Tag Archives: idaho

Police operated charity is a scam?

28 November 2016 / 23:28 UTC-07 Tango 01 (09 Azar 1395/28 Safar 1438/01 Ji Hai [11th month] 4714)

Typically police warn you about scammers pretending to be raising money for fake police charities, but this time a cop is charged doing the same thing.

A former Boise, Idaho, cop and his wife are charged with stealing thousands of dollars from The Treasure Valley Lodge #11 Fraternal Order of Police charity, while the former cop was the president of the fraternity.  The current fraternity president says it took local police investigators fives years to uncover the crime by cop!

Here’s more proof why U.S. charities are scams: Charity Navigator, online charity rating system, proves to be unreliableCrains Chicago Business

The Charities that Stole Christmas (including the Clinton Foundation)-Washington Times 

Texas raffle tickets for charity scam proves to be a repeat winnerKXAN

Better Business Bureau warns of scammers posing as donors-The News Press

Australian court reveals charities pay their paid employees less than minimum wageThe Sydney Morning Herald

Donald Trump, scam artistThe Washington Post

Woman runs cancer charity scamNJ.com

Cancer charity Boobies Rock turns out to be a scam, for past three yearsThe Denver Channel

Pink Bag scamSpring Hill Home Page

“financial exigency” as The Rapture claims more students? Mo proof Mo Education does not equal Mo Money! : Dumbing Down the U.S., November 2016

It must be noted that I started documenting these education shutdowns at the beginning of 2014, in that year I posted the reports biannually (every six months). In 2015 education cutbacks ramped up and I posted quarterly (every three months). For the past 11 months of 2016 there have been so many education cutbacks that I’ve posted a report every month!

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

As of 3rd Quarter 2016: $1.26-trillion in total U.S. student loan debt, entrapping 44.2-million people for the next 20 to 30 years (you can’t declare bankruptcy against government loans)!  

Incomplete list of publicly announced education related layoffs & school shutdowns, November 2016:

Alabama: In Mobile, after only 13 months the taxpayer-investor subsidized (at least $70-million USD to build) GulfQuest Maritime Museum shutting down due to lack of paying customers.  Last month the mayor of Mobile revealed that the museum was behind on utility payments by $400-thousand!

California: In Los Angeles the Bienvenidos Children Center laying off 13 people right after Xmas.

Colorado: In Denver shock as Colorado Heights University joins the growing list of higher education establishments shutting down for good, before next school year.  Administrators blame DSS and problems maintaining its accreditation.

Idaho:  Once again the ‘christian’ Right to Work (you over) republican leaders are realizing too late that their education policies suck.  Last month I told you how the number of Idaho high school grads going on to college continues to crash-n-burn, now a new Student Loan Report survey shows as much as 82% of Idahoans who did “Go-On” and graduate from college (both public and private) are now saddled with debt.  To address the issues of crashing college enrollment (of Idahoans) and skyrocketing indebtedness Idaho ‘lawmakers’ have approved a $3-thousand USD grant to help individual Idahoans pay for college (too late for me and my adult children)!  The federal government is helping by shelling out $1.4-million to expand Idaho’s apprenticeships in healthcare, Info-Tech, manufacturing and energy.   A  Fort Hall Elementary principal admitted to stealing more than $9-thousand from the Blackfoot School District.  She was sentenced to five years probation and 3-hundred hours of community work, and supposedly has already paid back the money.  Combative state Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra now swears she will comply with federal Department of Education rules by submitting the Every Student Succeeds Act plan by March 2017.  The announcement came after Ybarra failed to met her own self imposed ESSA filing deadline!

Kansas: Without warning to students Heritage College suddenly shutdown all ten campuses, students found out when they showed up for classes and found the doors locked!  A note on the doors said the school was bankrupt dead, students are frantic: “I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what’s going on with my loans, I don’t know what to do next!”-Stephanie Hermrack

Kentucky: In Lexington, The Morris Book Shop shutting down in January 2017, after nine years: “I’m sorry to have to report that our search for a buyer has come to an end………declining sales over the past two years have erased all realistic hope of a rebound.”– Wyn Morris, owner

Maryland: In Towson, after nine years Ukazoo Books can’t renew their lease and will shutdown before Xmas.  Ukazoo proprietors tried to buy a building of their own, but the deal fell through.

