Tag Archives: japan

Corporate Evil & What Economic Recovery? Downloaders blamed for downturn, can now expect to spend two years in prison if caught!

20 June 2012, the Upper House of the Japanese Diet passed a tough new anti-downloading law. If your caught ‘illegally’ downloading music or movies you could pay a $25,000 USD fine and/or spend two years in prison!

The law was pushed by the corporate music and movie industry.  The Recording Industry Association of Japan is blaming their economic downturn on downloaders!  I don’t think so!  The new draconian anti-downloading law goes into effect in October 2012.

One Year Later: Left behind; Fukushima pets still without homes, new kittens found near nuclear plant

Volunteer animal rescuers in Japan are reporting that pets are still being found in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster area.

Recently six kittens were found and taken to a animal hospital in Tokyo.  They were taken to Tokyo because local animal shelters are still full of abandoned pets from the March 2011 disasters. More than one year later volunteers say there are still hundreds of abandoned cats and dogs living near the nuclear power plant!

The animal hospital in Tokyo reported that the kittens were healthy, and homes were found for them.  Volunteer animal rescue groups say they will increase the use of the internet to send out international SOSs for the pets that were left behind.


Global Economic War: Japan government to insure ships carrying Iraninan oil!

On 1 July 2012, the European Union’s sanctions against Iran kick in.  This includes European shipping insurers (who dominate the market) ending insurance on ships carrying Iranian oil.

20 June 2012, the Japanese Diet has passed a law that allows the government to cover Japanese tanker ships transporting oil from Iran.

The law was unanimously passed by the Upper house, and will provide up to $7.6 billion USD in coverage.  Many Japanese insurance companies expressed concern for providing enough insurance due to the warmongering by the U.S. and EU against Iran.

The government insurance policy goes into effect several days before the EU sanctions on 1 July.

One Year Later: TEPCo accepts blame for poor handling of Fukushima Daiichi, but also points finger at incompetent government.

20 June 2012, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) published a thick report concerning the handling of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.

It admits three of four damaged reactors (there are six reactors at the facility) actually went into melt down, because of total loss in cooling.

“The report admits that the company’s management of the emergency cooling system, which had been criticized by a government panel, was inadequate.”  However, “The report also blames the government for directly and indirectly interfering with TEPCO’s emergency response efforts. It says government officials disregarded what was actually happening on the ground, causing unnecessary confusion.”-NHK (nippon housou kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

The reactors were supplied by the U.S. company General Electric. The disaster is ongoing!

Government Incompetence: Forced re-start of Ohi Nuclear plant backfires; emergency at Reactor 3, missing cooling water! People not told until the day after!

About a week ago the Japanese federal government forced the re-start of the Ohi nuclear power plant.  Prime Minister Noda gave the order, saying “…Japanese society can not survive!” without it.

Now, 20 June 2012, the operators of the Ohi disaster reactors, Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCo) revealed a potentially major problem with Reactor 3, and they didn’t discover it until an alarm sounded when they tried to re-start it!

Reactor 3 has lost cooling water, and KEPCo officials don’t know why.  Just like TEPCo officials at Fukushima Daiichi, they believe the water got out through leaks but so far they can’t find any!

The alarm sounded when the water dropped by 5 centimeters (almost 2 inches).  Doesn’t sound like much but realize the cooling tanks are huge and it could amount to tons of water lost!

People living near the nuclear plant (in their wisdom the Japanese officials allowed nuclear plants to be built near homes, and vice verse) are outraged because they were not told about the problem until 13 hours later.  They were already angry because most of them opposed the re-start.

KEPCo said it did not warn the residents because there is no law in Japan requiring them to do so, in regards to the amount of water lost.

Ohi’s Reactor 4 is also scheduled for re-start.  The reactors at Ohi were supplied by the U.S. company Westinghouse.


One Year Later: Government admits it was not prepared to handle Fukushima Daiichi! Ignored radiation contamination predictions from United States!

19 June 2012, NHK (nippon housou kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that a Japanese government ‘white paper’ report on science and technology in 2011, states that the government was not prepared to respond to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Diiachi.

“…tsunami estimates were too lenient and facilities which had been in place for nuclear safety were ineffective.  It says the way the public was notified about the spread of radioactive substances was inadequate.”-NHK

Also, on 18 June 2012, the Foreign Ministry of Japan revealed that the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) presented a map of the most likely radiation contamination spread from the GE designed reactors.

The Japanese government refused to make the radiation spread map public, until now.

The U.S. DoE map was made using data from 17 March to 19 March 2011. It was supposedly given to the Japanese Science Ministry and the Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency, via the Japanese Foreign Ministry.

“The map shows radiation spreading northwest from the accident site. Parts of the map indicate levels of 125 microsieverts per hour. The figure suggests residents close to the plant were exposed to the annual [yearly] permissible level within 8 hours.-NHK

What Economic Recovery? Western style Crony (Mitt Romney style) Capitalism to blame for increased mental illness, and suicide in Japan!

17 June 2012, Japan’s Ministry of Labor admitting that workplace stress is causing increased mental illness and even suicide.

Japan’s corporate world mirrors that of the United States.

From March 2011 to March 2012 (Japan’s year) 325 people qualified for worker’s compensation due to mental illness caused by the workplace.  That’s up 17 from 2010.

60 of those workers attempted to kill themselves, or succeeded in killing themselves.

Don’t blame the 11 March 2011 disasters, only 20 of those 325 workers were directly connected with the massive quake & tsunamis.

