Tag Archives: idaho

World War 3, Economic Front: Walmart & Sears end portrait studios!

08 April 2013 (15:01 UTC-07 Tango 06)/27 Jumada l-Ula 1434/19 Farvardin 1391/28 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In what is old news to me, the main streamer U.S. media has finally realized that portrait studios in Walmart and Sears have disappeared.

The portrait studio at the Chubbuck, Idaho, Walmart quietly shut down months ago, no mention in the local media.

According to a report out of Florida, the company that operated those studios, Canadian based CPI, is out-o-business.  The report says CPI was done in by the digital camera age, because more people are doing their own family portraits using digital cameras and their computers.

What Economic Recovery? BP to abandon Wind Power operations in Idaho!

04 April 2013 (15:40 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada l-Ula 1434/15 Farvardin 1391/24 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

British Petroleum (the company behind the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon disaster) is getting out of the wind power business, including its eastern Idaho U.S.A. Goshen North operation near Idaho Falls.

BP will also abandon wind farms in California, Texas, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

Company officials said it just wasn’t worth it, and they will now focusing solely on petroleum.  BP claims to have invested $55 billion USD into wind power, and analysts think that after the sale of their wind farms BP will end up losing most of that investment.

BP is also abandoning its solar power operations!

Norovirus update 16 March 2013: Elton John down! Save some money and stay away from the ER! Pesticides spreading the disease, more reasons to avoid veggies! No room at the Hospital, tents set up for dozens of sick students! Queen out-a-the hospital but not out-a-the woods! Elitist eateries making people sick!

Elton John canceled a Friday night U.S. concert at the last minute, because he’s sick with stomach bug!

In Warwickshire, England U.K., the Red Cross was called out to deal with two bus loads of 90 French exchange students sick, possibly with norovirus. The buses were at the Warwick Hospital.  After admitting four of the students, the hospital staff realized there would be no room at the inn because so many were sick, so they called in the Red Cross to set up tents and provide camp-beds,  blankets, inflatable pillows and hygiene packs.

Speaking of England, the Queen is out of the hospital but that doesn’t mean she’s out-a-the woods: “The queen continues to make a good recovery following her recent illness, and today she presented the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry and held a series of audiences.  However, regrettably, she will no longer attend the Tech City engagement planned for tomorrow, or the Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scriptures Association Service at the Guards Chapel on Thursday…..The queen hopes to resume her program of official engagements next week.”

Also, a British boxer almost canceled a fight, but like many ‘mericans he went to work sick: “It was horrendous. I was not well in the build-up, I picked up a stomach bug the day before the fight and I spent most of the day of the fight on the toilet……I had sold a lot of tickets and had a lot of people to please and didn’t want to let them down.”-Dan Woodgate, he won the fight

On 12 March in the United States, Texas Ranger outfielder, Craig Gentry, was taken off the lineup because of stomach bug.

Around the World, many Football clubs (that’s soccer in the U.S.) are dealing with sick players.

In Netherlands, a new study says norovirus can survive pesticides, and is probably even spread by the bug poison!  The study was inspired by other studies that showed a strong connection between norovirus and vegetables (one U.S. study says 50% of produce have norovirus!).  The Dutch researchers diluted norovirus in eight different types of pesticides, the virus survived in all eight.  The study, published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, concludes that the possible source of norovirus on vegetables is coming from the pesticides that are routinely sprayed on industrial scale crops!

In Oregon U.S.A., an upscale restaurant (most dinners starting out at $18 per person) has been hit with norovirus, for the second time in 11 months. Amazingly the owners of Adina Restaurant did not know about the April 2012 outbreak linked to their eatery! County health officials say this latest outbreak began the 1st of March, and so far involves 27 people reporting illness.  On Monday, 11 March, the owners were ordered by the county to get an additional refrigerator, because it turns out the employees were storing cooked meats with raw meats due to a lack of refrigerators! Last year the upscale restaurant was warned about their refrigerator being too warm to prevent bacterial growth.

