Tag Archives: syria

False Flag Op? Al Qaeda blow back against U.S. & Europe, massive co-ordinated prison breaks, Yemen makes threats over Gitmo!

04 August 2013 (14:49 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Ramadan 1434/13 Mordad 1391/28 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

 On Saturday the United States and several European countries announced the closure of embassies around the World (at least 21 U.S. embassies are closing).  Officials claim it’s due to increased “chatter” among the very terrorist organizations the U.S. and Europe support.

It’s fact that the United States government supports al Qaeda, because several al Qaeda reps have stated so, especially those operating in Syria.  The al Qaeda groups in Syria and Iraq even show off U.S. made weapons they say were supplied to them by the United States.  Al Qaeda has even posted video on the internet of their troops in Syria being paid with U.S. dollars!

Also, Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) warned that a massive attack, possibly led by the U.S. backed al Qaeda, could take place.  This is because of massive coordinated prison breaks in Libya, Iraq and Pakistan.  Interpol believes the prison breaks were orchestrated by the U.S. backed al Qaeda.  This is because an order was issued to al Qaeda to “free all our prisoners”.

Some analysts believe al Qaeda will even attack the U.S. Navy’s Guantánamo Bay (Gitmo), Cuba.

This follows a deal with Yemen that fell through.  Back in May, Barack Obama promised the government of Yemen that he would free the majority of remaining Gitmo prisoners, who are Yemenis.  However, in June the Congress overrode that promise, stating “The Defense Department should not transfer detainees to Yemen because they represent some of the most dangerous terrorists known in the world.”

Here’s the rub: There are about 91 Yemenis in Gitmo.  The military courts have declared 56 of them as not being terrorists, yet, the U.S. congress refuses to return them to Yemen!

Blow back is coming for the United States, yet again!  I guess history repeats because the elite leaders refuse to learn their lessons, or because the elites are behind the crimes, and we the People suffer.

British Empire Owns the United States: Forces U.S. taxpayers to fork over $150 million for spy data!

02 August 2013 (19:39 UTC-07 Tango 01 August 2013)/25 Ramadan 1434/11 Mordad 1391/26 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

According to leaked U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), dated 2010, the United States Department of Homeland Security/NSA gave the United Kingdom $150 million taxpayer dollars in the past three years for ‘intelligence’!   This is according to the British news source The Guardian.

The money is going to the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).  According to the leaked NSA documents, a GCHQ official calls the U.S. payments an “investment”.

The documents show that U.S. taxpayers are funding half of the British spying operations in Cyprus.  Remember Cyprus?  That’s the country that suddenly went belly up, and massive bailouts of the government took place, while many people had their bank accounts seized to pay for the bailouts!  It’s all connected to the recently discovered massive petroleum field in the Mediterranean (known as Levant Basin Province, aka Leviathan).

Ironically, even though the U.S. is paying the U.K. for spy data, according to the NSA documents 60% of the British Empire’s internet and phone spying is actually being done by the U.S. NSA!

Gold from Cosmic Stellar Collisions! Proof the ancient Sumerians were right?

19 July 2013 (21:06 UTC-07 Tango 18 July)/11 Ramadan 1434/28 Tir 1391/12 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two neutron stars may be as large as 10 Moon masses….”Edo Berger, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Astronomers think they found the origin of gold; colliding dead stars.  The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

According to Zecharia Sitchin’s translations of ancient Sumerian/Akkadian writings, God the Father Sun, called Apsu, created the planets including the now dead Mother Goddess Tiamat.  The tradition of giving a bride a gold ring comes from the ancient Akkadian myths, for Father Sun had the messenger planet Mummu (Mercury) present Tiamat with the gift of gold.  In other words, the Sumerian/Akkadian ‘myths’ (written down several thousands of years before Jesus of Nazareth was born) correctly stated that gold originated from stars!

