’ union rep

Texas: The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas estimates that since October 2014 at least 70-thousand oil industry jobs have been lost: “Job losses and falling energy prices portend continued distress for the oil and gas sector in 2016…..      If bankruptcies continue at this rate, more may follow in 2016. Upstream firms have also adjusted to low oil prices by slashing capital expenditures; spending is down 51% from fourth quarter 2014 to third quarter 2015.”

Washington: In Bellingham, after 20 years Vis Seafoods shutdown its brick-n-mortar store and shifting to internet orders only.

Washington DC:  After eight years the Hello Cupcake shop in Dupont Circle shutting down.

West Virginia: In Montgomery, after 107 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Elk Furniture shutting down: “It’s um something I have been seeing come, for several years business has slowed down. You can’t run a business without money…..we don’t see how things are going to pick up any time soon.”-Ella Mae Jones, owner

U.S. Job Losses & Closings 28 December 2015: “this will be an humanitarian crisis under the flag of the United States” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Dumbing Down the United States, 4th Quarter 2015: “Students and their families are also facing steep increases in prices…”

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete list of publicly announced education layoffs & school shutdowns from October to December 2015:

Prestigious France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down all 16 schools in the United States! In the past decade graduates have been accusing the 115 years old cooking school of ripping them off, saying school recruiters lied about how much a cook can be paid after graduating. The U.S. Department of Education agrees and is ending federal student loan funding for Julia Child’s alma mater.

California: In Santa Rosa, after 23 years the privately run animal shelter and children’s summer camp McDonald Ranch shutting down because evil A-hole city administrators revoked their license to operate.  The owners are looking for homes for everything from guinea pigs to horses.  They’re now forced to sell the property.  In San Diego, Bridgepoint Education laid off six people.  Failing to prove its graduated students can find good paying jobs France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down its Pasadena cooking school in February, 126 jobs lost!

Florida: Dade Medical College shutdown all its campuses without warning, thousands of students and hundreds of employees out in the cold!  Basically school administrators realized they are flat broke (for numerous reasons)!   In Port Saint Louis, Teacher’s Pet and More education supply store shutting down due to nobody wanting to take over the 30+ years old business.

Idaho: The evil and corrupt School District 25 (aka Pocatello/Chubbuck school district) fired a food service worker for giving a starving child a free lunch valued at a measly one dollar and 70 cents!  On top of that the A-hole District 25 administrators sent the good samaritan (now former) employee a letter stating they consider her act of charity “theft”The former food service employee told new sources she offered to pay for the meal herself but that offer was rejected by her supervisor: “…what are you supposed to do when the kids tell you they are hungry and they don’t have any money?”-Dalene Bowden, hero District 25 food service worker fired for trying to feed starving children

The rip off artist known as Your Health Idaho ObamaCare enforcer is being cut loose from federal funding. For 2016 Your Health Idaho is expected to fund itself, which guarantees rates will go up.  And for more proof Idaho lawmakers’ version of ObamaCare is evil: “Students and their families are also facing steep increases in prices for policies offered on the state exchange, with average prices for a minimal coverage ‘bronze’ plan exceeding $200 per month.”-from staff report recently presented to Idaho Board of Education

