Tag Archives: nuclear

“I need a Job!” Massive surprise layoffs hit the U.S. this morning! Haggen kills 1,000+ jobs in home state! Medicare False Flag op to jack up your drug prices! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 29 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Canada based retailer Hudson’s Bay Company revealed it had eliminated at least 265 jobs, including jobs in New York, last week!   It’s the result of its takeover of rival Saks.  Expect more layoffs as it consolidates retail ops across North America.

Not only are Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) insurance rates going to skyrocket in 2016, so are prescription drugs prices for the more than 15-million people on Medicare part D.  The whole thing is a False Flag operation being touted as a way to reduce ER visits and save taxpayers money: Medicare beneficiaries should carefully review their prescription drug plan options in 2016. With many plans taking large premium increases in 2016, those beneficiaries that choose not to change plans will likely pay more in premiums than if they look for lower-cost options.”-Colin Shannon, Avalere Health

California: Redwood City based Evernote said it will eliminate 13% of its jobs (about 47) and shutting down three offices, saying the economy is forcing them to downsize.  In Almeda, a greedy landlord is forcing Croll’s Pizza & Beer to shutdown.  It was discovered the landlord made a deal with a competing restaurant to expand into the space occupied by Croll’s.

Colorado: The Department of Higher Educations History Colorado Center announced plans to get rid of 22% of staffing.

Georgia: Ameris Bancorp shutting down ten offices saying it does not see any economic recovery and must reduce yearly costs by $5-million USD!  After only one year Texas based MAX’s Wine Dive shutting down their Atlanta store, apparently sales weren’t good enough.

Illinois: Alexander County Board of Commissioners reducing pay for employees and warned of layoffs if tax revenues don’t improve.  In Wheaton, after five years the Home Again consignment store shutting down in October.  After 14 years Thia & Company party supply store shutdown.  After 16 years Grammy D’s Family Restaurant shutdown.

Iowa: In Iowa City, after more than 20 years Austin Burke Clothiers shutting down due to increasing rent and decreasing sales. The Davenport Kmart on Brady Street shutting down by Xmas, 59 jobs lost.   Cozy Cafe chain shutting down three restaurants, the overly optimistic owner finally realized he was actually cannibalizing revenues from money making restaurants to support money losing restaurants.    In Spencer, clothing store Schweser’s shutting down after Xmas, it’s the third Schweser’s being shutdown: “We have seen a drop in sales in some of our stores over the past few years that has been difficult to overcome. Our expenses continue to rise, including the cost of goods, and our sales have not kept pace in some locations.”-Tyler Smith, president of the 135 years old Nebraska based retailer

Ooops, too late, Century Aluminum killing 600 jobs! Apparently we’re recycling too many aluminum cans?

Kentucky: Century Aluminum shutting down its Hawesville ops, 6-hundred people to become jobless starting at the end of October!  It’s blamed on too much aluminum in the market.  After 78 years, restaurant Joe’s Older than Dirt shutting down by the end of October, because the greedy property owner has “other plans”.

Tell that to the owners, and the 400 former employees, of Lincoln Paper & Tissue!

Maine: After shutting down paper ops and laying off employees Lincoln Paper and Tissue now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. The paper mill in Lincoln is being auctioned off.  At one point the paper mill had 4-hundred employees!  The demise of the company might be due to federal accusations and investigations of price manipulation of electricity (the mill also doubled as a power plant), or it could be due to losing contracts or the cost of building a new gas pipeline.

Michigan: What automotive industry recovery? China based Sun-Dan shutting down its auto parts factory in Orion Township, 131 people to become jobless between Thanksgiving and Xmas!  Local news reports say no reason was given.

Minnesota: The Albany Area Hospital shutting down after Xmas, 75 jobs lost. It will be replace with a clinic.  Administrators referred to ObamaCare as a “challenging time”.

Missouri: In Saint Louis, after 13 years Absolutli Goosed bar shutdown.  It’s blamed on declining sales.  After three years Jazzie’s K9 Kutz and Kamp shutdown due to the two confirmed to be radioactive Westlake and Bridgeton trash dumps. There is an underground fire at the Westlake landfill that is spreading to Bridgton.  Residents want gov’na Nixon to declare an emergency.

New Jersey: A&P grocery (The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company) issued a mass layoff WARN for its Montvale HQ, 319 jobs lost in time for Thanksgiving!

Once praised now dead, News Corp’s Amplify Education. 800 jobs killed this morning!

New York: New York Life Insurance Company laying off eight IT employees after Xmas.  Festo Corporation issued a shutdown WARN for its Hauppauge ops, 75 jobs lost between December and April 2016. Evil News Corp conducted massive and surprise layoffs with Brooklyn based Amplify Education, 8-hundred jobs lost this morning!  News Corporation has been trying to sell-off Amplify, but nobody wants to buy it.  In NYC, the Harry Fox Agency laid off 30% of employees due to being taken over by SESAC.

North Carolina: Charlotte based Too Big to Jail Bank of America warned of more layoffs because they expect business to continue declining.  Of course they didn’t say how many people they would layoff.   Office Depot shutting down its New Bern Avenue store in Raleigh.  It’s part of the company’s plan to shutdown 4-hundred stores by the end of 2016!

Ohio: In Columbus, iconic Johnny Go’s House ‘o Music shutdown by the A-hole property owner who convinced the city administrators to re-zone the property.

Chesapeake Energy made thunder when it laid off 740 people, without warning this morning!

