All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, Asia-Pacific Front: U.S. cyber attack units deploying for war with China!

27 June 2013 (19:54 UTC-07 Tango 26 June 2013)/18 Sha’ban 1434/06 Tir 1391/20 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Defense announced it will increase the number of cyber attack units in the Asia-Pacific Theater of War from the current ten, to 27 attack units over the next three years.

Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, stresses that U.S. forces are most vulnerable on their cyber flanks.  This suggests that U.S. high tech military equipment must be easy to hack.

The People’s Hero, Edward Snowden, has revealed that the United States is behind most international cyber attacks!

Martial Law U.S.A.: Pro-gun rights demonstrator tazed by cops, then has his home set on fire!

26 June 2013 (13:50 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Sha’ban 1434/05 Tir 1391/19 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In New Hampshire, more than a week ago a pro-2nd Amendment demonstrator, who was part of a group protesting a Mayors Against Guns/No More Names rally, was grabbed by three cops, and then tazed, as onlookers booed and videoed the cops.   You can heard some of the crowd say “He’s not fighting you.”

Several days later the tazed man returned to his home to find it on fire.  Police swear the fire was an accident.

World War 3, Martial Law U.S.A.: Canadian diplomat says U.S. citizens complicit in their own destruction!

26 June 2013 (12:50 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Sha’ban 1434/05 Tir 1391/19 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“To preserve its perilous dominance the U.S. today is arming against its own people….”-Peter Dale Scott, former English Professor at the University of California Berkeley, May 2012

Also a former Canadian diplomat, Peter Dale Scott, attended a meeting in Russia in May 2012.  He was commenting on U.S. foreign policy and potential threats to Russia.  He also realized that the people of the United States have backed way off their anti-government protests since Obama became president, and are seemingly complicit in the federal government’s totalitarian agenda.

Peter Dale Scott: What particularly concerns me is the relative absence of public response in America to a long-term Pentagon-CIA agenda of aggressive military hegemonism – or what I will call “dominationism.” No doubt many Americans may think that a global pax Americana will secure a period of peace, much like the pax Romana of two millennia ago. I myself am confident that it will not: rather, like the imperfect pax Britannica of a century ago, it will lead inevitably to major conflict, possibly nuclear war. For the secret of the pax Romana was that Rome, under Hadrian, withdrew from Mesopotamia and accepted strict limits to its area of dominance. Britain never achieved that wisdom until too late; America, to date, has never achieved it at all.

And so very few in America seem to care about Washington’s global domination project, at least since the failure of massive protests to prevent the Iraq War. We have seen much critical examination of why America fought in Vietnam, and even the American involvement in atrocities like the Indonesian massacre of 1965. Authors like Noam Chomsky and William Blum have chronicled America’s criminal acts since World War Two, but without any prominent concern about the recent acceleration of American military expansiveness. Only a few, like Chalmers Johnson and Andrew Bacevich, have written about the progressive consolidation of a war machine that now dominates America’s political processes.

It is also striking that, until quite recently, the nascent Occupy movement has had little to say about America’s unprovoked wars; I am not sure they have even targeted the militarization of surveillance, law enforcement, and detention camps which are so important a part of the domestic apparatus of repression that threatens their own survival – the so-called “continuity of government” (COG) measures by which America’s military planners have prepared never again to have to deal with a successful American anti-war movement. 

…….I hope that Americans will mobilize against American dominationism, and call for a policy declaration, either from the administration or from Congress, that would:

1) explicitly renounce past Pentagon calls for “full spectrum dominance” as a military objective for American foreign policy,

2) reject as unacceptable the deeply-ingrained practice of preemptive wars,

3) renounce categorically any US plans for the permanent use of military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Kyrgyzstan, and

4) recommit the United States to conducting future military operations in accordance with the procedures set out in the United Nations Charter.

Scott published in 2003 a book that established that U.S. foreign policy is about propping up the Nixon created U.S. petro-dollar system, and that the military uses drug trafficking to fund ever escalating operations. The book is called Drugs, Oil and War.

Martial Law U.S.A.: Fluoride Wars, people accused of being terrorists when they question water quality! Proof it’s a class warfare thing!

26 June 2013 (00:58 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Sha’ban 1434/05 Tir 1391/19 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“We take water quality very seriously. Very, very seriously. But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism.”-Sherwin Smith, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, threatening the public for questioning water quality reports on 29 May 2013

In 1964 Stanley Kubrick raised the issue of fluoridated water in his Cold War satire Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; a crazed USAF SAC commander goes nuts and blames it on fluoridated water.  Maybe Kubrick was on to something.

