Tag Archives: food

Who’s the real god? “It’s for sale, someone can turn it into a restaurant if they want to.” : U.S. Christian job destruction 1st Q 2016

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns and layoffs 1st Quarter 2016.

California:  Christian owned (Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffet, numerous wealthy Mormons and other christian denominations) Coca-Cola announced they will shutdown their Odwalla juice bottling op in Dinuba, 164 jobs lost! Local news reports indicate employees are shocked, many saying they heard about a possible shutdown but, like typical sheeple employees, put it off to rumor & innuendo. Coca-Cola is consolidating bottling operations to cut costs.   Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett owned Kraft-Heinz issued a shutdown WARN for their San Leandro food factory, 117 jobs lost by mid-April! In the Santa Cruz Mountains, Christian campsite in San Mateo County Parks Department’s Memorial Park shutting down. It’s due to water supply issues. The state water regulations concerning the campsite limits how many people can use the site at one time, apparently God’s minions have been overpopulating the camp. God’s minions tried to build their own water well, but failed (remember, there is a drought): “We have our last group in here now and are closing down Thursday and I’m laying off staff.”-Reverend Larry Rice

Colorado:  In Lafayette, the Crossroad’s Tavern shutdown by the greedy christian landlord. The landlord is the Flatirons Community Church.

Connecticut:  89 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Saint Augustine School shutting down, it’s the last Catholic elementary school in Hartford. It’s blamed on what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (some Christians call it The Rapture).    Battery maker Duracell being forced to move its Bethel HQ to Illinois due to being taken over by job killer Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett.   Saint Vincent De Paul in East Haven and Saint Gabriel in Milford shutting down. The christian schools managed to survive The Great Depression and numerous recessions, but for some reason they can’t survive what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.

Delaware:   In Newark, British empire based 23 years old Salvation Army Thrift Store (in the Park N Shop plaza) shutdown. The greedy landlord demanded more in rent.

Florida:  More layoffs by Christian owned (Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffet, numerous wealthy Mormons and other christian denominations) Coca-Cola, this time their Brandon finance office will lose about 70 jobs.  In Gulf Breeze, more than 60 years old christian WaterFront Rescue Mission shutdown their women’s shelter, consolidating men’s shelters, selling off  Olive Road Career Development Center and laying off 20 paid staff. The homeless shelter funded itself mainly with recycling projects, but because of the crash in prices of recycled goods they’re now broke: “We’ve been in the business of trying to help people, so we have given away every dollar.”-Devin Simmons

Georgia:  In Albany, after five years christian owned (Flint River Presbytery) non-profit Bare Bulb Coffee shop shutting down due to road construction that killed customer traffic.   British empire based Salvation Army second hand Family Store shutdown in Decatur. But it’s not due to lack of sales, instead God failed to fix the heating system in the building so they’re looking for a new location.

Idaho:  More proof the real ‘christian god’ is money; ‘christian’ run Saint Luke’s Health has agreed to return revenues from two hospitals to the respective tax districts. The privately funded hospital system took over management of the taxpayer funded McCall and Mountain Home hospitals over the past six years and, according to the state Attorney General, was keeping the tax revenues for themselves in violation of the law. An Idaho Statesman investigation also revealed that the two dominant ‘christian’ run hospital chains, Saint Alphonsus and Saint Luke’s, control $793-million USD worth of property that are tax-exempt, and that’s just the 1-hundred properties they own in Ada County!  A christian student ripped off the Mormon Brigham Young University-Idaho of $6-thousand 2-hundred, using a university credit card. Of course that ‘christian’ student wasn’t very smart because you can trace credit card transactions, and that’s how he got caught.

Illinois:  Saint Agatha Catholic Academy, Saint Peter elementary and Seton Academy shutdown. It’s blamed on The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.   ObamaCare forced Catholic Presence Health to eliminate 7-hundred jobs through attrition and outright layoffs! CEO Michael Englehart said ObamaCare was forcing them “to get in line”.   Lutheran Social Services shutting down their Chicago nursing home services, 109 job lost!  In Belleville, Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital shutting down. Administrators blame ObamaCare for “increased utilization of outpatient services”. 26 non-nursing jobs eliminated, nurses will supposedly be transferred to smaller healthcare operations.   Franciscan Saint James Health hospital shutdown, blaming millions of U.S. dollars in losses over several years.   Archdiocese of Chicago threatens to shutdown at least 1-hundred churches (parishes) due to lack of money, lack of priests and The Rapture, I mean lack of church goers.  In Streator, ObamaCare forced Saint Mary’s Hospital to layoff 1-hundred employees! Another 2-hundred employees affected as the hospital shifts to out-patient care services!  Oak Park Saint Edmund Catholic School shutdown, due to crashing enrollments.

Indiana: In Anderson, Family Christian Stores shutting down. Company administrators said the only thing that would keep them from shutting down was a better lease deal or “100-thousand new customers”!

Iowa:  In Granger, 87 years old (surviving The Great [deflationary] Depression and numerous recessions) Assumption Catholic School shutting down. 15 years ago there were 150 elementary students, this current school year only 62!

Kansas:  In Topeka, the manager of the Simply Amish furniture store said it is shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone. The owner of the store was not answering phone calls from local news media. Perhaps they’re Simply Broke?

Maine:  In Portland, non-profit Good Cause Thrift Shop being shutdown by its owner, the Catholic girls only Catherine McCauley High School, which claims it’s an economic decision. According to Maine’s employment law, if you work for God’s non-profits you do not qualify for unemployment assistance! A local news report revealed the employees were ordered by ‘christian’ leaders not to reveal the shutdown, but the employees basically said ‘bullshit on that’! (that’s why we know about it)

Massachusetts:  In Spencer, after 174 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) First United Methodist Church shutdown. The local reverend blames it on The Rapture, I mean crashing membership.  Framingham based, Mitt Romney (yep, the very same Mormon guy who’s threatening to run against Donald Trump) co-founded Staples announced it is shutting down an additional 50 stores. Mitt Romney’s Staples has shutdown 242 North American stores in the past two years, and eliminated 1-thousand jobs between November 2015 and January 2016!  In Agawam, after only two years the Young Men’s Christian Association shutting down by the end of May due to lack of membership. Since opening in 2014 a grand total of only 550 people signed up!  A school for disabled boys was shutdown after the ‘christian’ (the school hosts the traditional Great Barrington Christmas Party) employees were arrested for abusing those students, and even threatening witnesses. Eagleton School also had a contract with the state of Vermont, which is now scrambling to find a new school. One student had his sternum broken: “Eagleton staff continue to place residents at risk by utilizing physical force and unwarranted restraint techniques to control emotionally and mentally disabled individuals.”

