Tag Archives: syria

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!!

09 May 2013 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1392/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

According to Defence for Children International, more than 7500 Palestinian children have been imprisoned and tortured by Israel, in the past 11 years.

According to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Israel systematically (try the word ‘ritually’) abuses Palestinian children: “Ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized.”

Many boys were kidnapped by IDF personnel during night time home invasions.

You can go to YouTube and watch numerous videos of IDF personnel using Palestinian children as human shields, and if that’s not enough for you even Israeli courts have convicted IDF personnel for such acts!

Then what about the revelations that Israelis were deliberately killing Palestinians to harvest their organs?!

How about Israelis declaring Arab protests to be anti-Semitic, when Arabs are Semitic?  Are the Jews saying Arabs are not Semitic?

IDF personnel routinely shoot at and even kill Palestinian farmers.  IDF personnel routinely help illegal Jewish settlers steal Palestinian land.  One way the IDF does that is to declare the area a military zone.

The Tel Aviv regime has just approved another illegal settlement, this time 296 illegal (under international law) homes in the West Bank.

Black Jews and Christians, who migrate to Israel are routinely imprisoned by the white Jews, and then labeled “infiltrators”, not even illegal immigrants.  They are sometimes used as indentured servants or deported back to their country of origin.

It was recently revealed that Israel is forcibly taking DNA samples from “infiltrators” from African countries, as many as 1000 samples since 2012!   Why for?  This revelation was made by Israeli cops to the Israeli Knesset, and then published in the Israeli media.  Officially, Israeli cops are using Black Africans as scapegoats to explain crime in Israel.  The DNA samples were supposedly used to solve crimes, yet not one DNA sample has so far been linked to any crime in Israel.  Basically Israelis believe they can do what they want with Blacks from Africa, because they’re “infiltrators”, not refugees or migrants: “We are aware that those entering Israel have had unpleasant experiences, to say the least, but still, we’re aware of the fact that they broke the law. The law defines them as infiltrators.”-Commander Eran Kamin, Investigations Division

The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says Israel has systematically pushed Palestinians living in Al Quds (Jerusalem) into abject poverty, in fact the report calls it systematic “disintegration” caused by intentional isolation by Israel.

Palestinian Jews, long in residence before the white European Israelis arrived, are treated just as badly as the Palestinian Muslims.  They’ve been forced from their homes and driven into the refugee areas.

U.S. Christians support Israel, despite the fact that Israel treats Palestinian Christians just as badly as Palestinian Muslims.

It is now common knowledge that Israeli officials bribe and threaten U.S. officials.  It has also become common knowledge throughout the World that U.S. leaders are nothing but Tools in the hands of Israelis.

Then there’s the fact that the Iran-Iraq War,  Desert Storm and now the War on Terror were all False Flag events concocted, instigated by, or taken advantage of by Israeli leaders.  It’s all there in black & white, in a policy paper published in 1982, written by zionist Oded Yinon.   Read A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, and you should recognize almost all the military/social events that have, and are taking place in West Asia (Middle East).

Key points from Yinon’s policy paper: “….Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel…..Libya, Sudanwill join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on….Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run….Iraq….is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us….The entire Arabian peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution….Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic targetDispersal of the [Palestinian] population is therefore a domestic strategic aim of the highest order…”

Basically the zionists decided that the only way Israel could be secure is if all surrounding countries were plunged into chaos, and they don’t even care if achieving such a goal destroys their allies (like their Tool the United States).  A classic control through chaos/divide and conquer strategy.

The only conclusion I can make is that the God of the Jews is pure evil, and anyone in the United States, or any other country, that continues to support Israel must be a closet Satan worshiper (since most claim to be Christians)!

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel crosses Red Line, kidnaps Grand Mufti, raids Al Aqsa, Jordan expels Israeli diplomats!

08 May 2013 (12:32 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Jumada t-Tania 1434/18 Ordibehest 1391/29 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“These Israeli actions violate international law and obstruct peace efforts. As occupying force, Israel is responsible for preventing such provocations!”-Hussein Majali, Interior Minister of Jordan

On 07 May Israel Defense Forces (IDF) backed up by hundreds of illegal zionist settlers crossed the Red Line of the official protector of Al Quds, Jordan, and invaded the Al Aqsa Mosque in Al Quds (Jerusalem).  Palestinians then began rioting against the zionists!  16 Palestinians were kidnapped by the IDF in the West Bank.

Today the IDF conducted a home invasion and crossed another Red Line; they  kidnapped the Grand Mufti of Al Quds, Mohammed Hussein!

Also today, the Jordanian King has summoned the Israeli ambassador after the 150 member Jordanian Parliament voted unanimously to expel Israeli diplomats over the assault on Al Aqsa and the kidnapping of the Grand Mufti.



World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel bans civilian traffic in Golan! All access to internet cut off in Syria?

08 May 2013 (21:56 UTC-07 Tango 07 May 2013)/27 Jumada t-Tania 1434/18 Ordibehest 1391/29 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Israeli Defense Force announced a travel ban in the occupied Golan Heights.  The ban affects civilian travel on the northern border road and the Heights eastern road.

It appears the ban is indefinite, until further notice.

The UN Interim Force In Lebanon has declared the IDF intrusion into Lebanese airspace (on their way to bomb Syria) a violation of international law: “UNIFIL says that in the course of the past week it has observed a higher number of Israeli air violations over Lebanese air space…..compel Israel to halt its violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty by air, sea and land, and carry out all its obligations in accordance with Resolution 1701.”-Martin Nesirky, United Nations

It appears all internet service has been cut off in Syria, according to Google’s Transparency Report.  I tried to access some Syrian sites and got a “server not found”, or “forbidden” message, but other sites still came up.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria selects Israeli targets, green light for Palestinian uprising!