“When in the Above the gods in the heavens had not been called into being,
And in the Below Ki, the Firm Ground, had not yet been named,
Alone in the void there existed Apsu [our Sun], their Primordial Begetter…….Tiamat, the Mother of All, as a spouse for himself he fashioned.
A celestial mother, a watery beauty she was indeed!
Beside him Apsu little Mummu then brought forth,
As his messenger he him appointed, a gift for Tiamat to present.
A gift resplendent to his spouse Apsu granted:
A shining metal, the everlasting gold, for her alone to possess!-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Apparently it was the interaction between the Sun and this gigantic terrestrial planet called Tiamat that resulted in the creation of the other planets of our solar system.  Yet positions of power had to be established, and Tiamat considered usurping Apsu.

“At that time, Nibiru had not yet been seen, The Earth was not yet called into being.  Mingled were the heavenly waters; by a Hammered Bracelet [asteroid belt] they were not yet separated.  At that time, circuits [planetary orbits] were not yet fully fashioned; The destinies of the gods were not yet firmly decreed……Tiamat, getting no rest, was aggrieved and raged.  A throng to march by her side she formed, A growling, raging host against the sons of Apsu she brought forth….”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Tiamat challenged Apsu’s reign, and threatened the security of those planets that would not join her.  Hold on now, this sounds like the origins of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myth of the great battle between God/Apsu? and Lucifer/Tiamat? over the creation of Jesus/Nibiru!  Apsu gave birth to a savior son, to kill Mother Goddess Tiamat. The savior planet (literally the son of the Sun, or son of God since the Sun was/is considered God) was called Nibiru and its description sounds like a failed star.

“…in the heart of the Deep a god was engendered, In a Chamber of Fates, a place of destinies, was he born.  By an artful Creator was he fashioned, the son of his own Sun he was…..His head to doubled size grew larger, four members [the four horsemen of Revelation] at his sides he sprouted. He moved his lips in acceptance, a godly fire from them blazed forth….Let Nibiru be your name, as Crossing [the Sign of the Cross, Iron Cross, Svastika] forever known!……Tiamat, she who bore us, now detests us; She has set up a warring host, she is furious with rage.  Against the gods, her children, eleven warriors [planets, in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myths the fallen angels] march by her side……Let Nibiru become our Avenger! Let him vanquish Tiamat, let him save our lives!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the study by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, gold is created when stars literally collide:We’ve been looking for a ‘smoking gun’ to link a short gamma-ray burst with a neutron star collision. The radioactive glow from GRB 130603B may be that smoking gun.”Wen-fai Fong,  graduate research student

“Now this is the account of the Celestial Battle, And how the Earth lead come to be, and of Nibiru’s destiny……Face to face they came, Tiamat and Nibiru; against each other they were advancing……The Lord [Nibiru] spread his net [electromagnetic/gravitational field], to encompass her he cast it; With fury Tiamat cried out, like one possessed she lost her senses.  The Evil Wind [electromagnetic radiation from Nibiru, which is an extremely dense magnetic planet], which had been behind him, Nibiru drove forward, in her face he let it loose…..The Evil Wind charged her belly, into her innards it made its way…..Through the opening Nibiru shot a brilliant arrow a lightning most divine.  It pierced her innards, her belly it tore apart….into two parts he split her, her chest from her lower parts he separated.
Her inner channels he cut apart, her golden veins he beheld with wonder.”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the Sumerians/Akkadians Tiamat was the only planet in our solar system with such a concentration of gold.  Nibiru, with the help of his four companions (aka the four cardinal winds/directions, four horsemen of the apocalypse), dismembered Tiamat, but she was so big that after flinging her head into deep space and smashing up a large chuck of her body to create the asteroid belt, there was enough left to create a new planet: Earth.

