All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 16 January 2013. Texas loses hundreds of jobs in one day! No one wants corn fuel! California still losing jobs!

In Texarkana, Texas, 400 people will become unemployed starting in February!   It’s happening at the Red River Army Depot, in anticipation of the 2014 Afghanistan pullout.

In El Paso, Texas, electrical switch/outlet maker Leviton Manufacturing closing down.  339 people to be out-o-work!   The New York based company said it’s consolidating manufacturing operations throughout the country.

New Jersey’s Star Ledger announced it will let go 34 employees.  Company officials blamed the bad economy and the slow recovery from Hurricane Sandy.  The layoffs are also part of the 60 total layoffs announced by parent company Advance Publications.  Advance Publications is itself owned by the Newhouse family.

In Simi Valley, California, Bank of America said it will lay off 51 employees.  The too big to fail bank said the jobs lost are in connection to a reduction in mortgage defaults.

The San Francisco, California, based web content discovery company, StumbleUpon, laying off 35 people.  Company officials say they’re not in trouble, they just want “to become more streamlined” in order to bring the company  “into a profitable situation”.

The internet social commerce/photo sharing service, Lockerz, is closing down its San Diego, California, office.  They’ve also laid off 30% of their Seattle, Washington, staff.  Company officials said the layoffs are necessary to realign the company, also the exact number of people being let go will not be made public: “I will not comment on how many individuals were effected or any specific individual.”-Leilani Augustine, CMO

Tuscan Gardens gift store closing in Petaluma, California. The owner wants to focus on ceramics.

Saint Louis, Missouri‘s, Express Scripts laying off 332 people across the U.S.!  This come after the country’s largest pharmacy benefits manager spent $29.1 billion USD to take over Medco.  103 former Medco employees have so far been let go as well!

Only a day after laying off 200 employees, Atmel lays off another 140!  It’s another round of layoffs at their Colorado Springs, Colorado, factory. Company officials blame the bad economy. Last year Colorado Springs officials gave the California based microcontroller company about $339,000 in tax breaks.

Corn based ethanol fuel plants in Nebraska are shutting down. Abengoa Bioenergy says the alternative fuel market is not doing well for corn based gas, so they’re temporarily closing two refineries.  They make the 4th and 5th corn based fuel refineries to shut down in the Cornhusker State.

Mormon run Dillard’s department store is shutting down two stores in the Cache Valley Mall in Logan, Utah.  About 50 employees affected.   It’s all part of Dillard’s “strategic store closures”.

The New Castle Youth Development Center closing in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. 223 jobs lost!  Some officials say the center for troubled youths saw a huge decline in juveniles being housed there, with only 31 currently staying in the 100 bed facility (at one time there were 250 beds at the juvi jail).  State Representative, Jaret Gibbons, said it was all part of the governor’s conspiracy to close down publicly funded prisons, possibly to make way for private for profit prisons.

Windber Medical Center in Pennsylvania closing its obstetrician wing in March. Hospital officials said they’re having such a hard time finding replacements for the four obstetricians who’re leaving, that they just decided to close down the obstetrician wing!

Conifer Health Solutions closing its Alpharetta, Georgia, call center.  About 90 people out-o-work.  The Texas based health care revenue outsourcing company is consolidating operations with other call centers.

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota, women’s clothing store Susanne’s is closing.  The owner said it is for personal reasons.

After 121 years the Associated Bank in Hammond, Wisconsin, is no more. It was the only bank in the town of 1,100 households. Bank officials say it’s part of their closing of 11 branches, due to the bad economy.

An update from 15 January: Cirque du Soleil will lay off 400 people around the world, but said the majority of the cuts will be in Canada.

Breaking news, World War 3: United States backs Israeli airstrikes against Syria!

“Israeli warplanes violated our airspace at dawn, bombing directly one of the research scientific centers in the Jimraya district in rural Damascus…”-Syrian statement

30 January 2013, pro-U.S./Israeli media sources say an unnamed U.S. official confirmed an Israeli airstrike against Syria.

The U.S. official says they believe anti-aircraft weapons were being sent to Lebanon, and the Israelis felt threatened.  However, the U.S. official did not comment on Syria’s claim that Israel bombed a site used for testing new weapons.  Still no comment from Israel either, other than they confirmed there were two air sorties launched.

