All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Norovirus update 07 April 2013: Schools hit hard! Man’s best friend being blamed! Stomach bug being confused with meningitis, with deadly results! Resistant lice?

Alaska U.S.A., reporting norovirus outbreak in several high schools.  One school reported 140 students out sick in one day.

Stark County, Ohio U.S.A., reporting outbreaks: “We are seeing a large increase of individuals going in for vomiting. We know that we had a confirmed outbreak of norovirus in our county. Those residents were on the eastern end of our county. I don’t know off the top of my head how many we had.”-Christina Henning, Canton Health Department

Mitchell College, in Connecticut U.S.A., hit with outbreak: “Just started throwing up constantly for about four hours.”-John Kaczkowski

“It was only like 24 hours when I got it. It went by pretty fast. Some people had it longer like two or three days.”-Zenoba Howard

Schools in Wake County, North Carolina U.S.A., reporting outbreaks.

Schools in Maine U.S.A., say 28% of all absences are caused by norovirus.

The Southwest Public Health District, in Georgia U.S.A., reporting outbreaks in nursing homes, childcare centers, schools and restaurants.

Montana U.S.A., Richland County Health Department warning residents of norovirus, after three people came down with it in the sparsely populated county.

Regency Park Assisted Living Center, in Oregon U.S.A., hit with outbreak: “We immediately went into action because it spreads so quickly. We did everything that we had to do.”-Pat Holahan, director

Health officials in Muskegon County, Michigan U.S.A., say they’re still dealing with outbreaks.  At least five group care homes have reported outbreaks: “It’s still moving rapidly throughout the community. It just rolls through and it’s easily transmissible.”-Ken Kraus, Public Health

Several other counties, in Michigan U.S.A., are reporting spikes in cases. And schools are reporting two types of outbreaks; lice and norovirus. Several public and private schools being hit hard.  Of note: School officials and parents are reporting that off the shelf lice treatments are not having any effect on this year’s lice.

In California U.S.A., Marin County health officials declared the outbreak at Deer Park Retirement Residence, finished.  Also, Nevada County health officials reporting an outbreak in a local nursing home.

In Illinois U.S.A., nine people from Scandinavian countries arrived at the O’Hare airport sick with possible norovirus.

A new study blows away what doctors used to think, that norovirus was specific to humans.  A study at the University of Helsinki, in Finland, says your dog might be the cause: “Our results suggest that HuNoVs can survive in the canine gastrointestinal tract. Whether these viruses can replicate in dogs remains unresolved, but an association of pet dogs playing a role in transmission of NoVs that infect humans is obvious.”

A British newspaper reported an increase in stomach illness in March.  The article implied there was a connection to the coldest March in the past 50 years.

In Reading, United Kingdom, the Royal Berkshire hospital imposed visitor restrictions because of an outbreak.  This is the third time this year.

In Bristol, United Kingdom, an investigation is underway after a five years old girl died.  She died of meningitis, but had been diagnosed and treated for viral gastroenteritis.

Regional Public Health in Wellington, New Zealand, are trying to determine if an outbreak of gastroenteritis at the Karori Normal School was caused by norovirus.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 19 February 2013: Proof that taxpayer funded casinos can’t save your economy! More health care jobs cut! Thousands more people losing their jobs!

Bissett Produce, in North Carolina, bankrupt.  The company was started in 1933, marketing mainly sweet potatoes.  Company officials blame declining revenues and increased debt. 40 to 100 employees affected.

Another video game company lays off employees. Activision laid off 30 people in California.  Because of the bad economy company officials plan on releasing fewer games this year. And reports that Nanosolar laid off 75% of its employees in San Jose. Company officials would only say “…the company is in a quiet period and will not be issuing any formal statements.”

Powell Steel, in Pennsylvania, bankrupt. Company officials blame declining revenues and increased debt.  They say they’re $6 million USD in debt. 75 employees affected.  Also, TE Connectivity laid off up to 80 employees. They plan on laying off up to 200 employees in the next few months! Company officials blame a decline in demand for electronics.  The city of Jeanette forced to layoff employees. The city is facing a budget shortfall of half a million dollars, and a court ordered settlement of $200000 after they dissed a resident over permits and taxes.

NewPage paper mill, in Wisconsin, laid off 300 people! Company officials blame the bad economy for a decline in demand for paper.  And Bergmann Pharmacy, in Middleton, closed down. A store manager said “Insurance reimbursements continue to decrease, and it’s become difficult to stay profitable with decreased reimbursements.”  (blame Obama/Romney Care)

Revel Casino, in New Jersey, threatening bankruptcy.  The casino has been open for less than 12 months.  It cost $2.4 billion to build ($300 million from state taxpayers!).  Reports say the casino ended last year with a loss, and is at least $1.5 billion in debt. Some blame Hurricane Sandy, but the casino is also facing lawsuits.