“Passing again in Apsu’s region, of the Sun’s missing spouse he thought with remorse.  He gazed upon Tiamat’s wounded half, to her Upper Part he gave attention; The waters of life, her bounty, from the wounds were still pouring.
Her golden veins Apsu’s rays were reflecting…….He addressed words to Apsu, to him thus saying: With your warming rays, to the wounds give healing!….Apsu to the words of Nibiru gave heed: Let the Earth join my family,
Ki, Firm Land of the Below, let Earth her name henceforth be!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

By the way, the Moon was one of Tiamat’s minions.  This is why the Moon has negative symbology in some myths.  The now dead Moon was caught up in the new Earth’s gravitational field as it journeyed to it’s new home between Venus and Mars.

After the Cosmic Battle, where did all the gold go?  In the asteroid belt and on Earth!  The asteroid belt is too unstable to safely mine for gold, so the Earth has been subject to intense gold mining operations for hundreds of thousands of years, originated by the humans from Nibiru.  In South Africa, gold mining is known to have existed as far back as 5000 BC!  Bronze Age Egyptian rulers were told that gold was more plentiful than dirt in southern Africa.  Today, African gold veins are still considered the biggest on Earth, in fact South Africa still holds 50% of the World’s gold reserves!  South Africa’s Witwatersrand mine has the World’s largest deposits!

“In the sky chamber Ea over mountains and valleys traveled, The lands by oceans separated he with the Scanner examined.  Again and again there was the same indication: Where dry land from dry land apart was torn……Golden veins from Earth’s innards were abundant!  Abzu [over time the region becomes the continent of Africa], of Gold the Birthplace, Ea to the region the name gave…..With gold Earth indeed is filled……Abzu it shall be called, can an abundance of gold be gotten!……In the Abzu the soil they tested. Gold there was indeed; with much soil and rocks it was commixed….”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Thus begins the long history of Earth being used by extraterrestrials to mine gold.  People should wonder, gold had no practical use until the 20th Century.  Why where ancient kings and queens (who claim divine right, meaning ordained by God/gods/extraterrestrials) so obsessed with gold?  Why do ancient myths around the World associate gold with the Sun and the gods?  Why even now, are modern elites obsessed with gold?  (el-ite, from the Sumarian/Akkadian extraterrestrial human/god EL)

“The gold from Earth’s innards to obtain, the gold from the admixture to separate, By skyships and chariots to be carried, from landing places [like Jerusalem/Al Quds] tasks to perform.  Who of the settlements in charge will be, who of the Abzu shall take command?”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

“…the fields diminished their yields [electromagnetic field weakens], fruits and grains lost abundance.
From circuit to circuit [complete orbit], nearing the Sun heat grew stronger; in the faraway abode, coolness was more biting [climate change]……In the atmosphere a breaching [ozone hole/thinning?].…From circuit to circuit Nibiru’s atmosphere more breaching suffered……ways to bandage the wound were urgently considered.  A new shield to embrace the planet was attempted……..to use a metal, gold was its name. On Nibiru it was greatly rare…..It was the only substance that to the finest powder could be ground; lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain [chem trails].  Thus, with replenishments, the breach it would heal, protection make better.”-First Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

The problem was that the chem trailed gold didn’t stay in Nibiru’s atmosphere permanently, requiring constant recharging with new gold from Earth.  This is where the myth of the savior god returning to Earth periodically, comes from.  The next time Jesus, I mean Nibiru is scheduled to make a gold pick up from Earth is when the zodiacal age of Pisces gives way to Aquarius.   And now you know why the Earthly elites are so obsessed with hoarding gold!

World War 3, West Asian Front-Syria: UN demands combat cease on Golan Heights, Israel says it’s ready to invade!

28 June 2013 (23:55 UTC-07 Tango 27 June 2013)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“What has changed here is that today we are carrying out an exercise in the Golan Heights which is not theoretical. The reality around us is changing and is volatile, and we must be ready accordingly.  I want the other side to know that when needed, we can move to any side, and I do not care that the other side hears this! I hope that we are not tested and that we meet any challenge.”-Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

The United Nations has renewed Disengagement Observer Force (DOF) operations in the Golan Heights.   The UN is also demanding that all combat taking place in the Golan cease.  Japan, Croatia and Austria have already withdrawn their UNDOF troops.  That leaves UNDOF troops from Fiji, India and Philippines.