In an update on another upscale restaurant, Noma in Denmark, it turns out that restaurant staff and owners possibly ignored emailed warnings from the local health inspectors. Health officials are blaming the outbreak, in the restaurant with the longest reservation waiting list in the world, on an employee. Between 63 and 67 people reported getting sick back in February. The employee is considered a carrier of norovirus, which means they show no symptoms of the disease.

In Indiana U.S.A., parents are being warned after an increase in sick children at the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, mainly with dehydration: “We’re seeing a fair amount of kids over the past month or so.”-David Zipes

More than 25% of the residents at Carillon at Boulder Creek retirement community, in Colorado U.S.A., are sick.  14 employees are sick as well: “Since Friday, they’ve been implementing control measures to stop the spread of the illness. The facility has been handling it appropriately….”-Carol Helwig, Boulder County health official

In Danville, Virginia U.S.A., medical personnel report a 10% increase in reported cases in the past week.

More cruise ships getting hit with stomach bug.  Princess Cruises’ Ruby Princess in the Caribbean, and Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth in the Pacific are the latest to report sick passengers.

In Scotland U.K., yet another hospital closing its doors to visitors.  The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh has closed six wards.  At least 100 patients sick, along with an undisclosed number of employees.

In Canada, provincial health officials have confirmed vomiting bug outbreak across Prince Edward Island (PEI), possibly linked to the Rodd Mill River Resort.  Health officials don’t blame the resort, they suspect that the first people to get sick were actually sick before they arrived, and spread it to others.

I have some advise for anyone sick with the vomiting bug: Unless you’re at deaths door don’t go to your local hospital ER. One of my daughters was recently sick with stomach bug, and she went to a hospital in Boise, Idaho U.S.A.  She wasn’t sick enough to be admitted, but sat in the ER for six hours. She just received the bill; $3000 USD!!!  (yes, despite Obama/Romney Care we in the U.S. must still fork out big bucks for even the piddliest health care)

I’ll say again what I’ve posted in earlier reports, and what I tried to explain to my daughter:  There is no treatment for norovirus, there is no cure for norovirus, there is no vaccination for norovirus! Most people who go to hospital with norovirus are treated for dehydration.  Why spend thousands of dollars for that?

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 12 February 2013: It never stops! More closings that the Christian God can’t stop! Higher tomato prices coming, blame anti-immigrant policies! Sears Holdings experiment fails! Will housing service employees become homeless?

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, Dave’s Taverna bankrupt. The owner blamed lack of adequate parking in the downtown area (gee many businesses located in the old downtown Pocatello, Idaho, area complain of the same thing).

The National Beef Packing Company will layoff 433 people by the end of April! It will affect operations in Pennsylvania and Georgia. There are rumors that the company could drastically reduce its size, as its major buyer, Walmart, canceled their contract.

FreightCar America is possibly going to end operations in Illinois.  Employees received letters saying changes were coming that could be “permanent”.  Company officials blame the crashing coal market.  They make coal cars for railroad companies. However, FreightCar America has been laying off hundreds of people almost every year since 2007.  Also, the Mygofer store closed in Joliet. The store was an experiment of Sears Holdings, but it failed.

In New Jersey, Daiichi Sankyo pharmaceutical company, laying off at least 75 U.S. employees, as part of its Worldwide layoffs.  Company officials blamed “anticipated, near-term business challenges”.

In Massachusetts, the Inn at Harvard College will close by summer.  95 people will become unemployed.  The University wants to convert it to student housing.  Not a good idea, Idaho State University did that several years ago, buying out several motels next to the school and turning them into student housing.  They’re losing money big time because right after that several privately run student housing landlords moved in and built new student apartment buildings and are charging less than what the University is charging.

In North Carolina, Nice Price Books closing its Carrboro store. Owners blame crashing sales at the 26 years old store.

