Tag Archives: nuclear

False Flag U.S.A.: Eastern Idaho Sheriffs train under I-RAPTER for coming nuclear disaster!

18 June 2014 (11:17 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1435/28 Khordad 1393/21 Geng Wu 4712

Idaho’s Bonneville County Sheriff’s Department took part in the International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response (I-RAPTER) radiological response training put on by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Idaho National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The main scenario was an incident involving the transportation of nuclear waste, but Bonneville County Sheriff spokesman Jeff Edwards explained they also trained for the theft of radioactive materials from hospitals.

Most people don’t know that medical testing devices, like x-ray machines, use radioactive material.

According to the NationalJournal this I-RAPTER nuclear disaster training was a joint training exercise that took place not just in eastern Idaho, but in a recent NATO exercise held in Czech Republic: The course focused on procedures for first responders, law enforcement and specialists in detecting and responding to emergencies involving nuclear and radiological material. The participants received classroom instruction on radiation concepts, radiation detection, mission planning, alarm adjudication and response/recovery. The field exercises were designed to provide hands-on training using radiation detection technology to localize radiation hotspots, measure dose rates, and identify the radioactive material. Participants gained real-world experience when they located and identified radiation sources at the local air museum using a Spectral Advanced Radiological Computer System (SPARCS) mounted in a van.”

Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, and the Remote Sensing Laboratory at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, also assist with I-RAPTER training.

In 2010 the U.S. Department of Energy was tasked by Homeland Security with picking a nuclear disaster training site for ‘first responders’, and ended up choosing the Idaho National Laboratory.

Destroy U.S. Dollar: Statement by People’s Republic of China & United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

I. At the invitation of the Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, H.E. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China paid an official visit to the UK from 16 to 19 June 2014 and held the Annual Prime Ministers’ Meeting. The two sides had in-depth discussions on bilateral relations, practical cooperation in various fields and international and regional issues of mutual interest. Both sides underlined that since the establishment of the China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership ten years ago, bilateral relations have made significant progress, with frequent political exchanges and substantial cooperation in economics, trade, education, climate change and energy, science, technology and culture. As P5 members, both sides believe that deepening China-UK relations is not only in the fundamental interests of both countries but is also conducive to maintaining world peace and stability. They agreed to work together to push forward bilateral cooperation in growth, reform and innovation.

II. As such the UK and China have agreed that their comprehensive, strategic partnership has become an indispensable element of each other’s foreign policy agendas. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and the UK view each other’s development as important opportunities. Both sides agreed to increase high-level visits in order to guide the development of bilateral relations. Both sides spoke highly of the important role of high-level exchange mechanisms, including the Annual Prime Ministers’ Meeting, Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD), High-Level People-to-People Dialogue and Strategic Dialogue, and agreed to further enrich their formats and contents. Both sides agreed to hold the sixth round of the Economic and Financial Dialogue in the middle of September this year in the UK.

III. Both sides agreed that reform and innovation are of high significance to the economic and social development of a country. The UK side takes note of decisions taken during the 3rd Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee in November 2013 regarding comprehensively deepening reform, supports China’s efforts in deepening economic structural reform to have the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and promote sustained, sound economic and social development. Both sides will designate relevant think tanks in co-hosting the China-UK Reform and Innovation Forum.

IV. Both sides are committed to an open global economy, trade liberalisation and stand ready to expand economic and trade cooperation and promote development in each other’s markets. They renewed their commitment to the joint target of $100 billion by 2015.

V. Both sides stressed the importance of mutual investment in promoting respective long-term economic growth and employment and spoke highly of the MOU on Strengthening Bilateral Investment Cooperation signed by China’s National Development and Reform Commission and the UK’s Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. The MOU on Establishment of a Working Group on Investment Promotion under the Framework of China-UK Joint Commission signed by China’s Ministry of Commerce and the UK’s Department of Business, Innovation and Skills aims at promoting mutual investment, providing a favorable external environment for business investment from the other party and maintaining policy continuity to protect the interests of foreign investors. The Chinese side encourages and supports capable Chinese companies to invest in the UK, which will in turn support the expansion of Chinese companies in other advanced markets and the UK side recognises Chinese companies’ increasing investment in the UK in recent years, and welcomes their continuous investment in infrastructure sectors such as transportation and energy, particularly nuclear, high-speed rail, offshore wind power and photovoltaic projects.

VI. Both sides recognised the complementary skills and expertise of both countries in delivering affordable, efficient and sustainable infrastructure, and welcomed progress in working together. Both sides agreed to establish a strategic partnership on infrastructure and committed to working together to support further collaboration between UK and Chinese companies, on more projects.