Missouri: Saint Louis Public Schools warns it must shutdown two schools by fall 2017 due to ongoing DSS.  God can’t stop ‘his’ Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint James schools from shutting down due to The Rapture (I mean massive DSS), local news reports say the Saint Louis Archdiocese has suffered a net loss of 12-thousand 5-hundred students over the past decade (that sounds like The Rapture numbers to me)! The Lincoln University imposed a hiring freeze and will eliminate jobs by April 2017, due to the gov’na withholding $1-million USD in taxpayer funding.  Administrators say that without that money they could shutdown after seven months.

New Jersey:  Money problems forcing County College of Morris to shutdown its Morristown campus right after Xmas, as it consolidates operations.

New Mexico:  San Juan College warning of layoffs due to being forced to cut $1.14-million USD from its budget in December, describing it as a “financial exigency” (urgent demand) caused by a sudden taxpayer funding cut of 5%: “We have reached the point where we must reduce our workforce as our budgetary resources in this fiscal year, and next, will not support all of the positions on our organizational chart.”– Toni Pendergrass, college president

New York:  Dowling College chapter 11 bankrupt dead and selling off its properties. Dowling suddenly shutdown in August affecting at least 450 employees and 1-thousand 7-hundred students!  In NYC, That Which Cannot be Named refuses to stop ‘its’ Yeshiva University from shutting down Info-Tech services at four locations across The Empire State, at least 52 jobs “affected” by February 2017.  SUNY Plattsburgh warning of layoffs as part of efforts to save $1.4-million USD.  Clinton Community College eliminating jobs after losing 221 students over the past year.  That Which Cannot be Named powerless to stop Yeshiva University from shutting down their Israel Henry Beren Campus Technology Services Division a week before Xmas.

North Dakota: In Fargo,two grade school teachers were praised for attending the biased Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, admittedly for extensive brainwashing: “In the face of rising anti-semitism and Holocaust denial, educating students about this history is becoming increasingly urgent.”-Peter Fredlake, museum director of teacher education and special programs

Ohio: Dayton Public Schools warned 77 employees of layoffs due to ongoing DSS.   Rural Maplewood Schools warning of school shutdowns in 2017 due to never ending DSS; a net loss of 447 students since 2003!

Oregon: Southern Oregon Historical Society warns that paid employees will be laid off right after Xmas, due to cash strapped taxpayers voting down (overwhelmingly, 65% to 35%) a new funding proposal.

Pennsylvania: McCann School of Business and Technology suddenly stopped accepting new students, and will shutdown as soon as enrolled students are ‘taken care of’.  The shutdown is blamed on DSS.

Rhode Island: Nathaniel Hilger of the National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that higher education does not equate to earning more money.  He discovered this while researching the myth that Asian Americans earn more money because of their education level.  That myth has been going around since the 1960s, and Hilger found it was a lie.  The true reason was declining discrimination against Asians: “Asians used to be paid like blacks. But between 1940 and 1970, they started to get paid like whites.”

South Dakota: In Aberdeen, after two years education supply store Teacher’s Pet shutting down right after Xmas. The owner blames an economy that has not recovered, with the final straw being ObamaCare insurance rates for employees.

Tennessee: In Nashville, after 20 years BookmanBookwoman shutdown its brick-n-mortar store, now selling on the internet only.

Wisconsin: In Madison, after 27 years of supposedly being ‘progressive’ Rainbow Bookstore co-op shutting down due to crashing enrollment at University of Wisconsin Madison: “Rainbow’s been struggling for a number of years. I think we’ve had a couple different challenges that we’ve been trying to address simultaneously. Our main source of revenue, which was selling textbooks that supported the rest of the bookstore, is vanishing.”-Debbie Rasmussen, volunteer (slave?) employee



Right to Vote? Yeah Right! Idaho’s electors being bullied?