World War 3: Scotland, Canada & Spain uniting against the British Empire? Latin America tells the Red Coats to get out of Falklands! Tells the Yankees to get out of Puerto Rico! The age of Separatism Summits is here!

“There are the underlying emotional arguments for independence, then there are the more rational economic ones. What we are seeing is that they are coming together.”-Alfred Bosch, Spanish politician

On 29 January 2013, First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, and Quebec’s Premier, Pauline Marios, issued a joint statement after holding what some sources have called a separatism summit:  “Both leaders also talked about the political situation in their respective jurisdictions and agreed that their destinies are a matter for the people of Scotland and Quebec to decide.”

The Canadian province of Quebec narrowly lost it’s independence bid in the recent elections.  And election officials in the United Kingdom told the Scots that they had to change the wording on an upcoming 2014 independence referendum.

Interviewed after the separatism summit was over, Premeir Marios said not only is the push for Scottish independence moving forward, but Quebecois will never give up: “I think the most important thing is the determination of the First Minister and his team to arrive at the support of the population on this issue. I think that is very clear, he will put all his team and all his determination to obtain this goal. I think that is as similar as we made in the past and we will do in the future.”

In a warmer climate, the people of Catalonia, Spain, are pushing for independence as well. The people of Catalonia will also be voting for independence in 2014. The Spanish government is calling it unconstitutional.

On 28 January 2013, the latest summit meeting of CELAC ended.  One of the results of that meeting was a unanimous resolution demanding the British Empire get out of the Malvinas (Falkland Islands).  This as Cuba’s President, Raúl Castro Ruz, assumed presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

CELAC is also aiming to end U.S. as well as U.K. colonialism: With the dissipation of United States siren songs at the 2009 Summit in Trinidad & Tobago, Latin America and the Caribbean excelled in their unity and independence when they reclaimed the Malvinas as Argentine and demanded an end to the blockade and exclusion of Cuba, an event that the Cuban people will always remember with profound gratitude.”-Raúl Castro Ruz (read his full speech here)

And let’s not forget the U.S. controlled Puerto Rico.  The new President of CELAC said: “Our community will not be complete without Puerto Rico, a truly Latin American and Caribbean sister nation submitted to colonial domination.”-Raúl Castro Ruz

Last year even the United Nations Decolonization Committee (UNDC) demanded independence for Puerto Rico: “The Special Committee on Decolonization today called on the United States to expedite a process that would allow Puerto Ricans to fully exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, requesting the General Assembly to consider the question of Puerto Rico comprehensively in all its aspects.”-18 June 2012, UNDC statement

Where was the main stream U.S. media on that one?

Breaking news, World War 3: Israel launches airstrikes against Syrian targets!

30 January 2013, several hours ago it was reported that Israeli planes hit a Syrian army convoy near the border with Lebanon.  Then, just recently, another report that says Israeli planes hit a Syrian military compound!

Reports say the convoy was targeted because Israel believed it was delivering weapons to Lebanon. The source of the report was U.S. backed Syrian rebels.

Israeli media reports that Syrian military commanders say no such attack took place.  Instead, Syrian officials say the Israeli airstrike targeted an experimental  weapons center in Jamraya.  Two people were killed, five wounded.

So far officials with Israel have not commented.


World War 3: U.S. expands military presence in Africa! U.K. sending troops to Mali! Western leaders agree to ‘donate’ your tax money to the war in Mali!

29 January 2013, the Obama administration announced they will send military personnel into Niger.  On the surface they will be operating drones in support of the western/christian invasion of Mali.  Pentagon officials said the actual role U.S. forces will play has yet to be determined.

In the United Kingdom, British Defense Secretary, Philip Hammond, announced plans to send 240-300 Red Coats to Mali.

The British empire is already helping the French by flying in supplies on Boeing C-17 transports.  And at least 70 Red Coats are in the country of Senegal, operating drone aircraft.

Also, leaders from the United States, European Union and Japan (note: these are the main players in the one world government wanna be Trilateral Commission) met and agreed to become “donors”.  In other words, they’ve already met in Ethiopia for a conference to determine how much of your tax money will be spent on the invasion and occupation of Mali.  Reports say our fearless leaders have agreed to give hundreds of millions of taxes, just to the pro-western government of Mali.

Let’s see, our western government leaders have been cutting social programs saying there isn’t any money for them, yet they spend billions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Mali!