The U.S. Department of Education says Idaho’s High School graduation rate is 41st out of the 50 states and Washington DC!    College of Southern Idaho revealed that 30% of its student body are still in High School!  The imbecilic Idaho Board of Education realizes that it’s a sign of a ‘significant’ change in college student body demographics (you think?).  What this really shows is a mass exodus of traditional college age students from Idaho!  According to the Idaho Department of Education more than 60 school districts saw decreasing enrollment, even though the overall statewide enrollment levels were up from last year.  For unknown reasons School District 2 (West Ada) is seeing the lion’s share of enrollment increase, far outpacing the next four districts with the top enrollment.    School District 151 is now suddenly short $15-million USD after convincing taxpayers to issue new bonds!  District administrators blame an architect from the School District 25 area for grossly under-budgeting new construction projects!  That architect admitted as much adding that “I feel sick.”   Test score rankings of home educated Idahoans versus traditional schools (yeah, the ones in blue are the homeschooled results).  Homeschooling is one reason why taxpayer funded public schools are losing students.  According to Idaho Coalition of Home Educators there’s an estimated 7-thousand kids being educated at home, in a state with a total official population of 1.5-million.  The reason the number of homeschool kids is an ‘estimate’ is that The Gem State does not have any laws regarding the tracking or even state testing of home educated kids.  In related news (and something I wish happened when my kids were attending School District 25), a local judge has ruled that West Ada School Board violated the state Constitution by charging fees.  In fact the ruling reveals just about all Idaho public schools are violating the state Constitution: “So we’re hoping that moms and dads will ask these questions about ‘Why are you charging fees when they’re unconstitutional?’”-Russell Joki, West Ada School Board member who actually agrees with the court ruling

Illinois:  Black Hawk College warned it must eliminate jobs to cover a $1.5-million shortfall.  Rock Valley College eliminating 30 jobs due to the failed state ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget.  Richland Community College laying off staff and refusing to pay MAP grants to students, blaming the failed state ‘lawmakers’ for failing to come up with a budget!   In Obama’s homie-town three charter schools being shutdown; Lighthouse Academy, Amandla High school and Betty Shabazz-Barbara A. Sizemore Academy.  Apparently they’ve failed to meet performance standards.   Since October the Illinois State Museum has been closed due to the Failed State ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget.  Now local news reports say two thirds of the staff have been forced to retire early, or quit!

Indiana: In Terre Haute, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ John Paul II Catholic High School.  The school was opened in 2000 but cannot generate enough cash to continue operating.  (so money is the true god?)

Iowa: In West Des Moines, Kingdom Kids Academy shutdown. News reports say administrators refuse to say why, but employees say new management suddenly backed out and quit.  Bridgepoint Education-Ashford University moving ahead with shutting down its Clinton campus in 2016, at least 50 jobs lost.  In 2011 the university had 959 full time students, in 2015 full time enrollment dropped to 418!

Kentucky:  In Louisville, after 35 years the Parent-Teacher Store & Toys Too shutting down in 2016, blaming crashing sales and skyrocketing operating costs.

Massachusetts: In Ware, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Mary’s School after 91 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) of education.  It’s blamed on what I call The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (they’re down to just 32 students). 

Michigan:  Kent City Community Schools shutdown their elementary school, blaming water service problems.   Detroit Public Schools selling off 16 schools and eliminating bilingual jobs!  News reports indicate that the elimination of bilingual personnel could lead to students being taken out of school, which will further reduce funding for the dip-noodle school district.  East Jackson School District announced they must layoff six teachers due to unexpectedly low student enrollment.

Minnesota: In Austin, Riverland Community College joins the new trend of eliminating nursing programs and laid off six nursing instructors and halted the enrollment of new nursing students!  Administrators blame ObamaCare saying “We’re making changes in the curriculum so that our program is more reflective of the health industry today.” 

Missouri: God refuses to stop ‘his’ Evangel University from using attrition to eliminate 44 jobs by next school year.  33 faculty and staff have already been forced into early retirement.

Montana: The University of Montana eliminating 201 jobs due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Since 2011 the University of Montana has lost nearly 5-thousand students!

New Jersey: More proof internet/high-tech jobs are not recession resistant; Mercer County Community College announced it is eliminating as many as 24 IT jobs.  

New York: God refuses to stop ‘his’ College of Saint Rose from laying off 23 people after Xmas.  Briarcliffe College issued a shutdown WARN, 294 jobs lost by December 2018!

North Carolina:   College apartment complex operator Campus Crest shutting down their HQ and eliminating 70 jobs by February 2016. Campus Crest is being sold-off.