21 November 2016 (15:26 UTC-07 Tango 01) 01 Azar 1395/20 Safar 1438/22 Ji Hai 4714

“We electors were proud to represent the people. We ought to be left alone because we have been dedicated to Donald Trump, it’s spelled out on the ballot. It’s not necessary to use dirty tactics to reach us.”Layne Bangerter, Idaho elector

For proof that the November elections are just a False Flag operation, the true election involving the electors of each state takes place on 19 December (are you ever going to question how the main stream news media always calls the elections on ‘election night’ in November, based on electoral votes that don’t take place until December?).  Now there’s word that Idaho’s electors are being bullied, likely by Democrats.

The irony is that the liberal left likes to run anti-bullying PSAs on TV, yet Idaho’s Secretary of State, Lawerence Denney, is accusing them of harassing The Gem State’s four electors. Denney says the electors are getting phone calls from people who are attempting to bully them to vote against Donald Trump “…through insults, vulgar language, or threats…”

Idaho’s electoral rules almost guarantee the republican candidate will get the vote, although there is language in the regulations which allow the electors to vote for the ‘other guy’.  It should be noted that Idaho’s Secretary of State said the only proper way of contacting the electors is through his office, and in writing only.  Mmmmm.


Right to vote? Yeah right! Jewish founded Too Big to Jail Goldman Sachs gives campaign money to both the Republican and Democrat parties! Just more proof that your Democrat and Republican leaders are on the same Shadow Government team!

My Immigrant Idaho: Mormon farmers suffer under Trump’s illegals policy!

21 November 2016 (03:24 UTC-07 Tango 01) 01 Azar 1395/20 Safar 1438/22 Ji Hai 4714

“It would have to be a massive, military type effort. And then what?   ….Our dairy industry in Idaho depends on immigrant labor….”-John Thompson, Idaho Farm Bureau Federation, commenting on Donald Trump’s campaign promise to deport illegal immigrants

Right before the False Flag elections on 08 November 2016 (the official Electoral College elections take place on 19 December) it was revealed that Idaho’s businesses are employing an estimated 41-thousand undocumented (ie illegal) migrant workers.  Under Trump’s promised plan to deport illegals it’s estimated that Idaho agricultural industry alone would lose at least 25% of their illegal migrant workers (one estimate says 40% of Idaho’s ag workers are illegal).

I’ve written before that the true reason ‘christian’ lawmakers in Idaho are allowing illegal immigration is that thousands of U.S. citizens have fled The Gem State.  The southern Idaho Twin Falls area has long been ground zero for immigrants.

In June of this year, The Economist revealed that this goes back the end of the U.S. occupation of Vietnam, when Mormon-LDS dominated leaders began a immigrant farm labor program (as a False Flag program run by taxpayer funded College of Southern Idaho) under the guise of helping refugees from Southeast Asia.  Today that program has exploded to the point where federal agencies, and the United Nations, are directly involved.

The Twin Falls College of Southern Idaho Refugee operation has become so big that an Idaho Falls TV station drove three hours to Twin Falls to do a report about it.  KIFI reported “Many people don’t know that Idaho is a major refugee resettlement destination. There are centers in Boise and Twin Falls that welcome hundreds of refugees from all over the world each year.”   But their report wasn’t negative, KIFI’s report made it sound like most Twin Fallsians love the CSI Refugee Center job stealing program.

Right to Work (you over) governor Butch Otter giving praise at the Chobani alter

One of the largest employers in Twin Falls is immigrant founded Chobani Yogurt. Between his New York and Idaho yogurt operations the owner admits to employing at least 3-hundred immigrants.

But don’t think the U.S. citizens who call Twin Falls home support the covert College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center program.  The Refugee Center administrators admit that 3-hundred refugees are brought through Twin Falls every year, with most staying put.  What KIFI failed to report was that U.S. citizens living in Twin Falls, including agronomist Adrian Arp, are pissed and hope Donald Trump keeps his promise to get rid of illegal immigrants: “I think God is giving us another chance. I mean, seriously. You looked at all the odds. The Republican establishment. The crooked media. Despite it all, he was able to pull it off. And now we’ve got to hold his feet to the fire.”

