Tag Archives: ows

World War 3, East Asian Front: North Korea playing mind games with missiles? Travel agencies cancel trips!

11 April 2013 (22:26 UTC-07 Tango 10 April 2013)/30 Jumada l-Ula 1434/22 Farvardin 1391/02 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“Because of the situation in North Korea, all tours are canceled from now. We will announce when tours begin again as soon as we get official information from North Korea.”-China based travel agency Explore North Korea statement

“We are in constant contact with our partners in North Korea, and they have told us that the North remains open to tourists and have encouraged us to run our scheduled tours.”-U.S. based travel agency Uri Tours statement

ROK and USFK upped security status to Watchcon 2, the second highest level.  However, some analysts in South Korea think the DPRK is playing mind games with their ICBMs: “…the North has been repeatedly moving its missiles in and out of a shed….”

It now appears that North Korea is purposely moving mobile ICBM systems all along their east coast.  One ROK analyst says the DPRK is trying to “fatigue” intelligence gatherers for South Korea and United States.

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 09 – 10 April 2013.

10 April 2013/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

In Ghor Province, an Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier shot and wounded two Lithuanian/ISAF troops, using an RPG.  Government officials said the ANA was conducting a roadblock, and a Lithuanian/ISAF convoy refused to stop.  The ANA soldier fired an RPG destroying an ISAF armored vehicle, wounding two people inside.

In Herat Province, U.S. forces attacked a bus, killing two people and wounding another.  U.S. forces claim the bus got too close to their convoy.  Independent reports say the bus was behind the U.S. convoy, when it was attacked.

In Helmand Province, local government officials say a bomb exploded killing at least five people, and wounding five others.

09 April 2013/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, a U.S./NATO/ISAF helicopter crashed and killed two crewmen. Mujahideen claim to have shot it down.  Witnesses say the helicopter suddenly dropped from the sky.

In Kandahar Province, Panjwaee District, Mujahideen say the launched four hit and run attacks on a U.S. patrol. They say that in frustration the U.S. forces fired indiscriminately, wounding a Mujahid, and seven children.

In Kunar Province, Manugi District, local Mujahideen say they attacked Afghan government forces who had just kidnapped two people from a local village.  One Afghan government personnel killed, two wounded. No word on the kidnap victims.

In Nuristan Province, Mujahideen overran the main police checkpoint in Paron District. At least two Afghan National Police killed.

The last group of Red Coat British Royal Marine commandos left Helmand Province.  The unit had been deployed 12 times to Helmand.

World War 3, Economic Front: California makes deal with China!

10 April 2013 (15:00 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“California could get new investment worth hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars from China by the end of 2020.”-Wang Chao, China’s Vice-Minister of Commerce

The city of Shanghai, and the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong and Chongqing have signed a $1.4 billion USD trade deal with the U.S. state of California.

It’s the biggest trade deal with any U.S. state.  It involves more than 70 California companies and at least 100 Chinese entrepreneurs.


World War 3, East Asian Front: South Korean TV broadcaster knocked off the internet!

10 April 2013 (14:40 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

ROK TV broadcaster, KBS, reporting that their website went offline, three times today. They do not know why.

World War 3, East Asian Front: South Korean bank paralized!

10 April 2013 (14:35 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The ROK bank, NongHyup Bank, reporting that its internet banking service is paralyzed.  They do not know why.  Technicians are working at their operating system location in Anseong, they hope to have it solved before tomorrow.

H7N9 update: 33 cases! Norovirus Bird flu? Bloggers arrested! Child only person to recover!

10 April 2013 (14:27 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Shanghai health officials reporting new human cases, now at 33.   A 76 years old woman developed symptoms on 01 April, then went into hospital on 05 April.  Another woman, an 81 years old farmer, she had symptoms of gastroenteritis and pneumonia. Yesterday she was confirmed to have H7N9.

Three new cases were also reported in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.  So far the only person to recover is a four years old boy in Shanghai.

10 bloggers were arrested in six provinces, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Fujian.  They were spreading rumors that the H7N9 had spread to other provinces.

The city of Taiyuan, in Shanxi Province, has joined Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Shanghai in banning live poultry markets.

Rubella outbreak update from Japan!

10 April 2013 (02:38 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases says 375 new cases of rubella were reported at the end of March.  Between January and March 2905 cases reported, 25 times more than the same time last year!

Health officials say 90% of the cases involve adults, most have never been vaccinated.  Pregnant women who catch the airborne rubella have babies with severe birth defects.