Ohio: In North Olmsted, the Butternut Primary School shutting down after this school year.  Administrators are playing a property shell game promising to eventually build a new school.

South Dakota: In Sioux Falls, after 38 years non-profit Kilian Community College announced they’re shutting down in May 2016. Administrators blame a rapidly changing higher education environment.  God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Christian Center School (after 35 years of service) at the end of this school year.

Tennessee:  In Union, Deb ‘n Heir kids clothing store shutting down after 55 years.  When asked why he didn’t have barcodes on his merchandise the owner proved the new tech age is actually dumbing people down when he responded “Most of it I just kept in my head.”

3rd Quarter 2015:  “To save that kind of money, you have to do something drastic….It’s a necessary evil.”

Dumbing Down Japan: ‘Secret’ order to eliminate ‘thinking’ classes revealed! 

ObamaCare job destruction, 4th quarter 2015: “The straw that broke the camel’s back…the Affordable Care Act…”

The following is an incomplete list of healthcare job cuts that took place, or were announced, from October to December 2015, and were directly or indirectly blamed on Obama Care (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).

On 19 December 2015, during a televised presidential candidate debate Hillary Clinton admitted that skyrocketing health insurance, and health care costs, were the result of ObamaCare “glitches”!

Alabama: In Trussville, ObamaCare administrators have cut off funding for the Golden Living Center, forcing it to shutdown after New Year’s Day, at least 111 jobs lost!  Limestone Hospital eliminated 15 jobs after the county halted $1-million USD in taxpayer support!  Hospital administrators warned that could be the tip of the iceberg.   East Alabama Medical Center shutdown their baby birthing shop.

Arizona:  Tucson based Carondelet Health Network laid off 1-hundred people!  Non-profit Meritus Health Partners shutdown by ObamaCare, 59-thousand people will lose their promised healthcare insurance as a result!   

California:  In Rancho Cordova, medical device maker Volcano began another round of layoffs, 60 people now unemployed.  News reports said at one time there were almost 7-hundred Volcano employees, but estimates it’s now less than 1-hundred.  In Los Angeles, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center issued a layoff WARN, 57 jobs lost by February 2016.   Medical vascular care company Abbott Vascular shutdown their Redwood City ops, 144 people now jobless!  In San Jose, medical device maker Boston Scientific laid off 75 people.  In San Diego, Arena Pharmaceuticals eliminated 79 jobs.   In Los Angeles, Hersha Hospitality Management claimed it was shutting down temporarily.   Fireman’s Fund Insurance issued a layoff WARN for their Novato office, 73 jobs lost.

Colorado: Longmont’s Front Range Community College shutting down its nursing program!  For the 2017-18 school year the program is being consolidated to other campuses.  Datu Health shutdown their Boulder HQ, 42 jobs lost. 

Connecticut:  Hartford Health Care eliminating 120 jobs at Windham Hospital.  Evil drugs researcher Bristol-Myers Squibb laying off 78 employees between January and March 2016.  ObamaCare forcing the state to cut Medicare, which in turn forcing Day Kimball Healthcare to eliminate 23 jobs: “Once again, our organization has been dealt a severe financial blow from the state that has far-reaching repercussions. We have no choice but to be proactive in cutting costs…”-Robert Smanik, president and CEO

Florida:  Health insurance company Preferred Medical Plan issued a layoff WARN saying they lost so many customers that they must now eliminate 162 jobs in February 2016!   Dade Medical College shutdown all its campuses without warning, thousands of students and hundreds of employees out in the cold!  Affordable Care Act forcing ResCare to layoff 79 employees in Homestead.  Reports that Citrus Memorial Hospital eliminated jobs.    In Fort Lauderdale,  The Recovery Place laid off 125 healthcare workers !  In Miami Lakes, Outpatient Services laid off 28 healthcare workers.

Georgia:  After years of warnings, Hutcheson Medical Center in Fort Oglethorpe finally shutdown.

