All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3: Iran captures U.S. backed al-Qaeda militants!

Iran’s commander of the Kermanshah Cavalry Division, General Ali Hajilou, claims that in the past three months his forces have captured U.S. supported al-Qaeda militants trying to cross into Iran from Iraq.

He says his troops’ actions prove the borders of Iran are secure.

World War 3: Iranian Navy buzzed by Aussie ASW bird!

17 March 2013/05 Jumada l-Ula 1434/27 Esfand 1391/06 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Iranian Navy officials say an Australian ASW (anti-submarine/ship warfare) aircraft approached an Iranian helicopter carrier and a destroyer while they were off the coast of Sri Lanka.

“The Navy’s 24th fleet of warships, comprised of Khark chopper carrier and Sabalan destroyer, which was nearing Sri Lanka’s coasts after leaving Zhangjigang port of China and crossing the line of the Equator.…The reconnaissance plane changed its flight route immediately after receiving the warships’ warning but dropped some subsurface units detection devices…..all the dropped devices were hunted skillfully and by the timely action of the Iranian Navy forces.”-Admiral Siyavash Jarreh, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy (IRIN)

Norovirus update 16 March 2013: Elton John down! Save some money and stay away from the ER! Pesticides spreading the disease, more reasons to avoid veggies! No room at the Hospital, tents set up for dozens of sick students! Queen out-a-the hospital but not out-a-the woods! Elitist eateries making people sick!

Elton John canceled a Friday night U.S. concert at the last minute, because he’s sick with stomach bug!

In Warwickshire, England U.K., the Red Cross was called out to deal with two bus loads of 90 French exchange students sick, possibly with norovirus. The buses were at the Warwick Hospital.  After admitting four of the students, the hospital staff realized there would be no room at the inn because so many were sick, so they called in the Red Cross to set up tents and provide camp-beds,  blankets, inflatable pillows and hygiene packs.

Speaking of England, the Queen is out of the hospital but that doesn’t mean she’s out-a-the woods: “The queen continues to make a good recovery following her recent illness, and today she presented the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry and held a series of audiences.  However, regrettably, she will no longer attend the Tech City engagement planned for tomorrow, or the Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scriptures Association Service at the Guards Chapel on Thursday…..The queen hopes to resume her program of official engagements next week.”

Also, a British boxer almost canceled a fight, but like many ‘mericans he went to work sick: “It was horrendous. I was not well in the build-up, I picked up a stomach bug the day before the fight and I spent most of the day of the fight on the toilet……I had sold a lot of tickets and had a lot of people to please and didn’t want to let them down.”-Dan Woodgate, he won the fight

On 12 March in the United States, Texas Ranger outfielder, Craig Gentry, was taken off the lineup because of stomach bug.

Around the World, many Football clubs (that’s soccer in the U.S.) are dealing with sick players.

In Netherlands, a new study says norovirus can survive pesticides, and is probably even spread by the bug poison!  The study was inspired by other studies that showed a strong connection between norovirus and vegetables (one U.S. study says 50% of produce have norovirus!).  The Dutch researchers diluted norovirus in eight different types of pesticides, the virus survived in all eight.  The study, published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, concludes that the possible source of norovirus on vegetables is coming from the pesticides that are routinely sprayed on industrial scale crops!

In Oregon U.S.A., an upscale restaurant (most dinners starting out at $18 per person) has been hit with norovirus, for the second time in 11 months. Amazingly the owners of Adina Restaurant did not know about the April 2012 outbreak linked to their eatery! County health officials say this latest outbreak began the 1st of March, and so far involves 27 people reporting illness.  On Monday, 11 March, the owners were ordered by the county to get an additional refrigerator, because it turns out the employees were storing cooked meats with raw meats due to a lack of refrigerators! Last year the upscale restaurant was warned about their refrigerator being too warm to prevent bacterial growth.

In an update on another upscale restaurant, Noma in Denmark, it turns out that restaurant staff and owners possibly ignored emailed warnings from the local health inspectors. Health officials are blaming the outbreak, in the restaurant with the longest reservation waiting list in the world, on an employee. Between 63 and 67 people reported getting sick back in February. The employee is considered a carrier of norovirus, which means they show no symptoms of the disease.

In Indiana U.S.A., parents are being warned after an increase in sick children at the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, mainly with dehydration: “We’re seeing a fair amount of kids over the past month or so.”-David Zipes

More than 25% of the residents at Carillon at Boulder Creek retirement community, in Colorado U.S.A., are sick.  14 employees are sick as well: “Since Friday, they’ve been implementing control measures to stop the spread of the illness. The facility has been handling it appropriately….”-Carol Helwig, Boulder County health official

In Danville, Virginia U.S.A., medical personnel report a 10% increase in reported cases in the past week.