VII. Both governments agreed that energy collaboration was a key pillar of the bilateral relationship. This collaboration supports the clean and low carbon energy transition and is conducive to affordable and secure energy supplies for the future. In this regard, both sides welcomed the cooperation on civil nuclear energy and signing of a joint statement on civil nuclear power. Both sides welcomed Chinese and UK companies’ participation in civil energy projects in each other’s country. The UK welcomed Chinese investment and progressive participation in the construction of new build nuclear energy projects in the UK, and was open to Chinese companies leading the development of other nuclear power station site(s) in the UK and the potential deployment of Chinese reactor technology in the UK, subject to meeting the stringent requirements of the UK’s independent regulators. Both countries recognised that companies entering into the UK through partnership would be in the best position later to maximise the growing opportunities that will be on offer in the UK nuclear market. Both sides stand ready to work together to ensure the success of Hinkley Point as soon as possible. Both sides welcomed the signing of an agreement to collaborate further in the field of nuclear fuel supply-chain and agreed to work together to strengthen cooperation in areas including waste treatment and decommissioning.

VIII. Both sides agreed to promote substantive co-operation between the UK and China on rail (including high-speed rail), in areas including design, engineering, construction, supply operation and maintenance, on projects in China and the UK. To this end both sides welcomed the MOU on Collaboration in the Field of Rail Transportation.

IX. Both sides will strengthen concrete cooperation in offshore wind power technology, installation standards and financing mechanisms and jointly consider establishing a training center for offshore wind power technologies according to the MOU between China and the UK on Offshore Wind Power Cooperation.

X. Both sides welcome a greater role of RMB in international trade and investment and the establishment of an RMB clearing bank in London. The UK regulatory authorities have agreed to consider applications from Chinese banks to set up branches for wholesale business in the UK; the UK also encourages Chinese companies to issue RMB-denominated bonds at the London Stock Exchange. Both sides welcome the strong growth of London’s RMB markets, making London one of the most active RMB centres in the world, and stand ready to work together to strengthen it. Both sides welcome direct transaction between RMB and Pound Sterling in their respective foreign exchange markets.

XI. Both sides agreed to continue and deepen the already outstanding cooperation between the UK and China in promoting free trade, strengthen cooperation on the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone, and to encourage two-way trade and investment.

XII. Both sides welcomed their strong cooperation on people-centred and holistic urbanisation. In particular, both sides agreed to increase policy exchange and technological collaboration on low carbon urban planning, air and water pollution control, and healthcare development and reforms. Both sides welcomed the signing of the MOU on Strengthening Cooperation on Green and Low Carbon Urbanisation.

XIII. Both sides agreed to step up cooperation in aerospace and maritime development.

XIV. Both sides welcome the growing UK-China collaboration on healthcare development and reform.

XV. The UK agrees to work to promote and facilitate bilateral high-tech trade with China for civil end uses and civil end users.

XVI. Both sides agree on the importance of effective intellectual property (IP) protection to stimulate innovation and economic development. Both sides will work together to help British companies protect IP in China and Chinese companies protect IP in the UK. Both sides welcome cooperation activities between relevant agencies and agree to further exchanges on issues of mutual interest in terms of global IP frameworks.

XVII. Both sides agreed to further promote people-to-people exchange and cooperation to deepen mutual understanding and perception between the two peoples. The two sides agreed to set 2015 as a year of UK-China cultural exchange: the first half of the year for the UK season of culture in China; the second half of the year for the Chinese season of culture in the UK. The two sides would cooperate closely in this regard.

XVIII. Both sides see great value in cooperation between institutions of higher learning, primary and secondary schools, as well as exchanges among students and researchers, will deepen cooperation in higher education, technical, vocational and professional education, scientific research and innovation, and push forward Mandarin teaching in the UK and English teaching in China. China will send 10,000 government-sponsored students and scholars to the UK in the next five years, and the UK will send 80,000 students to China for study by 2020. Both sides welcome intern students from the other party.

XIX. Both sides attach importance to the China-UK Joint Scientific Innovation Fund, and will enable research and innovation in key areas which are priorities for both countries: health, environmental technologies, food and water, urbanisation, energy and education. The UK and China recognised their role as global leaders in science and innovation and stressed the importance of substantial investment in large scale facilities for pioneering research and future technologies. Both sides welcomed the launch of the program which will deliver Fellowships, PhD Partnerships, Science and Innovation Bridges and a Climate Science Partnership. China agreed to join the UK to promote the Square Kilometre Array.

XX. Both sides agreed to promote exchange and cooperation on cultural and creative industries, press and publication, radio, film and television. Both sides agreed to promote the translation of each other’s contemporary literary classics.

XXI. China and the UK will establish Consulates General in Belfast and Wuhan respectively, and both sides will provide assistance to each other in this regard. Both sides agreed to jointly push forward negotiations on the bilateral consular treaty. Both sides agreed to adopt active measures to streamline and simplify visa application procedures for closer interaction between the two peoples and the development of tourism.