Idaho:  Idaho’s version of ObamaCare has directly caused a death. Jenny Steinke died in Idaho Falls, her husband Jason had just gotten insurance, but it didn’t go into effect until 01 September, the very day Jenny suffocated to death due to her asthma.  Jason stated that ObamaCare is “just not affordable” and bemoaned his wife’s death “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”  Jason’s mother Cella describes Idaho’s version of ObamaCare as nothing more than “death by poverty.” 

Kaiser Family Foundation study says Idaho is one of dozens of states keeping low income people from affordable ObamaCare (called the Coverage Gap), and that it’s actually costing taxpayers more money as a result, saying the cost of healthcare in The Gem State went up 6.9%!

Lewiston’s non-profit Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center is up for sale.   A federal court has ordered the sale of Saltzer Medical Group.  Corrupt Boise based Saint Luke’s Health System took over Nampa based Saltzer, but a federal judge ruled the takeover violated anti-trust laws.  Saint Luke’s has 12 months to sell-off Saltzer.  The state Department of Health and Welfare is slashing Medicaid payments for in-home care of mentally disabled people.  Already, in-home care operation A New Leaf, in Meridian, is shutting down and eliminating 39 jobs as a result.  Many more in-home care operations will be shutdown as the draconian state ‘lawmakers’ want to warehouse disabled people in institutions.    The ObamaCare insurance exchange (Your Health Idaho) admitted that 78-thousand Idahoans (in a state with about 1.5-million people) whose low incomes (or sex; that fact they’re healthy low income adult males) won’t allow them to qualify for Idaho’s sexist Medicaid program!  And for 2016 Your Health Idaho is being cut loose from federal funding, which guarantees rates will go up.  And for more proof Idaho lawmaker’s version of ObamaCare is evil: “Students and their families are also facing steep increases in prices for policies offered on the state exchange, with average prices for a minimal coverage ‘bronze’ plan exceeding $200 per month.”-from staff report recently presented to Idaho Board of Education

Illinois:  God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing ‘his’ Hospital Sisters Health System to end inpatient healthcare services at Saint Mary’s Hospital, other services are being consolidated to other hospitals, 3-hundred jobs affected!   Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) medical device tax (and crashing profits) forcing medical device maker Baxter International to eliminate 1-thousand 4-hundred jobs!

Indiana:  Indianapolis based drugs pusher Eli Lilly announced it will charge $11-thousand 430 USD per month for its new cancer drug, so much for ObamaCare!

Iowa: Insurance company Transamerica warned of mass layoffs in 2016.  It’s part of their ongoing consolidation operations.  They’ve already consolidated 14 division into two, eventually there will be only one!

Kansas:  In Topeka, the non-profit health care Marian Clinic shutting down affecting at least 4-hundred low income patients.  Local news reports say the Shawnee County Health Agency is experiencing a steady increase in patient inquiries since the announcement that Marian Clinic was shutting down.  1-hundred years old (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) Mercy Hospital shutdown,  administrators admitting they’ve lost a lot of money since Affordable Care Act went into effect.

Kentucky:    Louisville based healthcare provider Humana announced they will no longer accept patients under specific ObamaCare health plans, affecting at least 100-thousand people: “Operating results for the company’s individual commercial medical business continue to be challenged primarily due to the volatility related to the start of the healthcare exchange program created under the Affordable Care Act….”–Humana 3rd quarter financial report

Louisiana:   South Beauregard Health Center in Longville shutdown  blaming crashing patient volume caused by Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)! 

Massachusetts:  Baystate Health eliminating as many as 40 jobs and consolidating inpatient care, blaming ObamaCare. Partners HealthCare System shutdown their Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care North Shore, 3-hundred jobs lost! 

