Tag Archives: disaster

TEPCo discovers radiactive waste water storage leaking also

In another example of corporate leadership not thinking things through, Tokyo Electric Power Company has discovered that the buildings it’s been using to store highly contaminated water in are leaking.

TEPCo was using the buildings to store contaminated water that leaked into the basements of the reactor buildings, and contaminated water from reactor cooling systems.  Even though TEPCo claimed it has stopped the massive leaks from the reactor buildings, contaminated water continues to pour into the Pacific Ocean.

On Friday, 27 May 2011, TEPCo discovered that the buildings used to store contaminated water are leaking.  They will now stop transferring contaminated water and try and plug the leaks.

TEPCo admits they know the buildings are damaged, and they failed to plug any leaks before transferring the contaminated water!

24 May 2011, Fukushima Daiichi still flooding Pacific Ocean with radiation!

Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency is reminding Tokyo Electric Power Company that it must stop the flood of contamination that is still pouring into the ocean.

According to NHK, TEPCo is still trying to figure out how to stop leaks of contaminated water.  The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency gave TEPCo until 01 June 2011 to figure out a way to plug the leaks.

TEPCo backtracks on blaming employees for Reactor 1 meltdown

Recently Tokyo Electric Power Company tried to blame the metldown of reactor 1 on an employee turning off the cooling system.  Turns out the employee was following TEPCo’s own operating manual!

TEPCo now says the employee was following procedure because coolants temps had actually dropped, so much that their manual called for the shut down of the cooling system.

They also revealed that data recorded immediately after 11 March 2011 does not show any cooling problems, for at least 30 minutes after the 11 March quake/tsunami.  A week ago TEPCo said reactor 1 began meltdown in the early hours of 12 March.  Reactor 3 melted down on 13 March and reactor 2 on 15 March.   I have to think that TEPCo’s instrumentation is faulty, or TEPCo officials are inept at reading the data collected, why else are they just now figuring this out?

TEPCo criticized for lying about meltdown data, reactor 2 & 3 melted down!

Tokyo Electric Power Company now confirm reactors 2 and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, melted down within days after the 11 March tsunami.

Reactor 3 began meltdown on 13 March, Reactor 2 on 15 March.

Previously TEPCo officials said their inability to access the reactor buildings kept them from the knowledge of any meltdowns, but a Japanese expert says that’s BS.

According to NHK, Naito Masanori of the Institute of Applied Energy, says data from the reactors should have been easy to get.  In fact TEPCo sould have realized meltdowns were taking place within a day, not several months.

The latest admission from TEPCo means that three nuclear reactors melted down within days of the 11 March disasters, again proving that this is worse than Chernobyl.  It also proves that TEPCo literally fiddled while Fukushima burned.  In a previous posting I wrote how TEPCo spent most of their time in the first weeks of the nuke disaster trying to come up with plans to build new reactors.


TEPCo president resigns, TEPCo losses big money

Tokyo Electric Power Company president, Shimizu Masataka, has resigned, and will step down in June.

TEPCo has lost $15 billion.  $12 billion of that is directly due to dealing with the ongoing nuclear disaster at their Fukushima Daiichi plant.

In order to pay compensation to people affected by the radiation disaster, TEPCo will sell off $7 billion in property, and cut $6 billion in operating expenses by laying employees off, and ending research & development.

Reactor 2 & 3 risk of more hydrogen explosions!

20 May 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Company says they will resume nitrogen injection in Fukushima Daiichi’s reactors 2 and 3.  There is a fear that hydrogen gas is building to explosive levels.

The explosions of the reactor buildings, back in March, is blamed on hydrogen gas build up.  TEPCo also said they were installing lead shields in Reactor 3, because of extremely high radiation levels.

All nuclear reactors in Germany fail safety tests!

“It remains the case that a way must be found for us to leave nuclear power behind as soon as possible.”-Norbert Rottgen, Environment Minister

Because of the ongoing nuke disaster reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, Germany ordered ‘worst case scenario’ testing of all its nuclear plants.  They all FAILED!

The report was published by Der Spiegel.  It was discovered that all of Germany’s nuke plants lack the “required safety features” to withstand a level three disaster.   Not only that, but four of the plants failed simulations involving small aircraft crashing into them.

The highest safety standard rating for nuclear plants in Germany, is a level three rating.  The report says most of the plants can’t even meet level two safety standards.

Parts supply problem forces Honda to lay off 400 employees

Honda announced they will have to lay off 400 workers at their factory in Brazil. The problem is lack of parts.

Originally Honda was going to reduce production, at their Brazil plant, for 12 days.  Now it’s cutting production for a full month, and reducing payroll by 12%.

The ongoing parts supply problem was caused by the March 11 disasters in Japan, which revealed the weak link in the “just in time” supply policy for Japan’s (and even the world’s) industries.

City in southern Japan hit with radiation!

For the first time since the nuclear disaster started in Japan, the city of Osaka has detected cesium contamination.

Osaka is about 560 km (348 miles) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant.

City officials say that between 01 April and 02 May, low levels of cesium 134 & 137 were detected in rain water, and dust.