Some pro-immigrant groups (please notice that most pro-immigrant groups support illegal immigration, not legal immigration) downplay the number of immigrants arriving in Idaho.  At this point more than 95-thousand immigrants have arrived, but keep in mind the official population of Idaho is about 1.5-million, that’s a fraction of New York City’s population of just over 8-million! 

Idaho ‘christian’ officials mistreat girl, 5, raped by Muslim migrants

The Washington Post: In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test


Reports say illegal immigration to The Gem State  skyrocketed 30% from 2009 to 2012, and is costing legal state taxpayers $187.4-million USD per year! 

Taxpayer funded schools caught favoring Mormons! : Dumbing Down the U.S., October 2016

It must be noted that I started documenting these education shutdowns at the beginning of 2014, in that year I posted the reports biannually (every six months). In 2015 education cutbacks ramped up and I posted quarterly (every three months). For the past ten months of 2016 there have been so many education cutbacks that I’ve posted a report every month!

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete list of publicly announced education related layoffs & school shutdowns, October 2016:

Idaho: The number of Gem State high school graduates who immediately go on to college dropped below the halfway mark, in 2014 and 2015.  This is despite the Board of Education spending taxpayer money on several years of “Go-On” propaganda.  Superintendent of Public Schools Sherri Ybarra lost her attempt to block the investigation into the falsifying of teacher performance records.  Last month law makers created a $50-thousand USD fine for any district official caught falsifying such data. This is the result of an investigation by IdEdNews which revealed that school districts were deliberately lying about their teacher’s performance in order to justify pay raises!  Cassia County Joint School District decided not to fight a ACLU lawsuit accusing it of discriminating against non-Mormon students.  Details of the settlement were not disclosed but the taxpayer funded Mormon dominated school district claims it will make changes to its official policies of favoring Mormon students.  What happened was a non-Mormon student wanted to run for student body president but was denied on the grounds of not having the required classes completed.  But it turns out the only candidate, a Mormon, also did not meet the requirements to campaign for president yet was allowed to run!  The Mormon dominated district was counting Mormon seminary as credit towards the class requirement.

Illinois: It was revealed that the University of Illinois killed more than 5-hundred jobs over the past 18 months, due to crashing taxpayer funding!  Obama regime controlled Chicago Public Schools eliminating even more jobs, this time 250 people will become jobless due to crashing enrollment!

Louisiana: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Pius Child Development Center from shutting down sometime in 2017, claiming the church cannot afford to make needed repairs to the facility.

Massachusetts: God powerless to stop the last of ‘his’ Catholic high schools in Berkshire County from shutting down, Saint Joseph Central High will shutdown in June 2017.

Minnesota:  University of Minnesota Duluth eliminating 38 jobs in order to save $2-million USD.

New York: Wayne Central School District warns that crashing enrollment will force them to shutdown two of their three elementary schools!

North Carolina: In Lumberton, god powerless to stop ‘his’ 39 years old Christian Book Store from shutting down right after Xmas.  The owner basically said it was because they couldn’t find a ‘christian’ buyer willing to take over the business.

Texas:  NATO member Turkey is accusing Houston based Harmony Public Schools, which operates hundreds of campuses across the U.S. (under different names),  of not only employment discrimination against Turkish immigrants, but of supporting Islamic Extremism.  However, the ‘christian’ dominated Texas Education Agency declared the accusations against Harmony to be “unfounded”.  In San Antonio, Career Point College suddenly announced it is dead as a result of violating federal regulations.



My Immigrant Idaho: Unemployment services now in Spanish!

13 November 2016 / 11:04 UTC-07 Tango 01 (24 Aban 1395/13 Safar 1438/15 Ji Hai 4714)

One of the Red States that elected Donald Trump is now offering unemployment services in the Spanish language.