XXII. Both sides will promote early ratification of the Agreement between China and the UK on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters by their legislative bodies to enhance the efficiency in their joint efforts in fighting crime. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in fighting illegal migration as provided for in the 2004 Migration MOU. Both sides will strengthen cooperation in judicial and law enforcement.

XXIII. Both sides stand ready to deepen understanding of each other’s development paths and strengthen political trust. Both sides emphasise the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and the rule of law and stand ready to strengthen their human rights dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect. In line with its longstanding policy, the UK recognises that Tibet is part of the People’s Republic of China and does not support Tibetan independence. Both sides agreed it is both in China and the UK’s interests to promote the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in accordance with the “one country, two systems” principle and the basic law.

XXIV. Both sides attach high importance to deepening the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and welcome the Joint Statement of Deepening the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit published during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe. Both sides are committed to working continuously to implement the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda, promote EU-China cooperation and take concrete actions to forge the EU-China partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilisation. Both sides support negotiations for an EU-China investment agreement to lift pragmatic cooperation to a new level, in particular, to facilitate mutually beneficial access to each other’s investment and services markets. Both sides reaffirm their commitment to the long term goal of an ambitious and comprehensive EU China free trade agreement, in accordance with the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda. In support of this goal, the two sides support China and the EU in launching a joint feasibility study on an EU-China trade agreement as early as possible when conditions are right. To begin exploring the associated issues, both sides participated in a productive academic and business workshop on Prospects for EU-China Trade: the EU-China Free Trade Agreement and China’s Free Trade Zones.

XXV. The international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes. Both sides agreed that as major countries with global influence and permanent members of the UN Security Council, their close cooperation is conducive to tackling the global challenges of the 21st century. Both sides will make active contribution to international peace, security and development in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.

XXVI. Both sides stand ready to strengthen international cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral level and under the China-EU framework and will adhere to the principle of peaceful settlement of international and regional disputes through dialogue and on the basis of the UN Charter and international law. We will work actively to promote the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue, the North Korean nuclear issue, Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, Afghanistan and other hot-spot issues. The two sides will maintain regular exchanges on climate change, international development, counter proliferation, food security and other global challenges, and strengthen coordination and cooperation on UN peacekeeping missions. Both sides welcomed constructive and frank discussions of cyber issues through the UK-China Cyber Dialogue. The UK and China agree on the importance of ending the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war worldwide.

XXVII. Both sides are committed to a post-2015 development framework centered on the eradication of poverty and promotion of common growth. Both sides stand ready to strengthen cooperation on supporting development and security in Africa. Both sides welcomed their collaboration on global health issues.

XXVIII. Both sides welcomed the Joint Statement on Climate Change released during the summit. The UK and China both recognise the clear imperative to work together towards a global framework for ambitious climate change action, since this will support efforts to bring about low carbon transitions in our own countries, and agreed to strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation.

XXIX. Both sides are ready to make joint efforts for the strong, balanced and sustainable growth of global economy, maintain and consolidate the multilateral trade systems represented by WTO, and oppose protectionism of any form. Both sides support the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, and will work for an open world economy and a positive and result-oriented comprehensive growth strategy to be announced on the G20 Brisbane Summit.

XXX. Both sides agreed to promote cultural harmony, cherish the diversity and richness of different cultures, and promote dialogue and mutual learning among cultures to share the progress of human civilisation.


Fukushima-WIPP-Radiation Fallout: Fukushima reporting intentionally dumbed down, police fail to stop massive looting, radiation is hitting the U.S.! Reactor 2 full blown China Syndrome? WIPP explosion could kill jobs in Idaho, South Carolina and New Mexico! Cell phones are False Flag birth control?

16 June 2014 (20:11 UTC-07 Tango 15 June 2014)/17 Sha’ban 1435/26 Khordad 1393/19 Geng Wu 4712

In Sudan, a Chinese oil company evacuated their employees when a radioactive oil exploration device was left exposed at the oil drilling site.  The device was supposed to be “secured” underground.  At least 70 employees are now under medical observation.  Sudanese news media broke the story, and also claim that the Chinese oil company, and the private hospital where the workers were taken, are trying to hush up the incident.

In the U.S. state of West Virginia, a shale oil drilling company has dumped radioactive sludge in a landfill. It was confirmed by the state Division of Water and Waste Management. The sludge was originally rejected by a Pennsylvania landfill.

“We’re still paying the mortgage on the Cold War.”-Scott Kovac, Nuclear Watch New Mexico

In the U.S. state of New Mexico, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) cost taxpayers $2.5-billion USD just to build.  Now it’s shutdown because of what looks to be carelessness on the part of the operator and National Laboratories (which caused a truck fire and a chemical reaction explosion spewing radiation from the site), and could result in job losses at three National Laboratory locations.