Michigan:   In Lansing, 150 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Trinity Lutheran School shutting down. Parents criticized the church leaders saying they never considered outside sources of funding and the decision to shutdown came without warning.

Minnesota:  70 years old mega-church North Heights Lutheran shutting down. Local news reports say it’s due to a “civil war” inside the church!

Nebraska:  Omaha based job killer Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett says vehicle insurance rates are going up due to increased accidents. He should know, the insurance industry is his forte. Buffett got his start with GEICo, which stands for Government Employees Insurance Company, in a ’round-a-bout way making his first fortune off taxpayers.

New Hampshire:   River University is so desperate for christian students they are now offering a guarantee of employment upon graduation! If the student can’t get a job after six months of graduating from a bachelors program (undergraduate) then the university will pay for their masters program (graduate)!

New Jersey:   Mother Teresa Regional School in Atlantic Highlands shutting down, 24 jobs lost by the end of June.   Catholic Saint Francis Life Care shutting down their Franciscan Oaks nursing home, 257 jobs lost by the end of April! It’s been for sale since 2014. Quaker Cadbury Senior Lifestyles shutting down, 255 Cherry Hill nursing home jobs lost by the end of April!   113 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Our Lady of Assumption church in Bayonne shutting down.

New Mexico:  Christian owned (Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffet, numerous wealthy Mormons and other christian denominations) Coca-Cola shutting down its Portales bottling factory, 59 jobs lost to consolidation. Coca-Cola’s warehouse in Clovis is also being shutdown.

New York: NYC based Martha Stewart Living and Martha Stewart Weddings revealed they laid off employees but refused to say how many. The convicted fraudster and Catholic Martha Stewart reportedly gave the employees the bad news herself. The layoffs are connected to the fact that Martha Stewart no longer owns her namesake, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is now owned by Sequential Brands Group.    Albany Roman Catholic Diocese shutting down their Saint Augustine school in Lansingburgh. Church leaders blamed the state government for refusing to give them taxpayer funding (do churches pay taxes?).  Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded Staples shutting down one of its two Binghamton stores by mid-April.   After 47 years, Elmira Christian Academy shutting down due to The Rapture of students (what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome). At the school’s peak there were 220 students, this year there’s only 80, but the pastor blames doesn’t blame god, he blames the parents: “It’s hard to compete with families who feel that it would be more advantageous for them to educate their kids from home.”-David Leandre

North Dakota:  ObamaCare forcing Saint Alexius Health hospital to layoff 23 people and re-classify another 39. Inpatient rehab and child care services have been shutdown! They referred to ObamaCare as “Industry trends and other circumstances”.

Ohio:  In Youngstown, the 106 years old Masonic Temple on Wick Avenue shutting down by the end of June. The members say the large building has become too expensive to heat during winter.

Pennsylvania:  After 104 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) SS. Cosmas and Damian Church in Conshohocken shutdown. Church administrators say it just cost too much to maintain the old building.  The Diocese of Erie shutting down four grade schools; Venango Catholic high school and Saint Boniface, Saint Peter Cathedral and Our Lady of Mount Carmel elementary schools. Church leaders blame The Rapture, I mean low enrollment.

South Dakota:  The Catholic Diocese of Sioux City will begin shutting down 41 churches in Summer 2017, blaming The Rapture, I mean declining membership which results in declining revenues. Some of the surviving consolidated churches won’t even operate on a weekly bases!

Tennessee:   Saint Francis Hospital  laying off 33 people. Administrators said ObamaCare was forcing them to do business “more efficiently.”  Three LifeWay Christian Stores shutting down on Southern Baptist seminary campuses. It’s blamed on the sale of Southern Baptist Convention property and changing spending habits of Christian students.

Texas:  30 years old Central Christian Academy shutting down. Church leaders blame The Rapture, I mean declining church membership for forcing them to sell the school property (told you before, this proves money is the true god).  Mormon Mitt Romney’s co-founded Bain Capital-Glencore manipulated Alcoa aluminum maker continues its factory shutdowns started back in 2012, this time Alcoa is shutting down its Point Comfort alumina factory. Along with the shutdown in Indiana, 1-thousand 270 jobs will be lost!

Utah: Wild West themed Porter’s Place shutdown its Lehi restaurant because Mormon city administrators ran the operator outta town. The city owns the building and they want to tear it down. The owner of Porter’s Place say he hopes to open a new restaurant in the city of Nephi.

Vermont: After 142 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Quechee Community Church shutdown and sold-off.

Virginia: Southern Baptist International Mission Board eliminated 30 jobs and shutdown their Richmond Communications Center.  In Ruther Glen, donation funded ‘christian’ run Cinderella’s Closet shutdown. The operators of the charity prom dress ministry said they need to quit, and nobody else wanted to take over the operation. Dresses were given away, and anything left over went to Concord Baptist Church. After 137 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions), Belle Haven Presbyterian Church announced it will shutdown after the ‘pagan’ Ishtar inspired holiday of Easter: “It’s for sale, someone can turn it into a restaurant if they want to.”-Nancy Bunce, church treasurer

Washington:  In Bellingham, bible software company Faithlife Corporation laid off 60 christians, due to declining demand for their Logo software.  In Everett, Trinity Lutheran College shutdown, due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome: “…the Board of Directors of Trinity Lutheran College has come to the conclusion that any efforts to increase enrollment at Trinity will no longer sustain the college.”-Kevin Bates

Wisconsin:  Another Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded Staples store going down, this time the Morgan Square store in Beloit shutting down.   45 years old ‘Black owned’ North Milwaukee State Bank shutdown by state Department of Financial Institutions, assets are being turned over to First-Citizens Bank & Trust. The federally mandated, but privately run, FDIC is overseeing the transfer. Black Enterprise Wealth for Life stated that most of North Milwaukee State Bank’s customer base were christian “Church congregations…”

U.S. Christian job destruction 2015: God powerless without Money! ‘maybe it’s something called The Rapture?’ 