More cruise ships getting hit with stomach bug.  Princess Cruises’ Ruby Princess in the Caribbean, and Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth in the Pacific are the latest to report sick passengers.

In Scotland U.K., yet another hospital closing its doors to visitors.  The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh has closed six wards.  At least 100 patients sick, along with an undisclosed number of employees.

In Canada, provincial health officials have confirmed vomiting bug outbreak across Prince Edward Island (PEI), possibly linked to the Rodd Mill River Resort.  Health officials don’t blame the resort, they suspect that the first people to get sick were actually sick before they arrived, and spread it to others.

I have some advise for anyone sick with the vomiting bug: Unless you’re at deaths door don’t go to your local hospital ER. One of my daughters was recently sick with stomach bug, and she went to a hospital in Boise, Idaho U.S.A.  She wasn’t sick enough to be admitted, but sat in the ER for six hours. She just received the bill; $3000 USD!!!  (yes, despite Obama/Romney Care we in the U.S. must still fork out big bucks for even the piddliest health care)

I’ll say again what I’ve posted in earlier reports, and what I tried to explain to my daughter:  There is no treatment for norovirus, there is no cure for norovirus, there is no vaccination for norovirus! Most people who go to hospital with norovirus are treated for dehydration.  Why spend thousands of dollars for that?

World War 3: North Korea warns South to evacuate disputed islands! Cuban officials meet with North Korean leaders! China increases business activity with North Korea despite sanctions!

16 March 2013/04 Jumada l-Ula 1434/26 Esfand 1391/05 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

DPRK media sources have indicated that the disputed island of Yeonpyeong might be the first target of their war for reunification. They specifically name the ROK Marine Corps commander in charge of the island defenses, and say he’s ignorant of what’s coming his way; “showers of fire”.

North Korea’s media also said they are waiting for any mistake made by U.S. led forces during their Key Resolve war games.  It appears DPRK leaders will use any mistake, like live fire crossing into North Korea, as an excuse to launch their reunification offensive.

China has increased border business trade with Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.  A new bridge will be built across the Apnok (Yalu) River.  Also, a Chinese company has secured the use of a dock which will allow for greater coal shipments from North Korea.

There are reports that truck transports have increased along the Hunchun-Rajin-Sonbong route.

DPRK has created a special economic zone in Rajin-Sonbong. Chinese reports say the economic zone is powered by wind mills, and lights can be seen at night where there were none before. Also, all visible DPRK military units have moved out of that area. Koreans are being encouraged to move into the area with low commercial property rents.  China has been invited to help develop the economic zone.

Other Chinese reports say that the increased trade is partly the result of North Korea easing up on their cash only policy.

On 13 March 2013, China and the DPRK began joint construction of an industrial park on Hwanggumpyong Island, in the lower reaches of the Duman (Tumen) River.  China is also in the process of laying a bullet train railway to the border with North Korea.  They hope to have it finished by 2015.

China voted for the latest UN sanctions against the DPRK, but the increased business activities suggest they have no intention of enforcing those sanctions.

And yesterday, officials from Cuba began meetings with North Korea’s Committee for Solidarity with Cuba.  The officials are planning their actions for the next year.


2 years later, 22-thousand tons of tsunami debris about to hit North America, follwed by radiation contamination!

15 March 2013/03 Jumada l-Ula 1434/25 Esfand 1391/04 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Japan’s Environment Ministry says the main part of the mass of tsunami debris, from the 11 March 2011 earthquake caused tsunamis, will begin hitting the Pacific coast of North America by April.

Using computer models they predict about 220000 tons of debris could come ashore. Japan has already paid Canada and the United States $6 million USD to help clean it up.

Following behind the tsunami debris could be radioactive debris from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear melt downs.

Researchers from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology are following radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean.  They say the water near the GE designed reactors is still showing 100 becquerels per liter of cesium 137, far higher than Japanese safe limits.

They added that in the 12 months following June 2011 (when they started tracking it) that 16.1 trillion becquerels of cesium 137 was poured into the Pacific Ocean!  The main ocean current is bringing that contamination towards North America.

The University researchers also concluded that most of the contaminated water is coming from underground sources, not from rainwater runoff as first claimed by Tokyo Electric (TEPCo), the operator of Fukushima Daiichi.  TEPCo officials now agree that the contaminated water is not from rain runoff, and admit they have yet to find the source.

For two years now, radioactive contamination has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean!

World War 3: North Korea says threats of war are for real, they are able to launch nuclear strikes now! Launch new short range missiles as proof!

I’ve seen several war ‘experts’ interviewed on U.S. and U.K. main streamer TV news programs.  Basically they believe the DPRK threats of war are rhetoric, as in the past, and that the East Asian country is years away from having enough nukes to back up those threats.