WIPP was created to deal with the growing military nuclear waste being generated at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, Savanna River Site in South Carolina and the Idaho National Laboratory.   Since WIPP opened for business it has filled up 53% of its underground nuke waste storage, at a cost to taxpayers of $6-billion.   WIPP’s shutdown means those National Laboratories will be forced to cut back on operations, because there is nowhere to (legally) store the nuke waste they generate.

By the way, a subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives is recommending a bill to spend $120-million to clean up the mess caused by the WIPP disaster, and that’s on top of WIPP’s $220-million operating budget for fiscal 2015.

The U.S. Department of Energy is now considering the possibility that highly acidic waste was inside six of the mixed waste drums that erupted in WIPP.   The acidic waste reacted with organic (‘green’) cat litter (absorbent) also inside the drums.  Los Alamos National Laboratory is the source of the six drums.  LANL nuke waste operations are now under investigation.

Speaking of Idaho National Laboratory, the contractor operating the controversial site Battelle Energy Alliance is being sued by former employees and their families for exposure to plutonium.   The latest lawsuit says the contractor withheld information or offered false information concerning a 2011 leak, and that leak led to the contamination of homes.

In the U.S. state of Oregon, Oregon State University confirms that radiation from Fukushima Daiichi is building on the Pacific coast of the North America.  Radiation levels in Albacore tuna, caught off the coast of Oregon, are now triple what they were before the nuke disaster: “A year of eating albacore with these cesium traces is about the same dose of radiation as you get from spending 23 seconds in a stuffy basement from radon gas……”-Delvin Neville, researcher

In Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture, police have done a good job of keeping evacuated homeowners out of the radiation No-Go zones, but yet burglars are free to roam!  Prefectural officials have admitted that more than 1200 evacuated homes have been burgled since the disasters in 2011!   The failure of law enforcement was revealed by homeowners who were allowed to return home temporarily.   Police also admitted that in May of this year 90 burglaries took place!  One man has been arrested, and the big fail cops say they will now patrol the No-Go zones.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) discovered that the cooling water level in Fukushima Daiichi’s GE designed reactor Unit 2 is much lower than they thought. And gee where’s the melted nuclear fuel?  TEPCo officials found that the water level was only 30cm (11.8 inches) deep, and they could not see the melted fuel rods.  They said they didn’t know where the water was leaking out from.  Here’s my suggestion: China Syndrome.

There are reports saying that Fukushima Medical University claims that 48% of 375-thousand young people tested for contamination are now suffering from pre-cancerous thyroid problems!  Also, 120 types of childhood cancers have been found.  Normally they’d expect only three types!

A Korean journalism professor revealed why news about Fukushima Daiichi is so watered down: “NHK never showed graphic footage that could alarm the viewers, like the meltdown of the nuclear reactors. The broadcaster has a manual about reporting such accidents — they do not show explosions, or close-ups of the sites. They do not show dead bodies. They stick to these principles. NHK played a big role in assuring the Japanese people of their safety at such a difficult time for their country.”-Lee Yeon, Sun Moon University, who advocates such a misleading policy for news outlets

And Down Under, Radio Australia reported that the neo-imperialist Abe government of Japan has installed right wingers to run NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation), which will further reduce NHK’s credibility: “I’m disgusted by this. There’s some kind of right-wing revolution happening in Japan and they want NHK to be part of it. It threatens the existence of NHK as a public broadcaster and it will become the same as the broadcaster in North Korea.”-Kawasaki Yushuki, former NHK reporter

Yet more studies say cell phones are radioactive. At least 19 separate studies concluded that men who keep their cell phones in their front pants pocket are killing off their sperm.   Another study says pregnant women are affecting their unborn child’s brain development by blabbing on cell phones.   And if you think it’s all BS, then why does C/NET keep track of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) data off cell phones: “…a handset’s SAR is sometimes printed in phone’s user manual, but where it is in those manuals and how it is listed can vary widely. Other times, the SAR is available only online, which forces users to hunt it down, possibly through the FCC’s Web site (not a fun experience, trust me). …..By posting our charts, we’re just making it easier for our readers to find the information that they want.”

C/NET offers this advice: A phone’s SAR can vary during a call as you alternate between transmission bands and as you increase your distance from a tower.
Text instead of placing a voice call or use a speakerphone or headset when possible.
Carry your phone in a bag rather than in a pocket. If you’re pregnant, avoid carrying a phone next to your abdomen.
Children, who have smaller and thinner skulls, should take extra care.
People of any age should not sleep with an active phone under the pillow.
Accessories may help….cases, which are designed to refocus RF energy away from your head while not reducing signal strength….By all means avoid the shiny, gold-lined radiation “shields” that you can find online. They’re a scam.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: Japan’s kelp farms contaminated, Ireland to the rescue? WIPP scientists can’t figure out “hot reaction”! Schools being contaminated with Smart Boards?

