Tag Archives: nuclear

Global Food Crisis: Major insurance company says prepare for World War F!

24 June 2015 (12:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Tir 1394/07 Ramadan 1436/09 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713

F = Food

“Food security has a major influence on national and international politics. A globalised world and food system means that it is a system particularly vulnerable to governments and businesses succumbing to panic, hoarding foods or limiting exports. In the past, non-governmental/ intergovernmental organisations have measured and managed the risks faced by vulnerable populations. Now, insurance is well placed to play a large role in progress and in enhancing food production, processing and trading systems – by providing effective risk management advice and expertise, as well as risk transfer.”-Feast or Famine: Business and Insurance Implications of Food Safety and Security

Milan, Italy, is hosting the Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life expo until October.  One organization attending is the iconic British empire Lloyd’s of London who recently issued a dire warning, titled Feast or Famine: Business and Insurance Implications of Food Safety and Security.

Lloyd’s analyst warn of skyrocketing food prices and crashing economies caused by population booms, lack of water and other resources, and the threat of a new form of terrorism that targets food supplies.  The result, they say, will be food riots around the World.

As an insurance company Lloyd’s is concerned with the growing risk of providing agricultural insurance, yet is so arrogant about their service that they think insurance is “vital to increasing agricultural production”.

Another danger that Lloyd’s is pushing as the answer to all our prayers is the creation of more and more GMO crops!  (surprisingly there are a vast number of sheeple who still don’t know what GMO is)

Lloyd’s is pushing the idea of forcing everybody involved in the food supply chain to have insurance.  But how does Lloyd’s propose replacing damaged or destroyed or lost food stuffs?  With money?  If there ain’t no food it doesn’t matter how much money you have.

Idaho wheat unfit for human consumption?!

When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a Black Horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”

Proof Human societies on Earth are the creators of Hell

“What is Hell?”

“A place without peace that never gets better.”-Thai Buddism, Hell Temple proverb

For most Earthlings, their respective societies on Earth are the “place without peace that never gets better”.

False Flag: Palestine government falls apart!

17 June 2015 (02:02 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Kordad 1394/29 Sha’ban 1436/02 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713

Within 24 hours the Palestinian government will resign.”-Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine

Abbas claims the Palestinian government is breaking up because Palestinians in the open-air prison known as Gaza Strip refuse to recognize the Fatah political organization.

Fatah dominates the Palestinian government, and has some control over the open-air prison known as West Bank.  The majority of Palestinians in Gaza Strip, and a growing number of Palestinians in West Bank, will only recognize the political organization known as Hamas.

But don’t blame Hamas, they’re opposed to the dissolution of the Palestinian government: “Hamas rejects any one-sided change in the government without the agreement of all parties. No one told us anything about any decision to change and no one consulted with us about any change in the unity government. Fatah acted on its own in all regards.”-Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman

By dissolving the Palestinian government Abbas opens the door for Hamas to take over in West Bank, which is exactly what the warmongering Zionist in Israel want, because they can then justify to their own people an all out war on all Palestinians, which will be easy to justify because opinion pools show many Israelis want total war to finish off the Palestinians so they can finally create their greater Israel.

Washington cops adopt Israeli tactics; kill man for throwing rock!


U.S. Job Losses & Store Closings, 01 – 03 June 2015: “…a long, agonizing death…” “…the company is required to terminate all employees’…immediately…” France threatens hundreds of Idaho jobs!

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

It was revealed by Scottish news sources that British empire United Kingdom based Too Big to Jail HSBC will eliminate 22-thousand jobs around the World, including in the United States!  HSBC is the European Union’s largest bank.  HSBC is also in the process of carving itself up and selling off the pieces.

Arizona: University of Arizona warned of mass layoffs in August, this after the new budget forces the school to make $43-million USD in cuts!

Arkansas: Switzerland based Nestlé laid off 75 people at its Gerber Fort Smith baby food factory. Administrators claim its because they switched to using plastic baby food containers.