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

“substantial rent increases” God officially abandons Colorado homeless! No fuel in New York? Yellen lies about “full employment”! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 17 – 18 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Colorado: Baxter International shutting down its Douglas County medical device factory, 106 jobs gone by March 2017!  In Colorado Springs, God powerless to stop ‘his’ British empire Salvation Army from shutting down the Cold Weather Shelter.  Administrators said their shelter was a temporary short term fix requested by the county, but the homeless situation has become so bad that it “…needs to be addressed as a community.”

Connecticut: Meridian based Vestis Retail Group now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  They are the owners of Eastern Mountain Sports, Bob’s Stores and Sport Chalet (which I reported on Saturday is now dead).

Georgia: The Ivy Preparatory Academy’s Young Men’s Leadership Academy shutting down by next school year.  This is the second Ivy Prep school to be shutdown by state education administrators, supposedly due to weak finances and academic performance (but I wonder if it really has something to do with the plurality of the students and employees being ‘black’).

Illinois: Propane tank maker Trinity Containers shutting down their Quincy operations, 72 jobs lost in May.   ARTCO sold-off their soybean processing in Lemont, 40 jobs lost by mid-May.  Meijer finally revealed how many people in Niles will become jobless when they shutdown their grocery store, 118 by June!  In Chicago, Parkers Sanitation issued a layoff WARN, 54 jobs lost next week.  WestRock issued a layoff WARN for their Chicago cardboard ops, 49 people unemployed by the end of May.  Glazer Stoller Wholesale shutting down their booze distribution operations in Elk Grove Village, 170 jobs gone by the end of May!  Germany based Siemens Medical shutting down their Wood Dale location by March 2017, at least 29 jobs lost.  Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase shutting down their Elgin credit card office, 44 jobs lost starting in May.  Assembled Products shutting down their factory in Buffalo Grove, 81 jobs lost between May and October.  Grace Davison Discovery Sciences shutting down their Deerfield paving operations due to lack of business, 41 jobs lost at the start of May.  “Financial” issues forcing Pioneer Center for Human Services to issue shutdown WARNs for its Woodstock and McHenry locations, 103 jobs lost by mid-May!  Nathan Health Care shutting down their East Saint Louis nursing home, 87 jobs gone by the end of this month.

Michigan: In Midland, God refuses to stop ‘his’ Lutheran church owned Journeys Coffee House, on Main Street, from shutting down in June.  God was powerless against greedy landlords as senior pastor Ed Doerner blamed “…substantial rent increases and other stipulations from our landlord.”

Minnesota: In Duluth, after 131 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Bagley & Company jewelry shutting down due to lack of sales and lack of family members who want to continue the business.

Missouri: The owner of a Saint Joseph McDonald’s is so desperate to increase customer traffic that he’s offering all you can eat french fries. But wait, there’s more!  The Saint Joseph Mickey-D’s is also eliminating human cashiers and replacing them with automated kiosks!

New York:  In Latham, Bob & Ron’s Fish Fry shutting down due to “Mainly the economy, high cost of seafood, demand. And to be honest there is no way we could pay the high minimum wage that is coming and mandatory 3 months paid sick leave…”  In White Plains, The Esplanade nursing home shutting down due to renovations of the building, 55 jobs lost by mid-July.  In elitist Manhattan NYC, local news reported that the burrow is now a fuel desert as the last gas station shutdown. The British empire owned BP (British Petroleum) gas station on Lafayette and East Houston Streets shutdown last week, leaving many taxi drivers stranded!  The last fuel station in Manhattan was sold to a developer who will build yet another skyscraper.

North Carolina: In Durham, after nine years Triangle Brewing Company shutting down in May, due to a sudden increase in competition.

Ohio:  The county of Warren is privatizing its employment service for disabled people, known as Production Services Unlimited, 60 county jobs will be lost.  County administrators blame ObamaCare saying they’re following orders from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Texas: British empire controlled, Bermuda based Seadrill Americas issued a layoff WARN, 112 oil jobs in Houston gone by May!

Washington DC: Janet Yellen, head of the Federal Reserve, has proven herself to be a liar.  She recently stated that the U.S. economy was “near full employment” which is not true when you look at U.S. Bureau of Labor data.  According to the Bureau of labor the U.S. employment situation is similar to that of the late 1970s.  U.S. labor participation peaked in 1996.  If the peak was in 1996, and the current participation rate is at 1970s levels then how can we be “near full employment”?

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“you have to leave…there’s no choice.” Idaho Christian leaders ration Food for the Poor while selling evil Right to Work unemployment program! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 16 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arizona: It’s been revealed that Waste Management is offshoring 120 U.S. jobs to India!

California: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; after 57 years La Cañada Flintridge based Sport Chalet announced it is dead!   Not only are they shutting down all 67 brick-n-mortar stores across nine states, but they’re halting all internet sales!  Santa Clara based Intel is about to conduct another round of massive tech layoffs.

Idaho: Despite boasting of a recovering economy the self proclaimed ‘christian’ leaders of Idaho have decided they must ration the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, incorrectly called Food Stamps).  Starting in July instead of getting all their food assistance on a single day, it will be spread over a ten days period, affecting 82-thousand of Idaho’s 1.5-million residents.  It was revealed that this rationing of food assistance was actually ordered by state ‘elected christian lawmakers’ back in 2014!   The British empire created christian Salvation Army protested the SNAP rationing by pointing out that poor Idahoans have been screwed so much by state ‘christian lawmakers’ that up to 90% of people coming into Salvation Army food banks are there to supplement the meager scraps given to them by Idaho’s SNAP!  (as a single healthy unemployed adult male I can confirm that there are plenty of poor people in Idaho who don’t qualify for state controlled social programs)

This comes as Gem State ‘christian’ led Department of Labor sold its Right to Work Internet Unemployment System (ius) to the states of Iowa and Vermont!   The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare, Your Health Idaho, strikes again!  A Twin Falls woman is in desperate need of brain surgery but doesn’t have enough money to pay for insurance herself, yet also does not qualify for ObamaCare under Your Health Idaho!  But wait, that’s not all!  It turns out that when she first went to doctors they ignorantly told her she was crazy and didn’t have a physical problem!  Finally, after several MRIs she was diagnosed with   Chiari malformation: “If it goes untreated, then I will slowly become paralyzed, and from there I will end up on machines. That is something that is a reality for me if I don’t get it taken care of.”-Brittany Long

Illinois: In Decatur, after 114 years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the Haines & Essick store shutdown.   Store manager Sue Miller said they can’t compete in today’s volatile market using the business model that got them through one hundred years of sales: “It’s a hard model to have a big retail store. It’s a lot of staff, it’s a lot of expense, and it’s an old building.”