16% due to excessive work loads

15% due to severe accidents

12% due to workplace harassment/bullying

Another major factor is that Japanese companies are reducing staff, mainly those employees with the most experience, in order to save money.  The problem is that the majority of employees are now younger workers who get very little training, and, are being asked to take on the same responsibilities as the more experienced workers who were laid off!  (sound familiar to you workers of the United States of America?)

World War 3: Australia joins U.S. led Pacific Air Forces. Begins new trilateral war games with Japan.

“The purpose of the Cope North exercise, held two to three times per year, is to enhance U.S. and Japanese air operations.”-GlobalSecurity.org

Until the recent signing of the trilateral military pact, Cope North war games were conducted by U.S. and Japanese air forces.  Now Australia joins the U.S. led Pacific Air Forces.

….because of our unique training advantages Andersen AFB is also the preferred location to host numerous Department of Defense joint and combined exercises, most recently COPE NORTH, Pacific Air Forces premier trilateral exercise with the Japanese Self Defense Air Force and the Royal Australian Air Force.”-Colonel Randy Kaufman, Commander of the USAF 36th Operations Group at Andersen Air Force Base 

Andersen AFB is located on the U.S. Empire territory of Guam.

World War 3: Signs Japan is preparing to join the U.S. in war with China! Military leaders say current Global situation similar to just prior to World War 2!

“In the latest sign of Japan’s military breaking out of its long-time self-imposed shell, about 20 uniformed, rifle-carrying soldiers, faces smeared with camouflage paint, marched through Tokyo’s western neighborhoods of Nerima and Itabashi Tuesday morning as part of a training mission….It was the first time in 42 years that Japanese troops openly marched through the capital…”-Wall Street Journal Japan, 12 June 2012

“Japan slipped to 5th position in the 2012 GPI [Global Peace Index], as a result of an increase in the number of heavy weapons and a slight rise in military spending as a proportion of GDP. There was also a rise in the Political Terror
Scale for the first time since 2004 from a very low level—the result of concerns raised in Amnesty International’s 2010 annual report. Despite the ban on maintaining war potential that was enshrined in Japan’s 1946 constitution, the country’s Self-Defense Forces (SDF) are sophisticated and capable and in
late 2010 the government unveiled plans to boost its southern forces over the next decade to counter China’s military rise.”-Global Peace Index 2012

“Satoshi Morimoto, a prominent national security analyst and government adviser who served in both the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the Foreign Ministry, was named to the defense post on Monday. He becomes Japan’s third defense minister since September; his predecessors, career politicians, were fired for incompetence.”-Time.com

Japan is swinging its ground forces south to face China, and debating fundamental changes in the roles, missions and operations of its self-defense forces.-Time.com

“Morimoto….is the first defense minister since the Second World War who is not a member of the Diet. That’s a big deal in a country that still nurses a deep distrust of the military and where renunciation of war is written – right there in black and white — into Japan’s constitution.”-Time.com

“He [Morimoto] is also a strong supporter of the U.S.-Japan alliance and of keeping Marines on Okinawa, despite the noise, crime and danger that have sparked decades of protest.”-Time.com

“A recent image posted on the top page of the official website for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) High Technical School conspicuously features the Zaku mobile suit from the Gundam [Anime/cartoon] series, with two students looking at a toy of the suit while imagining themselves as one…..The JGSDF High Technical School is a three-year high school that offers specialized technical training as well as officer training to its students……”-Animenewsnetwork.com

“The two big challenges Japan faces today are social security and national security. The latter is related to the SDF [Self Defense Forces] and the Defense Academy….The role to be played by the SDF will grow greater in the future.”-Ryosei Kokubun, current president of the National Defense Academy of Japan, interview with The Daily Yomiuri

“The situation in Japan today is similar to that of Britain and France after World War I. As the cruel war killed so many young people, the public’s prevailing opinion during the postwar period was that they should never go to war again.  As a result, Britain and France tended toward appeasement against the rise of Germany, only to allow another cruel war to break out.   Similarly, after the end of World War II, Japan came to believe it should be committed to pacifism.  It has managed to maintain its security by taking full advantage of the Japan-U.S. alliance in combination with its own limited arms.  Today, however, the surrounding region has become one of the most dangerous in the world. Since the 1991 Gulf War, China has realized the necessity of modernizing its forces, and as a result it continues to build up its military…”-Makoto Iokibe, former president of the National Defense Academy of Japan, interview with The Daily Yomiuri

Queen’s Evil British Empire: U.S. ally Australia involved with Elitist Ritual Homosexual Crimes against Children!

“It is certain that many boys were subjected to serious sexual and physical assault and other serious abuse… from the 1950s through to the 1970s and possibly into the 1980s.”-from government report obtained by Australian Broadcasting Corporation under freedom of information laws

15 June 2012, results of a government investigation into sex crimes committed by the British Commonwealth (empire) Australian military have been revealed by the Australian news media.

A royal commission discovered at least 850 cases of “horrific” sexual and other serious physical assaults against boys as young as 13.  The investigation was started after someone posted video of a sexual incident on Skype, last year.

However the allegations have been made by victims for decades!  In 2008, a former Australian army chief, Peter Leahy, said the sickos needed to be “pursued to the full extent of the law”, adding that the sickos “…been living a lie”.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the report was “truly disturbing reading”.  Investigators believe the Australian military has been infiltrated by the same secret occult organization of pedophiles that had infiltrated Australian orphanages, schools and churches!

The report said the elitist occult members performed initiation ceremonies, called “bastardisation”, which were “brutal” and “rife” until very recently!  Investigators believe that some of the perpetrators now hold mid and high level positions within the Australian military.

At the beginning of this month, the United States and Japan announced a military pact with Australia.  The U.S. already has troops on the ground in Australia.