27 February 2022 (15:22-UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Esfand 1400/25 Rajab 1443/27 Ren-Yin 4720
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has released information that reveals that China’s military is digging in its heal in the contested Uyghur Autonomous Region; military war games and equipment designed specifically for operations in that region. The following is just some of the information that has been released.
On 25FEB2022, the PLA-Xinjiang Military Command revealed that they have developed new tents for use “in plateau area”. Xinjiang Military Command (which falls under the PLA-Western Theater Command) is the command structure in charge of military operations in Uyghur Autonomous Region.
The new inflatable shower-point tent system is designed for high altitude use, using a low-power consumption 10-kilowatt diesel generator to provide light, and heat for the water tanks: “This tent is expected to solve the problem of troops taking shower on the plateau. It only takes 18 minutes to install and 16 minutes to uninstall with troops of one platoon.”-Wang Yuan, PLA Army Research Institute
Old system shower tents had heated water tanks, and designers admitted that the new system takes just as long as the old system to employ, but this new one uses the latest in insulation and can keep water above the freezing point for 12 hours at an outside air temperature of -41 °C.
On 11FEB2022, Xinjiang Military Command released this video, edited by Li Weichao, showing night operations using new night vision equipment, in the Karakoram Mountains:
On 07SEP2021, Xinjiang Military Command released video, edited by Xu Yi, showing troops using a new wheeled self-propelled artillery system. The system has a lot of automated functions, in an attempt to reduce high altitude sickness that would be suffered by the troops during physical exertion:

Armament load-up exercise on high altitude air base somewhere in the Western Theater Command area, January 2022.
In September 2021, Xinjiang Military Command’s Kashi Military Sub-command began helicopter operations in areas that were previously considered ‘no-go-zones’ due to Chinese helicopter crews inexperience with such high altitudes and weather conditions. Kashi Military Sub-command claims they successfully established ten high altitude helicopter routes.
In June 2021, Xinjiang Military Command conducted what it called driver training for truck drivers. It consisted of convoys of logistical vehicles driving at high altitudes.
Also in June 2021, rocket artillery live-fire drills took place on the Western Theater Command’s massive training site in the Gobi Desert.
On 28MAY2021, Xinjiang Military Command released this video, edited by Wang Xinjuan, of its Z-10 rotary wing gunship conducting high altitude live-fire gunnery:
In May 2021, Xinjiang Military Command units began training with their new Type 15 Light Tank (aka ZTQ-15), which was developed specifically for high altitude use; it is equipped with an oxygen generator.