In Florida, Perry Hotel lays off 138 employees.  Company officials say it’s due to major remodeling of the hotel. STK Miami Service, which runs a restaurant in the hotel, laid off 84 employees.  And after 20 years the Georgio’s restaurant closing down in Tallahassee. The restaurant owner blamed the closing on the property owner.

In Tennessee, LifePoint hospitals warned of layoffs for its 29000 employees country wide!  LifePoint also revised its expected 2013 earnings downward.

In New York, Lakeside Hospital laying off at least 120 employees! The hospital is being restructured.  U.S. based military contractor, Dyncorp, laying off 150 people at Fort Drum!  The company is consolidating operations. And Kayex Crystal Growing Technologies factory, in Rochester, closing down in May. 65 employees affected. Company officials say the solar power market is crashing.

Another military contractor, General Dynamics, laid off 29 workers at a munitions factory in Ohio.  Also, Boardman’s Ice Zone ice rink closing down in May, due to lack of profits.

General Electric laying off 500 people at their Appliance Park in Kentucky!  GE blames the bad economy for a decline in refrigerator sales.

In Michigan, Demmer laid off 90 employees. Company officials blamed a slowdown in orders from the defense industry, oil/gas industry and commercial heavy fabrication. Old Navy closing a clothing store in Benton Harbor. In Jackson, the Granary restaurant closed down.

In Buckhead, Georgia, Lenox Square Grill closed down.

The Blue Wasabi Sushi & Martini Bar closed in the Hilton Village, in Arizona.

In Colorado, after 25 years Loveland’s Anthology Book store closed down. The owners said sales sucked: “You can’t run a bookstore if you’re not selling books.”-Stephanie Stauder

Another book store closing, in Indiana. Mudsock Books & Curiosity Shoppe closed because the economy sucks: “The money has flowed in the wrong direction for almost five years. We couldn’t seem to get the volume we needed, and never even broke even.”-Cindy Rushton

Also in Indiana, Bonnie & Clyde’s Soda Shop closed down. The owner was trying to purchase the building he was operating out of, but the deal fell through, and he said it wasn’t worth it to keep paying the rent.

In New Hampshire, Portsmouth’s Upper Crust pizza place out-o-business.

Germany company BASF, shutting down its Henderson, Nebraska, operation.  BASF is also ending operations in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota.  The problem is the BASF plants were making a specific product that BASF was unable to find a marketing partner to sell them.

In Minnesota, the Saint Rose Christian school closing down.  The school’s pastor blamed it on declining enrollment and lack of funding from the church.

In Kansas, Zales Jewelers closed down in the Hutchison Mall.  No reason given.  Zales is based in Kansas.

Blockbuster video store revealed it will close at least 20 stores in Texas.

Alaska Communications ending operations in Fairbanks, although company officials claim they won’t layoff any employees.

World War 3, East Asian Front: More capitalist companies shut down in the KIR! Capitalist employees claim they’ve not been forced to leave!

07 April 2013 (20:56 UTC-07 Tango 06 April 2013)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1391/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The DPRK’s blockade of the Kaesŏng Industrial Region (KIR) is having an effect on the ROK capitalist companies operating there.

At this point four South Korean companies have had to cease operations. Three of them were involved with textiles, the fourth made machinery.

On Saturday a South Korean employee, who finally left the KIR, said he doesn’t recall hearing the North Koreans ordering him to leave:  “The security has tightened in the North, but I haven’t received any order to leave the complex. Our company is still in operation because we have some materials left. But in the next three to four days, we will probably reach a critical point.”-Kim Jin-ho

On Friday the estimated 53000 North Koreans working at the KIR refused to show up for work.  ROK officials say there is a little more than 500 South Koreans still working in the complex.

H7N9 update: Suspected cases in Taiwan! More cities ban poultry!

07 April 2013 (20:33 UTC-07 Tango 06 April 2013)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1391/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Nanjing joins Hangzhou and Shanghai in banning live poultry markets.

In Hong Kong, health officials say a seven years old girl brought in to hospital Friday afternoon, tested negative for H7N9.

In Taiwan, health officials have tested six people who returned from mainland China.  They say two tested positive for H1N1, two have bacterial infections and the tests for two others are still out.  Health officials added that 20 people arriving at the airport, from China, had fevers. But, because they had not been to the provinces reporting H7N9 they were allowed to go home.

Some Taiwanese hospitals will hold H7N9 drills next week.  Agriculture officials have increased inspections of livestock for signs the new virus.