California: Recently the city of Fresno learned it would lose at least two Vons grocery stores, now Save Mart announced it to is shutting down. The will shutdown before the end of the month, and company administrators claim all 62 employees will be moved to other Save Marts (which doesn’t make sense because Save Mart will then have a lot of redundant employees). Officially administrators blame competition (really, with Vons getting outta town?), but it turns out that Save Mart owns the property, where they’re closing down their Clinton and Blackstone avenues grocery store, and they’ve decided to play the Sears Holdings game and make more money by leasing it out to their ‘competition’!  Palo Alto based Hewlett-Packard (HP) warned of more layoffs.  HP is in the process of eliminating 55-thousand+ jobs by October!  Originally the plan was to eliminate 27-thousand jobs.

Connecticut: Famous Stratford based helicopter maker Sikorsky announced that it is eliminating 1-thousand 4-hundred jobs around the World!  180 jobs will be lost in The Constitution State!  Sikorsky is consolidating operations due to the bad economy.

Delaware: In Wilmington, DuPont chemical company Chemours warned of layoffs.  This is connected to DuPont’s plan to spin-off Chemours.  City administrators are afraid Chemours will pull stakes and move somewhere else after the spin-off.

Florida: Orlando based Golf Channel laid off 30 employees.  It’s part of Comcast’s plan to downsize.

Idaho: France based French taxpayer owned nuclear power company Areva has been sold off and now 6-thousand jobs around the World are threatened!  Areva has been operating under contract at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in eastern Idaho.   On 03 June the French government approved  the sale of the majority of Areva to a company called EDF (Electricite de France).   Areva administrators are challenging the sale.

Kentucky: Rhino Resource Partners announced they’ve issued layoff notices to 192 coal miners!

Michigan: In Ann Arbor, successful Lexi’s Toy Box shutdown, the owner said she want’s to join her husband in retirement: “I just thought it would be a nice time to be free.”-Crystal Metzger

New Hampshire: After 32 years, the owner of Video Headquarters announced he will shutdown in July: “Despite our success, the home entertainment industry has evolved dramatically in recent years with a major shift to digital media and this evolution is impossible to ignore. After 32 years of operation, the time has come to lock the doors for the last time when our lease ends……It would just be a long, agonizing death, this way we can say we got out on top”-Kenneth McAleer

New York: Nirvana Spring Water now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down their Oneida County bottling factory, 70 jobs lost by September. The company owes millions of dollars to the New York Business Development Corporation.  Obama Care forcing Mount Kisco Medical Group to issue a WARN saying 109 employees will become unemployed by August!   In NYC, law firm Mel S. Harris and Associates issued a shutdown WARN for September, at least 53 jobs lost.  NYC based quirky new products company Quirky laid off between 20 and 30 employees.  The news was reported by three former employees.  Company administrators admitted they had to cut costs by outsourcing their manufacturing.  California based clothier Band of Outsiders shutdown their nine months old Soho store! News reports say company administrators refuse to explain.

Oklahoma: Texas based Apache Oil & Gas announced it will shutdown its Tulsa office in August, 160 jobs affected!

Oregon: In Portland, after 36 years Martinotti’s Cafe & Deli was killed off by the greedy landlord jacking up the rent: “Rent has raised considerably! It’s more than what’s doable for us which is why we aren’t staying.”– Martina Martinotti, granddaughter of owner

Pennsylvania: Administrators of the city of Coatesville learned that Sikorsky will eliminate 720 local jobs over the next 12 months (see above)!   In Kingston, after 24 years the Pizza Mill restaurant shutdown: “We’re moving onto other things. We want to have some time with our families and do some traveling and catch up on lost time.”-Mark Cardone, co-owner

Rhode Island: Empire Beauty Schools blames what I call Disappearing Student Syndrome for the reason they’re shutting down their Providence school.

South Carolina: CertusBank announced it is dead!  Administrators are shutting down their HQ and are carving up and selling off the rest of the Too Big to Jail bank.  The Bank of North Carolina and the Community & Southern Bank have been named as some of the buyers.  No indication how many jobs are lost, CertusBank had dozens of offices in several southern states.