The Idaho Department of Labor quietly launched a Spanish version of its website during the week of the U.S. presidential elections: https://labor.idaho.gov/ClaimantPortal/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fClaimantPortal%2f

Officially the False Flag Republican leaders of Idaho claim the new Spanish site will save taxpayers money.  But it’s not the taxpayers you think of, in Idaho unemployment assistance (incorrectly called “benefits”) are paid by employers, not employees: “Unemployment insurance benefits are funded through a tax on employers, which is collected by the Idaho Department of Labor and placed in a federal trust fund.”Idaho Department of Labor

In other words, the Right to Work (you over) Republicans are only helping the growing number of Idaho employers who employ migrants instead of citizens.






Right to Vote? Yeah Right! Idaho’s “More of the same” bull-shit elections!

12 November 2016 (10:34 UTC-07 Tango 01) 22 Aban 1395/11 Safar 1438/13 Ji Hai 4714

It’s interesting that in the Democrat stronghold of Bannock County “More than 85 percent of registered Bannock County voters participated.” and that “more than 6,500 first-time voters registered on Election Day, with many of those coming from the [pro-Clinton/Sanders supporting, supposedly] Millennial generation”, yet Trump won in Bannock County by 6838 votes over the next highest vote getter. (Note how Trump won by almost the same amount of supposed ‘first time voters’ who registered on the day of the election!)

Bannock County’s KPVI reported “Many Pocatello residents were shocked after Tuesday night’s results.”

Illegible ballots were cause of delay for Canyon election results-KBOI

Franklin, Bonner and Nez Perce counties also faced troubles counting ballots.-KXLY

Multiple precincts in Payette County ran low of ballots Tuesday afternoon-KTVB

In its federal lawsuit against Ada County and Idaho state election officials, the Idaho Democratic Party contends that the Ada County Clerk’s office didn’t give enough notice to voters that five polling places had changed.-CBSNews

More of the same in Idaho elections-Idaho Press-Tribune

Write-in votes are written off during ballot counting-The Spokesman Review

“I called the clerk’s office and as I understand their explanation, these [write-in] ballot(s) are kicked out by the machine and the entire ballot must be processed and verified by a team of three real life folks. This creates a situation that adds time to the counting of ballots.”

Washington and Idaho are two of the 32 states where people have to officially file as write-in candidates before the election.-Snopes



“There’s no more retail…” Trump & Clinton kill 3,074 jobs! : U.S. Retail/Banking/Service sector job losses, October 2016

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns for October 2016:

Arizona: In Glendale, Divine Consign shutdown without warning, leaving employees and consignment sellers in the lurch: People are wanting to get their things…..I came down and opened the door so they can get their things. I no longer have a job…..I don’t know what’s going on from here on out!”-Shannon Couch, former employee

 California: In San Rafael, after 23 years Bullseye Indoor Range & Firearms Store forced to shutdown by greedy landlord and new anti-2nd Amendment ‘laws’.  Richard Simmons forced to shutdown his Beverly Hills 42 years old Slimmons fitness center.  Associated Third Party Administrators issued multiple shutdown WARNs across California, 218 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!   The Red Lion Hotel shutting down their Woodlake Center in Sacramento, 120 jobs gone right before Xmas!  San Francisco based clothier Gap shutting down all its Banana Republic stores in the British empire country of United Kingdom.   In San Francisco, Japan based Hotel Nikko shutting down, 336 jobs gone right after Thanksgiving.  Supposedly the shutdown is “temporary”.   Also in San Francisco, after 30 years Arthur Ben Shoes shutdown, the owner blames five years of rent increases.   Switzerland based staffing agency Adecco issued a shutdown WARN for its Jurupa Valley location, 129 jobs lost by the end of January 2017! In Palo Alto, Pennisula Hardware shutting down after 63 years, the owner is retiring but admitted he gave up trying to compete with the “big box stores”.

Connecticut: Bon Ton shutting down their Hampden store, 61 jobs gone by January 2017.  Hotel chain Marriott International killing 163 Stamford jobs right after Xmas!  Also in Stamford, British empire’s Royal Bank of Scotland issued yet another layoff WARN, this time 40 jobs killed right before Xmas.

