Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: On same day Obama & Putin discuss Syria, Russia sends in assault ships, the deployment was unplanned & sudden

“Two major amphibious ships, The Nikolai Filchenkov and The Tsezar Kunikov,  are preparing to be dispatched to Tartus outside of their schedule.”-unnamed Russian naval officer

18 June 2012, speculation that the two Russian assault ships are being sent to evacuate Russian citizens living in Syria.

Russia news media, Interfax, says the ships are carrying marines, and are capable of evacuating Russian nationals. According to Interfax, the Tsezar Kunikov can carry 150 marines along with weapon systems including tanks, while the Nikolai Filchenkov can carry up to 1,500 metric tons of cargo and equipment.

The unofficial announcement came as U.S. President Barack Obama, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, began talks concerning UN Security Council action regarding Syria.



World War 3: ‘Mericans burn Qur’an, again! Who said the War on Terror wasn’t about religion?

April 29, 2012, according to the Gainsville Sun, Islamophobic pastor Terry Jones has led another Qur’an burning ceremony in Florida.

He, and his crazy christian followers, ignored Pentagon warnings and burned Qur’ans and a painting of Prophet Muhammad.  Remember, Terry Jones once promised he would “not ever” burn a Qur’an.

Jones has been fined $300 USD by the Gainsville fire department.

February 20, 2012, U.S. troops burned copies of the Qur’an and other Islamic texts in Afghanistan.

March 20, 2011, ‘merican evangelical Wayne Sapp (Jones’ assistant) burned a Qur’an live via the Internet.

World War 3: Russia to station naval fleet off Syria…Permanently

“A decision has been made to deploy Russian warships near the Syrian shores on a permanent basis.”-unnamed Russian Defense Ministry official

April 13, 2012, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced that a Russian naval fleet will continuously patrol the Mediterranean Sea, near the Syrian coastline.

The Black Sea Fleet will deploy to Syria around May.   Currently the Russian Kashin class guided missile destroyer Smetlivy is patrolling near Syria.

World War 3: China demands “responsible protection” for Syria

“Recently, China and Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution draft on Syria. Some people accuse China and Russia of not being ‘cooperative’ or ‘responsible’. In my view, our decision was the responsible one. We should not forget the lesson in Libya.”-Le Yucheng, Assistant Foreign Minister of China

Chinese officials believe a U.S. led war on Syria would have the same results as in Libya.  They compered the U.S. led war on Libya to “surgery that kills the patient”.   Libya is now in a full on civil war.

China’s Assistant Foreign Minister blasted the United States: “China does not do things just to please certain countries. China never takes its cue from others or pays the bill without asking the price. Being responsible means saying ‘no’ to such ‘protection’. What we need is not just ‘the responsibility to protect’ but also ‘responsible protection’.”

World War 3: Syria begins troop withdrawls, Russia reprimands the United States

“We have already withdrawn some military forces from several Syrian provinces.”-Walid al-Moualem, Foreign Minister of Syria

The Foreign Minister of Syria made the announcement at the same time U.S. and European media were creating rumors to the contrary.

The U.S. and other countries which have influence over the Syrian opposition had better stop pointing the finger at China and Russia all the time, but rather use their leverage to convince everyone to stop shooting.”-Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia

Russia says the Syrian government is justified in asking for written guarantees of ceasefire from the U.S./Israeli supported rebels.

The Syrian government has until midnight, April 10/11, to get troops out of cities under the United Nations ceasefire deal.  The UN ceasefire plan actually is scheduled to begin on April 12.


World War 3: Syrian Army rescues hostages held by U.S. supported Rebels, Rebels surrender to Syrian government, Russia sends navy destroyer, Lebanon catches arms smugglers

Russia has sent a destroyer to Syria.  The ship left its Black Sea home of Sevastopol and is expected to be at the Syrian port of Tartus in a few days.

Russian officials say it is a routine visit.

April 2, 2012, in the city of Homs, the Syrian army claims to have rescued 66 hostages held by U.S./Israeli backed rebels.

In the city of Idlib at least eight rebels were killed.

Also on April 2, more than 100 rebels surrendered to Syrian government officials.

In Lebanon, nine men were indicted of trying to smuggle Western supplied weapons and ammo into Syria.  Three of the men are still on the loose, the other six are in Lebanese jail.

World War 3: Israel killing unarmed Global March to Al Quds (Jerusalem) & Land Day activists, wound Palestinian Member of Parliament, U.S. Jews protesting Israel, U.S. puppet Egypt supports Israel

“The freedom defenders who will partake in these peaceful demonstrations and rallies around the world are marching for dignity toward Jerusalem. Together with them, Palestinians will continue their certain path toward national independence.”Saeb Erakat

March 30, 2012, Israeli forces have killed at least one, and wounded at least 37 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.  The Palestinians are taking part in Land Day demonstrations.

Also part of Land Day, is the Global March to Al Quds.   A Palestinian elected official in West Bank, Mustafa Barghouti, was wounded by Israeli forces as he took part in peaceful protests at Al Quds.

Red Cross officials say more than 170 Palestinians are wounded because of Israeli military and police actions. Russian media sources, citing the Red Crescent, say at least 200  unarmed Palestinians in West Bank have been wounded by Israeli forces.

Israeli forces are using water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, stink gas and high frequency sound weapons.  There is a photo that shows Israeli police, mounted on horseback, trampling Palestinians with their horses.

Palestinians are responding with rocks and bricks.

Don’t think Palestinians are only Muslim, there are Palestinian Jews and Christians taking part in the protests.

Several U.S. Jews are taking part in the protests, they’re wearing badges that say, in English and Arabic: “A Jew, Not a Zionist”.  They are part of a U.S. based organization www.nkusa.org

Western media sources say at least 1,000 protesters have gathered at the Lebanese/Israeli border.

Russian sources say 20,000 people have gathered on the Jordanian/Israeli border!

The U.S. puppet military junta of Egypt has turned its forces against people trying to demonstrate on the Egyptian/Israeli border.  The official reason is that Egypt’s “internal situation… and political tensions at the current time” will not allow it.




World War 3: Russia supports UN resolution on Syria, but only if….

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, said Russia will support a resolution on Syria proposed by Kofi Annan, but only if two conditions are met.

One: The details of the resolution are made public.

Two: That it is not an “Ultimatum”, but an on going process of dialog to “…end to violence on all sides…”

World War 3: Syrian army takes control of Idlib, finds evidence of genocide by U.S. supported rebels

Syrian army took control of the city of Idlib, from the U.S./Israeli supported Free Syrian Army.  They are now airing video of evidence of genocide by the FSA.

One video shows that a sewer system was stuffed full of bodies. Of course pro-Western media still blame the mass killings of civilians on the Syrian government.