Kansas: Mission Group Kansas owned Wright Career College ceased to exist this past Friday.  The chapter 7 bankruptcy shuts down campuses in Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.  Administrators said “From our beginning in 1921 until our closure, we have always operated with the focus of putting the interests of our students first. It is unfortunate our students cannot complete their programs at Wright Career College.”  However, in 2013 students sued the college saying it “purposefully enticed prospective students to enroll and apply for student loans they cannot pay back through a systematic, deceptive marketing scheme.”

Michigan:  The iron ore Empire Mine shutting down, more than 3-hundred jobs lost between May and August!

New Jersey:  In South Amboy, after more than 1-hundred years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Sacred Heart Elementary School because “…enrollment has decreased by 40 students and the subsidy required to sustain the school’s operation has risen to over a half-million dollars annually…”

New York:  Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett controlled NYC based American Express began massive layoffs as part of plans to cut $1-billion USD in operating costs!

Ohio: Motion control company Parker Hannifin shutting down their Youngstown ops, 137 jobs lost to global competition and the oil industry BS!

Oregon:  Albertsons-Safeway shutting down their Portland Safeway grocery store, on SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, 53 jobs lost in May.  It’s because the store is within one mile of an Albertsons.

Puerto Rico: The economy is so bad that CNN reported that one doctor per day is fleeing the U.S. territory!  National Public Radio reporting that 50-thousand people flee Puerto Rico every year!   You must note that Puerto Rico has true socialized healthcare, and the lack of taxpayer funding, caused by crashing tex revenues, is forcing most doctors to go to Plan B: “Plan B is you have to leave the island because there’s no other way, there’s no choice.”-Antonio Peraza, doctor interviewed for NPR

Texas: What housing market recovery?  Local news reports discovered that Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  For some reason Fannie Mae administrators are refusing to say how many people are now unemployed.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

15 April 2016: “the cuts aren’t deep enough”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“the cuts aren’t deep enough” Idaho economy hit by Oregon pot & Wyoming booze! ObamaCare ‘correction’ underway! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 15 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise;  after 17 years internet based GameFront announced it will shutdown by the end of the month, no reason was given.

California:  In San Louis Obispo, two years after a grand re-opening Coverings boutique shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone.   Local news reports said no reason was officially given.  More proof ObamaCare is a failure: “Something has to give. Either insurers will drop out or insurers will raise premiums. The industry is clearly setting the stage for bigger premium increases in 2017”-Larry Levitt, Kaiser Family Foundation commenting on the ObamaCare “correction”

Colorado: Centennial based tax-sucker United Launch Alliance (created by Lockheed Martin and Boeing) will eliminate 875 jobs due to competition from private space race efforts led by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos!

Connecticut:  “We continue to have serious concerns about the sustainability of the public exchanges.”-Mark Bertolini, Aetna CEO referring to the ‘correction’ of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)

Idaho: In Boise, after 31 years backpacking store The Benchmark shutting down so the owner can return “…to the Idaho mountains.”  Emil Hutton said it’s time to quit due to the rise of what he calls “point-n-click” shopping.

Indiana: In Union City, British empire Canada owned Applegate Livestock Equipment shutting down and laying off 80 people.

Michigan: Kalkaska Public Schools ending its lease on its Northside Alternative High School.  It’ll save the struggling school district $3-thousand 8-hundred USD per month.  The district is in trouble after a check of accounting books showed that it had been overpaid by 900-thousand tax dollars over three years.  It’s suspected certain administrators within district knew of the overpayment, but never said anything.  Now the state is taking $29-thousand per month away from the district, until the overpayment is corrected.

Minnesota: In Duluth, after 20 years Timber Lodge Steakhouse shutting down, about 50 jobs lost due to crashing sales.

Montana: In Great Falls, after 28 years One Stop Video finally shutting down.

New Jersey:  Precision Motor Transport issued a WARN, 69 Jersey City jobs lost by the end of June.

New York:   SFX Entertainment bankrupt busted and shutting down their NYC operations, 54 jobs gone by July. Lighthouse Guild issued a shutdown WARN for their The Ethel and Samuel J. Lefrak School, 32 jobs lost between July and August. The Four Seasons Restaurant issued a shutdown WARN, 130 jobs lost by the end of July!  McKinsey & Company reports that health insurers lost money in 41 states in 2014!  

In Bronx NYC,  Saint Barnabas Rehabilitation & Continuing Care Center has been sold to a vulture capitalist, a shutdown WARN has been issued, 254 jobs lost in July!

North Dakota:  Propane tank maker Trinity Containers shutting down their West Fargo operations, 91 jobs lost in June.

Oregon:   More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; California based software company Symantec resumed mass layoffs at its Springfield operations. Exact numbers were not released.    Marijuana use is legal in Oregon, except for most cities along the border with Idaho.  The only boarder town that went along with pot legalization is Huntington, and ganja stores there are reporting boo-koo sales, to Idahoans.   The owner of 420ville reports that 80% of his daily customers buy marijuana, however, state law forbids him to track exactly how many customers are coming from other states.   Scott Matthews says even residents of The Empire State of New York have shown up.