Oklahoma: Without warning oil and gas company Chesapeake Energy laid off 740 people!  The layoffs took place this morning and one employee was heard yelling “I need a job!” 

Oregon: State unemployment administrators revealed they are preparing for massive layoffs (at least 416) as Haggen grocery stores are shutdown.

Pennsylvania: PPL Electric Utilities forcing 57 people to retire early or be laid off.  Alpha Natural Resources issued a shutdown WARN for its Emerald Mine, 290 jobs lost right before Thanksgiving!

Texas: Maker of equipment for oil companies, KW International shutting down its Brittmoore ops as it consolidates to save money, 47 jobs affected.  National Oilwell Varco shutting down two more Houston locations, 85 jobs lost.

Virginia: An iconic pink colored Dairy Queen is being torn down to make room for two hotels.  The Food Lion grocery store in Ferry Farm Shopping Center shutting down in October, 45 jobs lost.

After 82 years Haggen Foods being killed off by the Albertsons-Safeway merger, at least 10 thousand jobs lost!


Washington: Bellingham based Haggen Foods issued a mass layoff WARN for 1-thousand and 73 employees in The Evergreen State! It’s the result of the evil Albertsons-Safeway trickery.  Haggen administrators hope they can survive the bankruptcy with at least 37 stores intact.

Wisconsin:  Another U.S. unAmerican corporation moving jobs to another country.  GE (General Electric) shutting down its Waukesha industrial grade gas powered electricity generator engine factory (the same one Obama toured last year) and moving production to Canada, 350 jobs lost over the next 20 months! Administrators blame it on the Congressional shutdown of the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

27-28 September 2015: “Times have changed…time for us to close the doors.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Syria, 21 September 2015: Israel promises to avoid attacking Russians! John Kerry reveals war will ramp up! Hezbollah to quit fighting in Syria!

21 September 2015 (16:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Shahrivar 1394/07 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/09 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“We strongly condemn the criminal shelling against the Russian diplomatic mission in Damascus.  Moscow expects a clear stance by members of the international community, including regional sides, regarding this criminal act.”-Russian Foreign Ministry

A day after insurgents begged Israel to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Syria, Reuters claims Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised Russian President Vladimir Putin to “prevent misunderstandings between IDF [Israel Defense Force] units and Russian forces” in Syria.

This comes as Israeli news sources say Russia has begun UAV (drone) recon missions within Syria.

Israel’s SodaStream claims it will provide 1-thousand Syrian refugees with jobs.

“The U.S. has long been trying to remove Syrian President Assad…U.S. interests also weaken Europe….     Turkey now attacking the Kurds….”-Miloslav Ransdorf, Czech Republic’s Minister to the European Union Parliament

Does the evil unconstitutional leadership of the United States know something?  Why did John Kerry announce a phased increase of war refugees from the around the world (not just Syria) for the next two years?

Specifically in fiscal 2016 the number of war refugees that the U.S. ‘officially’ takes-in will go from 70-thousand per year to 85-thousand.  But in fiscal 2017 it’ll jump to 100-thousand!  Why?  If the ‘advanced’ power players of the world are truly working to end the wars why is the U.S. expecting such a huge increase in refugees?

John Kerry’s statements about the phased increase of war refugees came a day after he told the world that “Assad must go” but also said there was no set deadline for getting rid of Assad.

Lebanon news sources say the Lebanese Resistance Regiments will end their operations within Syria once the city of Zabadani is fully liberated from EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Syrian Arab Army Air Force ‘Hip’ helicopters continued their months long thermobaric barrel bombings across several governorates where U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents are concentrated.   Hundreds of people killed from barrel bombs just today.

Aleppo Governorate: In Aleppo City, Syrian Arab Army says U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents launched artillery rocket attacks killing two civilians and wounding six.   However, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights believes at least one of the rocket attacks came from the Syrian Arab Army and was targeting DAESH held territory, but resulted in four civilians being killed.  United Kingdom news sources say the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) are planing to capture the DAESH held Syria-Turkey border crossing of Jarabulus.  The Independent predicts this will royally piss off NATO member Turkey. 

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Police report a Jaish al-Islam insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near the al-Hal market in al-Zablatani, one person killed.

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army reports multiple battles with insurgents including U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Many homemade bombs had to be disarmed.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:     Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports five civilians killed by airstrikes, and one 18 years old killed by DAESH sniper.

Hama Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force conducted airstrikes using thermobaric barrel bombs, while the Army conducted artillery strikes, across northern areas. 

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents blew up two car bombs at the entrance of Mishrafa Village, killing four civilians and wounding four others.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports DAESH attacked YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units).

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army battles with DAESH north of Shaer Mountain to the north west of Tadmur (Palmyra).  Police report two insurgent artillery rocket rounds impacted on a bus station near a clinic, killing a child and wounding five people.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli  insurgents targeted Alawites by planting a bomb in a car. The owner of the car was killed when got in.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they killed 24 insurgents near the Mediterranean coastal villages of al-Shahrora and Zahia.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports battles with Jabhat al-Nusra.  Reports say insurgent vehicle convoy hit with guided missiles.

Raqqah Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force reports battles with DAESH in Raqqa City.

20 September 2015: Yet again, weenie head Islamic State blows itself up by accident!

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: INL admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.” Radioactive trash dump in U.S. on fire?

