Category Archives: Opinion

Germany throws wrench into NATO taking lead role against Libya

Germany, a member of NATO, pulled out of Mediterranean operations against Libya.

Germany, along with Turkey,  are reasons why NATO can not take the lead in actions against Libya. NATO must have all members on board, which it does not. It’s sure looks like Obama (U.S.), Sarkozy (France) and Cameron (U.K.) fail when it comes to coalition building.

This is why Obama will not keep his promise to Congress.  He stated that the U.S. would relinquish its role in the attacks on Libya in “days”.  It now looks like it could be weeks.

Sarkozy is such an idiot his people think the “coalition” can not only carry on without the U.S., but without any unified command and control. In other words, everyone in the coalition does their own thing.

This is looking more and more like a literal circus of war mongering clowns!

Oh, Germany says it’ll increase its presence in Afghanistan so other NATO countries can pull their troops out of Afghanistan to fight the Libyans. Kind of a roundabout way of supporting the attacks on Libya, while denouncing the attacks at the same time.

BBC beggars U.S. for money, while U.S. Congress mulls cutting PBS

More proof that the British Empire (aka British Commonwealth) is taking over the United States.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is asking for money from the U.S. taxpayer (Department of State). This while Congress debates cutting major funding from our own PBS (Public Broadcasting Service).

BBC is dealing with huge cuts from the government of United Kingdom (aka Britain).  U.S. State Department likes the BBC because of it’s world wide audience. It’s possible that the BBC might be used to spread U.S. propaganda (isn’t that what Voice of America is for?).

Is this what Hillary Clinton meant when she asked Congress to increase funding for a stronger “American” media presence around the world?

Britain taking over U.S. oil industry. Britain taking over U.S. municipal water systems. Now Britain taking over U.S. public television!  Our founding fathers would commit suicide if they were alive today!

While our government has no budget, Obama spending money around the world

The U.S. government continues to pass temporary budgets.  Political leaders have stated “We’re broke”.  State governments continue to enact austerity measures, cutting funding for social programs.  Yet, President Obama is tripping around the world starting fights and making promises of money.

The current attacks on Libya are costing the Unite States hundreds of millions of dollars every day.  It’s expected to cost a billion dollars in one months time.

On his Latin American trip Obama just promised the Central American countries $200 million dollars to fight drugs trafficking.   Obama signed a deal with Brazil that involves $1 billion dollars of financing. From where, us?

Critics say Obama’s promises to Latin America have to be false because we’re broke.

Many people in Latin American countries say they don’t trust what Obama said anyway. They point to the UN approved, and currently U.S. lead,  attacks on Libya as proof that you can’t trust the United States.

Obama wants NATO to take lead in Libyan War, Turkey is Wild Card

President Obama is trying hard to convince France and the United kingdom to give NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) the command and control role for the war against Libya.

Obama is up against the wall after he insisted to Congress that direct U.S. involvement would be over in days.  It’s been several days.

The British and French agree to NATO’s role in the war with Libya, but they point out that Turkey is a member of NATO, and is opposed to military action against Libya.  Turkey is currently acting as a diplomatic go between, for Libya and the anti-Libyan UN coalition.

Obama is now busy trying to convince Turkey of the justification of military action.

I believe this is what planning and coordination is for.  At least Bush Jr understood that much.

Qatar helping to bomb Libya because of Bribes?

Qatar is the only Arab League country that will take part in the attacks on Libya (so far), even after the Arab League changed their mind on supporting UNSCR 1973.  Is this because of the $1 billion Qatar beggared from U.S. and European companies back in 2008?

Reuters says it’s gotten hold of leaked diplomatic documents (thanks to WikiLeaks), that show U.S. and European companies were shocked when Qatar hit them up for $1 billion to help build a state of the art hospital (gee it’d be nice if U.S. companies would spend that much on health care here in the U.S.).  The shock was due to the fact that Qatar is supposed to be rich, and in fact the Qatar Foundation is funding the hospital to a tune of $7.9 billion, the most for any hospital in the world. Sidra Medical Center is set to open in 2012.

