24 April 2015 (20:36 UTC-07 Tango 01, 23 April 2015)/04 Ordibehesht 1394/05 Rajab 1436/06 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713
“For years, employees at Deutsche Bank illegally manipulated interest rates around the globe including LIBORs for U.S. Dollar, Yen, Swiss Franc and Pound Sterling, as well as EURIBOR in the hopes of fraudulently moving the market to generate profits for their traders at the expense of the bank’s counterparties.”-Leslie R. Caldwell, Assistant U.S. Attorney General
Deutsche Bank has admitted to manipulating international interests rates and agreed to pay about $2.5-billion USD in fines!
The U.S. Department of Justice says the Too Big to Jail German bank took part in illegally controlling the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). Deutche Bank is the 6th global financial institution to admit to causing economic havoc around the World.
In 2012 Swizterland based UBS admitted to manipulating LIBOR as well.
LIBOR: Japan orders investigation
LIBOR: RBS takes action against its own employees
LIBOR: Rate fixing scandal an excuse to create One World Bank! New CIBOR scandal!
LIBOR: Barclays says order to rig rates came from Bank of England. Governments calling the shots!
LIBOR: Geitner & Paulson knew of rate fixing! British banks confirm.
LIBOR: More proof the bad economy is the fault of the Too Big to Fails!
LIBOR: More proof of Trilateral Commission operations!
LIBOR: proof the Evil British Empire controls Corporate America