19 September 2015 (12:24 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Shahrivar 1394/05 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/07 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“The Agency has for many years made a major contribution to development by making nuclear science and technology available in areas such as food production, water management and agriculture. Our work deserves greater recognition.”-Amano Yukio, UN IAEA

India: “Over the past four months, sporadic rainfall saw Mumbai’s UV Index (UVI) levels touch the ‘high risk’ category. Their immediate effect can be seen in form of sun burns, long-term exposure can lead to skin cancer and cataract.  ‘The sporadic rain pattern is responsible for the high UV radiations in the city this monsoon,’ said Gufran Beig, project director, System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR), IITM. ‘When (the number of) rainy days are less followed by a long period of sunny days, UV radiation levels peak.’”

Ukraine: “International heavy lift company Mammoet and its client Novarka have successfully connected the two halves of the New Safe Confinement (NSC) structure at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This was needed following the catastrophic nuclear accident in 1986.”

United States: “Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), ranking member of the House Communications Subcommittee, are accusing the FCC of failing to enforce safety guidelines on cell tower worker exposure to radiofrequency radiation, saying they are putting the health and safety of a quarter of a million workers at risk.”

“Exposure to high doses of radiation triggers a number of potentially lethal effects. Among the most severe is the gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity syndrome caused by the destruction of the intestinal barrier, resulting in bacterial translocation, systemic bacteremia, sepsis, and death….   ….TP [Thrombin-derived Peptide] 508 may be an effective emergency nuclear countermeasure that could be delivered within 24h post exposure to increase survival and delay mortality, giving victims time to reach clinical sites for advanced medical treatment.”

“Scientists have recently developed a new hybrid solar energy system that harnesses all of the sun’s radiation…..”

Idaho:  Researchers at the INL are on the verge of creating a system to track nuclear waste from the oil industry.  The oil industry uses radioactive material as part of its oil extraction process.  The new system will be tested in North Dakota because “It’s the Wild West out there. Waste sites are taking the wrong stuff, or they’re dumping it in fields. Nobody really knows what’s going on.”-Doug Akers, Idaho National Laboratory

Massachusetts: “As a resident of Plum Island, Newbury, I are deeply concerned about the threat posed by Seabrook Station — the threat of radiation release. If a radiation release were to occur, evacuating this area would be impossible.”

“…parents filed a lawsuit claiming that the Fay School in Southborough has ‘high-intensity Wi-Fi emissions’ that have harmed their son……he has a condition called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)”

Missouri: “…radiation from the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton has spread to neighboring properties. The reports also suggested that an underground fire at the neighboring Bridgeton Landfill is moving toward radioactive waste and could reach it as soon three to six months. The landfills’ owner, Republic Services, has vehemently maintained that the situation at the landfills is under control.”

“Loretta Copeland is shutting the doors on her dog grooming business on Natural Bridge Road, near McKelvey Road, about a mile from the landfill. She says she’s afraid of getting cancer.  ‘…it just seems like everybody you talk to they either have cancer or they know somebody……..Who wants to buy a grooming shop sitting within one mile from the landfill?’”

New Mexico: “The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant simulated a full-scale emergency response on Wednesday to prepare the facility and community in case an emergency occurred again.”

“The Underground Ventilation System at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is being upgraded to provide additional airflow into the facility’s underground.”

“…burying 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium would be far cheaper and more practical than completing a multibillion-dollar plant that would turn the radioactive material into commercial reactor fuel.”

New York: “The studies found that 50 percent to 75 percent of the animals who were exposed to a potentially lethal dose of radiation died without any treatment. Using Cleveland BioLabs’ Entolimod drug, less than a third of all animals that received the drug died, even when the drug was administered as much as 48 hours after exposure.”

“An upstate New York man faces life in prison after he became the first person ever convicted in the U.S. of trying to acquire a radiation weapon for mass destruction…”

Washington: Hanford to remain Undeclared Interim Storage site “By early 2007 the decision was made to construct a mox fuel plant at the Savannah River Site (SRS), in South Carolina. Construction is 70 percent complete, and some $4.5 billion has been spent.  ……DOE-Headquarters is now considering major/arbitrary changes to the final disposition of MOX, and stopping construction the mos facility at SRS!    DOE’s new path is considering ‘downblending’ (diluting) the weapons grade plutonium and adding it to waste going to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico. DOE reports shutting down the SRS mox plant could cost a billion dollars.”

“In the near term the cost of dealing with the solid waste would be about $20 million from the DOE Richland Operations Office annual budget, which is about $1 billion a year, according to the state of Washington.”

Washington DC: “In 1981, anthropologists, engineers, nuclear physicists, and others assembled to form the Human Interference Task Force, at the behest of the U.S. Department of Energy and Bechtel Corp. The impetus of the task force, according to a technical report issued a few years later, was to ‘reduce the likelihood of future humans unintentionally intruding on radioactive-waste isolation systems.’”

Japan:  Off the coast of Hokkaido a fish called a Wolffish was caught. The man who caught it says it’s one of the largest Wolffish ever caught.  See internet ‘TV’ news report here.

Proof of arrogant incompetence: “…there was a basic assumption in Japan that the design of nuclear power plants and the safety measures that had been put in place were sufficiently robust to withstand external events of low probability and high consequences….there was a tendency for organizations and their staff not to challenge the level of safety……resulted in a situation where safety improvements were not introduced….”

More proof of government incompetence: “…a team of Japanese researchers report that evacuation following the Fukushima nuclear accident may have been much worse for Japanese citizen’s health than nuclear radiation.”