Georgia: WestPoint Home Bed & Bath Outlet in Lake Park shutting down in November, local news media says the corporate office refused to comment.

Idaho: After 40 years in Idaho Falls, Madsen’s Crafts and Framing shutting down in November.  One of the retiring co-owners said decades ago he quit his job with Sears in Utah to run the local Idaho craft store, and he has no regrets.  In Lewiston, Discount Vacuum shutdown after 35 years, due to the owner’s health problems.

Illinois:  Bon Ton shutting down their Bergner’s store in Machesney Park, 43 jobs gone by January 2017.  Cherry Street Guitar Company shutting down because the owner just got hired by his competitor’s West Music store.  Office Max shutting down their Yorkville store in time for Thanksgiving, as part of their three years plan to shutdown at least 3-hundred stores.  Payless Shoes shutting down three stores in the Centralia area, right after Thanksgiving.  Payless Shoes blames it on “landlord issues”.  In Bloomington, after 37 years Bob Taylor’s Classic Auto shutdown, the classic cars auctioned off so the owner can retire.  In Hickory Hills, First Midwest Bank eliminating 109 jobs after Thanksgiving, no reason given in the WARNs!  Hilton Indian Lakes Resort issued a layoff WARN, 80 jobs lost by January 2017, no reason given.

Indiana: In South Bend, Buttons & Bows clothing store shutdown due to the death of the owner.

Maryland: Lanham based patio furniture chain-store Offenbachers bankrupt busted and shutting down all eight stores after 44 years of business!

Michigan: After 149 years Hoekstra Hardware shutting down in time for Xmas.  The oldest business in Kalamazoo was up for sale for the past two years, nobody was interested in buying the successful business.

Minnesota: In Alexandria, Randy’s Menswear shutdown.  The retiring owner revealed that 40 years ago his successful foray into selling clothing was meant as a temporary job.

Missouri: Walmart shutting down their Piedmond and Caruthersville stores, 160 jobs gone by January 2017!

New Jersey: In Atlantic City, the Icahn-Trump owned Trump Taj Mahal Casino officially shutdown, 3-thousand jobs gone!

New Mexico: Office Max shutting down their store on Menaul near Carlisle, in time for Thanksgiving.

New York: The Clinton Foundation issued yet another layoff WARN, this time 74 Clinton Global Initiative employees unemployed right after Xmas.  In Middletown, A&P Coat, Apron & Linen Supply issued a shutdown WARN for their Unitex Textile Rental Services, 65 jobs gone by January 2017.  Clothier Aéropostale shutting down three Capital Region stores, despite ending its bankruptcy.   Goldman Sachs laid off an additional 20 people. Local news reports say the Too Big to Jail company has eliminated 486 New York jobs so far this year! In Elmira, after 107 years Rubin’s Newsstand shutting down after Xmas: “There’s no more retail in there. The complexion for retail changed……it’s time, time for us to dedicate efforts to our operations at Southern Tier News.”-Geoff Rubin

North Carolina: In Raleigh, after 70 years Askew-Taylor Paints shutting down, the family heir to the business can make more money with her college degree.

North Dakota:  What housing market recovery? Too Big to Jail Coldwell Banker suddenly shutdown their 47 years old real estate ops in Fargo.  Local news reports say state officials got suspicious when Coldwell real estate agents failed to renew their state issued licenses, no comment from Coldwell admin.

Ohio: After 45 years 36 hole Weatherwax Golf Course shutting down in November.  The owners swear it’s not because of low sales, yet local news media says it’s the fifth area golf course to shutdown.  Apparently golf courses in Ohio are being taken over at taxpayer expense to be turned into money losing parks.  In Lima, after 42 years SAY Furniture & Mattress shutting down in time for Xmas.  The owner blames his health problems, but admitted he could make more money renting out the building.

Oklahoma: Tulsa based BOK Financial suddenly laid off ‘about’ 1-hundred people, in an effort to cut costs.