Tennessee:  After 25 years Rogersville Recycling shutting down due to low prices for recyclables: “Scrap and precious metals are traded on various commodity-based stock exchanges. With fluctuations in the market, any profit can be wiped out in a matter of minutes. The volatility of the markets has resulted in low scrap prices and in combination with the decline of scrap metal being recycled, has taken its toll on the metals industry as a whole. In 2015, two other recycling companies in Hawkins County closed their doors.”Linda Jones, owner in correspondence to The Rogersville  Review

Texas: Houston based 21 years old Goodrich Petroleum chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Virginia: Too Big to Jail Capital One shutting down two offices in Fredericksburg, by the end of July.   Rock Bottom Brewery shutting down its Ballston Common Mall location next month. Local news reports said corporate administrators ignored inquiries as to why they’re shutting it down.

Washington: After prodding by local news, health insurance company Premera Blue Cross admitted it eliminated 165 jobs since November 2015!  Employees are pissed because they say corporate administrators never told anybody there were going to be mass layoffs: “Layoffs are handled poorly, allowing rumors to spread like wildfire, creating a horribly negative atmosphere. And instead of owning it and calling it layoffs, it’s referred to as restructuring and the cuts aren’t deep enough the first time around, so everyone knows they’ll be coming again…”-unnamed employee to local news media

West Virginia: Another example of  what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL); local news reports say Carter Machinery suddenly laid off more than 30 people, blaming the crashing coal industry.

Wisconsin: Fairmont Santrol joins other suppliers of sand for fracking ops and will layoff 55 people due to the petroleum industry’s cutbacks.

Wyoming: The state rejected a plan to give away $2.9-million USD in tax money to Grand Teton Distillery, to build a new operation in Alpine.  The plan was opposed by other distillers and local farmers.  Several distillers pointed out that they have not received state grants for their operations, and the Grand Teton Distillery plans to buy all its vodka potatoes from Idaho, instead of local farmers.  

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

“eventually you run out of money” Paychecks stolen by city council! We now know where all the money went! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 14 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

What makes the economy go round? Simply, spending of cash.  Anything that takes cash out of the spending ring slows down the economy, and one thing can actually crash the domestic economy; offshoring cash to avoid paying taxes.  British empire social research group Oxfam has revealed that the top 50 U.S. corporations have off-shored $1.4-trillion USD to other countries to avoid paying their fair share of U.S. taxes (Oxfam estimates that would equal to about $100-billion in lost taxes, each year, to fund your government services. Now you know why government services are being cut.).  Three of those 50 unAmerican corporations are Apple, Microsoft and Google.  Think about that, $1.4-trillion has been sucked out of the U.S. economy by U.S. corporations!

British empire Australia based Too Big to Jail ‘investor’ McQuarie Group laid off at least 15% of its U.S. employees, according to unnamed whistleblowers.

California: In Isle Vista, after two years Jimmy John’s suddenly shutdown their sandwich shop.  Apparently the franchise owner wanted out and tried to sell it, but nobody wanted to buy.

Connecticut:  Danbury based IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics is reporting that for the second year in a row, since ObamaCare went into effect, U.S. residents will be paying more for their prescription drug fix, and it will continue going up until at least 2020.

Illinois: Western Illinois University laying off 110 employees: “Despite the ongoing furlough/voluntary pay reduction program and the drastic reductions to spending, these layoffs are necessary to protect the university’s cash resources. In spite of our best efforts to conserve financial resources, without an appropriation from our state government, the university will face even greater financial challenges.”Jack Thomas, president

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, Komet Kuarters shutting down: “After 23 years, with the marketplace for hockey equipment and things changing so drastically over the last 10, 15 years we just felt this as an appropriate time to close the store….  There aren’t as many people in the youth programs today as there were in 1993 when we opened the store, and there’s not that kind of demand any more. It wasn’t a difficult decision.”-Micheal Frank

Kansas: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 46 years old Shawnee Presbyterian Preschool.  The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome is forcing them to shutdown by the end of the year.

Louisiana: GE (General Electric) eliminating 77 jobs (the majority of positions) at its Brossard petroleum drilling ops, between now and the end of June.

Maryland: In Laurel, after 25 years the Silver Diner shutting down because “from an economic standpoint, it didn’t make sense to renew” the lease.

Massachusetts: In Malden, after 50 years the Lamson and Davis hardware store shutting down because of low sales and the landlord wants more money.

Michigan:  In Okemos, Cravings Gourmet Popcorn shutting down their operations and consolidating ops to Lansing.

New York:  In Staten Island NYC, telecommunications company Midtown Express shutting down, 45 jobs gone in May.  Illinois based CME Group exodusing the NYC stock markets by the end of the year, blaming crashing energy and metals trading volumes.

North Carolina: In Asheville, after reporting a 900% (!) increase in engagement ring sales,  90 years old (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Wick & Greene’s jewelers shutting down, the owners saying “We see an opportunity for change. Millennials are buying bigger rings, but the environment in which they are buying them is changing. We basically need to reinvigorate what’s going on in the business. Legacy businesses have a very hard time thriving in our jewelry industry today. If you don’t change with the times, you can get left in the dust really quick.”

Oklahoma: The city of Yukon is so broke that city employees are not getting paid!  Not only did the city council admit it “misspent” $1.3-million USD, but the city is short $4-million due to not being prudent and cutting back on spending when the tax revenues were crashing: “When you spend more than what comes in, eventually you run out of money…..”-Jim Crosby, city (mis)manager

Pennsylvania: Sears store in the Beaver Valley Mall shutting down by June, 62 jobs lost.

Texas: In Houston, yet another debt financed oil company, Energy XXI, chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Three years ago the CEO actually boasted they were going to expand to the South China Sea (now you know one reason why the Obama regime joined the saber rattling over that area of the world).   In Dallas the A-Hole city council prepping to tear down the homeless tent city under I-45.  City crews put up No Trespassing signs where there were none before.  Local news reports say the local homeless population doubled by the end of 2015, and the A-Hole city officials are not giving the homeless an optional place to live!  Dallas A-Holes also forcing a local ‘black’ owned auto-shop, Hinga Automotive, to shutdown by changing the property zoning: “…one of the most pressing abuses of property rights happening right now.  What’s wrong here is that the city took a perfectly legal business, and made it illegal by changing the zoning laws that apply to the business.”-Bill Maurer, Institute of Justice.

Virginia: Sears Holdings announced the shutdown of the Chester Kmart, 76 jobs gone by mid-July.