“Authorities in the small city of Nikko in Japan’s Tochigi Prefecture, some 175 km away from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, have said that at least 334 bags containing radioactive soil have been swept into a tributary of the Kinugawa river, The Asahi Shimbun reports.

According to the city’s authorities, the washed-away waste was only part of hundreds of bags being stored at the Kobyakugawa Sakura Koen park alongside the river. Another 132 bags of waste reportedly rolled down the slopes.” 

‘Black’ helicopters return to California! U.S. will increase radiation contamination limits! 

False Flag or Incompetence? Evacuation orders issued 2 hours after levees in Japan broke!

13 September 2015 (17:40 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Shahrivar 1394/29 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/01 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“The city is completely destroyed, we need people’s help!”-Shinichi Ishizuka

Levees on 14 rivers have failed, 64 rivers are overflowing, warnings of more flooding as weather forecasts predict more tropical rain.

NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that some people in Joso and Osaki cities were notified two hours after levees broke, some people were never notified!  City administrators admitted their disaster command centers were overwhelmed and they might have forgotten to warn some residents.  It’s interesting that those residents just happen to be living right next to the breaks that formed in the levees.

Administrators in Joso revealed that their information about flooding was actually coming from areas of the city that were already flooding, in other words they had no warnings before hand.

Administrators in Osaki revealed idiocy on their part when they admitted they held back on evacuation orders because they felt it was too dangerous to evacuate a city at night time!

At least seven people killed, at least 15 missing.  Reports say there are many people still stranded by the floods.

Concerning the massive flooding from the Kinugawa River near Joso, the mayor of neighboring Bando city blames the flooding on a solar power construction project.  Mayor Eiichi Yoshihara revealed that last year a two meters high, 150 meters long section of dirt was removed from a section of the levee, as part of the construction project.  City administrators said that section of the levee actually built-up naturally over time and is considered private property, so they have no authority over it.  Still, some sandbags were placed in the area in July of 2014.

Local news reports revealed that Joso residents assumed the naturally built-up section of levee was part of the city’s flood control authority.

At the ongoing nuclear disaster reactors of Fukushima Daiichi, giant bags filled with nuclear waste were washed away.  82 giant nuke waste bags were found, 32 recovered, but administrators with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) admit the do not know how many were floated away by the flood.

Record rain pounds Japan! Study says climate change can’t be stopped by humans!

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Daiichi floods Pacific after typhoon! ‘Black’ copters return to California! U.S. will increase radiation contamination limits!

11 September 2015 (20:02 UTC-07 Tango 01, 10 September 2015)/20 Shahrivar 1394/27 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/29 Yi-You 4713

United States: “The change is being pushed by a group of pro-nuclear fanatics — there is really no other way to describe them. If implemented, the hormesis model would result in needless death and misery.”-Michael Mariotte,  Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)

Washington DCU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants to eliminate the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) basis of radiation protection.  In other words they want to greatly increase the amount of radiation exposure per person before the government would consider it officially as ‘contamination’!

Kansas: Speaking of exposure, local news reports say about a dozen University of Tulsa’s North Campus researchers were bused to Burlington to be tested for radiation exposure, caused by a cesium 137 spill that occurred last year!

California: Once again, helicopters were seen flying low over the San Francisco bay area, and yes it was confirmed they were checking the air for radiation levels. 

UC San Francisco: Genetic Makeup May Make Radiation Riskier for Pediatric Cancer Patients

Idaho: The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission investigating a company called International Isotopes after an employee was sent to an Idaho Falls hospital for being exposed to more than a years worth of radiation.  Reports say contaminated items fell out of their protective container and the employee picked up the items thus contaminating himself.

The city of Hailey unanimously adopted a resolution opposing anymore nuke waste shipments to Idaho.  Gov’na Butch Otter, with the support of Senators, is waving an agreement between the state and federal Department of Energy banning nuclear waste shipments to The Gem State, in the name of making money (about $20-million USD) for the economically strapped state: “I think Senator Risch’s opinion was, and appears to be, that the economics of the INL [Idaho National Laboratory] are more important than the removal of dangerous nuclear waste that could contaminate the East Snake Aquifer.”-Fritz Haemmerle, mayor

Missouri: “Radiation from the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton has spread to neighboring properties. That’s according to reports released on Thursday by Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster.”

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (evil DARPA) unveiled a new crowd sourcing radiation detector.  

Texas: Researchers with Chrysalis BioTherapeutics claim their new drug Chrysalis can stop radiation poisoning: “Because radiation-induced damage to the intestines plays such a key role in how well a person recovers from radiation exposure, it’s crucial to develop novel medications capable of preventing GI damage.”-Darrell Carney, University of Texas Medical Branch and ceo of Chrysalis BioTherapeutics

New Mexico:  NASA has, in a round-a-bout way admitted that they really don’t know how much radiation you’re exposed to when you fly on an airliner.  At Fort Sumner, NASA launch a high altitude balloon to test just how much radiation you’re exposed to when flying around the world. 

The shenanigans at WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Project) continue.  There was debate on whether three tonnes (metric tons) of weapons grade plutonium should be stored at the disaster site, until it was revealed that “The reality is that about 3 metric tons of down-blended weapons grade plutonium has already been disposed of at WIPP. As Bill Richardson knows, because it was completed while he was Secretary of Energy.”, according to Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway.

