World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. building Afghan base to invade Iran? More U.S. deaths! More waste of U.S. taxes!


15 May 2013/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Farah Province, there are reports that the United States is building a military base just 3 kilometers (slightly more than 1 mile) from the border with Iran.  Witnesses say a communications tower has been completed and other work has started on the ground.

In Herat Province, local police say a U.S. drone strike killed three people in Zirkouh village.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, an explosion wounds three civilians and six cops.  Government officials say the bomb was targeted against local police.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen released the last of the Turkish engineers captured a week ago.  There has been no reports about the one Afghan engineer and two Russian/Kyrgyz helicopter crewmen that were captured.

In Badghis Province, 78 contracted security personnel (mercenaries) joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, eight contracted security personnel (mercenaries) joined the Mujahideen.

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) discovered that Afghanistan has taxed 43 U.S. contractors to the tune of $921 million USD.  SIGAR says the tax is “illegitimate” under current agreements, and is just the tip of the iceberg.

Oklahoma U.S.A. Army National Guard’s 120th Engineer Battalion returned from deployment to Afghanistan.

14 May 2013/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Maidan Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, locals say U.S. led troops conducted home invasions.  Four people kidnapped.

In Kandahar Province, Zherai District, a U.S. convoy ran over a landmine, killing three U.S. personnel.

In Helmand Province, Garmser District, a motorcycle bomb exploded in a market.  Three people killed, nine wounded.  In Marja District, three people killed, one wounded, after they drove over a landmine.   Also, the United Kingdom (red coats) Defense Minister, Philip Hammond, said they’ve decided to keep red coats in country past the supposed 2014 pullout date.  Red coats serve primarily in Helmand.

In Kabul city, two Turkish businessmen were kidnapped.  No comment from Afghan cops.  One of the men had been living in Afghanistan for the past ten years.

In Zabul Province, Shajoy District, 40 schools have been closed. School officials say it is because of repeated threats.

13 May 2013/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1391/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, three Georgian ISAF personnel were killed after the Mujahideen attacked their base.  ISAF said: “Three International Security Assistance Force service members were killed today when insurgents attacked their position in southern Afghanistan with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device.”

In Kapisa Province, Nejrab District, a suicide bomber attacked a U.S. convoy, wounding at least two U.S. personnel and one Afghan, and killing one Afghan.  Mujahideen claim they killed 14 people and destroyed two armored vehicles.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, Mujahideen say they assassinated a French spy.

In Kandahar Province, a bus packed with people drove over a landmine.  Ten people killed, 12 wounded.

A new Afghan government investigation says U.S. special operations forces tortured to death at least 15 people in Maidan Wardak Province back in February.  The investigators say they have evidence, including a video tape, proving a U.S. special ops A Team was involved.  Government officials also are demanding the U.S. handover an Afghan born U.S. citizen involved in the crimes.