Israeli Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, made this statement about current war games conducted by the Israeli Defense Force Golani Brigade: “Golani, as other fighting units in the IDF, may find itself called to a campaign in a short period of time. Therefore, this exercise, as with others taking place these days, has special significance, in this time and in this sector.”

Ya’alon also referenced Gaza Strip, which is nowhere near Golan Heights!

World War 3, Martial Law U.S.A.: Canadian diplomat says U.S. citizens complicit in their own destruction!

26 June 2013 (12:50 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Sha’ban 1434/05 Tir 1391/19 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“To preserve its perilous dominance the U.S. today is arming against its own people….”-Peter Dale Scott, former English Professor at the University of California Berkeley, May 2012

Also a former Canadian diplomat, Peter Dale Scott, attended a meeting in Russia in May 2012.  He was commenting on U.S. foreign policy and potential threats to Russia.  He also realized that the people of the United States have backed way off their anti-government protests since Obama became president, and are seemingly complicit in the federal government’s totalitarian agenda.

Peter Dale Scott: What particularly concerns me is the relative absence of public response in America to a long-term Pentagon-CIA agenda of aggressive military hegemonism – or what I will call “dominationism.” No doubt many Americans may think that a global pax Americana will secure a period of peace, much like the pax Romana of two millennia ago. I myself am confident that it will not: rather, like the imperfect pax Britannica of a century ago, it will lead inevitably to major conflict, possibly nuclear war. For the secret of the pax Romana was that Rome, under Hadrian, withdrew from Mesopotamia and accepted strict limits to its area of dominance. Britain never achieved that wisdom until too late; America, to date, has never achieved it at all.

And so very few in America seem to care about Washington’s global domination project, at least since the failure of massive protests to prevent the Iraq War. We have seen much critical examination of why America fought in Vietnam, and even the American involvement in atrocities like the Indonesian massacre of 1965. Authors like Noam Chomsky and William Blum have chronicled America’s criminal acts since World War Two, but without any prominent concern about the recent acceleration of American military expansiveness. Only a few, like Chalmers Johnson and Andrew Bacevich, have written about the progressive consolidation of a war machine that now dominates America’s political processes.

It is also striking that, until quite recently, the nascent Occupy movement has had little to say about America’s unprovoked wars; I am not sure they have even targeted the militarization of surveillance, law enforcement, and detention camps which are so important a part of the domestic apparatus of repression that threatens their own survival – the so-called “continuity of government” (COG) measures by which America’s military planners have prepared never again to have to deal with a successful American anti-war movement. 

…….I hope that Americans will mobilize against American dominationism, and call for a policy declaration, either from the administration or from Congress, that would:

1) explicitly renounce past Pentagon calls for “full spectrum dominance” as a military objective for American foreign policy,

2) reject as unacceptable the deeply-ingrained practice of preemptive wars,

3) renounce categorically any US plans for the permanent use of military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Kyrgyzstan, and

4) recommit the United States to conducting future military operations in accordance with the procedures set out in the United Nations Charter.

Scott published in 2003 a book that established that U.S. foreign policy is about propping up the Nixon created U.S. petro-dollar system, and that the military uses drug trafficking to fund ever escalating operations. The book is called Drugs, Oil and War.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Whirling Dervish Obama does another 1-80 in Afghanistan! Idaho POW now a barganing chip! More tax dollars wasted & linked to suicide bombings!

21 June 2013/12 Sha’ban 1434/31 Khordad 1391/14 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Ghazi Abad District, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike (drone strike?) killed three people and wounded several others.

In Helmand Province, Greshk District, reports of a major battle between Mujahideen and NATO/ISAF and Afghan National Army (ANA) troops.  Four armored vehicles destroyed, 17 people killed, dozens wounded.  The battle might have started because of home invasions launched by NATO/ISAF/ANA in the same district.  Five people were kidnapped, including an 80 years old man.