DOE names field office manager at WIPP

More DOE bungling at WIPP

Radiation presentation at WIPP town hall

Critics blame mismanagement for WIPP delay

New York: I’ve got relatives who went through radiation treatment for their cancers, only to have the tumors get bigger, which backs up my argument that treating cancer with radiation is like treating a gunshot wound by pumping a few more bullets into it.  Now there’s yet another study that backs me up.  “…radiotherapy may actually be making it easier for some skin cancer tumors to return and prosper. This may happen, they found, because the applied radiation causes a suppression of the immune system in the area being targeted.”

Japan: In Fukushima Prefecture two tropical storms caused record level rain, flooding hundreds of tons of radiation from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster reactors into the Pacific Ocean, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo).

The flooding also damaged thousands of homes and apartments across eastern Japan, which comes at a time when a new study admits that the people forced to flee their homes after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions were not given adequate temporary housing, and that there still isn’t enough temp housing (four years on) for the people who cannot return to their homes due to radiation levels.

Radioactive forest bursts into flames

Siberian fires prove North America blanketed with Japanese radiation!

Fukushima massive radiation flooding Pacific! Record rain pounds Japan! Climate change can’t be stopped by humans!

10 September 2015 (00:43 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Shahrivar 1394/26 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/28 Yi-You 4713

“This is a scale of downpour that we have not experienced before. Grave danger could be imminent.”-Takuya Deshimaru, Japan Meteorological Agency

At 13:30 hours Japan time, in Ibaraki Prefecture a levee holding back the big Kinugawa river burst, literally washing away Joso City.  Video shows helicopters trying to rescue people from the roofs of their homes in strong winds.

Tochigi Prefecture reports more than 60 centimetres (two feet) of rain in the past 24 hours. 90-thousand people ordered to evacuate, 80 -thousand told to prepare to leave.   Kanuma City reports mudslides and missing people.  A hotel has collapsed.

Fukushima Prefecture, home of the on-going nuclear disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi, is also reporting record level rain.  This means massive amounts of radiation contamination is now flooding into the Pacific Ocean.

Saitama Prefecture reports record level of rain, more than 25% of an entire year’s worth dumped in 24 hours.  Heavy rain continues.

The current flooding is blamed on former typhoon Etau and former typhoon Kilo (Etau and Kilo are now straddling Japan’s eastern and western coastlines, dumping record levels of rain on the island country), but Japan has been hit by several big tropical storms this year. Back in 1996 researchers Nobuo Mimura and Eiichi Kawaguchi predicted Japan would be hit by flooding and a rise in the ocean level, and they were not taking into account the melting of the polar ice caps.

A 2013 study warned Japan that it only takes a small rise in ocean level to have catastrophic effects when combined with tropical storms.  Japan will also suffer increased cases of liquefaction.

Another Japanese study concluded that reversing human caused pollution will have no effect on the coming radical climate changes!

Read The Japan Times article about the studies here.

Radioactive forest bursts into flames, weeks after warning 

“…the entire retail node has experienced a decline.” “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.” Obama ‘home’ state suspends lottery payments! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 01 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Arizona: In Scottsdale the Los Sombreros Mexican Restaurant shutdown.  In Mesa, the Lo Fi Coffee shop shutdown.

California: The U.S. Postal Service shutting down their Bakersfield mail processing plant: “The only reason they haven’t done it yet is because they need congressional approval.”-John Flores, American Postal Worker’s Union

Colorado: Wisconsin based Quad Graphics shutting down their Loveland operations by the end of October, 137 jobs lost! Administrators blame the bad economy, but is it really because Quad Graphics failed in its takeover bid of rival Courier Corporation?

Connecticut: In Milford, after 14 years Loading Dock Wine & Spirits shutdown, the family owners blame the evil ‘lawmakers’ for “the ever changing CT. Liquor laws favoring large non-family owned businesses”.

Florida: In Miami Beach, after 11 years Mansion Nightclub shutting down next week.  The corporate owners have been shutting down and selling off their nightclubs in The Sunshine State because they can make more money selling the property.  Virginia based tax-sucker Orbital ATK shutting down its Clearwater operations by Spring 2016, blaming reduced military spending, at least 99 jobs lost.  In Boca Raton, the Cheese Course restaurant shutdown.  In Fort Lauderdale, the Chow Sushi & BBQ shutdown.

Illinois: Chicago based nuclear power company Exelon warned of “potential position reductions at the executive level and below” blaming skyrocketing operating costs and revenues that can’t keep up.   What construction industry recovery?  The Quincy Lighting & Home Center shutdown after 67 years of sales.  Apparently a new business is moving in.   Recently announced layoffs at farm vehicle maker Deere (at their Davenport Works and Harvester Works) has the operators of Riverbend Foodbank scrambling: “The increase in request for food in our community has definitely happened.We know that in order to feed every individual in our community  who are going hungry we actually need to triple the number of meals that we provide…”-Nancy Renkes, director

In Normal, the Naturally Yours Grocery store shutdown: “We just weren’t getting enough business and are disappointed.”-Donna Dierks, manager

 In the homie state of Barack Obama, lottery winners are now being given IOUs instead of their cash winnings. The latest victims are a husband and wife who won $250-thousand USD with a scratch-off ticket.  Instead of getting cash they got a letter from the Illinois Lottery saying they’ll be paid as soon as the state ‘lawmakers’ can create a budget for the new fiscal year: “Due to the ongoing budget situation in Springfield, some lottery winner payments have been delayed. All winners will be paid in full as soon as the lottery and the Illinois comptroller have the legislative authority to do so.” 

