Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Russia to establish new naval bases in Vietnam & Cuba!

“It is true, we are working on the deployment of Russian naval bases outside Russian territory.”-Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov, Russian navy

27 July 2012, the Russian navy announced they will re-open Soviet era naval bases around the world, including bases in Vietnam, Cuba (the “backyard” of the U.S.) and Seychelles.

The bases are needed for creating material and technical supply centers for the Russian navy.  The official reason for the expansion of the Russia navy is to fight piracy!

World War 3: Turkey establishes command & control base for the invasion of Syria, Poland closes embassy!

27 July 2012, among warmongering reports from U.S. mainstream media, Poland announces that it has closed its embassy in Syria and is evacuating all Polish nationals!

Up to this point it was the Polish embassy that was acting as the diplomatic representative for the United States.

Reuters is reporting that an unnamed source in Qatar claims that Turkey, a member of U.S. led NATO, has established a command and control base for the invasion of Syria.

The base is located 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of the Syrian border: “It’s the Turks who are militarily controlling it. Turkey is the main coordinator/facilitator. Think of a triangle, with Turkey at the top and Saudi Arabia and Qatar at the bottom.”-unnamed official from Doha, Qatar

The unnamed official also said: “Three governments are supplying weapons: Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.” And added: “All weapons are from the black market.

Qatar played a major role in the western war against Libya.

On 24 July 2012, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: “I have to say that we are also increasing our efforts to assist the opposition.”

World War 3: Trilateral Commission advances; United States, European Union & Japan to go it alone against Syria, no longer working through United Nations!

25 July 2012, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States will no longer use the United Nations Security Council, instead it has formed an alliance with the Arab League and the new French led group called Friends of Syria (which is made up of the European Union and Japan).

Clinton also said that the U.S. no longer cares what Russia and China thinks, saying their concerns are now “on the far backburner” as far as the U.S. is concerned.

Back on 06 July 2012, Clinton told the Friends of Syria they needed to stand up to Russia and China in order to make sure “…that Russia and China will pay a price.”

Now the United States has joined the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in officially announcing they will increase support for rebels, however Clinton did not go into details.

Note that this new alliance is made up mainly of the EU, Japan and North America, who are the regional members of the Trilateral Commission (the true shadow government).


World War 3: U.S. & Israel plotting for demise of Syrian government, Israel threatens war, Israeli defense boss warns it could be the wrong move!

Israeli officials confirmed that U.S. envoys are working with their Israeli counterparts to come up with a plan to manage a Syrian government collapse.

War Pig Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said that if Syrian WMDs make it out of the country “We will act decisively and without hesitation or restraint.”

The Syrian government recently said that if they are attacked by other countries they will use their WMDs for self defense.  That has Israelis panicking, because their own politicians have been threatening to attack Syria.

On 23 July 2012, 3,700 gas masks were requested by Israeli citizens: “There’s a smell of chemical weapons in the air, the sense that a war could be triggered.”-Maya Knobler, in Mevasseret Zion

Israeli officials say they are monitoring the WMDs of Syria: “At the moment, the entire non-conventional weapons system is under the full control of the regime.”-Amos Gilad, adviser to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak

However, IDF Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, warns that any attack by Israel against Syria could backfire, leading to “…a broader offensive than we planned.”

In a round-a-bout way, Gantz is saying the Israel Defense Forces are not prepared to handle a full blown regional war, of course that’s why the U.S. envoys are in Israel, now, helping to make bigger plans!

World War 3: Iraqi leader defies U.S. & Arab League, says stay out of Syria!

“If the Arab nations who met in Doha were honest about wanting to stop the bloodshed, they would have stopped supplying arms…All their statements are hypocritical.”-Jihad Makdissi, spokesman for Syria’s Foreign Ministry

“This call is not appropriate at this time because it is interfering in the sovereignty of another country.”-Labid Abbawi, Deputy Foreign Minister of Iraq

23 July 2012, Iraqi leaders are denouncing the Arab League’s call to support the Free Syrian Army, create a de facto government supported by outsiders, and offer of a “safe exit” for President Bashar al-Assad.