Michigan:   Detroit Medical Center reducing the number of its jobs by about 125!  Administrators blame ObamaCare for forcing them to “achieve efficiencies across our system”.  They laid of 127 people last year.  Health insurance giant Blue Cross Blue Shield warned of massive layoffs across the state.  The insurance industry created ObamaCare is failing to rape-in the profits because smart and healthy ‘Mericans who don’t need health insurance know it’s a scam and are protesting with their wallets by refusing to sign up!  Blue Cross Blue Shield says as a result they must cut $300-million USD in Michigan jobs by 2018!  

Minnesota: In Austin, Riverland Community College joins the new trend of eliminating nursing programs and laid off six nursing instructors and halted the enrollment of new nursing students!  Administrators blame ObamaCare saying “We’re making changes in the curriculum so that our program is more reflective of the health industry today.” 

Mississippi: Merit Health Natchez laid off 13 people.

Montana: State ‘lawmakers’ are shutting down the Montana Developmental Center.  State representative Denise Hayman (who is opposed to shutting MDC down) says mentally handicapped patients are already being transferred to prisons!  

Nebraska: In Omaha, God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing Catholic Health Initiatives from eliminating 60 jobs. 

New Hampshire:  Valley Regional Hospital eliminated eight jobs in an effort to be “not quite break-even but…sustainable”.    Monadnock Community Hospital laid off six people and eliminated vacant jobs: “This is largely as a result of the changes in the Affordable Care Act, which really got into full swing in 2014.”-Laura Gingras, vice president of philanthropy and community relations

New Jersey:  Japan based drugs pusher Daiichi Sankyo issued a WARN saying 24 people will be laid off in February 2016.  Saint Mary’s General hospital laid off an undisclosed number of employees, blaming ObamaCare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) on greatly reducing overnight customers.  In West Orange, Barnabas Health laid off 7-hundred health industry workers!  The new California based owner of the Saint Clare’s Health System laid off 50 people. The new administrators blame it on “current volumes” caused by ObamaCare.  East Orange General Hospital now bankrupt busted despite its pending $84-million USD sale, 860 jobs threatened!  ObamaCare forced Bishop McCarthy Residence to eliminated 50 jobs.  In Pleasantville, ObamaCare forced Our Lady’s Residence to eliminated 50 jobs.  In Cherry Hill, ObamaCare forced Saint Mary’s Catholic Home to eliminated 50 jobs.

New York: The town of Hamburg eliminating 29 jobs and blaming it on ObamaCare!  ObamaCare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) resulted in jacking up healthcare costs for the city so much that the only way they can pay for it is to eliminate jobs!  After 57 years Slaterville Volunteer Ambulance Service shutdowndue to lack of volunteers.  Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing EmblemHealth Services to issue a shutdown WARN for their NYC Claims Processing office, 101 jobs lost by February 2016!  In Rochester, Sweden based medical tech Getinge Sourcing announced 52 layoffs by January 2016.  The Jewish Board of Family and Children Services shutting down their Copiague Mental Health Clinic & PROS Possibilities program as well as their Central Islip Mental Health Clinic and ACT Program and their Hempstead Mental Health Clinic & Nassau County Care Coordination programs, at least 214 jobs lost!  County taxpayer funded Summit Park Hospital and Nursing Care Center shutting down after Xmas, due to a potential buyer backing out of the $32-million USD sale.  4-hundred jobs lost!  Due to the pending shutdown of New York Presbyterian Hospital Family Medicine Center (in January 2016), Hunter Ambulette-Ambulance lost their contract, 113 jobs lost!  Is Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) behind Health Republic Insurance of New York shutdown?  147 jobs lost! 

North Carolina:   Rotech Healthcare conducted a second round of healthcare layoffs, 61 people laid off.  In the first round of layoffs 90 billing employees were let go.  Rotech’s Steve Burres directly blames Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).   Franklin Medical Center shutdown leaving the entire Franklin County without a hospital: “Despite an outstanding staff, investments in the facility, and a reconfiguration of hospital services last fall, we were unable to create a sustainable model.” 