Texas: San Benito School District warned they will make additional layoffs.  A week prior eight employees were let go, the district is trying to cut $14.5-million in costs.  Administrators admitted they made mistakes in hiring more employees at a time when they were losing students (Disappearing Student Syndrome).   Administrators also revealed they’ve already saved $5-million by pushing employees to retire early or quit.  The owners of El Paso Saddleblanket will shutdown their warehouse outlet store in July, and will focus on wholesale and internet sales only.  The maker of cowboy stuff will also keep their El Paso Airport gift shop open.  The owners said 80% of their sales are now wholesale/import-export.

Virginia:  The Entenmann’s Bakery Outlet, on Peters Creek and Brandon in Roanoke, shutdown with no explanation.

Washington: What housing market recovery?  Federal Home Loan Bank laid off 109 people in Seattle!

Wisconsin: Golden County Foods revealed it went chapter 11 bankrupt busted back in May, and has been sold-off, threatening 432 jobs: “As a condition to the sale to Monogram, the company is required to terminate all employees’ employment with the company immediately prior to the closing of the sale…”-Tina Check, Golden County Foods

28 – 31 May 2015: Republicans call 9,500 layoffs a “Good Day”!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

World War 3 False Flag: New deadlier anthrax spreads across the U.S. from Mormon Utah! Canada has known since 2006, kept quiet until now!

03 June 2015 (15:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Kordad 1394/15 Sha’ban 1436/17 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

“We have concern that the inactivation procedures, when followed properly, are inadequate to kill all spores, and the U.S. government is developing an approach to securing such possible samples from misuse.”-Daniel Sosin, U.S. CDC

The Obama regime’s Department of Defense (DoD) now says at least 17 U.S. states have been hit by live deadly weaponized anthrax, sent with love from Dugway Proving Ground in the state of Utah.  Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work warned “We expect this number may rise.”  

DoD investigators also say that it appears the Army’s standard procedure of using radiation to kill live anthrax does not work on this new deadlier version, and that the test to ensure the anthrax is dead didn’t work either!

Here’s a conundrum; in order for military bio-weapons detectors to identify anthrax in the environment they actually need live samples inside the machines for them to function properly.

The states now confirmed to have received the new strain of bacillus anthracis are California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina plus Washington DC.

The British empire NATO member Canada now confirms that Utah has sent live anthrax to two Canadian laboratories as early as 2006.   What’s interesting is that the Public Health Agency of Canada claim they knew then that it was live anthrax, but said nothing about it until now.  They add that they still have the live anthrax.

The Canadian labs involved are the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg (2006 shipment), and the Defence Research and Development Suffield Research Centre in Alberta (two shipments in 2007).

And what timing: The U.S. FDA is looking at a new treatment for anthrax.  U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing a new drug called Anthim.  The FDA has given Fast Track development status to the drug, which was developed by the Biological Advanced Research and Development Authority.

Utah spreads weaponized Anthrax to British empire! 

World War 3: Saudi Arabia buying nukes from Pakistan, again?

18 May 2015 (08:25 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Ordibehesht 1394/29 Rajab 1436/01 Xin Si (4th month) 4713

“Given their close relations and close military links, it’s long been assumed that if the Saudis wanted, they would call in a commitment, moral or otherwise, for Pakistan to supply them immediately with nuclear warheads.”-attributed to David Owen, former Foreign Secretary for United Kingdom

There are new reports that the evil backer of Islamic State (DAESH) and ally of the United States, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is about to finalize a deal to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan.

This ‘deal’ has been in the works for a while.  In November 2013, the BBC reported “Saudi nuclear weapons ‘on order’ from Pakistan”.

It also turns out that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been, and is, financing Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program.  This is pure hypocrisy considering the war mongering of Israel and the United States against Iran for having a peaceful nuclear power program, and for the possibility that Iran could make their own nuclear weapons.

