Tag Archives: palestine

World War 3, more proof God is evil: IDF using new anti-personnel weapons? Israelis caught cheering “No more school for Gaza children!” Gaza City is the new Auschwitz!

30 July 2014 (02:23 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Shawwal 1435/08 Mordad 1393/04 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

An Israeli reporter posted video on the internet showing Israelis celebrating the latest news of how many Palestinian children had been killed.  They were chanting “No more school….for Gaza children…Gaza is a cemetery!”

A Palestinian reporter, working for Iranian news media, reported that he had to throw out the food in his fridgerator, because there had been no electricity in his apartment for two days.  Palestinians in Gaza City will soon be starving.  Remember, just a day earlier Israel Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets across Gaza Strip telling Palestinians to flee to Gaza City, now you know why.

He also said most international news media in Gaza City were running out of fuel to run their generators, and only 5% of cell phone communications were working.  Soon there will be no news coming out of Gaza City.

Palestinian doctors are reporting that whatever the IDF is using to blow up Palestinian homes is creating wounds in the victims that have never been seen before.   They speculate Israel is using new anti-personnel rounds, possible developed with the help of the U.S. & U.K. military industry.

more proof God is evil: Israel orders Palestinians to shelter in place as they kill them! 

World War 3, more proof God is evil: Israel begins massive nighttime bombardment of Gaza Strip! Israel orders Palestinians to shelter in place as they kill them!

29 July 2014 (15:43 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Shawwal 1435/07 Mordad 1393/03 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

Gaza’s Minister of Communications announced that Israel has destroyed all forms of electronic communications for Palestinians in the Strip: Cell phones, land-line phones and broadcast.

There is no way for anybody to call for help or know what’s going on.

Israel has just destroyed all fuel supplies for Gaza Strip!  No fuel for ambulances!

A live reporter for Iranian news says Israeli leaflets are telling Palestinians, as well as foreign news media, to ‘shelter in place’, and that massive bombardment of Gaza Strip has begun!  Live video shows huge explosions in the background.

Two United Nations employees were killed when Israel Defense Forces shot up the little UN economy car they were riding in.

more proof God is evil: Israel kills kids on playground

World War 3: Iran to openly supply Palestinian Mujahideen!

29 July 2014 (22:50 UTC-07 Tango 28 July 2014)/01 Shawwal 1435/07 Mordad 1393/03 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

In his Eid al-Fitr speech the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pronounced “…we must equip the Palestinians to the best of our abilities!  In the name of Allah it will be done!” 

He declared the Israeli actions “genocide”, and pointed out how the United Nations, and Arab governments have failed the Palestinians.  Iran is predominantly Aryan.

World War 3, more proof God is evil: Israel kills kids on playground, warns of massive artillery strikes across north and east Gaza Strip! Israel preps for “long war”!

28 July 2014 (12:17 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Ramadan 1435/06 Mordad 1393/02 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

At least nine children killed or wounded by an Israeli strike that targeted a playground.

Israel has dropped leaflets on all the refugee camps in north Gaza Strip, as well as towns in east Gaza Strip.  They warn of massive artillery strikes to come, and already live video from Gaza City shows artillery strikes lighting up the night sky.

The UNRWA says there are eight refugee camps in Gaza Strip.

Israel is telling palestinians to flee to Gaza City, but live news media reporting that Gaza City is already packed with Palestinians fleeing Israeli attacks.

The latest Israeli attacks come as there is supposed to be another ceasefire in place.  Benyamin Nut-job-yahoo has told Israeli news media that Israel is preparing for a “long war”.

more proof God is evil: Minutes away from supposed ceasefire & Israel continues to demolish 

World War 3: UN “commands” United States to implement peace in the Middle East!

28 July 2014 (21:15 UTC-07 Tango 27 July 2014)/30 Ramadan 1435/06 Mordad 1393/02 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

Watching the conclusion of the emergency UN Security Council meeting, live on Iranian news, the Rwandan envoy (Rwanda holds the current UNSC presidency) “commands U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry” to implement peace between Israel and Palestine.