Recently it was reported that rubella was making a come back, and that the vaccine might be only temporary.






H7N9 update: Chinese and Japanese have evidence of rapid mutations, almost AIDS like! Resistance is futile?

10 April 2013 (02:29 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Chinese and Japanese researchers have made independent reports, indicating the new H7N9 is rapidly mutating.  This could explain the difficulty in detecting it.

Researchers at the University of Tokyo said H7N9 samples from four Chinese victims showed noticeable differences in gene sequences, from person to person. The Researchers think the infections were from multiple sources.

In China, researchers at South University of Science and Technology said they noticed rapid mutation in nine of H7N9’s 560 amino acids. They estimate the new virus is mutating eight times faster than ‘normal’ flu viruses: “It happened in just one or two weeks. The speed may not have caught up with the HIV, but it’s quite unusual for a flu.”-He Jiankui, South University of Science and Technology

The rapid mutation will make it almost impossible to develop vaccines or anti-virals for the new ‘bird’ flu.


Corporate Incompetence: Leaking inground ponds at Fukushima Daiichi versus above ground sealed tanks

10 April 2013 (02:13 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1392/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has been ordered to stop using in-ground waste water ponds to store radiative water.  Three ponds are now leaking (several hundreds of tons so far) and some of the contamination includes strontium.

TEPCo said they used the in-ground ponds because they are not enough above ground steel tanks available to hold the massive amount of contaminated water coming from the damaged GE designed reactors.

TEPCo hopes to have new steel tanks delivered in the next few days.




World War 3, Economic Front: U.S. job losses & store closings 22 February 2013.

Hawaii’s Schofield Barracks furloughs 100 shipyard workers, pending federal government budget cuts. Also, the Pearl Harbor shipyard threatening to layoff 350 employees!

12 firefighters in Lorain, Ohio, now unemployed.  City officials blamed the expiration of a federal grant.

Giant City School District, in Illinois,  laid off 14 employees. School officials blame massive state funding cuts.  And after 30 years, Chiasso furniture store closed down in Chicago.  The owner blamed the bad economy.  Also, Chicago Public Schools wants to close two charter high schools. School officials say their budget is short $1 billion USD!

In New Hampshire, cable company MetroCast laid off 16 employees. The company will outsource (contract out) its installer positions, in an effort to make bigger profits.  And Hubbingtons Furniture closed their Hampton store. Operators blamed the property manager for making it not worth renewing the lease.

In Tennessee, Lincoln Memorial University refused to renew contracts for 13 teachers.  School officials blame declining graduate student enrollment.

In Plano, Texas, J.C. Penny laid off 300 more employees!  More layoffs are expected. Company officials refused to talk to local media.

In California, Abbott Vascular laid off another 450 employees! The cardiac and vascular care product maker laid off workers at their Temecula factory, and their French Valley distribution center. In 2012 they laid off almost 500 employees.  Company officials will only say they are trying to make the company more efficient. Also, the Fresno County Assessor’s office lays off 14 people, due to lack of funds.  In Mill Valley/Strawberry, the Ethan Allen furniture store closed down.

In North Carolina, recumbent bike retailer, Neighborhood Transportation, closed down.  The owner blamed health reasons.

After 23 years, Bonnie’s Place restaurant closed down in Michigan. The owners blame road/bridge construction for destroying 90% of their business.

In New York, the Wappingers Central School District says they must close down an elementary school.  School officials blame declining enrollment.

In Georgia, the Unity Elementary School in LaGrange could close. School officials say they need to save $4 million!

In Pennsylvania, Caterpillar tractors could close its York Distribution Center in Springettsbury Township.  250 employees would be affected!

Wausau Paper closing their Brainerd, Minnesota, factory. 130 employees affected! Company officials say the toilet paper competition is fierce.

Supermarket Marsh closing stores in Columbus and Marion, Indiana.  Company officials don’t want to renew the leases.

In Virginia, Weiman’s Bakery closed down in Richmond, with little notice.  The bakery supplied many restaurants, and many were left scrambling to find a new source of bread.  Local media said no reason was given for the closing.

Bay Hills Card and Gift Hallmark store closed in Maryland.  The owner opened the store in 1987, he says the bad economy did him in.

In Helena, Montana, Pet Town closed down after 30 years of operations. Local media said regular customers cried as animals in the store were shipped off.  The owner blamed the bad economy: “The last four years were just brutal!”-Dana Coil