Phillipe Grandjean has just published a book, Only One Chance: How Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain Development.  He states that fluoride (aka fluorine) is one of 213 known toxic chemicals that lower your intelligence (turns you into an idiot!).

The U.S. EPA now includes fluoride on its list of Chemicals with Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity.

There are dozens more studies that prove how damaging fluoride really is (and I expect to get more people writing me asking for proof of those studies, and my answer is get off your butt and do the research yourself, I ain’t getting paid for this!), yet local governments in the United States, and other countries where English is the primary language, continue to insist putting fluoride in the drinking water.

A chemist at Texas A&M University has developed a way to detect fluoride in water.  This is important as past investigations have revealed that some water departments have been adding fluoride even after telling the residents they were not.  Francois P. Gabbai has received a $400000 USD federal grant to conduct further tests on his organometallic molecule tester.  The tester glows if there’s fluoride in the water.

In Florida U.S.A., “Given the weight of this new scientific evidence, and the widespread availability of alternative topical fluoride sources (toothpaste, mouth rinses), the Wayland Board of Health is considering suspending the Community Water Fluoridation program.”  Residents are asked to voice their opinions at the Board of Health will hold a public hearing at Wayland Town Building on 08 July 2013.

In New Zealand, after the Hamilton City Council decided to stop fluoridating the water local news media and health officials went on the warpath, brainwashing residents into thinking they will suffer without fluoride.  The result is that 500 homes in the Waikato District have signed up to pay to have bottled fluoridated water brought to their homes!  Idiots!  There’s even a petition drive to get fluoridation reinstated.  Idiots!  In Palmerston North, next year’s fluoridation is being debated.  It will cost taxpayers $10000 NZD. The Fluoride Action Network submitted reports that showed dental improvements in other countries happened independent of fluoridation (in other words, fluoride had nothing to do with it)!  The Mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker, refused to allow fluoridation in the city water supply, saying it should be an individual’s choice!  Prime Minster John Key said anti-fluoride claims are “overstated”.  In Marlborough evidence that fluoridation of water is just a taxpayer funded economic incentive to force people to buy clean bottled water and water filters: “Those who don’t want fluoride should source their water elsewhere, like bottled water.”-Ed Kiddle, Nelson Marlborough Medical Officer

“There now exist many valid scientific studies, peer reviewed articles and much literature illustrating the negative impact of drinking water treated with fluoride contaminants such as hydrofluorocilicic acid, and there are no genuine studies illustrating any benefits whatsoever.  For some unexplained and unconscionable reasons, government health authorities have refused to conduct clinical trials and toxicology studies on this medicinal product, contrary to their own regulations on the administration of medicinal products and substances. Any dentist can tell you that fluoride only works topically.”-Troy Walts, Watertown, New Zealand

In Minnesota U.S.A., Citizens for Clean Water: St. Cloud are campaigning to stop fluoridation.  They even point to a 2011 Texas study that says fluoride does not prevent tooth decay: “After nine years and $3 million of adding fluoride, research shows tooth decay hasn’t dropped among the poorest of Bexar County’s children. It has only increased — up 13 percent this year.”

In Wisconsin U.S.A., the idiots in Holmen Village re-started fluoridation of their water supply!  They’re using hydrofluorosilicic acid containing 24% fluoride, at a cost to taxpayers of $3500 for the rest of the year.

In North Carolina U.S.A., people in Durham and Orange counties have been protesting the use of fluoride.  One protestor accused one city of breaking laws: “Raleigh, unfortunately, has been provided with copious amounts of scientific data, repeated appearances by myself and other citizens and even notifications that what they are doing breaks current state and federal drug laws.”-Corey Sturmer

In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, the Greens political party is fighting fluoridation of the water supply.  Recently NSW courts ruled to allow Ballina Shire Council to add the chemical to the water supply.  NSW Department of Health is also ordering that fluoride be added to water supplies.   In Gladstone, the city has voted to fluoridate the water from Lake Awoonga.   In Logan, city officials refused to remove fluoride from the water, saying it would cost taxpayers $100 million AUD to do so!