Ohio:  Wheelchair maker Invacare conducted a second round of layoffs, this time 30 people were let go.  Back in August they laid off 150 people.   Lakewood Hospital Foundation shutdown their Thrifty Peddler resale shop, saying “circumstances change”.  And the Lakewood Hospital itself being shutdown in favor of a smaller clinic operation.  Mercy Health warned it will eliminate 24 jobs, blaming ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) for “changing” healthcare.   Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act forcing Gallipolis based Holzer Health System to eliminate 1-hundred jobs in Ohio and West Virginia!  Administrators directly blamed ObamaCare saying it “resulted in dramatic change in healthcare service delivery models.”  They also stated that ObamaCare is actually doing the reverse of what it promised, it’s actually preventing people from getting healthcare!   Health insurance company Assurant shutting down their two years old Dayton call center, 150 jobs affected!  Two years ago the company promised to employ 2-hundred people, in anticipation of increased demand due to ObamaCare forcing people to buy health insurance, but guess what, it didn’t happen.

Oregon:   Yet another affordable insurance co-op shutting down, this time it’s non-profit Health Republic.  The forced shutdown will affect 8-hundred Oregon businesses and 15-thousand individuals! 

Pennsylvania:  Drugs pusher Philidor Rx Services finally revealed to state administrators that they shutdown, back on 23 November, 262 jobs lost!  Bemis Healthcare Packaging shutting down in January 2016, no job numbers given.   ObamaCare likely behind the job destruction at AmeriHealth Administrators.  They issued two mass layoff WARNs saying 476 Keystone State jobs (130 at Horsham & 346 at Fort Washington) are being lost as the company is moving elsewhere!  University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing shutting down by New Year’s Eve, 108 jobs lost!    After 101 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) the non-profit Mahanoy City Visiting Nurse Association killed off by skyrocketing costs and lack of donations.   Once again, God not as powerful as ObamaCare as Saint Joseph’s Hospital is shutting down, at least 675 people out of a job by March 2016!  Because of ObamaCare hospital services are being consolidated into fewer locations.

Rhode Island: Blue Cross Blue Shield announced it will eliminate 80 jobs over the next 17 months.  The health insurance company is joining the trend of contracting out its IT operations, ironically blaming ObamaCare (ironic because the health insurance industry created ObamaCare).

South Carolina: ObamaCare killing off yet another affordable insurance co-op, this time it’s non-profit Consumers’ Choice Health Insurance being forced to shutdown, leaving 67-thousand customers without affordable insurance!  Nason Medical Center shutdown all five  Lowcountry urgent care centers and laid off all remaining employees, saying “We thank you and wish you the best of success in your new positions wherever they may be.”

South Dakota:  Veterans Affairs wants to shutdown the Hot Springs VA Medical Center, 418 jobs lost by 2020!  Analysts say it’ll result in the regional economy losing $55-million per year!

Tennessee: Community Health Alliance being forced by state ObamaCare administrators to stop issuing health insurance, 148 jobs lost!   Hutcheson Medical Center laid off 70 more employees and eliminated the Chickamauga clinic, the Battlefield Lung Specialists, and the Multi-Family Practice Clinic on Battlefield Parkway and the intensive care unit! Local news reports say the hospital with 179 beds now has a “skeleton crew”, an employee said don’t waist your time going there because you’ll be sent to another hospital.   The entire Clay County School District shutdown due to lack of funding caused by the implementation of Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare): “The straw that broke the camel’s back was really the Affordable Care Act for us and it has made it very difficult for us to have our employees properly covered and meet the mandates of the law. That was going to require new revenue and the commission felt like they couldn’t do that through a tax increase.”-Jerry Strong, director

Texas:  TAPS medical transportation in Wichita Falls shutdown.  In Fort Worth, Forest Park Medical Center chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale.   Bowie Memorial Hospital has ceased to exist after cash strapped taxpayers voted down a funding initiative.  138 hospital employees and another 336 ‘outside’ jobs lost!  