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, Darlington Holiday Warehouse shutting down its seasonal flagship Airport Expressway store.  Despite forcing loyal southside customers to drive the nearest store on the northside, administrators said shutting down the southside Airport store would “make a better shopping experience for everyone.” 

Kentucky: In Louisville, after 97 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) The Vernon (aka Vernon Lanes) bowling alley shutting down after Halloween.  The bowling alley was put up for sale in April, but so far no takers.  “October 31 is going to be the last day. It’s going to be a big party. Kentucky Blues Society is going to come down. We’re gonna blow it out!”-Scottie Lawler, assistant GM

Maine: After 46 years Goff’s Hardware shutdown.  The owner is funding his retirement with the sale of the property, lamenting “Most of these mom-and-pop places have gone by the wayside. Everybody wants bigger. More.”

Massachusetts:  Brigham and Women’s Hospital eliminating 1-hundred jobs as Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is expected to cause them to lose $10-million this year!  ACA is causing operating cost to go up 4% while revenues barely went up by 1%.  In Westford, printer Courier Corporation shutting down, 2-hundred jobs lost!  Is it connected to the $216-million takeover by rival RR Donnelley?

Minnesota: Minneapolis based retailer Target eliminated even more jobs, this time 235 tech jobs gone without warning this morning, 35 open jobs closed, and 40 international jobs eliminated!  News reports said that the CEO said last month that future job cuts would not be “huge”.

Mississippi: The police state city leaders of Columbus want to crack down on crime by forcing convenience stores and grocery stores to close early.  Here’s an idea; how about create high paying jobs to keep people with too much time and not enough money busy?  Police statists always go with draconian measures that actually push the economy further down the death spiral!

Missouri: In Kansas City, Poco’s restaurant shutdown after a short run.  Local news reports say the property, across the street from a Costco, has become a revolving door for failed restaurants.  Natasha’s Mulberry & Mott shutdown, but the owner swears she’ll return. After only two months Texas Tom’s shutdown, but critics said the food was terrible.  After three years Empire Deli & Pizza was evicted by the city of Saint Louis.  Also in Saint Louis, the Queen of Sheba restaurant and Stefano’s Restaurant shutdown.

New Jersey:  Hunterdon County shutting down their county jail, due to lack of taxpayer funding. Instead county leaders will pay neighboring Somerset County $90 per day for each Hunterdon inmate they house.

New York: For the second year in a row Ithaca College has to layoff employees due to Disappearing Students Syndrome.  At least 40 jobs will be eliminated this school year.  The Big A-hole, I mean Big Apple New York Shitty, I mean City shutting down seven pre-kindergarten schools days before school starts! City administrators admitted the schools violated health codes, and claim they will place the children of the 175 families affected into other schools!  Interestingly three of the shutdown schools are Christian and one is Muslim.

Texas: The Sam Houston Race Park shutdown due to arguments by state ‘lawmakers’ as to how to force taxpayers to fund the gambling operation.  Houston based oil company ConocoPhillips announced they will eliminate about 1-thousand 8-hundred jobs, more than 5-hundred jobs in The Lone Star State will be targeted!  Does it have anything to do with reports that Warren Buffett wants to buy the Phillips 66 spinoff?  In Austin, the non-profit Ecology Action of Texas recycling center shutting down two weeks ahead of schedule, in order to give themselves plenty of time to vacate the premises.  In El Paso, Houchen Community Center shutting down their Child Care Development Center in Segundo Barrio by the middle of September, blaming “a lack of income and increasing costs.”  Local news reports say tax filings from the past few years show Houchen Community Center is losing money.

Virginia: In Gloucester, Cox Communications shutting down their The Cox Solution Store due to lack of sales, saying that location sees only 15% of the customers that their other Solution Stores see.  In Culpeper, after three years Apple’s Closet clothing consignment store shutdown: “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.”-Bridgette Williams, owner

Wisconsin: Electronics retailer Best Buy continues to shut down stores, this time their Fond du Lac store, 60 jobs affected by the beginning of November!  Best Buy reps told local news that it was because they see no recovery in the economy: “We chose not renew the lease at this location in part because the entire retail node has experienced a decline.”-Megan Boyd

31 August 2015: Property speculators massacring mom & pops! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“We’ve never made money…I can’t go any further.” Idaho jacks up ObamaCare rates! Pro ObamaCare health service admits ObamaCare can’t pay the bills! Haggen, Ralph’s & Safeway reveal mass California grocer kill-off! : U.S. Job Losses & Store Closings, 26 August 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: Washington based Haggen Foods issued mass shutdown WARNs for the following locations; 2 stores in Simi Valley, 2 stores in Tustin, 2 stores in Chula Vista, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Santa Clarita Valley (I previously reported on), La Mesa, San Marcos, San Ysidro, Bakersfield (I previously reported) and Los Osos, 620 jobs lost by October!    Kroger owned Ralph’s issued shutdown WARNs for their following grocery stores; Hermosa Beach, Santa Ana and Pico Rivera, 210 jobs lost by October!  Albertsons-Safeway issued yet another layoff WARN for Pleasanton, and a shutdown WARN for their Walnut Creek grocery store, 1-hundred jobs lost by October!   A company that claims to be “…the largest supplier of botanical ingredients in the U.S., for use in dietary supplements, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, personal care…”, BI NUTRACEUTICALS, issued layoff WARNs for Emeryville and Santa Clara, 79 jobs lost by September.   ObamaCare probably was the real reason for two dental companies merging back in May, now Zimmer Biomet Dental issued shutdown WARNs for their Carlsbad ops, 279 jobs lost by the end of October!  Mountain View based tech company Intuit eliminating more jobs, this time 249 laid off!