The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Department of Defense is planning on destroying $7 billion USD worth of military equipment in Afghanistan!  That includes up to 11000 MRAP (mine-resistant ambush-protected) vehicles which cost taxpayers about $1 million each!  DoD officials say destroying in place is cheaper than shipping them back to the U.S.  (more reason not to go on a nation building spree disguised as a War on Terror)

The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev, says Obama told him personally that the U.S. will remain “….deeply involved in developments in Afghanistan and Central Asia” after 2014.

20 June 2013/11 Sha’ban 1434/30 Khordad 1391/13 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Parwan Province, provincial government officials say Mujahideen “…..beheaded an Afghan intelligence officer along with a member of his family, and an Afghan police officer together with his brother.”  Most Mujahideen groups have stated they’ve sworn not to behead Afghans.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, an explosion killed one cop and one civilian, one civilian wounded.

In Herat Province, Italian NATO officials announced they will keep up to 700 Italian troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!

In Balkh Province, German NATO officials announced they will keep German troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!   Working with German NATO command are troops from Montenegro.  Officials from Montenegro said they will keep troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!

Mujahideen have announced they are willing to trade the only U.S. POW (prisoner of war, isn’t that nice he’s considered a POW, but none of the detainees at Gitmo are) for five senior level Mujahideen held as “combatants” in Gitmo.  A Mujahideen source said of the POW from Idaho that “as far as I know” he’s in good condition.  They say he’s actually being held in Pakistan by Pakistani Mujahideen.

At the UN Security Council meeting, Afghan and Pakistani officials traded heated accusations over recent cross border incidents, and just who is behind “Islamist extremists”.  If the ‘Islamic World’ is confused about Islamic extremism, then maybe accusations that the United States/United Kingdom are the real instigators behind Islamic extremism are true?

“We do not recognize the name ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ and are pleased that Qatar has clarified that the name of the office is the Political Office of the Afghan Taliban, and has had the sign with the incorrect name in front of the door taken down.”-Rosemary DiCarlo, U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the UN

“The manner in which the office was established was in clear breach of the principles and terms of references agreed with us by the U.S. government.”-Afghan Foreign Ministry

“We have from time to time reminded all stakeholders about the red lines that was drawn by the world community and certainly by the participants should not be touched, should not be erased and should not be violated.  The talks are (being held) between the high peace council and the chosen representatives of Taliban. Of course, the U.S. had its role in encouraging this, perhaps even in precipitating this.”-Salman Khurshid, Foreign Minister of India

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has discovered that the reason why many contractor funded projects have not been completed is because those contractors haven’t paid their subcontractors!  In at least 52 cases, contractors sub-contracted the work, then never paid the subcontractor!  SIGAR investigations revealed that some suicide bombers are subcontractors devastated by non-payment from the primary contractor: “In one example reported to SIGAR, after the prime contractor offered mediation and arbitration to solve a contract dispute, the subcontractor threatened to use a suicide bomb to blow up himself and the prime contractor’s offices. In another case, a prime contractor told SIGAR that a subcontractor threatened to blow up a compound of U.S. contractors and government agencies and another subcontractor threatened to kill the attorney for the prime contractor over nonpayment issues.”  (so what are these primary contractors doing with all that taxpayer money?)

19 June 2013/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1391/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Logar Province, Pul-e-Alam District, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike killed at least nine people.  Afghan National Army says they captured six Mujahideen in the same district.  In Baraki Barak District, ANA claims to have killed eight Pakistani Mujahideen, and seven Afghan Mujahideen.  Mujahideen confirmed “massive U.S. airstrikes” but said they killed six U.S./NATO personnel and destroyed three armored vehicles.

In Farah Province, Balablook District, local government reports a U.S. drone strike killed five people.

In Helmand Province, Greshk District, Zambuli area police check post, a local cop killed five fellow cops, then joined the Mujahideen.  He took all weapons and ammo at the check point with him.