The Israeli envoy looked pissed!

Arab representatives said the UNSC statement is not a true resolution, because it says nothing about addressing the genocide of Palestinians forced to live in Gaza Strip by the Israelis.  It was pointed out that Israel even kills Palestinians who go out into the Mediterranean to fish for food, the ‘resolution’ does not address such acts of genocide.  The Arab representatives said the UNSC continues to drag its feet, and they will not wait any longer!

World War 3, more proof God is evil: Minutes away from supposed ceasefire & Israel continues to demolish the town of Beit Hanoun! UN gave IDF grid coordinates!

26 July 2014 (23:06 UTC-07 Tango 25 July 2014)/28 Ramadan 1435/04 Mordad 1393/30 Xin-Wei 4712

“Fuck, that was a direct hit on the hospital! That was a direct hit! I have to go now!”-Fred Ekblad, Swede trapped in Palestinian hospital being demolished by Israeli Merkavas

I’m watching live video from Gaza Strip of Israeli artillery shelling of Beit Hanoun, using U.S. built M109 self propelled 155mm guns (IDF is using U.S. made M109s, their own Merkava Battle Tanks and air-strikes to demolish entire neighborhoods).  They are literally targeting every residential building in the town!  It’s building demolition on a grand scale, and this is happening just a few minutes away from a supposed ceasefire!

Yesterday, the peace loving Israelis erased the Beit Hanoun hospital.  It’s at least the third Palestinian hospital the Chosen People of Israel destroyed.  Swedish national Fred Ekblad, who was trapped in the hospital, reported the Israeli attack to Mondoweiss as it happened: “I was standing watching TV, my friends were on the news holding a press conference and a shell from the tank hit the building and broke the glass from the window.  The glass shattered from the window and I got it on my head, not only glass but concrete.” 

Also, Beit Hanoun is where Israel blew up a UN school, being used as a shelter by Palestinians.  UN officials reported they gave Israel Defense Forces (IDF) the grid coordinates of the schools with the understanding they would not be attacked.  UN officials in Beit Hanoun told British empire news media that they called IDF trying to get time to evacuate the people, but the IDF refused to respond to the request!

“We were packing up to leave when the attack happened. We were standing outside when they started hitting us, some of the women holding their babies. My sister-in-law was one of the injured. There were bodies everywhere, most of them women and children!”-Nour Hamid, 17 years old victim of Israeli human sacrifice ritual

“All of us sat in one place when suddenly four shells landed on our heads…Bodies were on the ground, blood and screams!  My son is dead and all my relatives are wounded including my other kids!”-Laila al-Shinbari, victim of Israeli human sacrifice ritual

More proof God is evil: Israel kills 1 Palestinian child per hour! King’s Torah demands it! Israel demands U.S. taxpayers fork over $225-million to help them kill more Palestinians!

World War 3: Hezbollah declares “Partnership in Jihad” with Palestinians against Israeli genocide!

25 July 2014 (09:36 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Ramadan 1435/03 Mordad 1393/29 Xin-Wei 4712

Hasan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, has just declared a partnership with Palestinian Mujahideen fighting the Israeli occupiers! 

He stated “unlimited support”!

Nasrallah also blasted back stabbing pro-Obama/pro-Nutjobyahoo (Netanyahu) Arab regimes, saying they are actually giving approval to Israel’s genocide against Palestinians!

World War 3 Afghanistan, 13 – 16 July 2014: Afghanistan backs Palestine! Obama regime election scheme declared illegal! More National Guard members turning up dead after returning from Afghanistan! More U.S. taxes wasted!

Balkh Province: In Mazar-e-Sharif City, a radio show host was assassinated.  Local police say they have no clues as to who did it.

Faryab Province: In Bandar District, Mujahideen report they’ve liberated 95% of the district.  Afghan government forces, and contracted security guards have holed up in the fortress of a local pro-government warlord.