09 June 2014 (20:40 UTC-07 Tango 08 June 2014)/10 Sha’ban 1435/19 Khordad 1393/12 Geng Wu 4712

Campaign for Radiation Free Schools is sounding the alarm over the use of Smart Boards in U.S. schools.  They cite the United Nations, which says the interactive white boards could emit radiation, classifying them as a 2B carcinogen.  The University of Toronto, in Canada, thinks they should be classified as the more dangerous 2A carcinogen.

In the U.S. state of New Jersey, people (including scientists with the National Academy of Sciences) are insinuating the government is hiding data concerning radiation emissions from the nuclear powered Oyster Creek Generating Station.   Researchers say a 1995 report by the Brookhaven National Laboratory shows massive levels of radiation contamination ever since 1972: “The data was extremely hard to find.  They appear to be staggering, and we never knew.”-Janet Tauro

The people are demanding the U.S. government make public all the records of contamination: “In 1972 and ’73 they had some pretty high releases, and again in 1978 and ’79.”-David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists

In the U.S. state of California, the U.S. Navy has agreed to conduct radiation testing at their former Treasure Island operation.  People living on the former naval station have reported hair loss, rashes, cancer and heart failure.  Recent housing development operations  revealed that the Navy buried radioactive waste on site.  The city of San Francisco is using Treasure Island as a “premiere” upscale housing project, but some of the new home owners have packed up and left.

In the U.S. state of New Mexico, the ongoing Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) catastrophe has scientists baffled.   A report by Weapons Complex Monitor revealed that Los Alamos scientists were unable to replicate a “hot reaction” based on what WIPP investigators thought was the cause of the explosion (chemical reaction).  Investigators blamed organic cat litter for possibly absorbing chemicals that built up and then reacted with whatever was in some LANL mixed waste drums.  LANL scientist could not get the same thing to happen in their experiment, suggesting the ‘chemical reaction’ was caused by something else.

And now, New Mexican politicians want the Obama regime to increase taxpayer funding for the military’s WIPP.  Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich say the $220.5-million USD that Obama wants for WIPP is not enough to deal with the disaster, they want Congress to spend even more money.  They think it will take at least two years to shutdown WIPP.

In the land of the General Electric designed Fukushima Daiichi, more BS.

First, it’s been revealed that much of Japan’s kelp production has been shutdown due to contamination.  On the other side of the world, the Irish island of Rathlin is about to make bank supplying the seaweed eating Japanese with Irish kelp.  A mom and her son have bet everything on their Rathlin kelp farm, and the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster: “Due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, a lot of the seaweed production in that part of the world has been closed down. Combine that with the growth of the Asian population who eat seaweed, plus the growth in the European population who now are interested in seaweed, and sushi is a big growth market. So we will be pursuing the European and Asian markets. The waters around the British Isles are particularly suitable because of the Gulf Stream as it means our temperatures are near optimum year round. But especially round Rathlin. Rathlin is a very strong tidal place and kelp like strong tides. In Rathlin, the tides are ideal, between one and two knots.”-Kate Burns, hopeful Irish kelp farmer

Officials with the government of Singapore claim they will soon lift their ban on food grown in Fukushima Prefecture.

TEPCo reports continued leaks of highly contaminated water, into the Pacific Ocean.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) has been given the go-a-head for their experimental in-ground ice wall.  TEPCo claims their gigantic refrigeration system will freeze the ground deep down and prevent contaminated ground water from getting into the Pacific ocean.

The Japan Times reports that tritium contamination from Fukushima Daiichi has surpassed official limits.  On 26 May 2014, 12 wells were tested and they all contained more than 1700 becquerels per liter of tritium!  The safe limit is 1500 Bq.

TEPCo admits it can not shutdown the disaster reactors until they can stop the massive water leaks.  And high radiation levels are preventing that!

TEPCo has given up on its ALPS water filtration system and has hired a U.S. company to do the job.  The company is California based Kurion, and they will focus on removal of tritium and strontium from the water.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: INL violates own rules! British airliners made with radioactive chemicals! More Fukushima bullshit! Unit 4 explodes? WIPP truck caught fire due to high intensity heat!

27 May 2014 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 26 May 2014)/27 Rajab 1435/06 Khordad 1393/29 Ji-Si 4712

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) revealing that British Aerospace (BAe) built 146 airliners are being made with highly toxic and even radioactive chemicals!

The ATSB reports that large numbers of airline employees are developing brain and breast cancers, as well as Parkinson’s.  One Quantas pilot had to be evacuated from the plane after collapsing from aerotoxic syndrome.  Passengers have never been told about the contamination, until now.

In the past five years Quantas airlines’ BAe 146 aircraft had to undergo 1-thousand “fume extractions”.  Compare that to Quantas Boeing 767s which underwent only 123 fume extractions.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho's  2012 wildfire outbreaks.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho’s 2012 wildfire outbreaks.

