Category Archives: Technology

Government Evil: Racist NAZI Zionist Israel to build World’s largest prison, intended to hold Black people!

“We all wish we didn’t have to build such a facility. But we’re in a certain situation due to certain circumstances, and we need a facility to address these needs.”-unnamed Israeli Defense official

According to an article in The Independent, Israel is about to build the World’s largest “detention center”, designed to hold 8,000 Black African “migrants”!

[it was time]…to stop this growing influx that threatens Israelis’ jobs and changes the character of the state.”-Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

Most of the migrants are actually fleeing the wars in Sudan and Eritrea.  Israel has a policy of not returning refugees fleeing wars, so now they’ve decided to put them all in prison!

“People fleeing for their lives… will not stop coming because they face three years in detention.”-Reut Michaeli, Hotline for Migrant Workers

I wounder how many U.S. tax dollars are going to be used to build this World’s largest immigrant detention center?



One Year later: Tourist bus finally removed from top of two story building in Japan

On March 11, 2011, a 17 ton tourist bus was left on top of a two story community hall building, after the tsunami sucked itself back out to sea.

That was in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (Nippon).

On March 10, 2012, nearly one year later, the bus was finally removed from the roof.  Many survivors said it was a bad reminder of the tsunami.  The owner of the bus company said the sight of his bus on the roof drove him to swear that he will operate his bus line again.

The bus had been sitting in a garage, 500 meters (1,640 feet) from its resting place, when the tsunami swept it away.  Watch NHK reporter who filmed as she ran from disaster video to see the bus immediately after the tsunami.

FBI takes Murdoch investigation to Russia, Murdoch price fixing e-books, BSkyB could lose license, Fair & Balanced?

March 10, 2012, Canadian media reporting that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is expanding their investigation of Rupert Murdoch into Russia!

Murdoch’s News Corp controls several Russian media organizations, including News Outdoor Russia (NOR). NOR says they “…continues to operate in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions relevant to its operation, including those applicable to Russian operating companies and subsidiaries of U.S. listed publicly traded companies.”

This follows news that the U.S. Justice Department intends to sue several e-book publishers for price fixing, one of those include HarperCollins Publishers, a unit of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp (by the way, it also includes Apple).

Reuters also reporting that James Murdoch might be forced to resign from the satellite TV provider BSkyB.  The “independent” U.K. broadcast regulator Ofcom is investigating connections between James Murdoch, News Corp and BSkyB.

That investigation could revoke BSkyB’s license to operate.

I bet the Murdoch family is hoping that the investigations into their empire are, just as Fox News arrogantly claims for itself, “Fair and Balanced”.



Government Incompetence: After arresting WikiLeaks founder, now the U.K. government asks WikiLeaks for help!

“Leveson Inquiry has asked WikiLeaks for a submission on corruption in the UK press. We have submitted over 100 pages.”-WikiLeaks statement

The British government is now asking its enemy, WikiLeaks, for help in uncovering the ongoing Rupert Murdoch, police/News Corp corruption scandal!

Murdoch’s  (an Australian who became a U.S. citizen just so he could legally start Fox News in the U.S.)  media empire is being investigated for bribing police and government officials (even here in the U.S.).  Already several police officials have lost their jobs in the U.K., including the boss of Scotland Yard.

Back in January 2011, Julian Assange (also from Australia) told British investigators that he had “insurance files” on Rupert Murdoch: “There are 504 U.S. embassy cables on one broadcasting organization and there are cables on Murdoch and News Corp.”  

It’s only now that hypocritical, and incompetent, British officials are turning to WikiLeaks for help in their investigation of Murdoch!


World War 3: Sudden increase in U.S. Assassination Terror Drone attacks, more than 50 people killed in past 24 hours, Obama proves he is more a warmonger than Bush Jr

There seems to be a sudden increase in the use of U.S. terror drones (UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle); four attacks in a 24 hour period, killing more than 50 people.