The officials of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must be watching those Western news programs because this is how they responded on 14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711.

“….the army and people of the DPRK have taken positions for a final attack for national reunification and all sophisticated strike means including nuclear strike means are waiting for an order to hit the targets.”

“All legal mechanisms for preventing military conflicts have become defunct in this land due to the unprecedented moves of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces to stifle the DPRK and their endless provocations, pushing the grave situation beyond control.”

“They are sadly mistaken if they misinterpret the present grave situation as a verbal confrontation just as they did in the past.”

Also, on 15 March 2013/03 Jumada l-Ula 1434/25 Esfand 1391/04 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711, DPRK forces launched new versions of a Soviet era short range ballistic missile. They landed in the Sea of Japan.  The KN-02 missile has an estimated range of 120 kilometers (74.5 miles).  It can be used as a tactical nuke missile.

DPRK officials also say they’ve detected large scale cyber attacks from the United States and Republic of Korea (ROK), and warned they will respond in kind.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 12 February 2013: It never stops! More closings that the Christian God can’t stop! Higher tomato prices coming, blame anti-immigrant policies! Sears Holdings experiment fails! Will housing service employees become homeless?

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, Dave’s Taverna bankrupt. The owner blamed lack of adequate parking in the downtown area (gee many businesses located in the old downtown Pocatello, Idaho, area complain of the same thing).

The National Beef Packing Company will layoff 433 people by the end of April! It will affect operations in Pennsylvania and Georgia. There are rumors that the company could drastically reduce its size, as its major buyer, Walmart, canceled their contract.

FreightCar America is possibly going to end operations in Illinois.  Employees received letters saying changes were coming that could be “permanent”.  Company officials blame the crashing coal market.  They make coal cars for railroad companies. However, FreightCar America has been laying off hundreds of people almost every year since 2007.  Also, the Mygofer store closed in Joliet. The store was an experiment of Sears Holdings, but it failed.

In New Jersey, Daiichi Sankyo pharmaceutical company, laying off at least 75 U.S. employees, as part of its Worldwide layoffs.  Company officials blamed “anticipated, near-term business challenges”.

In Massachusetts, the Inn at Harvard College will close by summer.  95 people will become unemployed.  The University wants to convert it to student housing.  Not a good idea, Idaho State University did that several years ago, buying out several motels next to the school and turning them into student housing.  They’re losing money big time because right after that several privately run student housing landlords moved in and built new student apartment buildings and are charging less than what the University is charging.

In North Carolina, Nice Price Books closing its Carrboro store. Owners blame crashing sales at the 26 years old store.

In Connecticut the theme restaurant, Rainforest, closed down without notice. Texas based company officials said the lease expired. It was probably too expensive to operate as it involved rainstorms and robotic animals. Employees said they never saw it coming: “We didn’t know, it was a surprise to us. We are all looking for jobs.”-unnamed former employee

In DeWitt, New York, the 137 years old Oberdorfer foundry will close by the beginning of May. Company officials blamed the bad economy, 86 employees will be out-o-work. East Meadow’s 35 years old grocery store, Pathmark, closing in May. The manager said all he knew was that company officials wanted to shut it down.  The Hallmark store in Auburn’s Fingerlakes Mall, closed.   The mall owners wanted to jack up the rent.

old kb toys pine ridge mall

Former location of KB Toys, which then became a Hallmark which didn't last long, in the Pine Ridge Mall, Chubbuck, Idaho

Des Moines, Iowa, laying off five Housing Services employees.  City officials blame lack of funding.

In Wisconsin, the Lutheran Social Services is closing seven of its care centers by the end of April! At least 44 employees will become unemployed.  Church officials said it was because they are not making enough money to support their operations.

East Cleveland, Ohio, laid off 21 of their police department employees.  City officials say the city is broke.

In Hazelwood, Missouri, Missouri Mercantile going bust. The owner is confused, back in 2008 he blamed his crashing sales on the economy, but so many economic ‘experts’ have been saying the economy is doing much better now that he doesn’t know what to think, because his sales have not improved.

In Texas lending company, Homeward Residential, laying off 325 employees by the end of April!  The company was taken over by Ocwen last year.  The U.S. Department of Justice is now investigating Ocwen for possible fraud in the mortgage modification program.

In California, Florida based Gargiulo to end its tomato farm operations in Somis, by April. 677 people out-o-work! Company officials did not give a reason, but a Ventura County Farm Bureau rep said it could be due to a 25% decrease in cheap migrant farm workers from south of the border, which his being caused by increased anti-immigrant policies of the U.S. government.  Also, mom-n-pop musical instrument store, Rockit Music, closed down in Brea. The owner blamed his crashing sales on competition from internet businesses.