06 May 2013 (21:32 UTC-07 Tango 05 May 2013)/25 Jumada t-Tania 1434/16 Ordibehest 1391/27 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

The Syrian missiles are ready to hit specific targets in case of any new breaches.”-Syrian media

Leaders of Syria announced they have selected Israeli targets for vengeance attacks.  All Syrian military personnel have been green lighted to repel any future Israeli attack, without waiting for orders from higher up.  Palestinians are being encouraged to mobilize to join the holy fight against the unholy U.S. backed Israel!

World War 3, West Asian Front: UN says U.S. backed insurgents used Chemical Weapons!

06 May 2013 (20:56 UTC-07 Tango 05 May 2013)/25 Jumada t-Tania 1434/16 Ordibehest 1391/27 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated. This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.-Carla Del Ponte, UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria

World War 3, West Asian Front: Turkey behind new Iraq Civil War!

05 May 2013 (15:22 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“There are foreign agendas controlling these sites. It is like Anbar, or Mosul or Samarra are part of the Ottoman Empire.”-Saadun al-Dulaimi, Iraq’s Acting Defense Minister

In recent weeks, civil protests and even all out battles have greatly increased in Iraq.  Iraqi officials claim they’ve made direct connection of the unrest to U.S. led NATO member Turkey.

A recent report out of United Kingdom says Iraq is once again considered an enemy of the United States, and has been listed as a member of the U.S. labeled Fundamentalist Crescent.  It’s all part of a plan to destabilize the region prior to an invasion of Iran.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israeli attacks splinter U.S. backed insurgents in Syria!

05 May 2013 (15:09 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“The Syrian Coalition condemns the Israeli attacks.”-Syrian National Coalition statement

A U.S. backed insurgent group condemns Israel for its attacks on Syria.

Not only does the Syrian National Coalition condemn the IDF attacks, but the U.S. backed Free Syrian Army says Israel’s attacks are hurting their efforts as well: “Of course the Free Syrian Army and any Syrian is bothered that their country is being bombed….”-Louay Muqdad, FSA


World War 3, West Asian Front: Cannibal Turkey stops short of declaring all out war on Syria!

05 May 2013 (14:56 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“If God permits, we will see this butcher, this murderer receive his judgement in this world…….You will pay a very, very heavy price for showing your courage….”-Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey

According to Lebanese media, the leadership of Turkey has made its first open challenge to Syria, stopping short of declaring war.

Turkish officials even taunted Syria to retaliate to Israelis airstrikes: “Why doesn’t it throw even a pebble?”-Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s Foreign Minister

Turkey has recently been accused of illegal organ harvesting on captive Syrian refugees.  According to another Lebanese news source, wounded Syrian refugees are having their organs harvested, and then they are killed.  The report cites French and Syrian doctors working in Turkey.  The report also says European sources named the Antalya Hospital as the place where the medical cannibalization of humans is taking place.  A Turkish doctor says in the past two years 15622 wounded Syrians were “excised”, then their dead bodies sent back to Syria.

In another report, Turkish doctors say they have not been able to find evidence of chemical weapons attack in blood samples taken from 13 supposed victims of the WMDs.  This questions Israeli and U.S. (false flag?) claims of chemical weapon attacks by the Syrian government.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria prepping for response, Israel using uranium bombs!

05 May 2013 (14:35 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“This attack opens up all possibilities of response.”-Omran al Zohbi, Syrian Information Minister

Reports that Israel hit Russian missiles coming from U.S. backed insurgents.   Several insurgent groups were in the area near the main IDF strike on Sunday.  At least two insurgent groups said the missiles attacked were Russian anti-aircraft missiles.

“Several civilian factories and buildings were destroyed. The target was just an ordinary weapons warehouse. The bombing is an ultimatum to us, it had no strategic motivation.”-unnamed Syrian government official

Syrian leaders are reportedly in closed door meetings.  The Sunday IDF main strike area just happened to be the same location where multiple U.S. backed insurgent groups launched an offensive.  After the IDF strikes, those same insurgents continued their attacks.  Syrian officials believe the IDF strike was not after missiles, but was a major air support operation by Israel.

There was no valuable equipment at the site. It was all removed after a previous attack on the facility. The military losses from this are negligible.“-unnamed Syrian government official

Reports from Lebanon that Syria is now targeting Israeli missile sites.

Russian media sources say the munitions Israel used against Syria contain toxic depleted uranium.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Reports still confusing about what & who Israel attacked on Sunday, and why!

05 May 2013 (13:55 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

First a report that said the supposed missiles Israel bombed were actually from Russia, not Iran.  Now an unconfirmed report saying one of the targets of the IDF’s multiple airstrikes on Sunday, were soldiers from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

The claim is coming from a U.S. independent internet news source, which says their exclusive report came from U.S. government sources.

More reports out of Israel suggesting that the zionist leaders are expecting all out war because of their actions against Syria.  The Israeli leadership are reportedly in a closed door meeting.

All air traffic around the petroleum port city of Haifa has been grounded.  The self imposed no fly zone will be enforced until Thursday.

The two additional Iron Dome anti-missile batteries moved to northern Israel, were set up between Haifa and Safed.

Israeli media sources say this sudden launch of airstrikes on Syria is because of a possible deadline established for attacking Iran this summer (prior to the June elections).  Syria and Lebanon need to be neutralized before such an attack can happen.