In Idaho, U.S.A., yet another former employee has blown the whistle on something that has been a continuous problem at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), despite which contractor is running the nuclear facility:  Failure to follow their own rules.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho.  INL has direct connections to WIPP.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho. INL has direct connections to WIPP.

Dennis Patterson worked at the INL for 30 years (during that time the facility’s official name changed several times) and learned of the failures of the site’s managers when he investigated complaints from contracted workers.  When he tried to correct the wrongs of his superiors “…that’s when the trouble began.  I became the bad guy. They came after me, repeatedly.”

He has written a book:  Department of Energy Whislteblower: Justice over Racial Discrimination and Ethics Violations in a Right to Work State

And the INL is one of at least three U.S. Department of Defense nuclear sites that send waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

It’s been revealed that the WIPP salt truck fire, which took place a week before the LANL mixed waste drum explosion (explosions?), was caused due to the truck carrying combustible oils, then coming into contact with intense heat igniting the oil.

State officials are now demanding the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) permanently seal up two nuke waste storage rooms (panels) in WIPP.  The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) even called for an “expedited closure”.

The NMED says that daily data reports from WIPP show that the explosion actually affected two panels, not one as originally reported. And the data on contamination levels are getting worse, and the DoE’s actions are insufficient, so they want panels 6 and 7 sealed up: “…those panels need be closed immediately!”-Ryan Flynn, New Mexico’s Environment Secretary

In Japan, more revelations about the BS covering up how bad Fukushima Daiichi is.

Despite what was officially reported back in 2011, that Fukushima Daiichi employees remained at their posts during the beginning stages of the melt downs, it’s been revealed that 90% of the contracted throwaway workers fled for their lives!  That included top managers! Basically the nuclear plant was virtually abandoned for at least four days, only 10% of employees remained!  (I watched events live on NHK, and I was wondering why it looked like nothing was being done, for at least a week after the earthquake and tsunami)

This is why Yoshida Masao, boss of the nuclear plant at the time, ordered employees to stand their ground.  Months later Masao suffered a sudden and mysterious onset of cancer, he died last year.  Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) denies Masao got cancer as a result of exposing himself to radiation in an attempt to control the situation.

The Asahi Shimbun got a hold of a 400 page document in which Masao describes the abandonment of the Fukushima Daiichi.

The Japanese government continues to renege on its promise to make public 772 interviews of workers at Fukushima Daiichi.  The current neo-imperialist government now says they will only release those interviews if all those who were interviewed consent to their testimonies being made public!

On 20 May 2014, somebody posted dark grainy video to the internet, claiming that it showed a fire or explosion at Fukushima Daiichi’s GE designed reactor Unit 4.  The video is too washed out to be conclusive, and there has been no comment from TEPCo or neo-imperialist government officials.

‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion?

World War 3: Vladimir Putin to make “substantial” statement within days!

15 May 2014 (03:30 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1435/25 Ordibehesht 1393/17 Ji-Si 4712

According to Chinese news media, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a “substantial” statement regarding a new Sino-Russia pact.

Putin will visit China for the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia on 20-21 May.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: ‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion? Idaho involved? Is new False Flag Japan nuke op in the works? Wild food crops contaminated, banned from sale!

15 May 2014 (02:49 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1435/25 Ordibehesht 1393/17 Ji-Si 4712

“I’m just dying to know why this happened and who approved it, because it was a dumb idea!”-Jim Conca, former WIPP employee

Investigators have discovered what might have created the chemical reaction explosion that “disturbed” one ton ballast/containment bags in New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): organic kitty litter.   This is one time that going ‘green’ was the wrong thing to do.   However, it also reveals violations of federal laws!

According to a former WIPP scientist, Jim Conca, it looks like sometime after 2010 the inert clay type cat litter (absorbent) normally used was switched to organic cat litter.  The problem is that the ‘organic’ cat litter is made from things like wheat, corn, paper, sawdust, and reacted with fumes coming from the 55 gallon mixed waste drums.

It turns out that kitty litter was being used to absorb and cover-up any liquid waste, because it is illegal for any liquid waste to be stored at WIPP!!!  This also suggests officials knew the drums contained liquid waste.  The fumes from the liquid waste escaped and mixed with the active organic kitty litter, possibly causing the “chemical reaction”.

Investigators also found melted metal and rubber in the Panel 7 area.  Plutonium is one of the isotopes that was leaked into the air.   WIPP accepts nuke waste from three sources: Los Alamos, Idaho National Laboratory and Savannah River.  Investigators said they think they know who sent the illegal waste, but refused to name names.