Ghazni Province: In Gilan District, Mujahideen say they repelled a large U.S.-NATO/Afghan National Army (ANA) offensive.  11 occupyiers/ANA killed.  One Mujahid killed and five Mujahideen wounded during an airstrike.   Civilians were also killed and wounded.  In Zana Khan District, reports that a recon UAV (drone) crashed.  Mujahideen claim they captured the wreckage.

Herat Province: In Gozara District, four employees of a U.S. based NGO was captured.  So far nobody is demanding any ransom.

Kabul Province: In Kabul City, two rockets detonated in the Khair Khana area, but nobody was hurt.  Another rocket exploded near the Kabul airport.  In the 5th district of the city, an apparent car bomb exploded, wounding five people.  Mujahideen say they placed a magnetic bomb on a military bus.  In the 12th district a vehicle belonging to the Presidential Palace exploded, killing two people inside.  Once  again, the Interior Ministry reports hundreds of people killed or wounded in the past few days of battles between government forces and Mujahideen.  The Independent Election Commission (IEC) says it cannot move forward with the Obama regime brokered election scheme because it violates Afghan law!   In a unanimous decision, the Afghan government voted to send Gaza Strip $500-thousand USD to help them fight the anti-semitic Israelis (Arabs are Semites too, you dumb-ass Goyim)! Despite billions in tax money from other countries being spent in Afghanistan to supposedly improve life, hospitals still lack proper facilities for prenatal and infant care, resulting in continued high death rates.

Kunar Province: Government officials say Pakistan fired 61 artillery rounds into their province.  They also say Pakistani aircraft bombed areas in the province.  Five people killed, 11 wounded.

Nangarhar Province: In Jalalabad City, a kamikaze bomber used his Toyota Corolla to attack a NATO convoy.  Local government officials reported an undisclosed number of people killed and wounded.  There are reports that a second explosion took place a few minutes after the first.

Paktia Province:  ANA troops killed 19 people, they claim they were all kamikaze bombers.

Paktika Province:  In Orgun District, a kamikaze bomber blew up his massive car bomb, killing 89 people and wounding at least 110!   Mujahideen say they had nothing to do with it, suggesting it was a government False Flag op.

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reveals even more waste of U.S. tax dollars.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spent $1.57-billion constructing buildings for the ANA.  Many are not being used because they’ve been declared fire traps, because of the flammable foam insulation used.  Two buildings have already burned to the ground.  It will cost U.S. taxpayers $60-million to fix!  The Department of Defense is spending billions giving the ANA four large C-130 transport aircraft.  Two have already been delivered, but SIGAR determined they are not being used, so why give them two more?

The Army National Guard’s 1103rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (Alabama U.S.A.) returned from Afghanistan.

In the U.S. state of Maryland, a member of the Air National Guard, who served twice in Afghanistan, was found dead by Aberdeen Proving Grounds police.  He had been missing for several days.  Supposedly he had gone fishing, but his boat turned up abandoned in the Chesapeake Bay.

More proof God is evil: Israel kills 1 Palestinian child per hour! King’s Torah demands it! Israel demands U.S. taxpayers fork over $225-million to help them kill more Palestinians!

23 July 2014 (10:09 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Ramadan 1435/01 Mordad 1393/27 Xin-Wei 4712

The UN reports that over the past two days Israel has killed one child every hour!  Does that sound like Israel is targeting terrorists?  If you’ve read my other postings you’d know Israel does consider Palestinian children terrorists.

Other reports say Israel’s genocide is now killing one Palestinian civilian every five minutes!

For more proof read the The King’s Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death between Israel and the Nations.  It was published in 2009 by rabbi Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur.  In it they justify Jews killing all non-Jews (Goyim).

And now zionist Israel is demanding U.S. Christian taxpayers send an additional $225-million USD to help them shoot down ineffective Palestinian rockets!

Israel Defense Forces officials have explained the failing of their expensive U.S. taxpayer funded Iron Dome anti-missile system on “missing parts”.  They want U.S. taxpayers to buy those “missing parts” at a price of $225-million.  The Iron Dome anti-missile system is shooting down only about 20% of the ineffective Palestinian rockets.

More proof God is evil: Jews call children “terrorists”! Christian Red Cross working with Israel to destroy hospitals!