Reuters says each company doing business in Qatar was hit up for anywhere from $80 million to $240 million.  “The IOCs (international oil companies) are shocked and angered by the request. None of the U.S. IOCs are considering donations … and they are aware the perception of a quid pro quo could be construed as violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.”  -leaked document

Reuters says a few companies did not donate. Others say they are still in discussions over the donations (more than 2 years later?), but most, like several oil companies and even Microsoft, are declining comment.  Mmmm, have payments been made, and is Qatar’s involvement with UNSCR 1973 quid pro quo, or just international political ambition?


Iran sells refined gas to Afghanistan for the first time, nice to see other countries making money off our wars

“We have exported a 1,000-ton cargo of gasoline to Afghanistan this (Iranian year), and we are amidst negotiations to export the second and third cargoes to the country,”-Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Alireza Zeiqami

Ironically, Iran’s refined gas industry has gotten a boost from U.S. and European economic sanctions. So much so that Iran is negotiating new contracts with surrounding countries.

The latest sanctions against Iran forbids companies from selling refined gas to Iran.  As a result Iran increased its own fuel refining, and found out that its neighbors, like Afghanistan, wanted to buy it.

Iranian Oil Minister Massoud Mir-Kazzemi said their fuel refining has increased so much that that Iran no longer needs foreign imports.  So much for sanctions.

By the way, does anyone like the idea that were throwing billions of U.S. dollars down the drain in Afghanistan, while other countries make money off Afghanistan?  Where did Afghanistan get the money to buy the Iranian gas?

Mike Simpson, Jim Risch, Mike Crapo against Mosque @ 9/11 Ground Zero, but support training Muslim pilots in Idaho

Idaho representative Mike Simpson, and senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo all protested against building a Mosque near 9/11 Ground Zero in New York City.

Yet they all support training Saudi Arabian pilots at Mountain Home, Idaho.  Most of the terrorists who hijacked the airliners on September 11, 2001, were from Saudi Arabia (no Iraqis or Afghans were involved in 9/11).  This is a prime example of talking out both sides of your mouth at the same time.  And supposedly most Idahoans voted for these guys.

Don’t forget Idahoans, your Governor Butch Otter supports this as well (and yes you voted overwhelmingly for him).

Peter Gadiel, whose son was killed in the World Trade Center, said this about the training of Saudi pilots in Idaho:  “Americans will die and the people in Washington don’t give a damn.”

Training of Saudi Arabian pilots and ground crews in Idaho, is part of the $60 billion arms deal made last year.

Most Saudis are Wahaab Muslims (Wahhabi), the same faction that Osama bin Laden is from, as well as our allies the Saudi Royal Family.   Iraqis are not Wahaab. Afghans are not Wahaab. They did not attack us on 9/11. Wahaab Saudis & Wahaab Yemenis attacked us on 9/11. Yet we’re over there killing Iraqis and Afghans, while training Wahaab Saudis in Idaho?


Canada joins fight against Libya

Canadian aircraft are helping to enforce the bogus no fly zone over Libya, as well as Canadian naval vessels, 380 Canadian troops, including pilots and ground crews, are in the Mediterranean Sea.

“This morning, four CF-18 fighter aircraft and two CC-150 Polaris strategic air refuelers departed Italy and conducted patrols off the northern coast of Libya. “They did not fire upon any targets.” -Defense Minister Peter MacKay

European leaders Lie, this is about controling Libya’s oil, begining of WW3

Recently the European Union’s ambassador to the U.S. said Europe’s infatuation with the crisis in Libya was not about the oil. Lier!

Some European countries, like Austria, Ireland and Italy, get most of their oil from Libya.  Oil companies from France, Italy and Spain are involved in oil field operations in Libya.

The flow of oil to Europe was greatly reduced thanks to the violence involving so called peaceful protesters in Libya.  After all, why would Gaddafi destroy his main source of income?