One evil North Carolina dentist (who recently co-wrote a report pushing fluoridation in Australia) implied that fluoridation is just a taxpayer funded economic incentive to force the smart people to buy filtration systems or clean bottled water:  “I can understand if people don’t want to drink fluoridated water, but there’s an important difference here because they actually do have a choice. Someone can currently buy bottled water without fluoride, or they can put a filter on that is able to remove fluoride…”-Gary Slade, UNC School of Dentistry

In California U.S.A., a Sacramento news media report said that most anti-fluoridians are liberals and environmentalists!  The cities of Davis and Woodland are considering adding fluoride to their new multi-million dollar water supply systems.  Make your opinions heard!  To show you that even naturally occurring fluoride is bad, there is a decades long court battle in a mobile home park in Carmel Valley’s Cachagua neighborhood.  County tests showed the levels to be four times higher than what is considered safe.  It’s so high the water is yellow.  The court battle involves the mobile home park owner and the county, which failed to clean up the water, and the residents (many have finally given up and settled out of court).

In Ireland, anti-fluoridians have petitioned the European Union for help in forcing the Irish government to stop fluoridation of the water: “Everytime we reach for a glass of water, fill the kettle for a cup tea or mix up a baby’s milkbottle we are forced to ingest fluoride. Whether we weigh 5kg or 50kg, are on dialysis for diabetes, undergoing chemotherapy or taking any amount of other medication, we are being dosed with fluoride.”-Iva Pocock, who’s father led the campaign against fluoride “unexpectedly died” two months ago.

According to Pocock, fluoridation of water violates Medicinal Products Directive 2001/83/EC: “Any substance that is presented as having properties for preventing a disease as defined under this Directive is a medicinal product. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is therefore a medicinal product.  I am convinced that this product is being added illegally and in breach of of EU law.”

In Iowa U.S.A., the Scott County Board of Health is expected to continue fluoridation of water.  they were not convinced by four people protesting the possibly criminal act.   The city of Dubuque stated that they’ve been adding fluoride to the water since 1954.  Someone should do a study on the overall intelligence level of the residents since 1954.

In Washington U.S.A., the state appeals court rejected demands to stop fluoridation in Clallam County.  The court ruled that the U.S. FDA does not regulate fluoride, therefore water districts do not have to get FDA approval.

In Oregon U.S.A., a survey was done to identify just who the anit-fluoridians are.  In Portland it turns out that the biggest opponents to fluoride are people of low income, with lack of education, and minority residents!  61% of Portlanders recently voted against fluoride, and a map was made showing where those residents are concentrated (why would city officials want to know that?).  The survey also showed that supporters of fluoride tend to be wealthy and highly educated (elites!).

Now there’s a new fluoride delivery system for all you fluorid-o-holics in Merry ol’ England: Phocal fluoride disks.   It’s being marketed as a way to fight incipient tooth decay (aka dental caries).  You shove the disks inbetween your teeth for a highly concentrated dose of fluoride, yum yum!

To update what I reported on in 2011, many villages in India are suffering from chronic conditions the government has linked to naturally occurring fluoride in the water.   A recent study said that boiling tulasi leaves will not get rid of the fluoride.  For the past 70 years the Indian government has been looking for ways to cheaply get rid of naturally occurring fluoride, because of the massive health issues it creates.

Corporate Evil: New study says Fracking poisons drinking water!

25 June 2013 (13:18 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Sha’ban 1434/04 Tir 1391/18 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The methane, ethane and propane data, and new evidence from hydrocarbon and helium isotopes, all suggest that drilling has affected some homeowners’ water.”Robert Jackson, Duke University

Duke University sampled 141 water wells in Pennsylvania.  They concluded what past studies have concluded; fracking of shale gas/oil poisons the drinking water.

Methane concentrations were six times higher and ethane concentrations were 23 times higher at homes within a kilometer (about half a mile) of a shale gas well.

“Our studies demonstrate that distances from drilling sites, as well as variations in local and regional geology, play major roles in determining the possible risk of groundwater impacts from shale gas development.”-Avner Vengosh, Duke University

Now for the controversy: Back in May, Duke University said they could not find water contamination in Arkansas fracking operations: “These findings demonstrate that shale gas development, at least in this area, has been done without negatively impacting drinking water resources.”-Nathaniel R. Warner, Duke University student researcher

The Arkansas study checked only “shallow drinking water wells”.


World War 3, NSA Scandal: Hong Kong says Obama administration a big Fail!

25 June 2013 (12:51 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Sha’ban 1434/04 Tir 1391/18 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“So far no notification has been received from the U.S. government of Mr Edward Snowden’s passport being revoked.”-Hong Kong Immigration Department

“To ensure procedural fairness, the Hong Kong government needed to secure this information and also enough evidence about the charges against Snowden. Failure to do so would give rise to the possibility of a judicial review by Snowden.”-unnamed Hong Kong government source

“The people of Hong Kong and our friends in the international community expect us to follow the laws of Hong Kong itself. They expect us to uphold our rule of law and, equally importantly, they expect us to follow procedural fairness and procedural justice. We were asking the United States government for further important information on the case, and there was no legal basis to stop Mr Snowden from leaving Hong Kong.”-Leung Chun-ying, Chief Executive and President of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Martial Law U.S.A.: What voting rights? Supreme Court takes them away!