In Connecticut the theme restaurant, Rainforest, closed down without notice. Texas based company officials said the lease expired. It was probably too expensive to operate as it involved rainstorms and robotic animals. Employees said they never saw it coming: “We didn’t know, it was a surprise to us. We are all looking for jobs.”-unnamed former employee

In DeWitt, New York, the 137 years old Oberdorfer foundry will close by the beginning of May. Company officials blamed the bad economy, 86 employees will be out-o-work. East Meadow’s 35 years old grocery store, Pathmark, closing in May. The manager said all he knew was that company officials wanted to shut it down.  The Hallmark store in Auburn’s Fingerlakes Mall, closed.   The mall owners wanted to jack up the rent.

old kb toys pine ridge mall

Former location of KB Toys, which then became a Hallmark which didn't last long, in the Pine Ridge Mall, Chubbuck, Idaho

Des Moines, Iowa, laying off five Housing Services employees.  City officials blame lack of funding.

In Wisconsin, the Lutheran Social Services is closing seven of its care centers by the end of April! At least 44 employees will become unemployed.  Church officials said it was because they are not making enough money to support their operations.

East Cleveland, Ohio, laid off 21 of their police department employees.  City officials say the city is broke.

In Hazelwood, Missouri, Missouri Mercantile going bust. The owner is confused, back in 2008 he blamed his crashing sales on the economy, but so many economic ‘experts’ have been saying the economy is doing much better now that he doesn’t know what to think, because his sales have not improved.

In Texas lending company, Homeward Residential, laying off 325 employees by the end of April!  The company was taken over by Ocwen last year.  The U.S. Department of Justice is now investigating Ocwen for possible fraud in the mortgage modification program.

In California, Florida based Gargiulo to end its tomato farm operations in Somis, by April. 677 people out-o-work! Company officials did not give a reason, but a Ventura County Farm Bureau rep said it could be due to a 25% decrease in cheap migrant farm workers from south of the border, which his being caused by increased anti-immigrant policies of the U.S. government.  Also, mom-n-pop musical instrument store, Rockit Music, closed down in Brea. The owner blamed his crashing sales on competition from internet businesses.


What Economic Recovery? Pocatello, Idaho, loses another business!

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Scott's Ski & Sports going out-o-business! This used to be an appliance/electronics store a while back. Scott's moved in from another location a few years ago.

Long time winter sports equipment supplier (as well as bikes and other sporting stuff) in Pocatello, Idaho, going out of business.  There’s currently no mention on their website, and so far no mention in the local media.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 10 – 11 February 2013: Drug maker quietly lays off more employees than officially stated! Project Transform axes thousands of jobs! More schools going down! Tax man shuts down bakery! More Hollywood cuts despite money making movies!

In California, the company behind the computer effects in the movie Life of Pi, now bankrupt!  Rhythm & Hues laid off at least 200 employees!  The company is apparently broke and can’t even pay employees.

Schmidt’s Bakery and Delicatessen in Colorado bankrupt. 40 people out-o-work.  Former employees must now deal with state tax officials to try and get their final paychecks.  State tax officials seized the company on 08 January 2013.

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) warned of up to 450 layoffs. These are not because of government spending cuts, but are being blamed on increased costs of operations.

In New York, the Horseheads Central School District said they will have to lay of employees and close down at least one school.  They blame it on a $8.2 million USD budget shortfall.  Also, Garden City says they will layoff six firefighters, and a lieutenant reduced in pay. Some of the city officials said the city needed to save money and their fire department was overstaffed.  In Leicester 70 years old Christano Hardware closed down.  Owners blame competition from national chain stores.  A Kmart in Depew will close down by April, 68 people out-o-work. Advanced Monolythic Ceramics shutting down their Ocean factory, 65 people out-o-work. Company officials blamed the bad economy for forcing a consolidation of operations.