Radiation contamination continues in Japan, proof is in the pudding of sewage treatment plants!

06 April 2013 (13:12 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1392/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The prefecture of Fukushima is revealing that the sludge generated at their sewage treatment plants continue to show radiation contamination.

At this point they have 68000 tons of radioactive sludge built up.  Other prefectures are reporting similar radioactive sludge.

This is proof the GE designed reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant are still spewing radiation.

Fukushima Prefecture, along with Japan’s Environment Ministry, has installed an experimental sludge dryer, to speed up the evaporation of liquid from the sludge.
This will make it easier to store the dried hazardous material.

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 06 April 2013. Mujahideen Spring Offensive escalating! U.S. Congress frees U.S. citizen arrested for corruption! Former Soviet soldier refuses to return to birth place!

06 April 2013/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

U.S. led NATO troops and contractors killed. ISAF said: “Three International Security Assistance Force service members and two coalition civilians died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.”

In Zabul Province, a suicide bomber targeted a U.S. led provincial reconstruction team (PRT), and the local provincial governor.  The governor was not hurt, but his doctor, and at least three U.S. personnel and two foreign contractors were killed.  Five afghans wounded.  Later in the day U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, said a U.S. State Department female employee was among those killed: “I wish everyone in our country could see first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard and hazardous work our diplomats do on the front lines in the world’s most dangerous places.”

In Helmand Province, Musa Kala District, 80 local cops/militia men joined the Mujahideen. The men went AWOL from their posts and approached the local Mujahideen for membership.  Their names were publicized.

05 April 2013/24 Jumada l-Ula 1434/16 Farvardin 1391/25 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Balkh Province, Akhcha District, locals say U.S. forces kidnapped nine tribal elders in a daring helicopter raid. They said the elders were driving to a meeting in Shubr Ghan District when several helicopters landed around their vehicle.

In Logar Province, Baraki Barak District, Mujahideen ambushed a U.S./NATO led foot patrol.   Mujahideen retreated when attack helicopters showed up.

In Kunar Province, Noorgal District, Mujahideen ambushed a U.S.-NATO/Afghan patrol. Another U.S.-NATO/Afghan unit arrived to join the fight. One U.S.-NATO troop killed. One Afghan National Army (ANA) troop killed. One Mujahid wounded.

In Kandahar, Panjwai District, Mujahideen say they led a U.S./NATO unit into a booby trapped compound near a cemetary. They say after the explosions three medivac helicopters were seen rescuing the occupying troops.

In Uruzgan Province, Char Chino District, three ANA officers joined the Mujahideen.

In Nangarhar Province, Khogiyani District, five policemen were killed or wounded while they were trying to diffuse a landmine.

Afghan police arrested a U.S. citizen on corruption charges.  U.S. Congressmen intervened and got the guy freed.  The corrupt U.S. Congressmen now want legal action against cops who arrested him: “Those who unlawfully detained him need to be held accountable, especially given that this occurred at the hands of those who are supposed to be our ally.”-Scott Rigell, U.S. Representative from Virginia

Study after study (including those being done by the U.S. government) shows the majority of corruption is being done by the hands of U.S. military and contractors. More than 100 U.S. citizens have been quietly prosecuted by the United States.

Recently a former Soviet soldier, missing in action for 33 years was found.  Now the Warriors-Internationalists Affairs Committee says they’ve tried to help him return to his native Uzbekistan, but he refuses (even though he cried when he heard his brother’s voice on a recorded greeting).  He says he was rescued by Afghans after his Soviet unit was ambushed and he was wounded.  A local village took care of him and he decided to stay. He says he’s been treated better by Afghans: “I have spent most of my life here, there’s nothing to talk about.”

Deputy U.S. ambassador in Afghanistan, Hugo Lawrence, told the local media that an “important decision” regarding the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan will be made, but added “United States of America will remain committed towards the security pact between Kabul and Washington and we emphasize that the pact will prove better for the national interest of the two nations.”

H7N9 update: China approves anti-viral drug! Two more people infected! The sooner you’re diagnosed, the better your chances of recovery!

06 April 2013 (10:46 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Health officials in Shanghai say two more people are infected with H7N9.  So far 18 people infected in the past couple of weeks, six have died.

The two new cases are men, one aged 66 the other 74.  They began showing symptoms at the end of March and are now hospitalized with pneumonia.

There are also reports that people who get diagnosed soon enough will recover within 48 hours.