25 June 2013 (12:31 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Sha’ban 1434/04 Tir 1391/18 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Our country has changed, and while any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to the current conditions.”-John Roberts, Chief Justice

The U.S. Supreme Court has just ruled against the 1965 Voting Rights Act!

In a close vote, the Court struck down the VRA provision determining when the federal government can investigate state and county voter discrimination.

The Court says Congress must now create a new law to determine which states and counties are subject to federal oversight.   Under VRA that was known as Section 4.   By striking down Section 4 the Court effectively struck down Section 5 as well, because Section 5 relies on Section 4.

Section 5 is meant to protect minority voters from local governments that create barriers to voting.

World War 3, NSA scandal: Russia says Snowden is here and the U.S. be damned!

25 June 2013 (12:12 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Sha’ban 1434/04 Tir 1391/18 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“…..I would like not to deal with such issues because it is like shearing a pig: there’s lots of squealing and little fleece.”-Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, says NSA contracted worker Edward Snowden is in Russia, and the United State can’t have him!

Putin said the accusations by the Obama administration and the U.S. government are “ravings and rubbish”.  Snowden has not committed any crimes on Russian territory, and Russia has not signed any extradition deal with the U.S.

Putin also says “Snowden is a free person”, having never worked for Russian intelligence agencies.

Putin says they never expected Snowden to show up on their doorstep: “It is true that Snowden has arrived to Moscow, and it really came as a surprise for us. He arrived as a transit passenger, and didn’t need a visa, or any other documents. As a transit passenger he is entitled to buy a ticket and fly to wherever he wants.”

Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, explained that the “transit zone” Snoweden is residing in is like a neutral zone, meaning that technically Snowden is not in Russia, as long as he remains in the Moscow transit zone.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Ron Paul points out hypocrisy of Obama! God made the Toyota Corolla! More U.S. troops killed by their own!

24 June 2013/15 Sha’ban 1434/03 Tir 1391/17 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“‘We cannot leave’, we were told for all those years. If we leave Afghanistan now, the Taliban will come back! Well guess what, after 12 years, trillions of dollars, more than 2,200 Americans killed, and perhaps more than 50,000 dead Afghan civilians and fighters, the Taliban is coming back anyway!”-Ron Paul, former U.S Congressman, referring to the recent revelation and then backpedaling of the Obama administration and direct peace talks with Mujahideen (Taliban)

In Paktika Province, Sarubi District, reports that Mujahideen launched a large attack on ISAF/Afghan National Army (ANA) convoys.  Ten NATO/ISAF personnel killed, five ANA personnel killed, 15 people wounded.  Four armored vehicles and two pickup trucks destroyed by rocket fire.  One Mujahid killed, three wounded.

In Ghor Province, near Chagh Charan, a battle between ANA and Mujahideen.  Two armored vehicles and one pickup truck destroyed.  Dozens of ANA killed or wounded.  Three Mujahideen killed, five wounded.

In Helmand Province, reports that three days of fighting between ISAF/ANA and Mujahideen came to an end.  13 armored vehicles and pickup trucks destroyed.  32 NATO/ISAF/ANA personnel killed, 20 wounded.  One Mujahid killed, five wounded.  Mujahideen made large scale use of explosives in the battles, which they credit for the large numbers of vehicles destroyed.

In Kunduz Province, Khanabad District, 20 Afghan National Police (ANP)  joined Mujahideen, or swore not to fight against Mujahideen.

In Kabul Province, Kabul city, hundreds of people demonstrating for property rights stopped a vehicle convoy of U.S. military personnel.  Reports say U.S. forces began shooting, which turned the land rights demonstration into an anti-U.S. protest.  Reports also say the protestors were able to burn a U.S. military fueler.   Also, Toyota is boasting that Afghans in Kabul city love their Corollas.  An ongoing joke is that Corollas were created by god in Afghanistan; ‘There have been Toyota Corollas here before it was even produced in Japan’.  One local reporter took a ten minute ride through Kabul city and counted 194 Corollas, versus only 89 other types of vehicles. “You foreigners spend your money by going dancing or bowling. We invest in what is useful.”-Shaker Bakhter, Corolla dealer

The U.S. Army is now admitting that a U.S. soldier killed in Kandahar Province in 2011, was killed by faulty artillery mortar ammo!  The U.S. Army was forced to reveal the info by a Freedom of Information Act request by The News Tribune.  The Sergeant was killed when three mortar rounds failed to fire properly, and one landed on him.  He was with the 10th Mountain Division.  However, the U.S. Army investigation revealed that the unit was firing mortar rounds at a single Mujahid, whom they could not see anyway.  The investigators criticized the unit for deciding to use the mortar rounds to try and kill one Mujahid.