Vermont: Non-profit mental health service Health Care and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont laid off 12 employees.  Administrators said even with those layoffs they’ll be lucky to “break even” in 2016.

Washington:  After 126 years (surviving the great Depression and numerous recessions) Fairhaven Pharmacy shutdown, the owner Rob Johansen blamed ObamaCare saying “Financially it is almost impossible to run an independent pharmacy. It’s a frustrating field to be in right now.”   Virginia Mason Hospital and Medical Center warned of job cuts in 2016, “because we anticipate a short-term reduction in patient volumes” caused by Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).

Washington DC: More proof ObamaCare (Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act) is a big fail; yet again the cost of paying for healthcare went up, to a record $3-trillion USD in 2014!   For about 7-million U.S. citizens on Medicare part B their costs are expected to go up by 52% in 2016, for some their monthly payments will hit $509! 

Wisconsin: Cardiac Science now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 190 jobs threatened!  The company has failed to make payments on $80-million USD of debt.  God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing ‘his’ Ministry Health Care from eliminating 5-hundred jobs from their hospital system!  Administrators say the Affordable Care Act does not cover the actual costs of providing healthcare!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

3rd quarter 2015:  “We just could not sustain it any more…”

U.S. cities declare war on homeless people! “this will be an humanitarian crisis under the flag of the United States” : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 28 December 2015

In 2015 dozens of evil U.S. cities, and even states, ‘declared war’ on homeless people despite the fact that the Failed State policies of ‘lawmakers’ are creating more and more homeless families: Portland, Oregon.  Seattle, Washington. Boise, Idaho. Denver, Colorado. Hawaii. Etc.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors recently released their 33rd annual assessment of hunger and homelessness in 22 U.S. cities.   The capital of the United States, Washington DC, leads the pack with an explosive 60% jump in homeless families!  Families becoming homeless far outpace individuals becoming homeless, and many city administrators see no change for 2016.  If that isn’t proof your system qualifies as an official Failed State, then you’re a proverbial Frog in a Boiling Pot.

Alaska: Proof of a Failed State; ‘lawmakers’ in The Last Frontier state are now considering a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years, blaming crashing revenues from the oil industry.  Never mind the fact that ‘lawmakers’ just spent bookoo bucks on building themselves a “palatial” new legislative building.

Arkansas: After 25 years Mister Magic brick-n-mortar shop shutting down and shifting to internet sales only.

California: Abercrombie Kids shutting down their Milpitas clothing store in January 2016, at least 41 jobs lost.   New York based clothier Suchman issued mass shutdown WARNs for several locations across The Golden State, 204 jobs lost by April 2016!    In Santa Clara, more proof high-tech not recession resistant as Citrix Systems issued a layoff WARN, 54 jobs lost in January 2016. In Brea, customer management company Alta Resources laid off 121 employees!  In San Diego, Bridgepoint Education laid off six people.  What construction industry recovery?  In Fresno, PPG laying off 45 people from their residential glass factory in January 2016.  In Carson, HVAC company Anemostat revealed they laid off 89 people. Morrison Healthcare Food Service ended their Chico operations, 87 jobs lost.  In Rancho Santa Margarita, RSM Automotive & Towing issued a layoff WARN, 77 jobs lost by February 2016.   The Montecito Country Club issued a layoff WARN, 44 jobs lost in February 2016.  In Pleasanton, Albertsons-Safeway continues with the layoffs, this time 66 people unemployed by February 2016.

Georgia:  In Gainesville, after 31 years Frames You-Nique shutting down due to the owner’s health problems.

Florida: In Mission Bay, the Toys R Us shutting down by the end of January 2016.

Illinois:  Since October the Illinois State Museum has been closed due to the Failed State ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget.  Now local news reports say two thirds of the staff have been forced to retire early, or quit!

Indiana: After 45 years the Mark III Tap Room shutting down at the end of the month.