Washington DC: The Federal Reserve and the FDIC (both government created but privately operated) are accusing Too Big to Jails JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon and State Street of failing to meet the 2010 Dodd-Frank banking rules.  Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are also under suspicion.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Thousands of millionaires flee for their lives! Drivers now taxed by the mile! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 13 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Several failed states across the United States are conducting ‘experiments’ taxing drivers by the mile, known as VMT (vehicle miles traveled); California, Illinois and Oregon.  Another 16 states have been considering such new taxes. The concept has been pushed since at least 2014 by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.  At the state level the excuse is being used that taxes collected from fuel purchases are decreasing (due to people being more conservative with fuel usage), but the true reason could be preparation of forcing people to switch to remotely controllable vehicles that do not use petroleum based fuels (which renders the fuel tax useless).

California:  In Los Angeles, union reps are reporting that bankrupt American Apparel has laid off more than 5-hundred people in the past week!  All former employees are getting severance, which means they will not be included in official unemployment numbers.   University California Berkeley announced it will eliminate 5-hundred jobs (not counting the 60 people being laid off now) over the next two years, due to lack of taxpayer funding!  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; New York based IBM laying off 109 people at its San Jose ops, by the end of May!

Florida:  In Fort Myers, after 15 years 3 Fisherman Seafood Restaurant shutting down on Saturday.  The owner actually blames it on the success of his second 3 Fisherman location: “For five years now I’ve been saying I would close that location, but it’s easier said than done.”-John Browning, who says he’s thinking about consolidating his other restaurants as well

Illinois:  The Chicago Tribune revealed how bad it is in Obama’s  homie town: “About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $1 million or more, not including their primary residence, moved from the city last year, with many citing rising racial tensions and worries about crime as factors in the decision, according to research firm New World Wealth.” 

Maine: In Brunswick, after seven years Summer Island Studio and Gallery of Fine Artisans shutting down.  The owner can’t afford to rent a storefront anymore so she’s continuing jewelry making in her house.

Michigan: In Shields, restaurant Bob Evans (on Gratiot) suddenly announced today that they’re shutting down next week, blaming lack of sales.  44 jobs lost.   What automotive industry recovery? Another perfect example of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL) Cedar Rapids Plastics shutting down on Friday due to Fiat Chrysler’s decision to end production of the Chrysler 200.  It was revealed that 85 employees were laid off back at the end of February, a second round of layoffs will take place by May.

Missouri: As predicted, Saint Louis based coal company Peabody Energy chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Missouri University eliminating 54 jobs due to $5.4-million USD in taxpayer funding cuts, caused by what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.

Nebraska: Natural gas supplier Black Hills Energy shutting down their Lincoln call center, at least 50 jobs lost.  Administrators of the utility claim it’s the only way to prevent rate increases!

South Dakota: In Sioux Falls, after six years furniture store Zing shutting down next month, no explanation, can’t blame the internet because they sell online as well (and will continue after the brick-n-mortar shop shuts down).

Texas: More oil industry BS; Houston based natural gas storage company Peregrine Midstream Partners chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  This comes after a 2013 Oil & Gas Financial Journal interview revealed the company was created, and operated, with debt financing for the sole purpose of “…the market will decide when it’s time to sell or maybe create an MLP or implement whatever exit strategy makes the most sense.” Automotive oil and fuel additive maker Lubizol shutting down their Latexo factory by 2017, 40 jobs lost.  The company is joining the rest of unAmerican corporate America in consolidating operations to “improve profitability”.

Virginia: Augusta Health shutting down two Convenient Care clinics located inside Walmarts, by May.  Administrators say ObamaCare is pushing people to go to Urgent Care clinics instead.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“Maybe we overestimated…” Alcoa income crashes 92%! Los Angeles hit hard! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 12 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Alabama: In Montgomery, after six years Charlotte’s Jewelry shutting down on my B-Day in May.   The owner wants more time with her new granddaughter.

California:  In San Francisco, British empire owned BAE continues with mass layoffs, this time BAE revealed they laid off 155 people at the end of March!  Also in San Francisco, New York based Too Big to Jail rip-off artist, I mean investment company BlackRock eliminating 64 jobs by June.  Standard Parking shutting down their Los Angeles ops, 430 people jobless starting at the end of May!  Triangle Brass Manufacturing shutting down their Los Angeles factory, 55 jobs lost by the start of May.  Too Big to Jail British empire Royal Bank of Canada owned City National Bank shutting down one of their LA offices by mid-June.  The largest grocery wholesaler in the United States, United Grocers, announced they’re shutting down their Los Angeles ops, 132 jobs lost by June!  Live Nation Entertainment shutting down their Anaheim ops, 3-hundred people jobless starting at the end of May!  Schenker Logistics shutting down their Ontario distribution center, 52 jobs lost by the beginning of June.  Tax-sucking Northrop Grumman issued yet another WARN for Fort Irwin, 483 jobs gone at the end of May!  Also at Fort Irwin, tax-sucker PULAU eliminating 91 jobs by the end of the month, one of the military contractor’s double-speak slogans is “PULAU leads the way in fostering peace and stability across the world. “   Tax-sucking Lockheed-Martin shutting down their San Jose location, 59 jobs gone in June.  Japan based Sony Pictures shutting down their Culver City ops, 59 jobs gone by May.   For-profit ICDC College shutting down their Huntington Park campus, 244 jobs lost by the end of May!  In Temecula, Abbott Vascular continues with its medical device layoffs, this time 131 people laid off without warning at the beginning of this month!   Chevron issued yet another layoff WARN for its Bakersfield ops, 98 jobs lost by mid-June.  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; in Oakland software maker APN (Ask Partner Network) issued a layoff WARN, 19 employees unemployed by the end of May.   Mindspark Interactive Network revealed it too will eliminate jobs.  Internet company IAC (InterActiveCorp) issued layoff WARNs for 15 employees, effective at the end of May.

Florida:  In Saint Petersburg, America’s Auction Network shutting down, 192 jobs gone by June!

Illinois:  Barnes & Noble shutting down three bookstores by the end of May; one in the Arlington Shopping Center, the Woodfield Plaza Shopping Center and in Deer Park Town Center!  No word on how many jobs will be lost, some news reports indicate employees have yet to officially be told.

