Tag Archives: u.s.

Yakuza admit they’re having problems reaching quake/tsunami survivors

There are a lot of examples of how Japanese government officials failed in their reaction to the 9.0 quake/tsunami.  The Yakuza even made a show of their own fast disaster relief response.

However, even the Yakuza are no match for Mother Earth.  Yakuza leaders are admitting that they are having trouble getting to the hardest hit areas, just like the government: “Because of the devastation, it’s been impossible to make contact with our people in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima prefectures. We haven’t been able to make contact by telephone, and in some cases, damage to the roads made it impossible to get through to the towns.”

This is proof that the 9.0 quake/tsunami was truly catastrophic.

Despite main stream media reports, Progress NOT being made at Fukushima Daiichi

TEPCO officials report more problems with trying to get their nuclear plant under control.

Reactor 2 continues to emit more and more radiation.  Officials are unable to find out why, because radiation levels are so high that no one can go near the reactor.

Several works have been sent to the hospital because of exposure to high radiation. One worker is said to have “Beta Burns”.  At least two workers were standing in radioactive water in reactor 3, trying to connect power lines.  The water contains radiation levels as high as 180 millisieverts.

Nuclear plant disaster plan did not include Tsunami

Despite the fact that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is built on the coast line, TEPCO, and government officials, dismissed concerns over possible tsunami.

Seismologist, Okamura Yukinobu, warned of a debilitating tsunami in June 2009. He also requested that nuclear plant disaster plans be reviewed for tsunami readiness.

Japanese officials dismissed his request because they did not think a tsunami was a threat.

Reactor 4 built with defect says former engineer, making it a “time bomb”!

Tanaka Mitsuhiko is an engineer who helped build reactor 4’s containment vessel in 1974.  Tanaka says he helped hide a defect in the steel used to make the containment vessel.

Reactor 4 at the Fukushima Daiichi was shut for maintenance when the March 11 quake triggered a tsunami that lead to explosions and radiation leaks.

Tanaka has called reactor 4 a “time bomb”.

Radiation NOT an IMMEDIATE Threat? What do they mean?

The Japanese government has told people not to eat the vegetables, and not to drink the water, because of radiation contamination.  At the same time they say “There is no immediate threat.”

What they mean by that is, that the levels, and types, of radiation contamination is such that you will not notice any bad effects “immediately”.  However, if you continue to eat, drink, or expose yourself to even the lowest levels of contamination, over time you will suffer bad effects.

For example: Iodine-131 is a short life span radioactive isotope. It collects on your thyroid glands (just like iodide), and if it builds up will cause cancer. Even low levels of iodine-131 will build up on your thyroid if you keep eating, drinking, or exposing yourself to the contamination.  This is why the Japanese government is telling people to stop eating the vegetables, and stop drinking the water, even though there is no “immediate” threat.

In other words, it’s still bad, bad, bad!

Airborne Radiation levels based on computer assumptions

Japanese Cabinet Secretary, Edano Yukio, explained that the atmospheric radiation levels being published are based on air samples not taken near the nuclear plant, and a computer model.

Edano said the radiation levels at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, are too high to take air samples there.  Air samples have been taken in surrounding areas. Then a computer program is used to make radiation level assumptions, based on the samples and possible wind speed and direction.

In other words, it’s a best computer guess.

IAEA finds more problems in Fukushima

“We continue to see radiation coming from the site … and the question is where exactly is that coming from?” -James Lyons,  IAEA 

International Atomic Energy Agency said that some reports given to them by TEPCO, are missing data for spent fuel pools.

Also, the amount of radiation coming from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, is not explainable. They are trying to find out where it is coming from.