World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 08 – 10 February 2013. 104 people working for U.S. contractor poisoned! USMC blames Red Coats for destruction of Harriers! U.S. mililtary equipment leaving Afghanistan, yet General Allen says the war still has not been won!

10 February 2013

In Helmand Province, a U.S. led NATO/ANA offensive was repelled by Mujahideen.  Occupying troops were flown into Trikh Nawar area of Marjah district, supported by armored vehicles.  Mujahideen were prepared and detonated at least seven bombs in the battle.  Reports said that the fighting was ongoing and that nine NATO occupiers/ANA puppets were dead, six wounded.  Also, two Mujahideen killed, four wounded.

In Ghanzi Province, a bomb was planted near the local High Peace Council office. It exploded, yet there are no reports of casualties.  As is typical with bombings, no one claims responsibility.

In Paktiya Province, a local government official was wounded as Mujahideen launched three mortar rounds into a government compound.

In Kabul Province, 104 employees of “Minority, Woman-Owned…” Onyx Construction were sent to hospital after being poisoned.  They got sick after eating.   Onyx Construction is based in the U.S. state of Florida.

In Badghis Province, 17 local cops joined the Mujahideen.

U.S. Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. assumed command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

Outgoing USMC General john Allen was interviewed by the BBC, and he said the war is not won: “I think we have gone a long way to setting the conditions for what, generally, usually, is the defining factor in winning a counter-insurgency, to set the conditions for governance, to set the conditions for economic opportunity…. I think we are on the road to winning.”

Despite admitting that the U.S. has not achieved its goals, the military pullout has begun.  Customs officials in Pakistan report that 25 container trucks loaded with U.S. military equipment left Afghanistan.  They are heading for Karachi, a port city along the Indian Ocean.   Pakistani Customs officials say they’ve been told to expect another outbound U.S. convoy soon.

09 February 2013

“We agree with the UN report and confirm that innocent kids have been killed during coalition forces operations, specifically U.S. troops operations during the past ten years.”-Aimal Faizi, Afghan government spokesman

In Helmand Province, six people killed when they drove over a landmine.  An investigation into the massive Mujahideen attack on Camp Bastion, last year, blames the U.K./U.S./NATO personnel on the base!  U.S. National Public Radio reported that a USMC investigation revealed that British Red Coat controlled Camp Bastion was not properly guarded, allowing Mujahideen easy access. Camp Bastion is next to Camp Leatherneck, where U.S. Marine Harrier VTOL jets are based. The attack damaged or destroyed eight Harriers at a cost of $300 million USD.  Two occupying troops were killed, eight wounded, one contractor wounded.

In Paktia Province, a local contracted militia/security guard (Arbaki) commander joined the Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, witnesses say U.S. led forces conducted a home invasion in Kakraki area Gohergeen Nawa region, Char Chino district.  Two people were kidnapped.  Also, in Char Chino district two local cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Kapisa Province, Mujahideen claim they assassinated a man working for the spy agency National Directorate of Security (NDS).

08 February 2013

In Kapisa Province, in Tagab district, Mujahideen attacked U.S. led efforts to retrieve a downed helicopter.  The ‘copter was shot down the day before. Mujahideen said they were expecting them and killed two U.S./NATO/ISAF troops and three U.S. led Afghan troops. One Mujahid was killed.

In Ghor Province, Mujahideen claim they repelled a attempted home invasion by “enemy” troops, in Qomandan Ahmad village of Charsada district.

In Badghis Province, Mujahideen launched attacks against an Afghan National Army (ANA) base, and several checkpoints.  They claim to have killed six “puppets”, and wounded five others.