Iraqi officials say the issue is “…the sole responsibility of the Syrian people” and everyone else should butt out!

World War 3: Syrian government warns of clone TV news reports. Arab League tries to shut down Syrian TV, same thing happened in Libya!

22 July 2012, Syria’s Information Ministry claims that U.S., European, Arab and Israeli agencies are cloning Syrian TV stations, for the purpose of presenting false news reports.

Syrian officials say already one TV station has been cloned, right down to the TV station’s logo and patriotic music.

The Arab League has repeatedly asked Arab satellite TV service providers to stop airing Syrian programs.  The Arab League managed to cut off Libyan TV shortly before U.S./European backed rebels murdered Gaddafi.



World War 3: Saudi Arabian intelligence official assassinated

22 July 2012, unconfirmed reports say an explosion hit the intelligence service headquarters of Saudi Arabia, killing one official.

It happened when the newly appointed intelligence boss, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, was entering the building in Riyadh. His deputy was killed.

Prince Sultan, longtime envoy to the United States (1983-2005), is considered a puppet of the U.S.: “…..is among the people who best understood U.S. policies and managed to deal well with the decision-makers.”-Anwar Eshki, Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies


World War 3: U.S. puppet Arab League throws its support behind Free Syrian Army, calling for new Syrian govenment. Remember what happened in Libya? UN to be involved this time!

“We call on the opposition and the Free Syrian Army to form a government of national unity.”-Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar

23 July 2012, the elitist Arab League has come out in full support of the Free Syrian Army, which is proof their so called observer missions to Syria were shams!

The Arab League has also pledged $100 million USD for refugees fleeing the war in Syria.  They also claim that defeating the Syrian government will end the killings. Yeah right! Look what happened to Libya, where the Arab League promised the same things!

One difference, this time the Arab League is asking the United Nations to get involved with creating and imposing any new Syrian government!

World War 3: Israel says the U.S. has NOT asked them to restrain themselves against attacking Syria! Israel working with U.S. for more War! Claiming Syrian troops entered Israel!

“We are working very closely together and there is very close coordination.”-unnamed Israeli official

23 July 2012, Israeli media reporting that Israeli officials have denied earlier reports that U.S. officials asked them to restrain from any military action against Syria.  In fact they state that the United States is working with them for future military strikes!

On 20 July 2012, Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, told Israeli TV news that he ordered the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) to prepare to attack Syrian sites suspected of having chemical weapons: “I have instructed the military to increase its intelligence preparations and prepare what is needed so that, if necessary, we will be able to consider carrying out an operation.”

On 23 July, an Israeli newspaper reported that the situation in Syria is now the only thing on the minds of Israel’s political and military leaders!

Another Israeli media source is reporting that Syrian troops entered Israel.  On 22 July, a TV station reported that Israeli government officials filed a complaint with the United Nations, saying that during a battle between Syrian government forces, and rebels, the government troops crossed the 1974 Golan Heights Armistice Line.  Also, Voice of Israel radio says a UN observer team confirmed the Israeli claim.





World War 3: Turkey helping Al Qaeda get into Syria! More proof Al Qaeda is a tool of the United States!

22 July 2012, a rebel group claims to have taken a third Syrian controlled border crossing with Turkey.

But as thousands of Syrians flee the fighting, there are reports that hundreds of al Qaeda fighters are streaming in to help the U.S./Israeli/Saudi backed rebels!

Most are coming in through the rebel captured border crossings with NATO member Turkey.

Regional reports say the al Qaeda fighters are coming from the French puppet Algeria, the Russian puppet Chechnya, the U.S. puppet Egypt and the U.S. ally Saudi Arabia.

Just want to remind everyone in the United States that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 11 September 2001, came from Saudi Arabia, not from Afghanistan, not from Iraq, not from Libya, not from Syria and not from Iran (in fact none of the attackers were from those countries).

So who’s side is your government really on?