What’s in a Prophecy? Nostradamus warns of the last Pope; a short 7 month reign of Francis and coming Civil War among Christians and failure of the War with Islam? Here comes ISON!

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

From the Edgar Leoni translations of Nostradamus poems [with my comments].

Century V Quatrain 46: Quarrels and schisms by the red hats [Catholic cardinals] When the Sabine [area of Italy associated with Francis of Assisi, Francis Assisi was introduced to the Pope by the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina] will have been elected: They will produce great sophisms [deceitful arguments, like the lies about weapons of mass destruction that Iraq never had] against him, And Rome will be injured by those of Alba [Albanians/Muslims?]

Century VIII Quatrain 93: Seven months, no more he will obtain the prelacy [high ranking Christian clerics, however newer translations have changed prelacy to papacy which is specifically referring to the Pope], Through his death a great schism will arise [civil war among Catholics/Christians?]: Seven months another will hold governorship [some have interpreted this to mean a retired Pope being recalled to duty after Francis/The Sabine dies. For the first time in 598 years there is now a retired Pope], Near Venice peace, union to arise again [I’ve read somewhere that this could mean the unification of all versions of Christianity, as in prior to the split up of the original Roman Church].

Century II Quatrain 97: Roman Pontiff [Catholic Pope] beware of approaching The city that two rivers flow through [the Tigris and Euphrates converge in Basra, Iraq, near the Bronze Age Sumerian city of Ur. There are many other cities with two rivers flowing through, but Iraq was known in ancient times specifically as the land between two rivers], Near there your blood will come to spirt, You and yours when the rose will flourish. [this could be a time reference, or a reference to any number of organizations, including the British monarchy, who use the rose as one of their symbols (the English even fought a War of the Roses).  Speaking of which, the Rosicrucian Order is one such rosy organization, with a sect of the order called Golden Dawn.  The Golden Dawn are now a major fascist political party in cash strapped Greece, in other words, the Greek Golden Dawn is flourishing. This leads us to the next Quatrain as Athens, Greece, is also a city with two rivers]

Century V Quatrain 31: Trough the Attic [Attica, a region of Greece that includes Athens] land fountain of wisdom, At present the rose of the world: The bridge [some translations have this as The Papacy or Pope] ruined, and its great pre-eminence Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves. [Attica juts into the Aegean Sea, this is significant to any War with Islam, as in ancient times the Iranian Empire crossed this area (by land and sea) to attack the Greek Empire. Of course the Iranians weren’t Muslims back then. Nostradamus’s references to Christianity and Islam should be viewed more as West vs East. Today’s Catholic church is nothing more than the continuation of the Greco/Roman Western Empire, and many of today’s Islamic Shia Iranians see the growing economic success of their country as a resurgence of their ancient Eastern Iranian (the Greeks called them Persians) Empire. So does this quatrain mean that the current invasion of Muslim dominated East by the Christian dominated West (aka War on Terror) will end in catastrophic failure for the West?]

Century II Quatrain 41: The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff will change country.  [Gregorian year 2013 is being called the year of the comets.  Already comet PanSTARRS has been seen in the Southern Hemisphere country of Australia (Pope Francis calls the Southern Hemisphere his home), and it should be visible in the North now. There will be a couple of other comets before we get to the big one later in the year.  Last year Russian astronomers discovered C/2012 S1 ISON (don’t forget about the meteor that hit Russia last month).  S1 ISON is so big that if it survives its turn around our Sun (at the end of 2013) astronomers say it will be as bright as our Moon, and will appear alongside our Sun during the day, accentuated by a spectacular dusty comet trail (“The cloud will cause two suns to appear”).  Regarding the pontiff changing countries, in the past the Catholic church has moved its HQ to France in times of emergencies.  Something could happen around the time of S1 ISON’s journey around the Sun to scare the Catholics out of Vatican City.]

What Economic Recovery? Pocatello, Idaho, loses another business!

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Scott's Ski & Sports going out-o-business! This used to be an appliance/electronics store a while back. Scott's moved in from another location a few years ago.

Long time winter sports equipment supplier (as well as bikes and other sporting stuff) in Pocatello, Idaho, going out of business.  There’s currently no mention on their website, and so far no mention in the local media.

More proof Obama is in league with the Beast?

That no one may buy or sell again except one who has the mark of the name of The Beast or the number of its name.-Revelation 13:17, Aramaic Bible

The news source Reuters says they’ve seen a U.S. Treasury document that authorizes the CIA and NSA to have access to your bank account!

“The Obama administration is drawing up plans to give all U.S. spy agencies full access to a massive database that contains financial data on American citizens….”-Reuters

Up ’till now only the FBI had such access. The Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency currently have to make case by case requests on specific accounts.

Officials with the Obama administration say allowing the CIA and NSA full and free access to your bank account is part of the War on Terror and is legal.