Congressional Evil & What Economic Recovery? Media lies about USPS international postal rate change? I have receipts that show at least a 50-60% increase! Hello, Hyperinflation!

I got a shock when I shipped off some packages to Europe, USPS international First Class rate went up 61%!!!

Some media mainstreamers had been reporting a 5-10% increase, but that’s for domestic postage.  Even the Postal clerks at the Clark Street office, in Pocatello, Idaho, told me they were surprised by how high the international rate went up.

People who supplement their meager incomes (or maybe it’s become their only source of income) on internet selling sites like ebay, Etsy, Scoomer, etc, and who sell a lot outside the United States are going to see a drop in business (I know many internet sellers attribute at least 50% of their sales to international buyers).

On 17 January 2013 I sent a measly 2 ounce package to Australia, it cost $3.78 USD, online price.  On 29 January 2013 I sent another 2 ounce package, but this time it cost $6.16 online. Do the math, that’s a 61% increase!

Here’s another example: On 27 December 2012 I sent a 1 pound 14 ounce package to Canada, it cost $9.15 online.  Today that same package now cost $16.15 online, a 56% increase!

Here’s yet another example: On 18 January 2013 I sent a 3 ounce package to Italy, at an online U.S. Postal Service rate of $4.56.  Now that same package has an online cost of $8.88 (the in USPS store cost is $9.45).  That’s a 51% increase!

There were some media sources, like StudentNews, that reported that the First Class International rate would go up 60%, for items weighing up to one pound (that’s questionable as you can see in my Canadian example the package weighed almost 2 pounds!). Apparently someone at the USPS realized they were charging far less than UPS or FedEx, and decided to make their First Class International rate “more competitive” with the competition.

Making your prices more competitive with your competition is now code for jacking up your rates to meet your competitors higher prices. A kind of price fixing if you ask me. I remember when being more competitive meant you tried to have lower prices than your competitors.

Is this yet another attempt by the Congressionaly controlled Postal Commission to intentionally destroy the U.S. Postal Service?  Remember, it’s Congress that sets the Postal rates, not the USPS!

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 15 January 2013. Mystery closings! Energizer gives up the Bunny! “Right sizing” another code word for downsizing!

International Veneer Company announced layoffs for 100 employees! The company is ending production in South Hill, Virginia. The company has been involved with criminal activity and the end of operations could be linked to the federal fines they’ve had to pay.  Back in February 2012 the veneer maker was charged with smuggling illegal wood products into Syria, and accused of doing the same in Iran.

Charleston, South Carolina, software company, Blackbaud, will lay off 150 employees across the country!  They blame stiff competition and the bad economy.

Missouri’s Saint Louis Post Dispatch laying off two people.  The owners did not respond to media inquiries.  In July 2012, 23 people were laid off.

International news service, Reuters, confirmed they were laying off employees around the world, but refused to give any details.

U.S. jet engine maker, Pratt & Whitney, announced the layoffs of 350 employees!  200 of those people are in Connecticut. Company officials say they’re trying to control their costs.

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, ProQuest laid off 40 people, despite advertising 75 open positions. In 2012 the company was claimed to be one of the best employers to work for.  When pressed about the layoffs a company rep said the laid off workers could apply for any of the 75 open positions!

Battery maker, Energizer, notified the North Carolina Department of Commerce that they will be laying off at least 100 employees. Layoffs will start in March.  Company officials say they trying to make Energizer more efficient.

Semiconductor manufacturer, Atmel, laid off 200 people at their Colorado Springs, Colorado, factory!  They blame “weak economic conditions”.

State officials in Maryland have been notified that 78 people will lose their jobs with Veolia Transportation.  It’s because of a contract that ends in March.

Military contractor General Dynamics notified its employees that 139 of them will lose their jobs in Anniston, Alabama. They blame it on a reduction in purchases of their Stryker armored vehicle.

Brookstone notified the New Hampshire Department of Labor, that 71 people are now unemployed.  Some reports say the official 71 layoffs are less than the actual amount of layoffs.  The company says they need to “streamline”.

Hawaii’s Island Air airlines revealed they will lay off 245 people by March!  The new owners said they are “right sizing” the company.

Too big to fail bank, Morgan Stanely, is planning the layoffs of 15% of it’s Asia division, unnamed sources said.  It’s already known that Morgan Stanely wants to lay off 1,600 people around the world.