It has been revealed that U.S. taxpayers have been paying for new design combat boots every two or three years.  The U.S. Army says this is because they are looking for the perfect boot for fighting in Afghanistan.  Even though the U.S. is supposed to pullout after 2014, the U.S. Army has revealed the latest boot design, the Hot Weather Mountain Combat Boot.  The United States Special Operations Command says the constant spending of taxpayer money on new boot designs is because boots used during the invasion of 2001 quickly broke down on Afghan terrain.

It’s been revealed that the country of Georgia will be deploying more troops to Afghanistan.  NATO officials will attend a deployment ceremony on 26-27 June.

23 June 2013/14 Sha’ban 1434/02 Tir 1391/16 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711  

Paktika Province the site of numerous Mujahideen operations.  In Syed Karam District a NATO/ISAF camp was hit with mortar rounds.  In Jani Khel District a government building was attacked.  In Zurmat District one possibly two armored vehicles blown up by landmines.  Also, a Mujahid sniper claims to have shot a U.S. soldier and a ANA soldier.  In Yahiya Khel District three contracted soldiers were killed by Mujahideen.

In Laghman Province, Qarghayi District, Abdur Rahim Zai village Mujahideen claim a U.S./NATO/ISAF helicopter was shot down.  They say it crashed to the ground killing everyone on board.

ISAF reports another NATO/ISAF troop killed: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”

In Parwan Province, Shinwari District, 20 ANA personnel killed in three days of battles with Mujahideen.  A local villager said the ANA medivacs left four bodies behind.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, a massive fueler convoy was ambushed by Mujahideen.  13 fuelers destroyed, 16 damaged,  28 security guards/drivers killed, dozens wounded.  One truck was captured.  Mujahideen said the ambush was conducted by several Mujahideen groups, who took turns blasting away at the convoy over a three hour period.

President Hamid Karzai is demanding an explanation from Obama about the direct talks with Mujahideen (Taliban) in Qatar.  The Afghan Foreign Minister complained that Obama’s talks with Mujahideen is leaving out a key player: “The Afghan government remains fully committed to pursue a process of peace negotiations with the armed opposition, including the Taliban, but within the confines of the conditions and the principles and the assurances that we have established.”-Janan Mosazai

The Iranian government is reporting that the amount of drugs being trafficked into Iran from U.S. controlled Afghanistan has gone up 40% since the U.S. invasion in 2001.

10 soldiers with the U.S. territory of Guam Army National Guard Security Forces Advisory Team (SFAT) returned home.

22 June 2013/13 Sha’ban 1434/01 Tir 1391/15 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Uruzgan Province, Khod Valley, an Australian Special Forces Digger was killed in a firefight with Mujahideen.  Australian Defence Forces confirmed that another Special Forces Digger was wounded, as well as a Royal Australian Air Force  airman.

In Paktika Province, local government reports say a massive U.S. airstrike killed 30 people at a border check point.  The target were Mujahideen, but Mujahideen say only four of those killed were anti-government freedom fighters.

In Khost Province, Safir District, 30 ANA personnel joined the Mujahideen.

After doing a one eighty on direct talks with Mujahideen in their new Qatar office, an official from the Obama administration arrived in Qatar for such talks anyway.  U.S. envoy James Dobbins arrived for ‘nascent dialogue’ with the group, even though three days prior the Obama administration began telling the news media that they were not seeking direct talks with Mujahideen.  Obama just keeps up his whirling dervish routine!

In Canada, the man accused of trying to blow up a passenger train said he did it to fight the colonization of Afghanistan by European/American powers: “I want that in Afghanistan they will not suffer again from colonization, NATO colonization. Those who do colonize, they know very well that they are wrong.”-Chiheb Esseghaier

More than 150 U.S. state of South Carolina Army National Guardsmen from the 1223rd Engineer Company deployed to Afghanistan.

In Kabul Province, Camp Black Horse, ISAF officials report an increasing number of Afghans signing up to learn how to diffuse bombs.  They say a few years ago there were no Afghans willing to do bomb disposal work, but now there are 369 NATO qualified Afghan bomb diffusers.

Kit Bashing: PJ Production has new stuff!

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