On March 10, 2012, at least four Afghan civilians were reported killed after a U.S. drone strike in Kapisa Province, Afghanistan.

In Yemen, on March 9, 2012, local security forces say a drone strike killed as many as 35 people.   It happened in the south eastern province of al-Bayda.  Then in the early morning of March 10, security forces reported yet another U.S. drone strike in the same area, this time killing at least 10 “militants”.  The people of Yemen have been fighting a Revolution against the U.S. supported government for at least two years now.

In Pakistan, conflicting reports about a drone attack there.  On March 9, 2012, officials said two missiles from a U.S. drone hit a vehicle, killing between eight and 13 militants.  Western reports say the militants would not let anyone get near the bodies, but, regional media said one of the missiles hit a house, killing another seven people.  It happened in South Waziristan Province.

According to Agence France-Presse, there were at least 45 U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan in 2009, 101 in 2010 and 64 in 2011.

Counting the March 9 attack, there have been eight known U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan, since the beginning of 2012.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism says at least 3,000 people have been killed by U.S. terror drones, in Pakistan, in the past eight years.   Under the Bush Jr administration there were 52 drone attacks in Pakistan.  So far, Peace Prize winning Barack Obama has launched more than 360 U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan!!!

Oil & Gas Prices: Iraq increases oil production, North Dakota #3 oil producer, latest increase in oil prices blamed on Iran & Greece

The Iraqi government owned South Oil Company said they are about to increase oil flow from a new floating oil platform in the Persian Gulf.

The new platform is one of four to be built by an Australian company.  Each platform can flow 22,000 barrels per day.  Recently the Iraqi government said their oil production hit three million barrels per day.  This backs up the CEO of Exxon Mobil who said there is plenty of oil in the supply system.

Another proof of plenty of oil in the system; North Dakota has passed up California, as the number three oil producing state in the U.S.

Most of the oil in North Dakota comes from the controversial fracking of shale oil.  In January 2012 North Dakota’s oil production hit 546,500 barrels per day. That’s a 59% increase from January 2011!  By the way, crony capitalist Mitt Romney has hired a CEO, of one of the companies working the oil fields in North Dakota, to be his energy adviser.

Western media blaming recent increase in oil prices on Greek bailout news.  They say prices went up because (once again) a new deal has been reached, on the old deal.  It’s strange ’cause the media sometimes blames an oil price increase on the Greek deals being held up or falling through.

By the way, the Western media hasn’t really explained why the so called Greek debt problem is affecting oil prices.  Greece is not a oil producing country, and they don’t use that much petroleum compared to bigger European countries. In fact, Greece gets a lot of oil from Iran.  Maybe that’s it, they don’t want to play the sanctions game, along with my speculation about their non-compliance with Leviathan.

Western media also blaming reduction of Iranian oil bound for Europe on the price increase.  One Western source even said it was proof the oil sanctions against Iran are working.  One problem with that; Iran says they’ve made up for their cuts (note: “their” cuts, not the sanctions imposed by U.S./Europe) to Europe by increasing sales to other countries.  So who’s really getting hurt by those sanctions?



Oil & Gas Prices: Exxon Mobil will cut oil production, blames high fuel prices on speculators, blames Republican controlled Congress for too much regulation

Exxon Mobil, the world’s largest corporate producer of oil and natural gas, announced they will cut oil/gas production for 2012 by at least 3%.

This comes as companies like Exxon have said that they have to increase spending of their record setting profits on developing access to new sources of petroleum.

Exxon has already spent tens of billions in the past year, and they’re planning nine projects for 2013, and 12 projects for 2014.

However, it could be that the real reason Exxon Mobil is reducing production is that Iraq is challenging their contracts with the Kurdistan Regional Government.  Iraqi officials say Exxon’s contracts with Iraqi Kurdistan are illegal.  Iraq is taking legal action to kick Exxon out of the huge oil fields in northern Iraq!

