More Fukushima Fallout! Canada confirms spike in radiation! Tritium to be flooded into Pacific Ocean, on purpose! Victims being screwed over, someone stop TEPCo!

05 December 2013 (22:30 UTC-07 Tango 04 December 2013)/01 Safar 1435/14 Azar 1392/03 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“You cannot keep storing the water forever. We have to make choice comparing all risks involved.”-Tanaka Shunichi, with Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority, commenting on why deadly tritium will be intentionally flooded into the Pacific

The International Atomic Energy Agency is supporting the plan to purposely release tritium into the Pacific Ocean.  Juan Carlos Lentijo, of the IAEA, gave this explanation: “…what we are trying to say here is to consider this as one of the options to contribute to a good balance of risks and to stabilize the facility for the long term.”

Officials from the IAEA and Japan’s NRA, admitted that at least 700-thousand metric tons of radioactive water has been poured into the Pacific Ocean since 2011.  That contaminated water contained cesium, iodine, strontium and tritium.

Tritium has a half life of about 12.4 years (it’s still a threat after 12.4 years).  It can be absorbed through skin, inhaled or ingested when you eat contaminated food or drink contaminated water.

Canadian officials have admitted that on 20 March 2011, there was a huge spike in radiation readings on the Pacific coast of Canada.  This data was apparently kept secret until now, however, a journalist reported towards the end of 2011 that Canadian radiation detection sites recorded iodine-131 levels “…nearly 1,000 times background levels in the air at Resolute Bay, Nunavut.”

Keep in mind those radiation levels were after the Fukushima Daiichi  airborne radiation plume had traveled across the Pacific Ocean.  Back in 2011 Health Canada, which is in charge of radiation readings, continued to downplay such reports and said there was no health risk.

To add insult to injury, the Japanese government is limiting victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster.  Japan’s Diet is giving victims ten years to sue for damages.  The arrogant politicians think they are being generous because that’s an increase from the previous three year limit!  Remember, Tokyo Electric Power Company says the ongoing disaster, I mean “decommissioning process”, will last at least 40 years!

Nuclear power analysts say TEPCo is full of shit and needs to be stopped: “With the sheer number of things that are going wrong, they should be more openly bringing in help. TEPCo is a nuclear power producer, not a cleanup operation. There are people with expertise in decommissioning reactors, and they need to be brought in whether they are Japanese, European or American. Every time they have a problem, they come up with a solution that takes a long time to bring in, and then doesn’t even solve the problem!”-Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Victims should be given indefinite time to sue for damages!