Gaddafi has long suspected that the militant, yet somehow, peacefull protesters were supplied by Europe (that has been proven to be correct, Libyan rebels and arms dealers admitted to it).  Feeling betrayed by Europe Gaddafi announced, on March 14, that he was making new oil deals with China, India and Russia (and possibly Germany). Notice that those are the countries that abstained from voting on UNSCR 1973.

Then, just three days later, on March 17, the UN passes UNSCR 1973.  Wow, that was fast!

China and India have evacuated thousand of workers from Libya.

The Europeans have been losing out to the Chinese for several years now. In 2007 Libya hired Chinese companies to build an oil pipeline.  In 2009 the Europeans scared off the Chinese from making a huge oil deal with Libya.  Then in 2010 Libya announced a deal that would see 6 million barrels per month going to China.  In February 2011, China began evacuating some 20,000-30,000 oil field workers after they were attacked by peaceful protesters!  A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that some Chinese companies “…had their local camp sites raided by gangsters….”

There is eveidence that many people in eastern Libya resented the Chinese oil workers, and actually viewed it as an invasion. Is it possible that European interests took advantage of the growing anti-asian sentiments?

It is clear by statements from Chinese oil workers that they were specifically targeted.  “Chinese companies in Libya are in a state of emergency, our projects are being raided and communications are down.” -online posting

When you look at the who’s who of those involved in Libyan oil production, and who wants Libya’s oil, it starts to look like this is a battle between East and West; Europe vs China.  Could this be the shot that starts World War 3?

How will U.S., U.K. & France fund the attacks on Libya? You!

War isn’t free, and there is no true return on the ‘investment’ into war mongering.  So how are those countries attacking Libya going to fund their operation?  I have a suspicion, but in the case of the United States it’s not oil.

Notice that the lead countries in this act of war are; United States, United Kingdom and France.  All of them are in big financial/economic trouble.   They are all implementing austerity measures to address lack of funding for their governments.  That includes cutting many social programs for their citizens.

The push to attack Libya came fast, especially when compared to how much effort Bush Jr put into pushing for attacking Iraq.  Back then it was thought he rushed the process, but compare that to Obama’s push to attack Libya.  One U.S. congressman said Obama did not consult with Congress, at least Bush Jr did.

This is all suspicious. Especially when it is clear the Libyan protesters are not peaceful, and that in other Arab countries truly peaceful protesters have been killed, yet there is no call by Obama to take out those governments.

Most people around the world believe the attack on Iraq was about oil.  It was, but not for U.S. oil companies.  British Petroleum was awarded the biggest oil contracts in Iraq (by the way BP has been quietly taking over oil operations within the United States). In fact most oil contracts in Iraq did not go to U.S. oil companies.

Why would the U.S. take part in oil grabs if its oil companies are not benefiting? This is proof that the United States has become the bully puppet of the British Commonwealth (aka British Empire).

Notice that the price of oil shoots up when something like this happens.  Our governments are controlled by the corporations. The corporations make big profits when prices go up.  The corporations now use the governments to create situations that cause prices to go up.  Of course the corporations are not 100% reliant on oil sources in North Africa and the Middle East.  In fact BP has been busy taking over oil production in the U.S., and has just made deals with the Russians.  But the price of oil still goes up during war, regardless of where the oil comes from.  So they can shut down oil supply in one area, through war for example, driving up the price, and they will still make hugh profits off their other sources of oil.  Does anybody notice that despite oil companies saying their operating costs keep going up, they continue to report record profits?

So military action may be for the benefit of the oil corporations, but that doesn’t explain how the governments are going to fund the operations.   We the people are going to pay for it.  Through increased taxes, new taxes and cuts to the benefits you’re supposed to be getting in return for your tax payments.  Anybody remember the official reason for the American colonists revolution against the British Empire?  Taxes placed on the American colonists to pay for wars fought by the British Empire, and, lack of representation for the American colonists in the British government.  That’s what created the United States.

Here we area again, paying for wars that benefit the British Empire, and with this latest war our Congress wasn’t even consulted!  Taxation without representation!  Wake up people!