It’s also hypocrisy because KSA signed onto the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 1988.  Despite signing onto the NPT a detailed report by Nuclear Threat Initiative shows that KSA has always been trying to get ‘The Bomb’:  “…Muhammad Khilewi, a former Saudi diplomat who defected to the United States in the 1990s. Disclosing thousands of documents he claimed to have copied directly from official Saudi sources, Khilewi asserted that since 1975 Riyadh had sought to acquire nuclear weapons. Khilewi maintained that following the 1973 Arab-Israeli War Saudi Arabia set up a clandestine program run out of the Al-Kharj nuclear research center at a remote military facility near the town of Al-Sulayyil southwest of Riyadh.  In a 1998 interview, he also claimed Saudi Arabia had spent millions to support the Iraqi and Pakistani nuclear weapons programs…..    …..Riyadh provided Saddam Hussein with nearly $5 billion to finance Iraq’s clandestine nuclear weapons program between 1975 and 1990.  Such funding was allegedly part of Saudi Arabia’s broader financial support to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, which, according to Khilewi, amounted to $25 billion.  In exchange for its financial backing, Saudi Arabia would purportedly receive some of the Iraqi nuclear weapons once they were produced. In addition, Saudi scientists reportedly received nuclear weapons-related training in Iraq as part of the deal.”

In 2014 KSA became the World’s largest buyer of weapons, at $6.4-billion USD!

Obama preps for war with China, at same time sells China nuclear materials!

Zio-Wahabbi Empire of Saudi Israelia, twist on prophecy of Gog and Megog!

U.S. sanctions Iran over nuke industry, yet makes deal to sell nuclear tech to Vietnam!

John Kerry reveals U.S. troops are just tools in the hands of Saudi Arabia! 

World War 3, Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China, at same time sells China nuclear materials!

13 May 2015 (14:54 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Ordibehesht 1394/24 Rajab 1436/25 Xin Si (3rd month) 4713

“…freedom of navigation does not give one country’s military aircraft and ships free access to another country’s territorial waters and airspace!”Hua Chunying, spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry, in response to Obama’s new war plans

Obama regime’s Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, says the U.S. Navy will deploy a fleet to the South China Sea to challenge China’s ops in the Spratly Islands.   Carter says the Obama regime is using the excuse of protecting “freedom of navigation” and “world trade”.

Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia will join the U.S. Navy in increasing joint patrols of the South China Sea, using the excuse of fighting “piracy”.

Former enemies Vietnam and United States have been holding joint naval drills at least since 2012, this is the year China took control of Scarborough Shoal within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.  However, according to U.S. Naval War College “Starting in 2010, the U.S. and Vietnam accelerated this process effectively forming a partnership on several fronts. The Obama administration identified Vietnam as one of the new partners to cultivate as part of its ‘rebalancing’ of U.S. priorities toward the Asia-Pacific region, a move commonly referred to as the U.S.’s ‘pivot’ to the Pacific.”  Adding that “The U.S. and Vietnam should continue to develop military ties regardless of China’s concerns.”

In April this year, the U.S. Navy conducted five days of war games with Vietnam.   In recent months Vietnam and China had several run-ins (literally) between fishing and military boats.

Also in April, the U.S. and Philippines conducted their biggest joint war games in the past 15 years, called Operation Balikatan. The Obama regime stated the war game is part of their Pacific Pathways strategy.

Former enemies Japan and Philippines have been holding joint naval drills specifically to take on China: “Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and assorted other states are threatened by China’s behavior…….the Philippines and Japan are jointly making an important statement about how seriously they view China’s actions.”-Michael Tkacik, Stephen F. Austin State University

China recently stated they reserve the right to create a Air Defense Zone over what they say are their territories of the South China Sea.  This is in response to constant overflights by military spy planes of other countries such as the United States and Philippines.

The British empire country of Australia responded by warning China that the lucrative trade deals between the two countries could be threatened if China continues its work in the Spratly Islands.

At the same time that the Obama regime is gearing up for war with China, Obama is selling nuclear tech to China!  On 12 May 2015, Obama pleaded with the U.S. Congress to renew a 30 years deal to continue selling nuclear technologies to China!   This comes as senators express concern that China was using the nuclear tech to create weapon systems, in violation of the deal.   And this while the Obama regime continues to threaten war on Iran, using the excuse of preventing Iran from developing their own nuclear tech!

Obama Reneges on ending Iran sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”! 

Japan & U.S. create “Grey Zone” war zones! Vague justifications for war with China!