Epic Game’s closing its Maryland operation. Company officials said things just weren’t “working out”.

In Pennsylvania, Kettering Corner ice cream shop closed down. The owner says she can’t do it anymore, since her husband died.  And Jonathan Best gourmet grocery store closing down by the end of March.  The owner blamed increased competition.

The Circle II Restaurant in North Carolina seized by state tax officials.  State officials say the owners owe $178000 in back taxes.  The Women’s Choice clinic closed down, no details as to why, but several protesters said they are happy about it.

In Batavia, Illinois, Portola Packaging closing its factory and consolidating operations to Tennessee and Arizona. 76 people out-o-work in Illinois. It’s not that the company doesn’t have the money, they’re spending $12 million USD on upgrading the Tennessee and Arizona factories.

In Texas, Gene Allen’s Gifts closing down its Arlington shop on 15 March. The owner blames the greedy landlord.

Too Big to Jail, U.K. based Barclays increased their planned layoffs to 3700 worldwide!  The layoffs will affect employees in the United States.  The massive layoffs are being called Project Transform.

It’s been revealed that a major drug maker, Pfizer, has laid off more people than it officially announced two years ago.  It turns out that the pharmaceutical company laid off 250 more people at its Groton laboratories, than first stated!

World War 3: South Korea accuses Idaho’s Micron of international price fixing!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

As war drums are beating, unnamed officials in Republic of Korea (ROK) are blaming Idaho based Micron Technology of fixing prices for computer memory chips: “It’s quite strange that the global memory chip market is seeing unexpected price rises amid less demand for conventional personal computers. It’s highly possible that the chipmakers are engaged in price-fixing. Among other firms, Micron Technology is apparently using its commanding position to manipulate computer chip prices. We are watching it closely.”

Micron apparently controls half the World’s chip market! ROK’s SK Hynix controls 30%, and Samsung 15%.  Those three companies are the only major memory chip makers left in the World, several years ago there were more than ten!

Officials from ROK base their claim on decreasing computer demand on information recently released by International Data Corporation.

This isn’t the first time Idaho’s Micron has been accused of price fixing.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 08 February 2013: More grocery stores goin’ down! Better get your Scooter chair while you can! Obama/Romney Care takes out more jobs! More Christian schools going down! Tech jobs down the drain!

In Arizona, the Douglas Hospital bankrupt.  Federal court will decide who will take over operations.

In Iowa, Keokuk Area Hospital laid off 24 people, blaming it on long term debts.

The maker of scooters and power chairs, The Scooter Store, cut production and laid of 150 employees! They laid off 220 people back in September 2012! Company officials blame new regulations in the Obama/Romney Care reforms.

In New York, the Sister Rene’ Dental Center shut down.  Operators blame the reduced federal reimbursements under Obama/Romney Care.  The overwhelming majority of their patients are on Medicare.

Our Lady of the Assumption School in Atco, Pennsylvania, closing down.  Officials running the Christian school say enrollment just wasn’t high enough, and at least 20 families are a year behind on their payments! Some parents counter the claims of the church officials and say they are ready to sue the Christian school.

In Tennessee, the Milan Arsenal laying off more employees. 30 people lost their jobs.  It’s all part of planned layoffs announced in 2008. The arsenal will eventually move to Iowa.  Also, TE Connectivity shutting down some of its operations, 33 employees affected.  The electronics company began laying off employees back in October 2012, at least 66 regular employees and 20 temps will be let go by the end of March.

E-commerce manager, Digital River, to close offices and layoff employees.  Company officials didn’t specify how many people will be let go.  The company lost $200 million USD in its 4th Quarter.

Enterprise collaboration company, Yammer, laid off 20 people. Last year the company was taken over by Microsoft.

