Tag Archives: israel

World War 3: Iraq declares war on United States after Obama regime revealed new ‘Special Operations’ offensive!

02 December 2015 (02:07 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“We will chase and fight any American force deployed in Iraq. Any such American force will become a primary target for our group. We fought them before and we are ready to resume fighting.”-Jafaar Hussaini, Kata’ib Hezbollah

Iraqi Hezbollah operated U.S. made M1A1 Abrams panzer.

The officially recognized government of Iraq has already gone over to the Russians, now three major independent Iraqi militias have openly declared war on United States forces!

Asaib Ahl al-Haq armed with M4, M4-M203 & M2 .50 cal, riding in U.S. made HMMWV.

Kata’ib Hezbollah, Badr Movement and Asaib Ahl al-Haq have declared they will now attack all U.S. forces inside Iraq.  Kata’ib Hezbollah reminded everybody that they fought the U.S. before, but now they’re armed with U.S. weapons like the M1A1.  In fact all the militias are armed with U.S. weapons.

Iraqi Badr Movement soldiers.

The declaration of war by major militia groups came hours after the dip-shit U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told the U.S. Congress that the Obama regime will merge the conflicts in Syria and Iraq into one large battlefront, and greatly increase U.S. forces operating in the area.  Carter called the U.S. personnel involved with the expanded front “special operators”.

False Flag: Iraq reveals U.S. doesn’t bomb Islamic State because they’re “civilians”! 

World War 3, vehicle ID video: Iraq uses Chinese supplied drone against U.S. supplied Islamic State! 

Syria, 06 October 2015: Iraq to ask Russia for airstrikes! 

False Flag: Iraq reveals U.S. doesn’t bomb Islamic State because they’re “civilians”!

01 December 2015 (03:29 UTC-07 Tango 01)/10 Azar 1394/18 Safar 1437/20 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“I have personally contacted U.S. representatives asking them to target ISIL trucks transporting Iraqi and Syrian oil to Turkey only to be told that those were civilian targets so they could not attack them!”

Former Iraqi national security advisor Mowaffak al-Rubaie says the United States refuses to bomb Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) because they are considered civilians!

Rubaie also said that DAIISH made at least $800-million USD selling oil to Turkey in the past eight month!  He also posted on his facebook page that DAIISH sells the stolen oil to Turkey for only $20 per barrel.

Another Doctors Without Borders hospital intentionally bombed by U.S. allies! 

Obama accuses Russia of bombing civilians on same day U.S. planes bomb hospital! 

False Flag: NATO Turkey arrests their own police for stopping weapon shipments to Islamic State!

30 November 2015 (01:15 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Azar 1394/17 Safar 1437/19 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

The U.S. backed Turkish government has arrested the Border Gates Police who gave the news media video showing illegal arms shipments heading toU.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).  The police also halted those shipments, several times this year.

Ankara regional police Major General Ibrahim Aydin, former Brigadier General Hamza Celepoglu and former Colonel Burhanettin Cihangiroglu are now charged with treason!

Turkey arrest 2 reporters for revealing False Flag operation to support Islamic State! 

False Flag: ‘Syrian rebel’ boasting of killing Russian pilot is NATO Turkey operative, son of Turkish mayor! 

False Flag: Russia accuses NATO Turkey of conducting “industrial scale” oil deals with Islamic State!

False Flag: Italian cops stop Mormon designed shotguns coming from NATO Turkey & Winchester! 

World War 3: NATO Turkey admits they have body of Russian pilot!

29 November 2015, 17:26 UTC-07 Tango 01 (09 Azar 1394/17 Safar 1437/19 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Turkish premier Ahmed Davutoglu admitted they have the body of the Russian Sukhoi 24 pilot murdered by U.S. led NATO supported rebels as he parachuted from his aircraft.

Vehicle ID, CASA (now part of Airbus) CN-235-100M taking off from Turkey to deliver body of Russian pilot to Russia:

German news media supports Russia’s accusations that Turkey buys oil from Islamic State! 

False Flag: ‘Syrian rebel’ boasting of killing Russian pilot is NATO Turkey operative, son of Turkish mayor! 

World War 3: ‘Moderate’ rebels admit they violated international law and murdered the pilots! 

Turkey arrest 2 reporters for revealing False Flag operation to support Islamic State! 

World War 3, vehicle ID: Moskva arrives along Syria’s coastline!

28 November 2015 (05:44 UTC-07 Tango 01)/07 Azar 1394/15 Safar 1437/17 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Today’s Moskva of the Russian Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii) is a ‘missile cruiser’ not to be confused with the Cold War Soviet Военно-морской флот СССР (Voyenno-morskoy flot SSSR) Moskva ‘helicopter carrier’.

vehicle ID: Deadly S400 (SA-21) anti-aircraft missiles arrive in Syria! 

German news media supports Russia’s accusations that Turkey buys oil from Islamic State!

