Tag Archives: tea party

Toyota has better idea of how bad the parts supply problem is

Toyota officials claim they have a better idea of the parts supply problem, but they refuse to go into any detail.

Supplies of microchips, rubber materials and paint additives are the main problems (affected by the loss of electrical power by the shutdown of nuclear plants, most of Japan’s electricity comes from nuclear power).  However, Toyota officials refuse to discuss how many parts they might have, or if there are going to be anymore production delays.

One Toyota official said they normally have two and a half months of inventory on hand, but did not elaborate.

Japan still issuing confusing radiation reports!

Reports are being issued saying emitted radiation levels, from Fukushima Daiichi, are going down.  At the same time reports are being made about increasing radiation levels in water.

Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission estimates the amount of radioactive emissions are down at around 1 terabecquerels per hour as of Sunday.  They compare that to 154 terabecquerels per day on 05 April.  But they are talking about emissions into the air.

Tokyo Electric Power Company is reporting skyrocketing radiation levels in water coming from Fukushima Daiichi’s damaged reactors.  A survey done on 21 April,  found an increase of radioactive substances in the flooded basement of Reactor 4’s turbine building.

TEPCo says the levels of cesium-134 and 137 increased about 250 times, compared to last month.  Radioactive iodine has also increased.

A possible reason for the decrease in air borne radiation, and an increase in water born radiation, could be due to the amount of water being pumped into the reactors.  However, the over all result is not a decrease in radioactive  emissions, it’s just shifted from the air to the water.

Reactor 1 will be entombed in water, robots to check on progress

Reactor 1, at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, will be filled with water, in an attempt to create a temporary water tomb.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has decided it is the best way to bring the reactor under control.  Robots will be used to check for possible leaks inside the building.  TEPCo wants to fill the reactor core, and then its surrounding containment vessel with water.  It could take until the end of July to accomplish. Currently they are injecting water at a rate of 6 tons per hour, but will increase it to 14 tons per hour.

European scientists saying Nuclear explosion did take place at Fukushima, worse than Chernobyl, “Can’t seal a fissioning reactor”!

Several European scientists are saying there is evidence that a nuclear reaction explosion did indeed take place at Fukushima Daiichi.  They are even saying that Chernobyl was better controlled than what is happening at Fukushima Daiichi.

Professor Tom Burke, founder of E3G, says Fukushima Daiichi is still ongoing, after five weeks, while Chernobyl was “over with” after about two weeks.

Another scientist, Professor Christopher Busby, thinks there was a fission reaction in Reactor 3 spent fuel pool, causing a nuclear explosion. That’s because Reactor 3 has MOX fuel rods, using uranium.  Some evidence of nuke explosion, scientists point to, is the ever increasing radiation levels, and the types of isotopes being found around Fukushima, like plutonium and strontium.

French nuclear officials are concerned about Reactor 4 fuel pool.  That pool had active fuel rods in it.  They were put there after Reactor 4 was shut down for routine maintenance, just before the 11 March disasters.  Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted, in recent days, that they are having major problems with Reactor 4 fuel pool, as well as Reactor 1 overheating and active fuel rods exposed.

Professor Busby believes there is still fission taking place.  He said it would explain why they haven’t started pouring concrete on the reactors, because: “You can’t seal a fissioning reactor…”.

Japanese health officials admit faulty system to monitor radiation levels!

Officials from the health ministry say Japan needs a better way to predict radiation contamination, especially in tap water.

One example is that experts failed to take into account wind, and rainfall, coming from the direction of the Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant.  The officials think their discussion, to find ways to improve their system, will last until the end of June.

Japanese officials finally searching Radiation zone for victims!

For the first time since the 11 March disasters, police will begin searching for victims inside the original 20km (12.4 miles) radiation evac zone.

They are searching Futaba Town in Fukushima Prefecture, near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.  Earlier this month search crews began to slowly work in towards the 20km zone.

Police say Futaba is a ghost town.  So far there are no signs of people.  Every now and then they see a dog, or cat.  They say there is evidence that people left in a hurry, like laundry still hanging on clothes lines.


Fukushima to euthanize abandoned livestock and pets!

The state government of Fukushima has responded to its resident’s calls to humanely put down animals abandoned in the 20km radiation evac zone.   Many have already died of starvation, after being left alone for several weeks.

The operation began today, 25 April.  Veterinarians will put down weakened animals, move animals that still look healthy into barns, and begin decontamination of dead animals.

Officials think it will take until the end of May to complete the operation.  They also say no animal will be put down without the owner’s knowledge.  NHK video


U.S. nuke plant shut down because of failed electronics, another nuke plant down because of grass

Last week reactor 1 of Plant Vogtle nuclear plant, near Waynesboro, Georgia, shut down, on 20 April 2011, without explanation.  Company officials say they are replacing a breaker and other electronic equipment.  They don’t know why the equipment failed.

In Delaware, on 21 April 2011, the Salem 1 nuclear reactor was shut down because of grass.  The Salem plant is along the Delaware river, and plants periodically grow over the water intakes of the nuke plant.  Salem 1 had to be shut down because the plant growth was blocking cooling water from coming into the reactor.  Officials say it’s back on line now.

Surprisingly, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says unexpected shutdowns of nuclear reactors happen every year.


Reactor 4 overheating, losing water, 70% of fuel rods in Reactor 1 damaged!

Tokyo Electric Power Company says temperatures in Reactor 4 fuel pool shot up again,  this after they injected almost 200 tons of water before the weekend.  TEPCo will try injecting more water on 25 April.  Reactor 4 fuel pool seems to be losing water faster than they can put it in.  They are concerned the building is too damaged to inject anymore water.

TEPCo also says that Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactor 1 is more damaged than thought.  They believe that 70% of  Reactor 1’s fuel rods are damaged, and they are having trouble maintaining water levels.  They have been injecting water at a rate of 6 tons per hour.  TEPCo wants to try building a new heat exchanger building, to cool the water they are injecting.  In fact TEPCo is having major problems keeping all the reactors cool.


Japanese ordered to evacuate, but government won’t help, even moving companies refuse to help!

“We were told to evacuate, but we can’t. Are the moving companies just going to abandon us without offering help?”-Evacuee

People living in mandatory evac zones, in Fukushima Prefecture, have until the end of May to get out.  But they are on their own when it comes to actually moving.  Even moving companies are refusing their business.

Moving companies claim safety for their employees:  “We don’t let our workers go in the zone where evacuations are planned, or anywhere within 30 kilometers of the plant, because of safety considerations. However, if the prefecture and local authorities combine to make a request, we’ll look at what can be done.”-Nippon Express Company

So far 6,000 people have asked for the services of moving companies.  This is another example of how unprepared Japan is.  How can you order a mandatory evacuation, without providing any way for the people to move?  Typical of governments worldwide!