New Jersey:  Bankrupt California based American Apparel shutting down their Newport Centre store in January 2016.  It should be noted that the bankruptcy documents partly blame skyrocketing rents.

New York: In Buffalo, Dog é Style hotdog joint shutting down by January 2016.

North Carolina: In Oak City, the owner of Klub Xplosion shutting it down due to increasing violence.  In Cary, Firewurst sausage joint shutting down: “After nearly 3 years of toil and sacrifice to build a local brand that could ultimately become a national franchise, we have come to the conclusion that our brand is…..not sustainable.”

Puerto Rico: The governor of the U.S. territory stated they cannot continue making payments on the government debt: “We’re out of cash…..there are no more tricks…this will be an humanitarian crisis under the flag of the United States very soon if Congress do not act.”-Alejandro Garcia Padilla, interviewed by CNN

South Carolina:  More proof internet/high-tech is not recession resistant; 3D Systems shutting down its Cubify.com website and ending its retail 3D printed operations.

U.S. Job Losses & Closings 25 – 27 December 2015: Nevada penalizes homeowners for going ‘Green’!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

World War 3: United States rescues Islamic State leaders in Ramadi!

27 December 2015, 19:38 UTC-07 Tango 01 (07 Dey 1394/14 Rabi’a’-Awwal 1437/18 Wu Zi 4713)

“The delay in operations in Ramadi and Fallujah in Anbar province is a result of the intervention of the United States of America. It seems that the U.S. intends to evacuate the leaders of the insurgent groups using helicopters in an unknown direction.”-Haidar al-Hosseini al -Ardavi, Imam Khamenei Battalion

Iraqi M1A1 Abrams evicting DAIISH insurgents from Ramadi

More proof the United States is behind the Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]):  Iraqi Imam Khamenei Battalion forces taking part in operations to rid the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah of DAIISH report they observed U.S. forces rescuing DAIISH insurgents!

This news comes as Iraqi government forces declared Ramadi officially liberated from DAIISH: “The [city government] complex is under our complete control, there is no presence whatsoever of DAIISH fighters in the complex.”-Sabah al-Numan, Iraqi army spokesman

Iraqi militia leaders say the final push to liberate the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah was held up at the request of the United States, and that U.S. forces then conducted helicopter rescue operations of their puppet DAIISH.  (or are they Academi-Xe-Blackwater mercenaries?)

Late to the game: Iraq liberates Ramadi, Obama regime offers help after the fact! 

World War 3: Iraq declares war on United States after Obama regime revealed new ‘Special Operations’ offensive!

World War 3, 13 December 2015: New video proves U.S. cops want you dead! Christian Canada mass genocide against orphans revealed! 

Proof Police conducting genocide against U.S. citizens! Where’s the so called war on cops?

27 December 2015, 19:13 UTC-07 Tango 01 (07 Dey 1394/14 Rabi’a’-Awwal 1437/18 Wu Zi 4713)

The Washington Post has updated their death by cop data for 2015; so far more than 960 people have been shot and killed by police across the U.S., that’s not a war on cops that’s genocide by the cops!  (remember, this data is the number of people shot and killed by cops, it doesn’t include other forms of death by cop)

564 victims were allegedly armed with guns, 281 victims were ‘armed’ with anything from a knife to a toy!  90 victims were not armed with anything!

As far as the claims by police departments that there’s a war on them, data going back to 1870 prove them dead wrong, in fact 2015 could be one of the least deadliest years on record for cops:

World War 3, 13 December 2015: New video proves U.S. cops want you dead! 

United Police States: Sex Crimes get Washington cops suspended without pay! 

United Police States of America: Idaho man accuses Oregon cop with Road Rage, cop threatened him with a gun, cop gets reassigned to a more violent police position 

Evil Cops: Idaho officials rig forensic lab results, thousands of drug convictions now questioned! How many innocent people went to prison?

Drug companies pay Idaho doctors big bucks