Chinese media sayting that even though the health warnings have been made, most people in Shanghai didn’t think anything of it until they saw the poultry culling: “Suddenly I discover that I’m living in an epidemic zone!”-Liu Leting

The Chinese Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of peramivir diluted in sodium chloride for use on people sick with the new bird flu.  They claim it shows signs of working in preliminary testing.

Corporate Incompetence: Strontium leaking in Japan!

06 April 2013 (02:00 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1392/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) reports a strontium leak around the GE designed disaster reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.

TEPCo says they discovered a large inground waste water holding tank/pool is leaking.  The water is contaminated with deadly strontium.  So far 120 tons of water has leaked out.

They are now transferring the water into other tanks.  As usual, TEPCo does not know why the tank is leaking.

World War 3, Leviathan Front: Russia sending warships to “defend their interests”!

06 April 2013 (01:53 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

A Russian fleet has just passed India, on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. This after the ECB and IMF took over Cyprus with a bailout that is raiding bank accounts and keeping Russia from taking part in the Block 12 Aphrodite gas fields in the Levant Basin.

Russia also maintains the port of Tartus in Syria.

On 11 March 2013, Russian media revealed that orders were given to create a permanent naval force in the Mediterranean, for the purpose of defending Russian interests: “The defense minister has ordered us to form a task force that will operate in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis.”-Admiral Viktor Chirkov

The new Mediterranean Fleet is being built up with ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet.

the war in Syria, and in Lebanon, is about Leviathan’s petroleum!

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 17-18 February 2013: Reader’s Digest busted! Thousands more laid off! No final paychecks for Idaho employees! Even Obama can’t save famous Burger joint!

Reader’s Digest bankrupt. RDA Holding, the company that owns the little magazine, blames the bankruptcy on lost sales due to internet media.

YMCA in South Brunswick, New Jersey,  bankrupt: “Like so many businesses and organizations in our area, the South Brunswick Family YMCA has been adversely affected by the economic recession.”

In Virginia, Arlington County is warning that they could layoff 20 county employees.  They blame a $50 million USD budget shortfall.

In Washington DC, Ray’s Hell-Burger and Ray’s Hell-Burger Too restaurants closed down. This is the joint where President Obama had a photo op in.  The restaurants were closed for failing to pay rent.  The Restaurant owner did not comment to media.

Granite City Elementary School, Illinois, shut down. The school was opened in 1928. The school district said the old building became too expensive to maintain.

Conotton Valley Union Local Schools District, Ohio, might have to shut down an elementary school. They say they’re $400000 in debt.

United Technologies to layoff 3000 more employees in 2013!  United Technologies has already been selling off divisions. Their announcement did not specify the locations of the factory closings and layoffs. Company officials blame “…the demands of the prevailing market conditions.”

In Emmett, Idaho, the Emerald Forest Products lumber mill shut down without notice, and some reports said without paying employees final paychecks (I experienced that back in September 2012, when Metro Couriers went bust without notice, and no help from Idaho Job Service).  According to signs on the company’s gate Emerald Forest Products was getting money from U.S. taxpayers ($4 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act). Media reports did not explain why the mill closed, but gave the impression lumber mills in Idaho could only operate profitably with tax payer subsidies. (so much for Idaho being a Republican Right Wing Conservative state)

In San Diego, California, Pfizer shut down its CovX operation. 100 people out-o-work!  Basically Pfizer decided the CovX operation wasn’t worth it.

In Georgia, Formal Elegance women’s clothing stores being closed in Columbus. The owner said “…I can no longer support the Columbus Consolidated Government with my tax dollars.”  Also in Columbia County, three KFC restaurants closed down.  The owner said “It was just impossible to make any money.” 75 employees lost their jobs. And in North Augusta, Al’s Family Restaurant shut down.  The owner said “The economy bites the bullet on another one.”

In Liberty, New York, Liberty Lanes bowling alley shut down.  The owners said they could no longer make the property tax payments because the local government keeps raising them even though the economy sucks.

In Wisconsin, after 90 years in business E.J. Salentine Buick dealer closed down in Muskego.  The owners blamed GM on cancelling the production of Pontiacs, which was the dealer’s bread and butter brand.  Apparently most people in their area don’t want Buicks. In Brookfield, Maroon Bells of Colorado closed down. Owners did not explain why. Planned Parenthood closes four clinics. The state ended taxpayer funding.

In Iowa, all Blockbuster video stores closed down!

The music store, Whyevernot, closed in Mystic, Connecticut. The owner retired.

In Texas, Fratelli’s Authentic Italian Cuisine Restaurant closed down.  The owners said they were not able to renew their lease.

In Maryland, distributor of snacks, candy and tobacco products, Marley Neck, ending operations in Baltimore.  200 employees out-o-work!  Company officials say they lost a major customer.