Even so, Exxon Mobil’s CEO, Rex Tillerson, said fuel prices are not up because of lack of supply: “On pure supply-demand fundamentals, the markets are well supplied.

So why are prices going up? Tillerson says “Gasoline prices are up because crude oil is up.”  Really? Duh! But wait, there’s more.  Tillerson also indicated oil prices will continue to go up because of supply issues: “People who are trying to secure those supplies are going to pay what it takes…today with the view that they might not be able to get them later.”

Basically he’s saying that despite plenty of oil already in the supply system, the speculators are driving up prices because they are afraid the oil supply will suddenly stop.

Tillerson explained that it’s not just wars that could stop the oil/gas supply, but over regulation by the Republican controlled U.S. Congress: “Our regulatory process has become so complicated by so many duplicative agencies, by so many mandates from Congress, that now it has become a way to stop things from happening. There are a thousand ways you can be told ‘no’ in this country.”

Oh, and by the way, all those billions of dollars that Exxon Mobil is going to be spending ($185 billion estimated) on those dozen or more projects in the next few years, is expected to increase their production by only 4% to 8% by 2016!!!


Oil & Gas Prices: Proof the Main Stream Media doesn’t have a clue

The following are headlines from the past 17 hours:

“OIL FUTURES: Crude Near Flat Ahead of Weekly Oil Data”-Fox Business

“Oil Fluctuates Before Report Projected to Show Crude Inventory Increase”-Bloomberg

“Oil Rises above $105 in Europe amid optimism US economy, demand will improve.”-Washington Post

“Oil Falls on Iran talks, economy worries”-Reuters

“Oil Slides to $106 on Global Growth Concerns”-NPR


What Economic Recovery? Mega Rich Oil industry creates piddly amount of new jobs in the United States!

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Oil Industry created few new U.S. jobs in 2011.  Of course that’s not how the main stream media is reporting it.

In 2011 the cash obese oil industry created only 9% of new jobs in the United States! In actual numbers that’s 37,000 jobs.  The WEF claims that those 37,000 oil industry jobs resulted in another 111,000 “indirect” jobs being created.  That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the millions still looking for work!

Now realize that the U.S. oil industry is considered to be “…in the midst of its biggest boom in a generation…”  Wow, and they created only 148,000 direct and indirect jobs in 2011?

Government Evil: New evidence suggests Libya not involved with Pan Am Lockerbie bombing! Gaddafi was innocent?

“It is now absolutely clear this fragment was not from a timer we delivered to Libya. We told the police in 1999 this was the case but they would not believe us. We lost our company and had to pay a big damages claim.”-Edwin Bollier, former boss of Swiss company Mebo

In 1988, Pan American flight 103 went down over Lockerbie, Scotland, after an explosion.  Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi was blamed for ordering the bombing.

The blame was based on ‘evidence’ from a timer used on the bomb.  Now the Scottish media reporting that new evidence says otherwise!

During the Lockerbie trials, prosecutors claimed the flight 103 bomb used a MST-13 timer, made by a Swiss company called Mebo.  The prosecutors produced documents that showed that Libya bought 20 of the timers.  The Swiss company Mebo went bust as a result of the trial.

Now, almost 24 years later, the former owner of Mebo, Edwin Bollier, says that since at least 1999 there’s been evidence that the timer used in the flight 103 bombing was not one of Mebo’s.

Not only does the evidence open the doors for Bollier to sue the British government, but it casts doubt on the prosecution’s claim that Libya was behind the bombing.

In fact the author, John Ashton, who wrote the biography on the Libyan who was convicted of the bombing (Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi), said the timer could not have been made by Mebo, because of the way it was constructed.

Regarding Megrahi; he never took the witness stand during the trial, and the British government allowed him to come to the U.K. without a passport or other documents.  John Ashton based his book on the never been published 800 page Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission report.  Ashton got the report after years of legal wrangling.

It looks like another case of the U.S. and U.K. setting events up to justify international murder (war)!