Florida: Too Big to Jail American Express issued a WARN for their Weston office, 86 jobs lost in time for Thanksgiving.

Idaho: The state Department of Insurance has approved ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) health insurance rate increases by as much as 26% in 2016!  It was also revealed that ObamaCare Idaho insurance rates have already gone up by as much as 15%!  Health insurance providers claim that they still payout far more than what they get in premium payments under ObamaCare, which means from the insurance industry perspective their own ObamaCare (they wrote the law folks) is a failure!   The wimp-ass state Department of Insurance director feebly said “In spite of our best efforts in working with carriers, health insurance rates will be increasing for some Idahoans in 2016….we urge consumers to review their plans and shop wisely…”

Illinois: Heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar killing even more jobs, this time 475 people to become unemployed as sales continue to crash!

Iowa: Unnamed news sources say Dethmers Manufacturing (aka Demco) eliminated a “substantial” number of jobs.

Maine: ObamaCare forcing the new owners of Mid Coast Health Services walk-in medical clinic to shutdown in September.  Administrators said ObamaCare is “…realigning health care services.”

Maryland: Sears Holdings revealed they will shutdown their California Kmart right before Thanksgiving, 71 jobs lost.

Montana: Slow internet service provider CenturyLink shutting down their Kalispell retail store in September.

Nevada: ObamaCare created Nevada Health Co-Op shutting down, admitting that it cannot make enough money under ObamaCare to pay for day-to-day operating costs! 

New York: Sears Holdings revealed they will shutdown their Appliance Repair Division in Melville, 31 jobs lost in time for Thanksgiving.  What construction industry recovery? San Mateo Construction is closing up shop in White Plains after losing their contract with utility con artist ConEd, 90 jobs lost by the end of the month.  Sterling National Bank issued WARNs for several offices, at least 11 jobs lost right before Xmas.  In Brooklyn, after six years Bergen Street Comics shutting down in September.  The owner refused to comment to news media, but there are reports that rents in that neighborhood have gone through the roof.  Taxpayer rip-off artist NRG Energy finally shutting down the money-pit Huntley coal fired electricity power plant, 90 jobs lost in 2016.  It was revealed the power plant has lost millions of dollars over several decades!  NRG Energy will also idle their Dunkirk power plant in January 2016.

North Carolina:  After 115 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Sutton Park Baptist Church.  Because of The Rapture, I mean declining membership, there are only about 18 members left.  But maybe it’s racism, after all the remaining members are ‘white’ and apparently no ‘black’ or ‘brown’ people want to join the church, according to local news reports.

Ohio: ObamaCare(?) forced taxpayer funded Ashtabula County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center to layoff 17 people and reduce working hours for others.  Fluor BWXT warned 1-thousand 4-hundred people of mass layoffs at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant uranium decontamination operation in Piketon!  570 could be let go by 01 October!  Flour BWXT administrators blame a lack of taxpayer funding.  In Huber Heights, after six years Granny C’s Bakery shutting down due to skyrocketing operating costs: “A lot of my good friends, who’ve worked for me and who are still here are going to be jobless. We’ve never made money……When I get to the point where I don’t have any more money in my personal fund to switch over into the bakery funds to pay salaries, to pay ingredient costs, I can’t go any further.”-Rebecca McDaniel

Pennsylvania:  God refuses to stop what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome at ‘his’ La Salle University, 23 employees laid off due to a $12-million USD shortfall caused partly by crashing freshmen enrollments.

South Carolina: Greer based restaurant food supplier Ovation Brands was taken over by Texas based Food Management Partners (FMP).  As a result an undisclosed number of Ovation employees were laid off without warning: “FMP offered zero severance to the laid-off employees. No advanced notification was given either.”-unnamed former employee

The takeover of Ovation Brands will affect restaurant chains Ryan’s, Fire Mountain, Country Buffet, Old Country Buffet, Hometown Buffet and Tahoe Joes Famous Steakhouse.

25 August 2015: More A&P, Haggen shutdowns!

“If we weren’t a food desert before, we certainly are now!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

What U.S. Sanctions? Iran loans Syria $1-billion! Syria bans the charging of interest on small loans! There’s a whole lot more!

10 July 2015 (11:37 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Tir 1394/23 Ramadan 1436/25 Gui-Wie 4713

For years we in the United States have been told how impactful U.S. economic sanctions against Iran have been.  Our main stream news media has no problem finding ‘experts’ who constantly tout that Iran “is suffering greatly under sanctions”, yet Iran has enough wealth to give Syria a $1-billion USD loan?

Syria’s government run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) also revealed that the loan was agreed to back in May.  The Syrian parliament ratified it this week.

Syria needs the loan due to the four years old U.S./NATO-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-Israel backed ‘civil war’ causing the Syrian economy to crash by 50%!

In another move to spur their economy the Syrian parliament banned the charging of interest, and even fees, on small business loans for farmers.  Administrators don’t blame the U.S. led war, but say it’s due to the 2013-14 drought.  Farmers have until the end of 2015 to become current on their loan payments.

However, Syrian government economists admit that the U.S. led war against the elected Syrian government is the main reason for their economic difficulties.