U.S., Australia & Japan invade Vietnam

India deploys navy to counter China

U.S. sending 60% of naval fleet to South China Sea oil fields! 

India & Vietnam to join forces against China

World War 3: Obama preps for war with Iran! Reneges on ending sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”!

13 May 2015 (13:50 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Ordibehesht 1394/24 Rajab 1436/25 Xin Si (3rd month) 4713

“….the United States is prepared to use all elements of our power to secure these interests.

Iran clearly engages in dangerous and destabilizing behavior in different countries across the region. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism.  It helps prop up the Assad regime in Syria. It supports Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip [Palestine]. It aids the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

…….to fully enforce sanctions against Iran….even if we reach a nuclear deal with Iran.-Barack Obama, U.S. President, interview with Ashraq Al-Awsat newspaper

“The U.S. president’s statements are merely a repetition of his previous unfounded accusations to appease his allies. Our policies in the region are based on consolidating friendship and cooperation as well as conducting responsible acts to reinforce stability and guarantee regional security.”-Mohammed Javed Zarif,   Foreign Minister of Iran

Pope Francis officially recognizes Palestine!

False Flag: Radioactive forest bursts into flames, weeks after new study warns of just such a scenario!

28 April 2015 (13:40 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Ordibehesht 1394/09 Rajab 1436/10 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713

“The fire is at a distance of 15 to 20 kilometers [9 to 12 miles] from Chernoby!-Maya Rudenko, employee at the still deadly Chernobyl

Just weeks after a new study warns of a potential nuclear disaster, a forest fire is now spreading deadly radiation across north eastern Europe, before eventually turning to blow across Russia before crossing the Pacific.   A forest fire has erupted inside the no go zone (exclusion zone) around the ongoing nuclear disaster known as Chernobyl.

Chernobyl is located in Ukrainian territory and has been highly radioactive ever since a catastrophic nuclear accident in 1986.  The forest around the entombed nuclear reactor is so large it extends into Belarussian territory, and now consists of trees that grew up absorbing high doses of radiation, now they’re burning out of control!

At the beginning of April the Ecological Society of America published the results of their study, Fire evolution in the radioactive forests of Ukraine and Belarus: future risks for the population and the environment, which warns of just such a scenario:  “…..Eastern Europe are characterized by large, highly fire-prone patches that are conducive to the development of extreme crown fires. Since 1986, there has been a positive correlation between extreme fire events and drought in the two contaminated regions. Litter carbon storage in the area has doubled since 1986 due to increased tree mortality and decreased decomposition rates; dead trees and accumulating litter in turn can provide fuel for wildfires that pose a high risk of redistributing radioactivity in future years. Intense fires in 2002, 2008, and 2010 resulted in the displacement of 137Cs [cesium 137] to the south; the cumulative amount of 137Cs re-deposited over Europe was equivalent to 8% of that deposited following the initial Chernobyl disaster. However, a large amount of 137Cs still remains in these forests, which could be remobilized along with a large number of other dangerous, long-lived, refractory radionuclides. We predict that an expanding flammable area associated with climate change will lead to a high risk of radioactive contamination with characteristic fire peaks in the future. Current fire-fighting infrastructure in the region is inadequate….”

This latest disaster involving Chernobyl should be proof enough to the nuclear nabobs in Japan who still think nuclear power is safe.  The trees around Fukushima are contaminated for decades to come.  But wait there’s more!

Despite the billions of USD spent building a new tomb around the Chernobyl reactor number 4 the Chornobyl Shelter Fund, Group of Seven and and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development today revealed that the new tomb is not complete, and is especially vulnerable to fire.  Yep, a forest fire!

The project to encase Chernobyl #4 in new stronger concrete and steel was supposed to be completed this year, but administrators now say they need another $674-million to complete.

There are three other reactors at Chernobyl, all are supposed to be shutdown or undergoing shutdown.  It was revealed three years after Reactor 4’s explosion that Reactor 1 also suffered meltdown, back in 1982!


Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Siberian fires prove North America blanketed with Japanese radiation!

