Tag Archives: eu

Passing the Buck: Obama blames Arab Uprisings and Europe for bad economy in the U.S.

“The changes that have taken place in the Middle East sent oil prices up, and that gave a shock to the world economy.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States

First off, President Obama, oil prices are no where what they were a couple of years ago. What’s been driving up the price of gas (which is just as high as when oil was more than $100.00 per barrel) is not the current price of oil, but refineries that’re purposely keeping production of gas below the demand for gas (which makes the price go up).

Secondly, it was your attack on Libya, President Obama, that caused oil prices to go up!

President Obama also blamed the Europeans: “Some of the challenges that we’ve had over the last several months actually have to do with the fact that in Europe we haven’t seen them deal with their banking system and their financial system as effectively as they needed to.”

First off, if the U.S. banking system wasn’t so involved with the European banking system the U.S. wouldn’t be as affected by their problems.

Secondly, many of the actions taken by European banks, that got them into trouble, were the same mistakes that got U.S. banks into trouble.  By the way, those banking troubles started here in the United States, and have yet to be resolved!

Stop passing the buck President Obama!

Proof that Israel intends to take over Palestine: More than One Thousand new illegal settlements announced

The European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, has denounced Israel’s announcement that they will build an additional 1,100 illegal homes in Palestinian territory.  That’s on top of the already thousands of new settlements started since the beginning of the year!

The EU said Israel’s Zionist settler agenda undermines any attempt at peace.  Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, described Israel’s latest settler plan as “1,100 No’s” to any resumption of Israel-Palestine talks.




What Economic Recovery? New G20 meeting will reveal how bad the situation is, the United States is now a beggar thy neighbor nation

September 19, later this week the Group of 20 developed and developing economies will meet in Washington DC.  The main issue, as always, the collapsing global economy.

Actually the main stream western media wants you to think the “global” economy is collapsing, in reality it’s just the ‘western/capitalist’ economies that are going down the toilet.

Demands from the European Union, United States and Japan are revealing how bad the situation is: “The consolidation plans to be undertaken in most EU countries, in the U.S. and in Japan need to be accompanied by appropriate policies in other regions of the world so as to avoid an undesired compression of global demand.”-European Union statement

What this means is that the economies that are going down the toilet need more help from the economies that are actually booming (the “other regions”).  Basically the EU, U.S. and Japan have become beggar they neighbor nations; needing to borrow from the wealthier BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), just to survive.

In order to get the much needed cash, expect the EU, U.S. and Japan to make some huge concessions at this weeks G20 meeting.  One thing China and Russia would like to see is a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the World’s reserve money.   It’s unlikely the U.S. would support that, ’cause it could make the economic situation in the U.S. even worse.

However, the latest European Union statement indicates that if the EU, U.S. and Japan don’t get financial help from the BRICS, then it could be lights out for the ‘West’.

What Economic Recovery? China says you created the economic problem, you fix it!

“Countries must first put their own houses in order. Developed countries must draw up responsible fiscal and monetary policies.”-Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China

Despite China becoming the biggest foreign investor in the United States, they say future investments depends on how the U.S. handles economic recovery.  The same goes for Europe: “European countries are facing sovereign debt problems and we’ve expressed our willingness to give a helping hand many times. We will continue to expand our investment there…Europe and the U.S. must adopt responsible and effective fiscal and monetary policies in a bid to reduce debt pressures.”-Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China

Analysts from Citigroup agreed: “What he is basically saying is China wants to help, they want to invest, but we can’t help you take the proper measures to control the debt crisis, you’ve got to do that on your own.”-William Rhodes

Another analysts says the EU and U.S. must stop paying for debt with debt: “Politicians have been paying their budget deficits by selling bonds, in other words mortgaging, or charging the future. Sooner or later that catches up with you, and 2011 is the year that the debt finally catches up with several European countries like Greece and Italy. So they have got to put their houses in order. They have to spend what they have, but not spend more than they have.”-Francis Lun, Lyncean Holdings

Global Economic War: Evil buck passing United States blames evil Europe for world economic problems, but it’s the average Joe & Jone who’s going to pay

“Seventy-five percent of the dark things happening in the world economy are because of the eurozone.”-Timothy Geithner, U.S. Department of Treasury

September 9, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner blamed the European Union for U.S. economic failures!