A war artist working with U.K. Royal Army Red Coats, was shot in his left arm and hand by a Mujahideen sniper.

U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S. is not bringing troops back home from Afghanistan, but sending them to war in Syria: “I can tell you, right here and right now, that the U.S. is every bit as determined to engage in an ill-defined, ill-advised and seemingly interminable mission in Syria as we were in Afghanistan. All that’s changing is the Zip Code.”

After announcing peace talks with Mujahideen (Taliban) at their newly built office in Doha, Qatar, President Obama is spinning another one eighty!  Now he says he is not in negotiations with Mujahideen, even after the U.S. main streamer media reported he was!  This comes after the Afghan government called off post 2014 U.S. troop deployment talks (aka Bilateral Security Agreement) in protest of the talks between the U.S. and Mujahideen.

World War 3, West Asian Front-Syria: Obama orders U.S. personnel to occupy Jordan in massive troop buildup! Preps for invasion of Syria?

22 June 2013 (13:08 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Sha’ban 1434/01 Tir 1391/15 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“The detachment will remain in Jordan, in full coordination with the government of Jordan, until the security situation becomes such that it is no longer needed.”-Barack Obama, President of United States

After months of saying U.S. Marines, and other personnel were in Jordan for war games, U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered 700 Marines (originally scheduled to leave) to remain incountry indefinitely.

Analysts claim Obama is only responding to a request for military help from the British installed Hashemite king of Jordan, Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein: “The Jordanians came dead set on pushing the Americans to create a safe zone. They didn’t get it, but they left with some reassurances and I think the troops are part of that.”-Elizabeth O’Bagy, Institute for the Study of War

Not only will U.S. Marines be left behind, but U.S. Army Patriot missiles systems and their crews, USAF F-16 fighter/bomber aircraft and personnel, and other personnel and equipment for command & control operations.  There are now more than 5000 U.S. military personnel in Jordan.

Main streamer U.S. news media reporting that only 1000 U.S. personnel are in Jordan, but U.S. military news source, Stars and Stripes, reports that at least 5000 U.S. personnel are incountry for war games called Eager Lion, along with 3000 military personnel from 19 other countries.  That exercise officially ended on 20 June 2013, which means almost all those 8000 U.S. backed personnel are still there.

Also, the U.S. Department of Defense officials revealed that at least 200 personnel and their equipment, from the U.S. Army’s 1st Armored Division will be deploying to Jordan.

Obama also intimated that it was all about going to war with Syria: “The deployment of this detachment has been directed in furtherance of U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, including the important national interests in supporting the security of Jordan and promoting regional stability….”

Back at the beginning of June, Syrian news media reported that U.S. Marines were spotted along the border with Jordan and Syria.  Syrian news media also claimed that sources in the United States told them the 26th Marine Expeditionary Force were not in Jordan for war games, as Obama spokesmen repeatedly stated.

Obama made the announcement of Jordanian occupation to the U.S. Congress as part of the War Powers Act reporting procedures.

Government Evil: U.S. backed Israel uses Palestinian children for child sacrifice rituals, disguised as security operations! Read here what the other news sources aren’t reporting!

20 June 2013 (14:22 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Sha’ban 1434/30 Khordad 1391/13 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“Palestinian children being shot by the State party’s [Israeli] military near the Gaza border whilst collecting building material to support their families in the reconstruction of their homes, 30 such cases having been reported over the reporting period…”

In Israel, a child who throws a stone can spend 20 years in prison, under Israeli law!

The following excerpts are from the results of a ten year United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child investigation:

“The Committee is also concerned that the average spending per child in the Arab localities is estimated to be more than a third lower than in Jewish localities and that the State party [Israel] fails to take into account the unequal level of resources provided to the two health systems to explain the persistent disparities in relation to health indicators between the Arab and Jewish children.”

“The Committee also expresses concern that Palestinian non-governmental organizations and international human rights organizations working in the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories] are increasingly perceived as a threat to national security and are subject to, among others, harassment, arrest and denial of work permits.”