23 April 2015 (09:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Ordibehesht 1394/04 Rajab 1436/05 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713

Massive wild fires in Siberia, Russia, have been smoking out the Pacific Northwest of North America for days now.  The smoke is now reaching the Atlantic Coast.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says the majority of North America is blanketed by the smoke.

The wild fires started about a couple of weeks ago, and have killed dozens of people in Siberia.  If the smoke is already covering most of North America in less than two weeks, then imagine the massive radiation contamination that is still spewing from Japan’s exploded Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors!   The same wind currents that bring the smoke from Siberia are bringing radiation from Fukushima.  Of course, U.S. and Canadian environmental administrators have denied that high levels of radiation from Fukushima has reached North America.

Japanese news media reported that four years after the explosions at Fukushima new data has been released by the U.S. Department of the Navy.  The data shows 75% of  the initial radiation contamination released after the explosions actually took place several days afterward, and was released for much longer than first thought.  Researchers learned that a metal used to make fuel rods, zirconium, continued overheating even after thousands of tons of water was poured into the reactors.  It turns out the water actually acted as a catalyst and could have contributed to what looks like  a slow burn China Syndrome, that is still ongoing.

To prove that radiation contamination is still ongoing, administrators with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) revealed yet more airborne and waterborne leaks, and admitted they knew about one leak a year ago!  TEPCo says airborne radiation levels inside reactor building 1 (Fukushima #1) are so high they will kill you in one hour!  They determined this after two robots sent into the building were disabled by the radiation levels.

The most recent water leaks happened this week, when all the water pumps failed.  An unknown amount of contaminated water went into the Pacific Ocean.

Then there’s the leak TEPCo knew about one years ago, but said nothing until now.  TEPCo described the contaminated water leak as highly radioactive” and said it’s been pouring into the Pacific Ocean, from reactor building 2 (Fukushima #2), since April 2014!

In a possibly related story, the residence of the neo-imperialist Japanese prime minister was found to have a highly radioactive RC drone on the roof!  Security personnel say nobody had been on the roof for the past month, and they don’t know how it got there.  The drone was carrying a container of liquid contaminated with cesium that comes from nuclear reactors.   The drone was marked with radiation warning labels.

In Takahama, a Japanese court judge has blocked the re-start of two reactors at the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant.  The judge reviewed data and declared the reactors to be unsafe, and that the new national government regulations for nuclear factory safety to be insufficient.  Even government administrators admit a catastrophic accident could still occur even with the new regulations.  It turns out the Takahama nuke reactors, operated by Kansai Electric Power Company, are built over three earthquake fault lines!

The Journal of Ornithology has published a study that shows radiation is killing off Japanese birds.  The journal Environmental Indicators published a study saying the radiation levels around Fukushima are far worse than Chernobyl.

In the U.S. state of New Mexico radiation problems continue at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP).  The DoE accuses the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory (LANL) of causing the explosions inside WIPP by improperly packing mixed nuke waste in 55 gallon drums.  The DoE investigation confirmed that at least one drum exploded.

The contractor running the site has been hit with $7.3-million USD in fines!  The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) effectively accused Nuclear Waste Partnership of failing across the board, from lack of maintenance programs to outright violations of DoE regulations!

To try and remedy their failed operations at WIPP, Nuclear Waste Partnership has selected a new manager to run WIPP.  He was in charge of the plutonium facility at Idaho National Laboratory, and also worked at the Savannah River Site.

The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has also been accused of contributing to the WIPP disaster, as it is one of the users of WIPP for nuke waste storage.  Now the INL is now asking for permission to receive 2-hundred pounds of spent nuclear fuel, for the purpose of researching new ways to store and/or recycle nuke waste.  Former Idaho governors Phil Batt and Cecil Andrus condemned the proposal, pointing out it would violate a 1995 deal banning nuke waste shipments into The Gem State.

Nobody can trust anything administrators say at the INL, it turns out there was a nuclear accident there six months ago, but only now was made public!  It was revealed by the DoE during a local public hearing.  Back in October 2014, at least one employee was contaminated during the re-packing of nuclear waste.  It shutdown the New Waste Calcining Facility for several weeks.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout:  Santa Barbara hit by giant radioactive lobsters?