New York:  Buffalo Cardiology and Pulmonary Associates issued a shutdown WARN for its Williamsville location, 119 jobs gone by mid-May!  After ten years P.S. Bookstore forced to shutdown because it can’t pay its NYC (Brooklyn) property taxes.   The bookstore operator  says he never got a tax bill for the first three years of operations (the fault of the landlord, in NYC evil landlord’s collect property taxes from their tenants), then he suddenly got a massive bill in 2014 which he just could not pay.  He even tried raising the money through internet crowdfunding but failed.  Also in Brooklyn, record store Deadly Dragon Sound shutting down this weekend.  After 11 years the evil landlord kicked them out. The world’s 3rd biggest aluminum maker, NYC based Alcoa, reported its 1st quarter 2016 net income crashed by 92%!  It is now eliminating 2-thousand jobs and splitting itself into two companies!

Texas: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise;  Arlington based software company Opower laid off 25 U.S. employees as “…part of an effort to cut back on our overall spending….”  

Virginia: In Richmond not even two years after opening an upscale grocery store-restaurant Southern Season-Southerly shutting down, 115 people forced to transfer or become jobless!  Administrators say the location is too expensive to operate because they built it too big: “We had hoped to do more volume in the store. Maybe we overestimated….Most retailers are downsizing….”-Dave Herman, president

Wisconsin: Oil industry manufacturer Miller Electric laid off 75 employees without warning, blaming the oil industry BS.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“It’s just an absolute train wreck!” Largest U.S. insurance op declares ObamaCare DoA! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 10 – 11 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arkansas: In Pine Bluff, after 36 years Fashion Wigs shutting down by the end of the year.  The owner blames never ending Main Street construction work (called Main Street Clean Up Project by city A-Holes, I mean administrators) for blocking customer access and killing her sales: “Many of my customers don’t want to deal with the maze it takes to get to my store…..there is nothing I can do about it.”-Young Lee

California: In Pacoima, after 50 years (and surviving several robberies) Laurel Pharmacy shutting down.  Owner Barry Wise was hoping somebody could takeover the business, “But I couldn’t find a buyer, so it’s sad.”

Connecticut:  In Fairfield, after 66 years the Angus Steakhouse shutting down, supposedly it’s being replaced with a new thing called Little Pub.

Florida:  Brown Distributing issued a WARN, 84 jobs in Orlando gone by the end of June.

Idaho:  The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is in trouble, news reports reveal that at the end of March a warning letter was sent out to Your Health Idaho employees telling them what to do if a healthcare provider is dealing with a person with life threatening issues, yet doesn’t qualify for Idaho’s version of ObamaCare: “Please be sure to include MEDICAL URGENT in the subject line as well as a detailed description of the client’s situation in the message body.”  (this is probably due to the claims by hospital directors that at least 1-thousand Idahoans have died as a direct result of not qualifying for ObamaCare through Your Health idaho)  However, an insurance agent in McCall said he deals with insuring people in five other states and compared to them Idahoans have it good: “It’s just an absolute train wreck! I’m licensed in six states, and believe me, in the other five states, it’s even worse.”-Stanley Dean

Illinois:  Edwardsville School District 7 warning of mass layoffs, fee increases and local tax hikes due to the economy failing to recover, contrary to what U.S. ‘leadership’ and main stream news media falsely claim.  Local news reports explained that the school district was flush with “reserve” cash when the official recession started, but the economy never recovered and now the district is not only out of money, but is $4.5-million USD in the hole!  Read the Belleville News-Democrat for the sobering truth (and a long list of drastic school district changes).  In Obama’s homie town, after 20 years Harpo Studios (owned by elitist Oprah Winfry) finally shutdown.  Its new home is in California.

Kansas: In Topeka, God powerless to stop the shutdown and sell-off of ‘his’ 130 years old (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Central Congregational United Church Of Christ.   Church leaders say the costs to maintain the old biddy, I mean building far exceeds revenues (yep, hypocritical Christians can only live off money, despite what Jesus of Nazareth said).

Maine: The city of Auburn eliminating four salaried administrative positions, due to lack of taxpayer funds.  One of the administrators had recently moved to Maine, from Texas, in 2012.  In Farmington, after three years Upcountry Artist Gallery shutting down by the end of the month due to lack of sales.

Michigan: Consumers Energy shutting down their 64 years old Luna Pier coal fired electricity factory, local news media forgot to ask how many jobs would be negatively impacted.

Minnesota: The largest health insurance company in the United States is getting the hell away from ObamaCare!  Minnetonka based UnitedHealth joins BlueCross-BlueShield is declaring the Affordable Care Act Dead on Arrival!   UnitedHealth will begin exiting ObamaCare plans beginning with the states of Arkansas and Georgia.  In 2014 UnitedHealth entered the ObamaCare market, but is getting out while it can still live to tell about it: “It was for us a bad decision. In retrospect, we should have stayed out….”-Stephen Hemsley, CEO

Missouri: In Bridgeton, SchnuckS Markets shutting down their grocery distribution center as work is being consolidated into a new larger facility in Saint Louis.  But don’t think the SchnuckS’ employees will be transferred, local news media discovered the employees at the new facility will be cheap-o contractors, meaning 190 good paying jobs in Bridgeton gone between July and September!   In Springfield, after 43 years Marylin’s Fine Jewelry shutting down.  The co-owners are retiring due to their age, but they admitted the local economy has been going down for a long time: “We moved here in ’73 and every store in the square was filled up…….Now there’s not very many retail stores on the square…”-Marilyn Scott, co-owner

Pennsylvania:  Meadowbrook Meat issued a layoff WARN, 76 jobs in Lancaster gone by mid-June.  In York, Durham School Services announced it will eliminate 88 jobs by the beginning of June.