“The Committee also expresses concern about the adoption of numerous discriminatory laws……which affect primarily Palestinian children in all aspects of their life but also Arab Israeli, Bedouins, and Ethiopian children as well as children of migrant workers and asylum seekers…..the implementation of two separate legal systems and institutions amount to de facto segregation….”

“The Committee expresses serious concerns that hundreds of Palestinian children have been killed and thousands injured over the reporting period as a result of the State party military operations, especially in Gaza where the State party proceeded to air and naval strikes on densely populated areas with a significant presence of children….”

“The rise in the number of children from the OPT being subjected to attacks by settlers in the West Bank……in most of the cases Israeli military forces not only fail to intervene to prevent violence and to protect children, but also bring support to those committing violence. The Committee further notes with concern that, in most of the cases, perpetrators are not brought to justice and enjoy full impunity for their crimes….”

“The devastating impact on….children living in the OPT….a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law.”

[Israeli] courts are not obliged to hear the opinions of the child…in adoption proceedings…children are not aware of being adopted.”

“The ban on the granting of Israeli citizenship to children born of an Israeli parent and a parent from the OPT, the decision of the State party to stop processing for residency applications for Palestinian children since 2000 as well as the arbitrary revocation of residency and identity of those living in East Jerusalem have resulted in thousands of unregistered Palestinian children excluded from access to health services, education and any other type of social benefits as well as in thousands of children being prevented from living with their parents…”

“Children of migrants born in the State party often do not receive an official birth certificate but a hand-written official notification without the father’s name being indicated. The Committee is also concerned about information that migrant families who are unable to cover the cost of hospitalisation might be denied birth notification, and about reported cases of migrant families who have to pay exorbitant costs for a DNA test….reported cases of families forced to sign voluntary return declarations to be able to obtain official birth certificates.”

“…the [Israeli] Adoption of Children Law which allows hiding from a child the fact that he or she has been adopted……..result in the child being labelled as a ‘bastard’ according to Jewish Halasha.”

“….reported practice of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian children arrested, prosecuted and detained by the military and the police….”

“Routinely arrested in the middle of the night by soldiers shouting instructions at the family and taken hand-tied and blindfolded to unknown destination without having the possibility to say good bye to their parents who rarely know where their children are taken;…Systematically subject to physical and verbal violence, humiliation, painful restraints, hooding of the head and face in a sack, threatened with death, physical violence, and sexual assault against themselves or members of their family, restricted access to toilet, food and water. These crimes are perpetrated from the time of arrest, during transfer and interrogation, to obtain a confession but also on an arbitrary basis as testified by several Israeli soldiers as well as during pre-trial detention; and…Held in solitary confinement, sometimes for months.”

“….high proportion of students reporting that they have experienced physical and emotional maltreatment, and that corporal punishment continues to be inflicted on children in detention.”

“….psychological violence inflicted on Palestinian children who witness their parents being beaten or humiliated and the demolition of their homes….”

“…..in 2008, the Israeli Defence Forces closed down two institutions for children in Hebron without any written instructions and proper alternative plans, evicting 3,192 children and confiscating all clothing, food, stationary and other supplies….”

“…deteriorated situation of health and health services for children in the OPT….due to [Israeli] attacks on hospitals and clinics….and the denial of and delays in…transfer…to medical facilities outside the OPT which have caused the death of many children and pregnant women….”

…high level of mortality of Bedouin children living in so-called ‘unrecognized’ villages in the Negev who are deprived of basic health services….”

“Children in the Gaza Strip suffering from blood disorders and sanitation related diseases such as watery diarrhoea and typhoid due to daily exposure to highly contaminated water….”

“The Committee is concerned about the high rate of suicide and attempts at suicide among adolescents in the State party, especially among girls.”