A Books-a-Million store will close in Charleston, South Carolina, in February.   Company officials did not respond to media inquiries.

A Blockbuster video store in Portage Park, Illinois, will close in February.

Design & Interiors of Los Gatos, California, closing.  Advertisements said it was due to consolidation of stores.

Crate & Barrel, in San Diego, California, closed.  Local media could not get a response from company officials as to why.   A San Diego State professor said unAmerican corporate America is closing down stores to become even more profitable, not necessarily because they aren’t making enough money: “Places like Best Buy, Crate & Barrel, they’re reducing the number of stores. In many cases they’re trying to be much more strategic, in terms of their location, in many cases they’re downsizing the stores.”-George Belch

Pastaworks specialty grocery store in Oregon, closing their North Portland operation.  They blame bad economy, saying that even a new condo complex in the area did nothing to increase sales.

The Weir Oil & Gas facility outside Washington DC, shutting down. Company officials blame drop in demand.

Brooklyn Public Libraries announced the possibility of closing branches in New York City.  It’s part of their strategic streamlining plans.

The largest publisher of law books in the United States, announced they are finished.  Matthew Bender is now in the process of closing down their New York factory, and laying off 220 people by the end of 2014!

The Wissahickon School Board, in Pennsylvania, will close the Mattison Avenue Elementary School in Ambler. Schools officials blame ongoing problems with the school.

Unnamed sources said a 130 years old grocery store chain in the Washington DC area (mainly Virginia and Maryland), could go out of business. Officials with Magruder’s Supermarkets deny such claims, however local media have revealed stores with empty shelves and employees who stated the stores were being closed down.

Save-A-Lot grocery store in Clifton Forge, Virginia, going out of business. The company is up for sale, and if they can sell soon enough the store might be saved.

Without warning, Pardon My French Bakery suddenly closed two Minnesota stores.  Company officials responded to angry customers by saying “Due to circumstances that are outside of our reach we are closing and we were just notified of the situation less then 48hrs ago.”

Cafe Polonia closed in Salem, Massachusetts. The owner says he must sell it.

Two Winn-Dixie grocery stores will close by March in Albany, Georgia.  Company officials cryptically said: “Business conditions occasionally force companies like ours to make tough strategic decision.” 

Canadian based Cirque du Soleil confirmed that major layoffs could be coming for their operations worldwide.  They blame the bad economy: “…Cirque is currently reviewing all its operations to ensure viable and controlled costs. As any other company would do. We have adjusted our production schedules and are operating close to 20 shows worldwide. Now we are adapting our workflow to this new reality.”-Renée-Claude Ménard


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 21-23 January 2013. More free money (your tax money) from World Bank & USAID! Afghanistan joins new, potential one world banking system, it’s “better than cash”! Requires manditory electronic ID cards!

23 January 2013

In Paktika province a U.S./NATO drone crashed. International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is investigating the cause. Mujahideen say they shot down the expensive remote piloted aircraft in the Surki Ghara area of Jani Khel district.

In Nangarhar Province, reports that a U.S./NATO airstrike targeted a house, killing three people and wounding two.

A Polish/NATO Elite Special Forces Unit soldier was shot to death during an ambush in the province of Ghazni. Other Polish troops were wounded.   ISAF simply said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”

In Herat Province, a suicide bomber attacked a police convoy.  He blew himself up as he rode his bicycle into the convoy.  Eight cops are wounded.

The World Bank is granting Afghanistan another $250 million USD!  It’s part of a rural rehabilitation and development program that many Afghans say isn’t happening. While the World Bank is the one giving the money to Afghanistan, that money is actually coming from “donor” countries, like the United States.

22 January 2013

In Uruzgan Province, reports saying at least three Special Operations Task Group Diggers (Australian troops) were wounded.  The SOTG was conducting search & destroy missions.  They were wounded in separate incidents, which included firefights and a SOTG patrol being ambushed.

In Nuristan Province, local government officials said two U.S./NATO drone strikes have killed dozens of people. Local government officials say the drone strikes were called in against Mujahideen, and estimate that 35 were killed or wounded.

President Hamid Karzai ordered an investigation into torture in Afghan controlled prisons.   This after a United Nations report said torture was rampant.

