All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, Africa Front: Arab Spring in Tunis part of CIA Israeli al Qaeda recruiting scam!

24 April 2013 (02:07 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Jumada t-Tania 1434/04 Ordibehest 1391/15 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Ever since the so called Arab Spring ‘democracy’ revolution in the African country of Tunis (Tunisia), Tunisians say thousands of young men, women and even children have been recruited by the U.S. CIA, in league with Turkey, Greece and Israel to go and fight and die for al Qaeda in the U.S. backed war in the West Asian country of Syria!

“I know that Turkey has facilitated my son’s entry to Syria. I blame the Turkish authorities for the sorrow of Tunisian and Syrian mothers. One of our youths has left for Syria with his wife and daughter. They were sold. Is this what they call jihad?”-Tunisian grandmother protesting recruitment of Tunisians for False Flag war in Syria

“We are poor people. My son did not have money or a passport to travel to Turkey, but he has been recruited by people who have financial resources.”-Tunisian father protesting False Flag recruitment

“International networks are recruiting young people…Qatar and other countries are serving the interests of America and Israel.  We are aware that the zionists and their allies are conspiring against the resistance movement in Syria….to occupy more land.”-Monji Rahoui, Tunisian Member of Parliament

To understand the Israeli conspiracy that’s being called Arab Spring, research Oded Yinon, a zionist who actually published the basic plan back in 1982.

World War 3, North American Front: Gun Control Obama style, by executive order!

24 April 2013 (01:42 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Jumada t-Tania 1434/04 Ordibehest 1391/15 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“….Barack Obama……the most sinister character in the history of the United States.”-Fidel Castro Ruz, retired dictator(?)

In January 2013, President Barack Obama issued 23 executive orders, oh, I mean actions (yes the official title has been changed from executive order to executive action).  I found two of the actions interesting, as they are directly related to Obama/Romney Care and gun control:  2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. 

Why would owning a gun affect your health care, and why do doctors need to ask you if you have a gun?  (see my Gun Control California style article)

After the U.S. Senate defeated the Obama sponsored gun bill, VP Biden made it clear Obama was going to issue new executive orders, I mean actions:  “….I’ve been around here a long time and we’ve already done, because of you [anti-American anti-gun freaks], some really good things. Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he’s going to be taking later this week.-Joe Biden, Vice president of U.S.A., 18 April 2013 statement to anti-gun lobby

Obama, the main streamer media, and the anti-American lobby have been using a bullshit poll to claim that 90% of the public wants gun control.  The poll surveyed only 1711 people mainly in northeastern anti-gun states.

On 19 April 2013, “…the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius initiated a rulemaking process to remove unnecessary legal barriers under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule that may prevent states from reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)….”

Realize that the 2nd Amendment is not talking about hunting or sporting weapons, it is specifically about citizens owning military style weapons, that’s what the word “arms” means in the amendment.   On 22 April 2013, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced that Obama issued an executive amendment giving the U.S. Attorney General authority over “…defense articles and defense services as part of the statutory USML for purposes of permanent import controls…”,  basically control over imported guns, ammo and gun parts.

This is part of the Obama supported United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

“….Barack Obama……the most sinister character in the history of the United States.”-Fidel Castro Ruz, retired dictator(?)


World War 3, North American Front: Gun Control California style, they’re gunnin’ for your weapons, the rest of the U.S. is next!

24 April 2013 (00:42 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Jumada t-Tania 1434/04 Ordibehest 1391/15 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“We are fortunate in California to have the first and only system in the nation that tracks and identifies individuals who at one time made legal purchases of firearms but are now barred from possessing them. However, due to a lack of resources, only a few of these illegally possessed weapons have been confiscated, and the mountain of firearms continues to grow each day.”-Mark Leno, state senator from San Francisco

California has already been registering and confiscating guns, and now the state legislature approved expanding the confiscation program by $24 million USD. (gee, I though the Golden State was strapped for cash, I mean look at all the education and social program cuts they’ve enacted)

The proponents of SB 140 claim there are 40000 guns they want to take away from California residents.   The program will probably be paid for by the imposition of new taxes.

California has been registering gun owners for awhile now, and anyone who seeks mental health help, no matter how insignificant it might be, has their weapons taken away.

You can also lose your gun if someone has the court issue a restraining order against you.

California cops do not need a search warrant to come into your house to take your guns.  If you refuse to let them in you’ll be arrested on suspicion of owning illegal guns.

According to media reports, in the past five years California has confiscated 5000 guns.

Anti-American anti-gun freaks admit they’re using California as a beta test (final stage of testing) to end the 2nd Amendment right to gun ownership: “This makes enormous sense and is one of the only ways available to reduce access to already purchased firearms. Universal background checks, as much as we should have them, can affect only the next gun purchased, not the sizable reservoir of guns already out there.”-Deborah Azrael, Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center

Anti-American anti-gun freaks admit they are pushing state governments to ban guns, since the federal government has failed to do so: “The gun-control movement’s best options now are gun-control laws at the state.”-Adam Winker, UCLA law professor

The governor of California is expected to sign SB 140 into law.

H7N9 update: More evidence human infections not from birds! False Flag human made virus?

24 April 2013 (00:18 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Jumada t-Tania 1434/04 Ordibehest 1391/15 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Researchers with the China Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) released the results of their study of the new H7N9 ‘bird’ flu.

They tested 970 poultry from farms and markets.  Only 20 were positive, and those were from poultry markets.  None of the poultry from the farms, in Shanghai City and Anhui Province, were infected.  This suggests the birds got sick after being brought into contact with humans at the markets!