Geithner made the comments at a G7 meeting in France.  He says EU countries need to make even harsher cuts, and raise even more taxes, in order to solve their debt crisis.  Going by his statements, can you guess what’s coming for the people of the United States?



War Crimes: European Union now admits to helping the United States commit war crimes

“In attempting to combat crimes attributed to terrorists, countless further crimes have been committed in the course of the U.S.-led ‘global war on terror’. Many of those crimes have been carefully and deliberately covered up.”-Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe’s Rights Commissioner

Europe’s Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg, said Europe is “deeply complicit” in Washington’s counter terrorism methods, which include torture and other human rights violations.


U.S. led War on Syria: Russia threatens UN Veto, says the U.S. will sidestep the UN and use NATO to attack Syria

“We are afraid that the resolution could push the most radical Syrian opposition forces to more active operations to topple the government. Just because of that, we categorically do not accept the aims our Western colleagues try to attain with that resolution.”Vitali Churkin, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations

Russia, as well as China, have stated that they oppose any UN Security Council resolution against Syria.

Russian officials say they have information that the United States, and European Union, will sidestep the UN Security Council, because they can not get enough votes of support for their planned attack on Syria.  Instead it is highly likely that the U.S. and EU will use language under NATO rules to justify an attack on Syria.  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is not part of the United Nations.

Global Economic War: Apple and Samsung fighting in Europe

“Samsung welcomes the Düsseldorf District Court’s decision to suspend the pan-European preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.”– Rachel Jones, Samsung

Early in August Apple filed a complaint with the EU, over the Samsung Galaxy Tab.  Apple claims the Samsung tablet is too similar to the iPad 2.  At first the EU court agreed, but has now allowed the sale of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab in most EU member countries.

One legal analysts, Frank Mueller, says Apple still has a chance to beat Samsung, because the EU laws are too ambiguous, and open to much interpretation.  However, if Apple pursued the case it would “…reinforce a lot of people’s impression that Apple’s enforcement of design-related rights is… overreaching in some areas.”


Global Economic War: German government spliting up, growing numbers of leaders criticize Merkel’s economic policies

Recently, the President of Germany criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel for going along with the European Central Bank in bailing out Greece, and other countries in economic trouble.

“That is asking for trouble in the long run and can only be tolerated in the interim.” and “I consider the sizeable purchase of individual states’ bonds by the European Central Bank to be legally questionable.”-Christian Wulff, German President

The statements were made to a group of economists.  What’s unusual about Wulff’s statements is, for one the office of President in Germany is ceremonial, and secondly Wulff is a member of the same political party as Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union).

Wulff is not the only Christian Democratic Union member upset with current policies.  Fellow CDU member, and head of the parliamentary Home Affairs Committee, Wolfgang Bosbach, said: “We should take the president’s comments seriously, it’s also a question of being fair to generations of people.”

Also, former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Merkel’s mentor, has blasted Merkel’s policies: “We must take care not to gamble everything away. We must urgently return to our former dependability.”

German politicians are starting to mirror public polls, which show many Germans do not want their government bailing out anymore countries.



President Obama wants war with Syria, EU leaders want war with Syria, Canada wants war with Syria, it’s all about the oil baby!

“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way.  We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way.  He has not led.  For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”-President Barack Obama, written statement.

“Our three countries believe that President Assad, who is resorting to brutal military force against his own people and who is responsible for the situation, has lost all legitimacy and can no longer claim to lead the country.”-joint statement from British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel

“I join with (U.S.) President Obama and other members of the international community in calling on President Assad to vacate his position, relinquish power and step down immediately.”-Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister

Syria is “…a proxy for Iran, a supporter of terror, and a threat to United States interests and our allies in the region.”-Eric Cantor, U.S. House Majority Leader

All these statements were made after President Assad announced an end to the crackdown on the insurgency.  He also invited the United Nations to investigate claims of human rights abuses, however, U.S. officials, and the U.S. media are reporting that some how the UN already conducted an investigation and found Assad guilty.  That was fast!

Major oil pipelines run through Syria, from Iraq and Iran to Turkey, Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea.  90% of the oil goes to Europe.  Remember, we’re attacking Libya, and the majority of Libyan oil goes to Europe, in fact almost all of Italy’s oil supplies come from Libya.

It’s really starting to look like Europe, with the help of the United States, is trying to save its sorry economic ass by taking direct control of their major suppliers of oil.