More proof God is evil: Israel bombs UN school, as UN inspection teams arrived! Jews call children “terrorists”! Christian Red Cross working with Israel to destroy hospitals! news media vomiting lies!

22 July 2014 (17:01 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Ramadan 1435/31 Tir 1393/26 Xin-Wei 4712

“We have no place to hide!  No place for the children and the women! They are inhumane! They are acting like an animal; they are targeting every home and family in Gaza!”-Basman Alashi, El Wafa Hospital

Alashi (Elashi), the director of El Wafa Hospital, accused the Christian Red Cross of working with Israel Defense Forces to  destroy the hospital: “….the Red Cross is cooperating with the Israelis to destroy the hospital!  I’m going to take you, the Red Cross and the Israelis to the International Criminal Court!” 

It was Red Cross officials that told Alashi that his hospital was about to be destroyed by the IDF.

“The speed with which this has happened is staggering. The number of displaced persons doubled in one day…..we are very concerned. These men, women and children are relying on us to provide them with shelter, and the reality is that UNRWA only had relief supplies in stock for about 35-thousand people.”-Robert Turner, UNRWA Gaza

According to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) more than 100-thousand Palestinian families are using at least 60 UN schools as evacuation shelters, as they have nowhere to run to (Gaza Strip is actually a giant Israeli run concentration camp)!

Israel has just targeted a UN run school in Gaza Strip, right after giving UN officials clearance to inspect the building!  According to UNRWA officials the IDF had approved a UN inspection team to go to the school, but once the inspectors arrived Israeli Merkavas (Chariot) started shooting at them: “Yesterday we got reports that it was shelled and so today we sent our guys down to investigate and see which side the fire came from. They went down there with Israeli clearance, and while they were there, they came under Israeli shelling!”-unnamed UNRWA official quoted in French news media

Evil Christian U.S. main stream news media are trying to convince the genocide loving public that the UN schools are where rockets are being launched from!  By the way you main streamer ass-holes, the UNWRA confirmed the ‘school’ where rockets were found was one of dozens of UN schools shutdown and vacated for summer vacation!

The UNRWA operates 200 schools in Gaza Strip.

The United Nations also reports that more than 80% of Palestinian casualties are civilians.  Since the IDF launched their ground assault the United Nations Children’s Fund reports that 121 Palestinian children have been killed just by IDF Merkava tanks!  At this point Israel has made more than 3200 airstrikes on Gaza Strip, almost all civilian targets!  More than 700 Palestinian killed, more than 4-thousand wounded, more than 100-thousand made homeless since 08 July 2014!

Yesterday, Israeli Merkavas targeted the Al-Aqsa Hospital, killing patients, nurses and doctors.  Israeli goat penis sucker, Mark Regev, said hospitals are targets because the Israeli government believes they are hideouts and rocket launching bases for terrorists!

If you use the rationale of Israeli officials then there are no civilians in Gaza Strip; all people in Gaza Strip and West Bank are terrorists!

“I challenge anyone in the international community to prove that. There are no weapons in our hospital!  We are ready for any inspection!  Any international organization can come and make sure we have nothing in our hospital.  They [zionists] are professional liars and killers!  No hospitals are safe in Gaza. If we move them, there is no safe hospital in Gaza!”-Medhat Abbas,  Al-Aqsa Hospital

To prove that Christian/Jew news media are liars, Israel’s highest rated TV news station, Channel Two, admitted (“retracted”) on 20 July 2014 that it lied about UN ambulances were being used to traffic Palestinian Mujahideen.  This was an attempt to justify IDF attacks on ambulances.  Israel’s Channel Two has a history of making false claims about the United Nations and Palestinians, and then later on “retracting” those statements after the damage is done.

Even though Israel is targeting civilians and bombing hospitals and UN schools the ass-hole UN boss, Ban Ki-moon, offered condolences to Beyamin Nut-job-yahoo and criticized Palestinians for defending themselves!

More proof God is evil: Pope of Anglican Church caught drugging up her own race horse? Bush family connection!