In California, family owned Sam’s Food City will shut down its last three grocery stores. The owners said they could not compete with national chain stores.  Also, Too Big to Fail Citigroup laying off 181 people in Sacramento!  It’s part of Citigroup’s plan to layoff 11000 people!!!  And Kelly-Moore Paint laying off 20 employees despite an increase in sales: “To ensure our success now and into the future, we are making some internal adjustments to our structure to become more efficient in streamlining our operations while still providing the same high-quality products and services to our customers. As we make these changes, we continue to expand our retail stores in California and the West.”– Steve DeVoe, president

BAE announced it will layoff 200 people in New Hampshire in March!  The British Red Coat defense contractor said it’s due to an expected reduction in government spending.

In Virginia, the Dominion Mine shut down. Operators blame it on a drastic reduction in coal prices.

In West Virginia, a Shoney’s restaurant closed down.  30 people out-o-work.  It’s at least the second Shoney’s in the Kanawha Valley to close.

In Connecticut, the Shadow Room nightclub in Middletown, closed down. The owners want to open a new nightclub in a better location.

In Florida, Aardvark Video in Macclenny shut down. The owners of the 28 years old store blame the internet.

In Edina, Minnesota, the Blockbuster Video store shut down.

In Chillicothe, Ohio, the Blockbuster Video store shut down. It’s part of the company’s plans to shut down 300 stores!

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 05 February 2013: Unions act like economic crisis shouldn’t affect them! Executives getting the axe! Another Hooters down! Wesco Paint vanishes from Pocatello!

“…we’re learning about this through employees and when we’re dealing with multi-national corporations it makes it very difficult…….It’s just one hit after the other but we’re going to keep plugging.”-Anthony Dolce, Mayor of Dunkirk, New York, reacting to yet more layoffs

In Dunkirk, New York, Cott Corporation laid off at least 20 people. No explanation as company officials commented that they “had no comment at this time.” 

The City of Beacon, New York, about to layoff a few cops. The Police Union says city officials are threatening them with the layoffs, but the Mayor said the budget crisis is for real: “I told every union that it would be a tough budget. I had to raise taxes 11.25%! I’ll do what I have to do to save the city money.”-Randy Casale

In New York City, the Pink Tea Cup is bankrupt. The new owners moved the iconic restaurant to a new location, but were unable to get a new liquor license. They say being unable to serve alcohol lost them so much business they’re now broke.  They told the court that now that they have the alcohol license their business has picked up, they just need time to make enough money to pay their debts.

In West Virginia, another multi-national company, Hino Motors, is laying off  an undetermined amount of employees at its Williamstown factory.  Company officials say they were shocked at how bad their 4th Quarter sales were: “Due to unexpected soft fourth quarter sales…..Hino Williamstown will temporarily reduce production volumes to achieve a more optimal inventory level.”-Sandy Ring, Hino rep

Knight Capital, a financial services company that specializes in buying and selling stocks (aka market making), and automated electronic trading, to layoff about 75 employees after being sold to a competitor.

In Maine, six executives got laid off at the Hannaford supermarket HQ.  Company officials say it’s part of the parent company’s (Delhaize America) plans to reduce executive positions.  Delhaize America laid off 15 executives across the country.

In Beaver Dam, Kentucky, Nestaway closed down. Nestaway made parts for the appliance industry.  Their biggest customer found a new source and as a result 75 people will be out-o-work.  Beaver Dam has a population of about 3200 people.

In Massachusetts, Concord Hand Designs closing down in May.  The sister owner/manager team said that after 28 years they decided that since the lease was expiring, it was time to retire.

In Pennsylvania, the Hooters restaurant in Altoona closed down without notice.  Local reports say it was always popular, and was packed the day before it closed. Even employees didn’t find out until the day it closed.  Locals have been protesting the closing. The Hooters chain has been closing restaurants across the United States, claiming they are under performing, yet by all accounts the Altoona restaurant was making money.  In 2011 the Hooters chain was sold to a group of vulture capitalists (Mitt Romneyites).