Amnesty International says at least 17 Afghans (11 of them children) have died in concentration camps during the month of January.  They said the deaths were due to the living conditions made worse by the freezing weather: “…the inadequate co-ordination of winter assistance to hundreds of thousands of people living in displacement camps across the country.”-Polly Truscott

Afghanistan is now a member of the Better Than Cash Alliance.  It is an electronics payment service founded by U.S. AID (your tax dollars at work), the Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Citi Bank and several other elitist pro-one world government groups.  Is this the start of a true one world banking system?

21 January 2013

To go along with Afghanistan’s new membership in what could be a new international banking system, the Afghan Telecommunication and Information Technology Ministry will begin issuing electronic identification cards in March.  Afghans will be required to register for the cards starting in February.  At some point Afghans who do not have the cards can be refused any social services help, or even be considered illegal immigrants and detained.

In Kabul, Mujahideen attacked a U.S. sponsored police training camp. Kabul police say five Mujahideen were killed.  Also, three cops were killed, and at least six cops and seven civilians were wounded.

In Kunduz Province, reports that an overnight U.S./NATO drone strike killed two people.


What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 14 January 2013. Businesses more than 100 years old blaming bad economy for their demise! U.S. Postal Service goes back on their promise not to close distribution center!

The largest polysilicon supplier in the United States will lay off 400 people in Tennessee and Michigan. Polysilicon is used in solar power projects. Hemlock Semiconductor blamed too much polysilicon on the market and that “The unresolved trade disputes among the U.S., China and Europe are a major factor.”

United Airlines announced layoffs for 472 employees in Newark, New Jersey.  It’s an attempt to cut costs since their merger with Continental.

C.J. Banks women’s clothing store closed in Victor, New York.

Also in New York, Rowe Photo, Video and Audio’s Greece store is closing after 114 years in business. The owner blames the bad economy, which is forcing him to consolidate his various stores.

Book Ends Gently Used & Collectible Books to close on 31 January. The owner of the Kearney, Nebraska, store blamed digital media.

Miller Floral in Terre Haute, Indiana, will close at the end of January, after 101 years in business.  The owner, and grandson of the store’s founder, said they’ve seen a 50% drop in business since 2007.

Also in Indiana, Chromcraft Revington is closing its distribution center in Delphi. 16 jobs lost. Work is being moved to Mississippi.

After 25 years a media outlet for aspiring young journalists in California, is going out of business. The publisher of L.A. Youth said: “Tough economic times, foundation cuts and moving our office by March 1, 2013, have overburdened our budget and placed an undue amount of financial strain on the L.A. Youth family. While we celebrate our 25th anniversary this month we are regrettably closing the doors on this extraordinary organization at the end of February. This is our last edition of L.A. Youth.”

Beautopia supply store closing in Mountain View, California.

The Franz Bakery outlet in Tillamook, Oregon, will close on 09 February.  Corporate officials blamed the bad economy: “They said sales were down and the store wasn’t making money.”-Terri Ann Staver, store manager

The Mez and EpiCentre Theaters will close in Charlotte, North Carolina.  It’s over legal wrangling involving the new property owners.

U.S. Postal Service announced the closing of the Manasota Processing & Distribution Center, in Florida. More than 300 jobs lost. The thing is, back in October 2011 Postal officials announced they were not going to close the center, after they had conducted a feasibility study: “This was a careful review. We have determined that there will be no significant changes made….”-David Patterson, USPS District Manager

The 85 year old H.L. Keay & Son general store, in Albion, Maine, will close. The family owners said the economy is just too bad to continue: “We just decided we’d had enough of running it and wanted to get done. Business weren’t that good.”-Kevin Keay, store manager

School officials in Bristol, Virginia, said it looks like they have to shut down some schools.  Problems involve outdated school buildings (some built in 1938) to constant redistricting which leaves some schools with too few students and others overcrowded. As Superintendent Mark Lineburg said “…we have some issues.” 

What Economic Recovery? 96% of people will see cuts in Social Services!

28 January 2013, 96% of families are about to experience drastic cuts in the taxpayer funded social programs.

The new Japanese government has cut funding for social programs by 10%. The Welfare Ministry says that equates to a reduction of about $736 million USD, over the next three years.

Cuts to families will be staggered according to income.  Unfortunately, large families in urban areas will see the biggest cuts.  An example was given, showing the average urban family will see a $220 USD reduction in their monthly assistance.

This will have great impact on reducing spending in urban areas.