Vermont: For the third year in a row the Burlington School District is prepping employees for mass layoffs, and for the second time is jacking up local taxes, and will eliminate classes because “…the decline in overall enrollment has resulted in numerous under-enrolled classes that can be consolidated.”  Teacher Bob Abbey bemoaned “…Burlington has become a second-tier educational system. We are going in the wrong direction.”  Read the sobering Burlington Free Press article which gives a list of drastic changes coming for the school district.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

LDS kills Mormon bookstore! Churches killing churches! North Carolina kills 5,800 jobs in 3 months! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 08 – 09 April 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California: Without warning, Los Angeles based bankrupt American Apparel began laying off employees in The (not so) Golden State.  By the end of next week 450 people will be jobless!  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; San Francisco based health tech diagnostic company Counsyl laid off 27 people, despite boasting of “double digit” demand for their carrier screening services.

Colorado: In Cameo, after 58 years Eagles Nest Family Dining shutdown.  The restaurant was sold to a Texas based corporation in 2015, and they’ve decided it wasn’t making enough money.

Connecticut: Immucor Transplant Diagnostics issued a shutdown WARN for its Stamford location, 59 jobs lost by the beginning of June.

Florida: In Doral, ‘entertainment developer’ DLA laying off 92 people between May and November.  The Ritz Carlton issued a WARN for their Bal Harbor food service ops in Miami, 89 jobs lost by mid-June.

Idaho: In Twin Falls, after 37 years God powerless to stop ‘unofficial’ Mormon Bell’s Family Books from being shutdown by ‘official’ Mormon bookstore Deseret Book! You read right!  Local news reports say Bell’s Family Books was facing increasing competition, the final straw being when their own religion opened a bookstore down the street.

Illinois:  Highland Community College eliminating six jobs, blaming the failed ‘law makers’ for failing to come up with a state budget. Highland Community College is also jacking up tuition!  In Elgin, God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 50 years old Messiah Lutheran Church.  The property was sold to competitor Greek Orthodox Church.  After 34 years thrift store Kenneth Young Center Resale Shop shutting down when the previously owned inventory is gone, as well as halting their funding of programs for children with mental health problems.  The operator blames the failed state ‘lawmakers’: “…Illinois is the only state in the nation without a budget, decisions are being made where the most vulnerable people are suffering.”– Susan Cowan, CEO

Kentucky: Beauty First shutting down both its Louisville stores by the end of May, blaming crashed sales on competition from the internet, and jacked up rent by greedy property owners.

Maine: Gov’na Paul LePage warned that 9-hundred people in York County will become unemployed, due to their employer getting the hell outta Dodge! LePage refused to say which un-American corporation was fleeing the state.

North Carolina:  Local news reports say that since January 5-thousand 8-hundred people in North Carolina have been laid off!  New York based Croscill Home-Ex-Cell Home Fashions-Glenoit issued a layoff WARN, 50 distribution jobs gone by June.

Ohio:  Pilot Thomas Logistics issued a layoff WARN for their Fracking support (aka Frac) ops, 58 jobs gone by April.

Oklahoma: In Tulsa, when pressured by local news Chart Cooler Service admitted they laid off employees, but still refused to say how many.   They blamed it on the oil industry BS.

Pennsylvania: NHS Youth Services issued a WARN for their
Northwestern Academy, but failed to say how many people were losing their jobs.

South Dakota: Southeast Technical Institute warned of layoffs due to crashing student enrollment.

Texas:  In Dallas, Select Medical issued a WARN, 77 jobs gone by the end of May.  In El Paso, Schenker Logistics laying off nine employees by July.  DuPont issued a layoff WARN for its La Porte ops, 17 jobs lost by the end of May.  Denmark based Maersk Drilling revealed it  laid off an additional 57 people in Houston, just a few weeks after laying off 35.

California based Chevron laid off 655 people at its Houston ops!  The former employees are getting severance, which means they will not be counted as unemployed in the ‘official’ unemployment reports.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

07 April 2016: “it’s time to move on”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Fracking Food Crisis: Idaho, Oregon, Washington hit by contaminated water, coincides with oil industry Fracking!

10 April 2016 (15:21 UTC-07 Tango 01) 22 Farvardin 1395/02 Rajab 1437/04 Ren-Chen 4714

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revealed that ever since oil industry Fracking ops have been allowed to take place in the Pacific northwest (about 2004) water quality has suffered.  More than 60 public water sources in Idaho, Oregon and Washington have exceeded federal safe levels of lead contamination in the past three years!

The majority of contaminated water systems are in Oregon with 37, followed by Idaho with 22.  Washington has eight contaminated systems.

The majority of those water sources supply local grade schools.  Some Oregon school administrators admitted they were informed of the lead contamination in 2013, and have been buying bottled water ever since.   In Idaho, several school directors blamed lead contamination on old plumbing and claim that lead levels went down after the plumbing was replaced.  In Washington the first reported case of lead contamination was at the State Patrol Academy, in 2012.  Directors say they’ve been on bottled water since then, but are working to hook up to ‘city’ supplied water.

Most of the contaminated water sources involve systems using well water.  Across the U.S. the EPA found at least 1-thousand 4-hundred public water systems contaminated with lead, affecting 3.6-million people!

I find it interesting that here in Idaho the lead contamination (even though blamed on old plumbing) begins just after ‘test Fracking’ began in 2011.  In 2012 Gem State ‘law makers’ officially allowed Fracking, and also banned city and county governments from banning Fracking!  Isn’t it possible the chemicals (solvents) used in Fracking caused the built up contaminants in the old plumbing to come loose?  Current unconfirmed reports indicate Fracking ops have halted.

In Oregon there are reports that Fracking stopped by 2015.  Fracking for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) began as early as 2004.  Apparently Fracking for LNG in Washington was supposed to start in 2012, however, recent reports say no Fracking is taking place. It is difficult to find reliable sources of public info on Fracking because the industry, and even state governments, are tight lipped about the controversial operation.

Blind Bat News: Another study proves Fracking destroys your drinking water, main stream news ignores it! 

Blind Bat News: Michigan violence skyrockets, is it the water? Lead poisoning causes violent behavior! 

The Oregonian: Lead-tainted Oregon armories remain open to public despite dangers

Blind Bat News: “Re-fracking” 39-thousand + oil jobs gone, as companies hoard Black Gold! 

Blind Bat News: 2013 Duke University study says Fracking poisons drinking water!

Blind Bat News: Ohio & Arkansas suffering mass earthquakes in 2012, officials blame Fracking.