Three weeks ago Japanese warned that this ‘bird’ flu had mutated into a human flu, and that culling of poultry wouldn’t stop its spread.

The CAAS researchers basically confirmed what Japanese researchers discovered at the beginning of April, that the gene sequence is unique for a H7 flu.

They identified genes from several different viruses, but the HA and NA genes are not identifiable.

It’s interesting that two weeks ago health officials in Thailand and China stated that H7N9 is new to continental Asia, and that it came from the U.S.  A Chinese PLA Air Force officer accused the U.S. of biological warfare.

World War 3, North American Front: Heretic New York mayor wants to destroy the United States!

23 April 2013 (11:52 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Dip schtick anti-American New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, revealed himself as the anti-American terrorist that he is.  He is demanding we get rid of our Constitution in exchange for enhanced security!  He justified the destruction of the U.S. Constitution on the grounds that the terrorists want to “take away our freedoms”!  Hello Bloomberg, if you get rid of the current Constitution then you have in fact taken away our freedoms, you are the terrorist!

Don’t take my word, read what the heretic said himself:  “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry.  But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will.  And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.  Look, we live in a very dangerous world.  We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms.”-Michael Bloomberg, heretic

Government Evil: Ricin letters fabricated False Flag op!

23 April 2013 (11:38 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“The searches are concluded, not one single shred of evidence was found to indicate Kevin could have done this.”-Christi McCoy, defense attorney

The Federal Bureau of Investigation now admits there is no evidence of ricin manufacturing in the suspects home.  This after a judge, a U.S. Senator and President Obama supposedly got letters laced with the poison.

At the ongoing pretrial hearing the FBI could not produce any evidence: “There was no apparent ricin, castor beans or any material there that could be used for the manufacturing, like a blender or something.”-Brandon Grant, FBI agent

The FBI said their main evidence against the suspect are the initials used to sign the poison letters, which seem to match the suspect’s.  Also, the suspect routinely posted anti-government statements, and published a book accusing the federal government of making money by harvesting human organs from recently deceased people.  (gee, he’s a suspect because of what he wrote? Did he actually write that he was gonna kill people, or that the government was killing people? What happened to freedom of expression?)

“He is the perfect scapegoat, the perfect patsy, and it’s really sad because at first everybody’s like, you know, he’s kind of crazy, maybe he did it. But as the searches continued, there’s just nothing on this guy. Nothing on his computers, in his car, in his house.”-Christi McCoy, defense attorney


What Democracy? FBI investigation nabs bribe taking Republicans and Democrats!

23 April 2013 (10:02 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“That’s politics, it’s all about how much. Not about whether or will, it’s about how much, and that’s our politicians in New York, they’re all like that.”-attributed to Daniel Halloran, one of six ‘elected’ officials charged with bribery

The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested six New York politicians on bribery charges.  Supposedly the investigation started after a witness to the bribery blew the whistle.

Three are Republicans, three are Democrats.  Four are from New York City, two from Spring Valley.  It’s reported they pled not guilty.

The FBI says the exalted ‘elected’ officials accepted tens of thousands of U.S. dollars in cash and real estate bribes, and one even promised to divert taxpayer funds to a contractor in exchange for more bribes.

“It seems that a culture of corruption has developed and grown, just like barnacles on a boat bottom. And just as with barnacles on a boat bottom, when a growth is permitted to spread and grow unchecked, it unsurprisingly takes an unrelenting, collective effort to clean up.”-Preet Bharara, federal attorney

Government Evil: Scum bag ‘christian’ U.S. politician says he would torture False Flag Boston Bombing suspect!

23 April 2013 (09:37 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

When I was a Cold War warrior for the United States one of our claims to greatness is that we, in the U.S., would not do what our enemies do, such as torture (as well as restrict freedom of expression or restrict our right to own military weapons, or establish a single government sponsored religious order).

Yet another U.S. politician has proven that he is no better then the enemy, and is willing to violate U.S. and international laws against torture.

Scum bag ‘christian’ state senator in New York, Greg Ball, questioned on the internet anyone who would not torture the surviving “scum bag” Boston Bombing suspect!

Maybe evil false christian (infidel) Greg Ball would like to read the indictment of the former Bush Jr administration, and current Obama administration concerning torture?

Genetic switches found in people with schizophrenia!

23 April 2013 (09:22 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Neurobiology of Diseases published findings from a joint Tel Aviv University and John Hopkins University study looking for genetic signs of schizophrenia.

They examined nerve cells from the subjects’ noses.

Medical scientists say they applied research that has found genetic switches that cause other conditions like diabetes and cancer.  They found three genetic controls that were active in all the schizophrenics in the study, but not in the ‘normal’ test subjects.

Currently the only way to diagnose schizophrenia is by subjective opinions of mental health officials.

H7N9 update: 108 cases, 22 deaths!

23 April 2013 (09:10 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

China’s Anhui Province reported a 91 years old man hospitalized with the new ‘bird’ flu.  He is critical.

Zhejiang Province reported two more human cases, an 84 years old retiree and a 62 years old farmer, both in critical condition.  Also, an 86 years old man died from H7N9.

It was confirmed that the case reported in Shandong Province yesterday, is caused by H7N9.  It’s the first human H7N9 infection in that province.  The patient is a 36 years old man who whole-sells construction supplies, apparently no contact with birds.

In Henan Province, a 65 years old man is considered recovered.  He became sick with fever, cough and muscle pain on 08 April, was hospitalized on 10 April, tested positive for H7N9 on 11 April but was not confirmed as a H7N9 case until 14 April.

China’s national health officials ordered that all ‘recovered’ patients must still be monitored by local health officials.