“The Committee is concerned….about the privatization of social services…construction of the Wall…Land confiscation, large-scale demolition of Palestinian houses, expulsion of Palestinian and Bedouin families….constant fear of eviction and demolition….critical water shortage….due to prohibitions of access to natural resources….children living in so-called ‘unrecognized villages’….Children in the OPT increasingly suffering from chronic malnutrition….severe restrictions on access to agricultural land and the sea….by Israeli settlers and the State authorities.”

“Jewish and Arab children continue to be educated in segregated school systems…..with lower investment in the education system for Arab children which results in a severe shortage of classrooms, in substandard conditions and quality of teaching, low academic results and high school drop-out.”

“300 educational facilities have been damaged during the operation ‘Pillar of defence’….Palestinian schools were attacked by the State party military or settlers and in some cases used as military outposts or detention centres. Furthermore, children continue to be subject to harassment, threats and violence by the State party’s military and security forces as well as by settlers on their way to and from school….”

“The [Israeli] Anti-Infiltration Law enacted in January 2012 which allows for the prolonged detention of children, including child victims of exploitation, torture and trafficking…..rise in arrests since August 2011 of children of migrant workers, including children born in the State party, in extremely stressful conditions such as those conducted at night…..In 2011, 19 boys attempted suicide in the Matan detention facility of Harera and in the Givon detention facility, girls have been detained together with adults…..”

“…..continuous use of Palestinian children as human shields and informants….[Israeli] soldiers have used Palestinian children to enter potentially dangerous buildings ahead of them and to stand in front of military vehicles in order to stop the throwing of stones…..Almost all those using children as human shield and informants have remained unpunished and that the soldiers convicted for having forced at gunpoint a nine-year old child to search bags suspected of containing explosives only received a suspended sentence of three months and were demoted.”

“…..an estimated 7000 Palestinian children aged from 12 to 17 years, but sometimes as young as nine years, have been arrested, interrogated and detained….this number having increased by 73% since September 2011….Most of the Palestinian children arrested often on an arbitrary basis….236 children are currently detained for alleged security reasons, dozens of them are between the ages of 12 and 15….systematically subject to degrading treatment, and often to acts of torture, are interrogated in Hebrew, a language they do not understand, and sign confessions in Hebrew in order to be released;…Children are brought in leg chains and shackles wearing prison uniforms before military courts where confessions obtained from them under duress….transferred out of the OPT and serve their detention and sentences inside Israel in breach of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention….detained in overcrowded cells together with adults…”

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor, admitted to their evil by simply saying the investigation was “….simply recycling old stuff, there is no importance in that.”

World War 3, West Asian Front: Iran preps to invade Syria? Israel trafficking arms to al Qaeda?

17 June 2013 (19:16 UTC-07 Tango 16 June 2013)/08 Sha’ban 1434/27 Khordad 1391/10 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The British newspaper, The Independent, has a long winded article who’s only claim is “….that a military decision has been taken in Iran – even before last week’s presidential election – to send a first contingent of 4,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Syria…”

The United Kingdom based news outlet claims their source for the info is “…pro-Iranian sources which have been deeply involved in the Islamic Republic’s security.”

There is currently nothing to be found in any Iranian news sources, about such claims.

Iranian news media has been reporting on meetings between Israeli officials, and officials from Qatar, concerning the supply of weapons to U.S. backed al Qaeda insurgents in Syria.  The meeting actually took place in the United Kingdom: “The 4-hour meeting was held in a house in Braum House in London belonging to Khalid a-Abeed, a Qatari citizen residing in Britain, on May 20.  During the meeting, It was decided that Israel prepare and supply the weapons needed by the terrorists in Syria and enter negotiations with European arms manufacturing companies on arms purchases and money transfer methods, and the Qatari side cover the funds and needed budget for purchases.”-Unnamed Qatari security source




World War 3, West Asian Front: Japan to support U.S. backed al Qaeda rebels in Syria!

11 June 2013 (01:14 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Sha’ban 1434/21 Khordad 1391/04 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Japanese news media reporting that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has authorized material support for U.S. backed insurgents in Syria.  He’ll make the official announcement at next week’s G8 summit in Ireland.