Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Saudi Arabia makes it official, launches public fundraiser to help support Western backed insurgents in Syria! New rebel group suddenly materializes!

22 July 2012, the royalist government of Saudi Arabia announced that they will launch a public fundraiser for Syrian rebels on 23 July.

Saudi Arabia is also calling for an emergency Muslim summit, in an effort to unite Muslims against the Syrian government.

The announcements came as a new insurgent group suddenly appeared on the Syrian battlefield!

A new U.S./Israeli/Saudi backed group calling itself Brigade of Unification launched a new attack on the city of Aleppo.

There are at least 12 rebel groups in Syria.

In the past few days Syrian government forces have been retaking Damascus from the rebel group Free Syrian Army.


World War 3: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians flee into neighboring countries in past two days!? Or, is the United Nations playing a game to get more support for war against Syria?!

“As of last week, it was estimated that 1 million people may have been forced to flee inside the country since the conflict began…….Hundreds of frightened refugees have called the hotline and outreach volunteers in the past 24 hours, reporting direct threats and fears of being caught up in the fighting.”-Melissa Fleming, UNHCR

20 July 2012, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is claiming that hundreds of thousands of Syrians have left their county.

UNHCR officials are using estimates, but claim that as many as 180,000 people have fled Syria in the past 48 hours!

However, UNHCR admitted they don’t know for sure, they are actually guesstimating using local government estimations. For a specific example, UNHCR officials said as many as 30,000 people fled into Lebanon, but then also stated that the number could be as low as 8,000.  That’s a big variance! 

The United Nations says it will try to get officials on the ground to get a more exact count: “In consultation with government authorities, UNHCR and its partners are now in the field verifying numbers and assessing the profile and needs of newly arrived Syrians…”-UNHCR press release

If the UN does not have people on the ground now, documenting the refugees coming out of Syria, then how can the UN justify reporting these huge refugee numbers?

World War 3: Israel ready to attack Syria! U.S. ready to back Israel up! Syrian situation the result of failed secret peace talks!

19 July 2012, Israeli and U.S. defense officials have revealed plans for military action against Syria.

First off, Defense Minister Ehud Barak restated that Israel will not accept any refugees from Syria, and will use the IDF to stop refugees, including shooting to kill: “If we have to stop waves of refugees we will stop them.”

U.S. Department of Defense officials revealed that they are working with Israel on a plan to attack supposed Syrian chemical weapons facilities (yeah, remember the same claims about Iraq and Libya?).

U.S. officials said they are warning Israel against military action, but at the same time are also working with Israel to come up with battle plans against Syria.

An Israeli newspaper has revealed that from 2004 to 2006 U.S., Israeli and Syrian officials held secret peace talks. Those talks involved oil revenues, water rights, the return of Golan Heights to Syria, and demanded Syria stop supporting Lebanon’s Hezbollah, stop supporting Palestinian Hamas, and end ties with Iran.

Apparently the Israeli attempted invasion of Lebanon in 2006, and the refusal of U.S. and Israeli officials to openly and officially announce the peace talks, ended Syria’s participation, because it proved Israel and the United States can not be trusted.


World War 3: Syria has new Defense Minister. Russia & China block UN sanctions against Syria.

“This vote should never have taken place at all!”-Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the United Nations

19 July 2012, Russia and China vetoed the latest UN Security Council resolution, on the grounds that it is totally one sided.  It is the third time the two countries blocked a UNSC resolution against Syria.

Also today, the Syrian government announced a new Defense Minister, replacing the general killed on 18 July.



World War 3: Breaking news, Hezbollah Secretary General says Iran & Lebanon ready for war with U.S.! Iran offers Lebanon’s National Army latest weapons! Orders religious tolerance in Lebanon!

“We are ready to sacrifice our lives for our country!”-Hasan Nasrallah

18 July 2012, Hasan Nasrallah says the United States and Europe have given up on using sanctions, and it is clear the U.S./Israeli supported civil war in Syria is failing, so total war by the West is inevitable.

Says Lebanon will not fall into another civil war instigated by the West, such as what happened in Libya, and what the West is trying to do in Syria.  Says Lebanon is united, Hezbollah has made alliances with other political groups within Lebanon.

Nasrallah calling on Palestinians, and other Arab peoples, to come together and prepare for final war.  Warning Arabs to not allow western supported regimes to regain power, if that happens the Palestinian people “…will be lost forever!”

He also announced that Iran is ready to offer lines of credit to the Lebanese Army.

Announced policy of religious tolerance in Lebanon.  Shi’a Muslims of Lebanon ordered to respect other religions!

Says Muslims have been divided for decades because of Western propaganda, calling for all Muslims, regardless of ethnicity, to unite.

Hezbollah accepts responsibility for all repercussions against Lebanon, for any actions blamed on Hezbollah, whether those accusations are real or made up by the United States or Israel!

World War 3: Breaking news, Israel accuses Iran of blowing up Bulgarian buses! Three buses targeted! Israel threatens military strike against Iran!

“This is an Iranian terror campaign that is spreading throughout the world! Israel will react powerfully against Iranian terror!”-Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

18 July 2012, Bulgarian bus explosion update: At least seven Israelis killed, 25 wounded.  One bus exploded, two other buses on fire, Bulgarian fire fighters still working to put out fires!

World War 3: Israel holds emergency War meeting concerning Syria! Israel may be behind assassination of Syrian defense officials! Israelis killed in Bulgaria may be Syrian retaliation! Russia says it will punish those behind assassinations of Syrian officials!

“We expect the organizers of the act of terror in Damascus to be identified and for them to face their deserved punishment.”-Russian Foreign Ministry statement

“Israel is closely monitoring all the developments in Syria.”-Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister

“An explosion occurred in a passenger’s bus with Israeli citizens at the Burgas Airport.”-Dimitar Nikoliv, Mayor of Burgas, Bulgaria

18 July 2012, there are reports that Ehud Barak, the Minister of Defense for Israel, just finished an hours long emergency meeting with IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) top brass.

This after two explosions, one that assassinated the top Syrian defense official, and the other which killed at least three Israelis, and wounded 20, on a bus in Bulgaria!

Prior to the attack on the Bulgarian airport shuttle bus carrying Israeli passengers, IDF officials praised the assassination of Syrian officials, rating it “…a 7 on the Richter scale!”

Witnesses to the Bulgarian bus explosion say the entire bus went up in flames.

Russia and China have stated they will veto any new UN Security Council resolutions against Syria.