27 November 2015 (04:56 UTC-07 Tango 01)/06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

U.S. led NATO member Germany’s news source Bild says Russian President Vladimir Putin is correct when he accuses NATO member Turkey of supporting Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

In recent months, there have been reports that there are in Turkey purchasers for smuggled from ISIS oil.

► The prestigious British newspaper “The Guardian” writes that Turkish businessmen had concluded lucrative contracts with the jihadists, after which at least 10 million dollars per week included in the war chests of the killer militia. Turkey has replaced the Syrian regime as the main customer for the controlled by ISIS oil.

► According to a report of the “New York Times” go the US authorities from a monthly oil revenue for ISIS totaling about 40 million dollars.

“The proceeds from the sale of oil are the main source of funding for terrorists; Lose oilfields is a serious blow to ISIS, “says terrorism expert Davis Lewin of the Henry Jackson Society (London) told BILD.

► Time and again were Russian air strikes in Syria claims to the oil infrastructure of ISIS. Recently reported Moscow’s military destruction of 500 tankers. According to information of “Russia Today” was the Kremlin “has long been” indications that the oil goes to Turkey.”-Bild

Russia accuses NATO Turkey of conducting “industrial scale” oil deals with Islamic State! 

U.S. supports illegal oil, artifact & human body parts industry!

The Great Reneger: Obama cancels future oil drilling operations!

Proof it’s about Leviathan as Israel discovers oil in Syria!

Japan to invade South Sudan….It’s all about the oil!

False Flag: Moscow, Russia, orders business owners to prepare for attacks! Police raid warehouse full of bombs!

27 November 2015 (04:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Moscow Department of Trade and Services issued a warning to all business to prepare for possible terrorist attacks.  This comes after the Russian Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service (Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, FSB) announced they captured a “criminal gang” and raided a warehouse full of bombs, specifically “15 high-explosive shells of various calibres, about 8 kilograms of TNT, 4 kilograms of gunpowder, several mortar and anti-personnel mines, about 10 thousand of ammunition of various calibers, 30 hand grenades, 40 electric detonators, 55 units of the main parts of the weapon…” etc.

Apparently the ‘criminal gang’ has been making their own bombs for sale to the highest bidder.  Russian law enforcement says so far this year they’ve arrested 74 “thugs” involved in such operations.

Back in the city of Moscow, the FSB says it detained a 20 years old woman for trying to join Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).  They say she was persuaded to marry a member of DAIISH in U.S. led NATO Turkey.  Her father reported her plans to the police.

Moscow Department of Trade and Services instructed businesses to pay more attention to customers, especially after they leave in case they left something nefarious behind.  Also, observe employees who return from vacations in certain countries, keep records of premises inspections, pay attention to vehicles entering or leaving the property, and hire-on/or increase the number of security guards.   The Department of Commerce has also been notified.

World War 3: United States invades Syria!

World War 3: United States invades Syria!

26 November 2015, 23:54 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“Our special forces going into northern Syria, their mission will be to organize the forces on the ground, a broad coalition of forces begin to push down on Raqqa.”-Brett McGurk, Obama stooge in charge of the False Flag group known as Global Coalition to Counter ISIS during 22 November 2015 interview with CBS Face the Nation

Barack Obama breaks yet another promise (remember he said no U.S. boots on the ground in Syria)!  British empire based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports it has observed at least 30 U.S. military personnel on the ground inside Syria!

The U.S. personnel arrived in the city of Kobani over a two days period.  Kobani is in Kurdish territory known as Rojava.  Kurdish news sources are also reporting the arrival of 30 U.S. special forces personnel “within recent hours”.

Kurdish sources confirmed the objective of the U.S. ground forces is to prep for attacks against the cities of Raqqa and Jarablus, in Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) controlled territory.

But also, the U.S. ground forces will coordinate NATO airstrikes on the rest of Syria.

These 30 “special forces” personnel are just the beginning of the U.S. ‘invasion’ according to Obama lap dog Brett McGurk.  At the end of October, Obama authorized the insertion of 50 special forces personnel into northern Syria, under the guise of a training mission.

World War 3: Germany deploys 650 combat troops to Mali so France can re-deploy its Mali troops to invade Syria! 

World War 3: Russia arrests 26 Turkish businessmen! Russia rounding up Turks!

26 November 2015, 22:42 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

26 businessmen from U.S. led NATO member Turkey were arrested at the Krasnodar Agricultural Expo in Russia.

Reports say the businessmen were surrounded by plainclothes police in the middle of the expo, then taken away.  Apparently a Russian court ordered them deported after a ten day stay in the local jail.

The Turkish embassy in Moscow, Russia, is warning all Turkish citizens to be prepared to be rounded up by Russian police, by having all passports and other documentation on their person at all times.

World War 3: Poland, Norway, Czech Republic & Slovakia ramp up for major war, send troops to Mali!