Pennsylvania: The owner of the Schuylkill Mall is now chapter 7 bankrupt busted, which usually means they’re dead-in-the-water.  The sale of the mall is already in the hands of the local sheriff.  Popular roller skate rink Romp-n-Roll shutting down after Thanksgiving, no reason given.  Office Max shutting down their Colonial Commons shopping center store in time for Thanksgiving, as part of their three years plan to shutdown at least 3-hundred stores.

South Dakota: In Britton, after 115 years Lee & Hanson Men’s Wear shutting down when the inventory is gone.  In Sioux Falls, god powerless to stop ‘his’ YMCA from shutting down the Wise Buys thrift store, 37 jobs lost.  YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) administrators blame “market conditions”.  Also in Sioux Falls, The Clothing Agency for Men shutdown.

Tennessee:  After 40 years Woodstream Hardwoods shutting down right after Xmas, the owner is retiring to teach people how to work with wood.

Texas: Dallas based Commerce Bank shutting down 16 offices across the country (most in Michigan), 2-hundred jobs gone by April 2017!

Vermont: In Burlington, 176 years old Fremeau’s Jewelers shutting down because the aged owner can’t find anybody who wants to take over the business.  Local news media suggested the city’s plan to jack-up taxes was also a factor. The Zutano Baby chain-store was sold, the Montpelier location was confirmed to shutdown.  The new owners also changed the name and moved the HQ to Massachusetts.

Virginia: In Virginia Beach, Town Center Fitness shutting down due to family health problems.  After 47 years Adkins Lighting Center shutting down because the retiring owners realized it would be too hard to find a buyer for their successful business.

Washington: Too Big to Jail Capital One laid off 234 people in Seattle without warning!  In Everett, Hollander Investments eliminating 84 jobs right before Xmas.  Bankrupt Hastings shutdown their store in Richland.  In Kennewick, after at least 32 years Music Machine shutdown due to the owner deciding to leave the state to be with his ‘rising star executive’ wife.  The last video store in Longview, Video’n More, shutdown.

Wyoming: After 30 years Worland Hardware shutdown, the owners blame a declining local population and yet an increase in retail competition: “As the town keeps shrinking it gets to having fewer and fewer customers. For years there were just two of us in town and now there are five that carry hardware. So the pie has gotten split in more pieces. ……we’ve really tried to sell it and we really did not want to see Worland lose another business but at the same time we can’t keep supporting it either.”– Lowell and Punkie Peterson

U.S. Tech/Communications layoffs, October 2016: No more Verizon?

September 2016: “THEY DON’T HAVE THE MONEY.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification.

I found a 2010 AFL-CIO analysis (titled The Public Availability of WARN Notices: Lack of Accessibility and Disclosure…) which proves what I’ve been suspecting in my search of state WARN notices; most states are not complying with federal WARN regulations and are not publicizing or tracking mass layoffs.

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Proof voting is not a Right: Idaho Code 34-435

08 November 2016 (05:45 UTC-07 Tango 01) 18 Aban 1395/07 Safar 1438/09 Ji Hai 4714

Voting is not an inalienable (“Not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor.”-Oxford Dictionary) Right.

“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away … They’re temporary privileges.” -George Carlin

Idaho Code 34-435: “…our office is required to cancel voter registrations of individuals who have not voted…”-Bannock County Voter Registration Office, official notice of voting ‘rights’ revocation dated 21 January 2015



Idaho makes it harder to get a library card than to vote!

08 November 2016  (04:05 UTC-07 Tango 01) 18 Aban 1395/07 Safar 1438/09 Ji Hai 4714

“To receive your permanent library card bring in a photo ID and proof of your current address. If you are under 18, a parent or legal guardian will need to be present to approve your application and show photo identification and proof of current address.”-Boise Public Library

In Idaho it’s harder to get a library card than to vote.  All you need to register to vote is an Idaho identification with your pic on it. Yet to get a library card you need that plus proof of residence, like a utility bill!  But get this, even if you don’t have a photo ID you can still vote in Idaho using a Personal Identification Affidavit!