The Black Death caused by vampire humans? Stop blaming rats!

16JAN2018 (10:46 UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Dey 1396/28 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1439/30 Xin-Chou 4715

“Our results support that human ectoparasites were primary vectors for plague during the Second Pandemic, including the Black Death (1346–1353), ultimately challenging the assumption that plague in Europe was predominantly spread by rats.”-Human ectoparasites and the spread of plague in Europe during the Second Pandemic

Vampires are always accompanied by rats, because rats are associated with death, death at the hands of a disease spread by blood sucking parasites.  For hundreds of years humans blamed The Black Death on blood sucker fleas found on rats, but a new study (supporting other earlier studies) blames it on ecto-parasites which specifically suck on human blood!

Bubonic plague is a bacteria that can be found mainly in rodents, such as squirrels in California, and most modern human cases are the result of being bitten by a flea from a rodent.  A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says fleas and lice which specifically target humans, not rats, spread The Black Death of the 14th-19th Gregorian centuries (aka The Second Pandemic).  This also suggests that this version of the plague evolved to target humans only: “Several studies have suggested that human ectoparasite vectors, such as human fleas (Pulex irritans) or body lice (Pediculus humanus humanus), caused the rapidly spreading epidemics.”

Mmmm, now I’m wanting some of that yummy Irish Death brewski!