Also in Pennsylvania, another restaurant closed.  In Bethlehem the Confetti Cafe shut down because of the owner’s health issues and the bad economy.

By April no more ALCO store in Dodge City, Kansas. Company officials blame the bad economy: “The decision to close the store in Dodge City was a difficult one. We have valued the opportunity to be a part of this community, but unfortunately the store’s performance does not meet our financial requirements. The economy has clearly had an impact on store sales, and we’ve made the very difficult decision to close.”

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 02 February 2013: Potato factory employees surprised at their layoffs, which were actually announced at the end of 2011! More potato factories to be closed! Stock market laysoff its own reporters!

Arts cable channel, Ovation, began laying off employees in California. So far 25 people have lost their jobs, but company officials say this is the beginning of layoffs that will affect other employees in Illinois and New York.  Time Warner dropped Ovation from its  cable lineup at the end of 2012.

Another California based company, Wet Seal, a junior sized women’s clothing company, eliminated 35 positions.  Most of those are at their Foothills Ranch HQ, including the position of chief operating officer (COO). Sales are down, and last year the fired their CEO!

No more scrapbooking in California? Our Paper Place closed down their Newark location. As of 30 January all fixtures were on sale.

In Oakland, California, the Children’s Hospital & Research Center closed its Cytogenetics Laboratory.  They say the amount of work the lab did dropped by 69% in the past two years!

The Dow Jones’ MarketWatch media division laid off at least nine people.  It sounds like they are trying to replace older reporters with younger reporters willing to work for less pay.

In southern Idaho, J.R. Simplot shut down its Heyburn potato processing factory. 56 employees affected. The company spent big bucks building a new more efficient potato factory in Caldwell.  What’s interesting is that the Heyburn employees say the news was a surprise to them, however I’ve been reading about the planned move since November 2011!!!  According to Capital Press, the November 2011 announcement said the new Caldwell factory would be so efficient that J.R. Simplot would shut down three older factories in Idaho (including Heyburn), resulting in 800 Idahoans losing their jobs!  (in fact I warned about it in a 10 November 2011 posting)

Former location of J.R. Simplot Corporate HQ, Chubbuck, Idaho. They moved it to Boise more than ten years ago. The Chubbuck HQ was torn down and this strip mall built. At least two of the stores listed on the sign are now out of business, as well as others that are not on the sign.

Ex J.R. Simplot Chubbuck HQ awnings adding character to the otherwise drab Pocatello City Hall. Pocatello is the home of the Simplot Games, an international high school track & field event sponsored by J.R. Simplot. (we need jobs, not high school sports)

Two Renton Western Wear stores in Tacoma, and Renton, Washington closed down after 62 years of operations. Returns will be accepted until 15 March. The store’s website gave no reason for the shut down.

The Chocolate Peacock shut down in Omaha, Nebraska.  No it’s not a chocolate store, it was a women’s clothing store (like there aren’t enough of them anyway).  The owner said she had to choose between her ‘brick & mortar’ store or internet sales.

In Michigan, the city of Detroit abandoning 50 recreational areas! City officials said they don’t have enough money to maintain city parks.  38 other parks will have maintenance services cut in half.

In Geneva, Illinois, the Erday’s men’s clothing store out-o-business, after almost 88 years of operations.  The store specialized in ‘dress’ clothes for men, and blames part of their demise on the advent of casual dress days for work.  They also blamed competition from national chain stores.

In Watchung, New Jersey, Valley Furniture (aka Pratt Furniture) announced they will end operations once all their inventory is sold.  The store first started in 1946.  At one time the store stocked only U.S. made furniture, until the U.S. companies that made them went out-o-business.  Then the bad economy hit in 2008 and sales crashed, despite everything the family owners did. About 20 employees affected.

After nearly 67 years of business, Hodges Jewel Box in South Boston, Virginia, shut down.  The lifetime owner blamed declining sales on the bad economy.