Researchers in the United States claim they’ve discovered a drug that could prevent radiation poisoning.   It involves a drug being tested for treatment of blood aliments.  Doctors hope to use the drug on people undergoing radiation treatments.  But wait, don’t get too excited.  Turns out the drug only seems to prevent radiation absorption within the first 24 hours of exposure.

Speaking of drugs to prevent radiation contamination.  In Japan the national government suddenly became concerned about the stockpile of iodide pills in Niigata Prefecture.  Please note that news media continue to incorrectly call them iodine pills.

Niigata Prefecture is home to Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant, which is run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo, yep the same ones who run Fukushima Daiichi).  Inspectors discovered that prefectural officials still haven’t stockpiled the required 1.3 million iodide pills, that were part of a national government order back in January of this Gregorian year!

It’s not just Niigata, 23 other prefectures are being investigated for compliance with the January iodide order!

Fukushima Prefecture has banned seven wild food crops from being harvested or sold, due to high levels of contamination!  A total of 16 varieties of wild crops are contaminated!

Many wild plants are regular food sources in Japan, but now, three years after the Fukushima nuke disasters, at least three types of wild crops are totally soaked in radiation: 700 becquerels in fiddleheads, 430 becquerels in bracken and 460 becquerels in Japanese spikenard!

The official Japanese government safe limit is only 100 Bq per kilogram of radiation.

Fukushima government officials say most of the radiation contamination is in the forests to the west of Fukushima Daiichi.  This is a dilemma, because the predominant winds are to the east or north, into the Pacific Ocean.  So why do high levels of radiation continue to show up to the west of the melted out nuke plant?

Also, independent testing shows that the groundwater that flows under Fukushima Daiichi, from the west, is already contaminated despite what TEPCo says.  I’ve postulated before that whatever is contaminating the mountains is contaminating the groundwater, before it hits the nuke plant.

Japan’s Environment Ministry says 16 municipalities have failed to meet decontamination deadlines.  The main reason is that radiation contamination was much worse than originally reported!

New Mexico compromised! 

Japan told people to take Iodide back on March 16

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: New Mexico compromised! More lies revealed at Fukushima! Increasing cancer rates in Massachusetts?

11 May 2014 (00:47 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Rajab 1435/21 Ordibehesht 1393/13 Ji-Si 4712
“The scientific research base shows that there is no threshold of exposure below which low levels of ionizing radiation can be demonstrated to be harmless or beneficial.  The health risks – particularly the development of solid cancers in organs, rise proportionally with exposure.  At low doses of radiation, the risk of inducing solid cancers is very small.  As the overall lifetime exposure increases, so does the risk.”-Richard R. Monson, Harvard School of Public Health

“A preponderance of scientific evidence shows that even low doses of ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays, are likely to pose some risk of adverse health effects….”-National Academy of Sciences, 2005 press release

In Massachusetts, U.S.A., near the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station the Massachusetts Cancer Registry confirms dense levels of cancer. Between 2002 and 2009 there was a 95% chance of developing leukemia, if you lived in the towns of Carver, Duxbury, Kingston, Marshfield, Pembroke, Plymouth, and Plympton.

The Registry also revealed the majority of cancer cases in the Bay State can be found in the above mentioned seven towns, which reside in the shadow of the Pilgrim Nuclear facility.  Contamination has been a problem for awhile now. A 1982 survey showed cesium-137 levels in local milk was 1-million times higher than expected!  The nuclear power plant operator blamed it on Chinese nuclear bomb tests on the other side of the world.

The Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station was designed by GE (General Electric) and built by Bechtel.  It uses boiling water reactors (BWR) similar to those used at Fukushima Daiichi.

In Missouri, U.S.A., after residents paid for their own radiological testing of soil around a landfill containing nuclear waste, the U.S. EPA is now going to conduct their own testing.

The Boston Chemical Data Group says soil samples showed the Bridgeton Athletic Complex, and a nearby ditch, are highly contaminated.  The laboratory also warned that nobody should use the park until the EPA gets involved.  The EPA and the nut-less city of Bridgeton (which has repeatedly told concerned residents to blow off) will conduct testing on 19 May.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., the state’s Environment Department Secretary, Ryan Flynn, is calling for the total shutdown of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  Flynn made the statement after Jim Blankenhorn, the Nuclear Waste Partnership Recovery Manager, said WIPP will be closed for at least three years.  Flynn says so far the federal investigators are making their claims based on pure guess work, kind of like what’s been happening in Japan: “We need to know what happened. We absolutely need to know. But we need to make decisions based on facts!”

In Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, yet another study that says Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) is flat lying about radiation contamination levels!  Fukushima University’s Institute of Environmental Radioactivity reporting that actual cesium-137 levels are at least 50% higher than what TEPCo has reported!

Last week the TEPCo’s manager of the clean up at Fukushima Daiichi, Ono Akira, revealed that all efforts to stop ongoing contaminated water leaks have failed: “It’s embarrassing to admit, but there are certain parts of the site where we don’t have full control.”