NATO Member Turkey is also working against Syria by cutting off 40% of water supplies to northern Syrian farmers. Syrian agricultural administrators are now working with Iraq to provide new sources of water.

The Syrian government is also working to protect the transportation of newly harvested wheat and cotton.  Another option to help the farmers financially is the possible purchase of  harvests by the government itself.

Despite the war, Syria is hosting the Agricultural Veterinary Exhibition.  Syrian veterinary services are now an export commodity serving 42 countries.  The CEO of Al-Farabi Company claims his company has 2-hundred licensed products and is expanding exports to Europe.

Syria is also holding Food Expo 2015, administrators stated it was a protest against the U.S. led war: “The exhibition is a message that the Syrians are determined to continue production and work.”-Kamal Eddin Toma, Industry Minister

Of course there’s oil.   Oil production is slowly increasing since Syria has pushed the U.S. led insurgents out of oil producing regions. As of April petroleum oil production was at 9-thousand 5-hundred barrels, gas production at 15.6-million cubic meters, per day.  The latest news is that Syria and the South American country Venezuela are working to accelerate the opening of the joint refinery project known as Furqlus.

Back in the U.S. sanctions strapped Iran, a new massive bridge is being built from the mainland to the island of Qeshm, in the Persian Gulf.  It will be the longest bridge built by Iranian engineers and will have two lanes of wheeled vehicle traffic as well as a rail line.  The Qeshm bridge is part of a new economic corridor extending all the way north into Central Asia.  Qeshm island has massive amounts of iron ore.  Once the bridge is completed it’s hoped that 7-million metric tons of iron ore will be shipped out to steel factories throughout the region.

On top of that, the government which is supposedly struggling under U.S. sanctions is investing $2-billion USD into the South Pars Sangan iron ore mining project.  It’s expected to produce 17-million metric tons per year!  Iran’s iron ore/steel production is expected to increase by 100%!  Two Chinese companies are joining the massive iron ore extraction operations. Iran already exports 4-million metric tons of steel per year.

In March and April of 2015 Iranian exports hit $5-billion USD!  That does not included oil or gas!  NATO members Turkey and Italy join Pakistan and Oman as top buyers of Iranian products.

Speaking of U.S.-led NATO member Italy, a 3-hundred strong trade delegation is preparing to visit the Aryan (Iranian) country.  Administrators with Iran’s Trade Exhibition Company have revealed that a “number of American companies” are now exploring the possibility of setting up shop inside Iran.

Wait, there’s more!  Iranian airlines now have direct routes to the European Union and Russia.  Iranian fisheries have signed deals with Russia to export 28-thousand metric tons of fish to Russia in August.

What was that about U.S. sanctions?


Operation Jupiter: GAO finds systemic problems, another state hit with anthrax! FedEx involved! Connecticut preps with “drive thru” ops!

06 July 2015 (22:27 UTC-07 Tango 01, 05 July 2015)/14 Tir 1394/18 Ramadan 1436/21 Gui-Wie 4713

“The total number of states who have received samples is now up to 20, plus Washington DC. The newly added state is Mississippi….The investigation ordered by the deputy secretary is….wrapping up now.”-Colonel Steve Warren, U.S. Army

The GAO (Government Accountability Office) recently declared the U.S. Army’s Chemical Biological Defense Program (CBDP) at Dugway Proving Ground (aka West Desert facility, aka Ambient Breeze Tunnel), Utah, to be a total failure at preventing live bioweapons from being shipped across the World.  And when GAO inspectors questioned CBDP administrators about why they haven’t stopped it their response was “…that they were focused on higher priorities and had no CBDP Enterprise-wide impetus to address the infrastructure recommendations.”

But this isn’t the first time GAO inspectors questioned the CBDP.  As early as 1999 the GAO found “…ineffective coordination among the DoD [Department of Defense] and other federal agencies with chemical and biological programs…”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) inspectors found that some live anthrax samples were being shipped in nothing more than ziplock baggies!

So far 31 U.S. sillyvilians and government personnel have been treated for exposure to anthrax.  The states that were sent live anthrax bacteria are California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, plus Washington DC.

Since 2005 live anthrax has been shipped to Japan and Republic of Korea (RoK).  Labs in the British empire countries of Australia, Canada and United Kingdom have been sent live anthrax.

The Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union wants to sue the U.S. based delivery company FedEx, why?  Because it was FedEx, using Korean union members, that delivered the live anthrax samples to labs in RoK.  Of course the delivery personnel were not told that they were carrying live anthrax: “The company said all it did was just deliver parcels, and it did not know about the samples. But we believe there is greater possibility that the firm knew it, given FedEx is one of the major contractors of the Pentagon. The firm has not made an apology although it directly threatened the safety of Korean citizens and workers.”-Jung Chan-moo,  Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union

Union members also say they suspect that RoK’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport are involved as well.

Korean news sources say FedEx administrators refuse to answer their question about the anthrax shipments.

Back in the U.S., the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is warning of “higher than normal” wild anthrax infections in farm animals.

And in Connecticut, the town of Fairfield held an emergency anthrax drill.  The drill was conducted under the eyes of the CDC and involved a “drive thru” antibiotics distribution operation, in which emergency responders would hand out antibiotics to residents as they drove past.

Operation Jupiter: Ebola, Michigan & Illinois next? 

Anthrax hits North Dakota ranchers!

Operation jupiter: U.S. soldier found dead in Korea