3-thousand people dead & dying

Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families?


More Fukushima Fallout: Confirmed, 3-thousand people dead & dying after the nuke melt downs!

06 May 2014 (10:28 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that their own survey of evacuees following the disasters of March 2011, show that more people have died since the nuclear melt downs than during the tsunami!

3076 evacuees have died since being forced to flee their homes after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011!  388 people died just since 2013!

More than half of those that died came from Fukushima Prefecture, the majority from near the GE designed disaster reactors.  Of course ‘officials’ are blaming the deaths on “stress” or “poor health”, but it’s suspicious that the majority of those deaths are people who originally lived near the nuclear power plant and were forced to evacuate after the plant went into melt down (or melt out) mode.

Since very little has been done to help the victims, and very little has been done by the national government to clean up the contamination, and since Fukushima Daiichi still spews forth possibly millions of becquerels of radiation daily, the deaths will only continue.

Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families? 


Fukushima WIPP Radiation fallout: 6 years old with radiation, he’s now off limits! Oregon tuna contaminated! Chemical explosion at WIPP? TEPCo makes deal with British Devil! Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families? Radiation treatment for victims of the BP oil disaster?

05 May 2014 (22:35 UTC-07 Tango 04 May 2014)/05 Rajab 1435/13 Ordibehesht 1393/07 Ji-Si 4712

In the failed U.S. city of Chicago, doctors at the Comer Children’s Hospital are treating a six years old boy suffering from cancer, with the very thing that causes cancer; radiation.  This is a relatively new ‘treatment’ using metaiodobenzylguanidine combined with radioactive iodine, but now the kid is so radioactive nobody can come near him!

It’s a new experimental form of radiation ‘treatment’ for a cancer known as neuroblastoma.  The victim was unable to directly touch anything for at least one week, as his radiation levels dropped.  Everything he had to touch was covered in plastic.

Even though it’s an experimental treatment doctors somehow claim it has a 40% success rate.

In New Mexico U.S.A., video and pics show damage inside the military’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).   Officials say ballast bags used to weigh down storage drums “have been disturbed”.

The video and pics were taken in Panel 7, the newest addition to the deep underground nuke waste storage site.   At this time investigators do not know why the ballast/protective bags moved.  These bags filled with magnesium oxide weigh freakin’ 1905kg (4200 pounds)!

Investigators are suspecting that recently arrived waste drums from Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory (LANL) ruptured (what they really mean is ‘exploded’, because what could move bags weighing 1905kg?), which would have caused the radiation leaks.

Concerns are that the drums might have been improperly packed, causing a chemical reaction.  Since WIPP has been shutdown all LANL waste was being shipped to Texas, but now that has been halted as well.

If you don’t like your food contaminated with radiation get ready to protest the U.S. FDA, and stop eating seafood from the Gulf of Mexico.  The Food and Drug Administration now approves of the process known as irradiation of food products!  It’s currently being done with seafood caught along the Gulf of Mexico.  Is anybody suspicious of the fact that years after the BP oil disaster, fisheries in the area are resorting to radiation to kill the super bacteria now being found in the seafood?

In Oregon, U.S.A., albacore tuna are showing increasing levels of radiation.  Researchers at Oregon State University say they are detecting trace levels of cesium-137 and cesium-134 in recent tuna catches.  The levels are three times higher as compared to before the Fukushima Daiichi melt downs, but scientists say it’s still not a threat yet: “You can’t say there is absolutely zero risk because any radiation is assumed to carry at least some small risk.  But these trace levels are too small to be a realistic concern.  A year of eating albacore with these cesium traces is about the same dose of radiation as you get from spending 23 seconds in a stuffy basement from radon gas, or sleeping next to your spouse for 40 nights from the natural potassium-40 in their body.”-Delvan Neville, research assistant

In Japan, a new study shows that the evacuation of families, from Fukushima Prefecture’s nuclear disaster areas, for some reason intentionally spilt up 49% of the families!

The officials in charge of the evacuations used the following excuses to split up families: Education of children, employment requirements for adults, healthcare issues and temporary housing issues.

Three years later family members are reporting that they are still split up.   Previous studies have shown that evacuees are suffering the highest rate of suicides in Japan.

Proven to be completely, and even by their own admissions, incompetent Tokyo Electric Power Company has signed a deal with United Kingdom’s own evil nuclear power operator Sellafield.

Sellafield operates a nuclear power plant in Cumbria.  Nearby is a massive (1 million cubic meters ) nuclear waste dump, operated jointly by an American-French-Swedish private consortium led by California based URS Corporation.  It’s called Drigg Low-Level Waste Repository.  A new report by Britain’s Environmental Agency warns that increasing erosion of the coastline threatens to expose the nuclear waste underground.