Tag Archives: beebe

Government Incompetence or Coverup: Birds fall dead from the sky, for the second New Year’s Eve in a row, officials still blame fireworks

“If it is fireworks, why was last year the first year it has ever happened? It is something else.”-@Shebalynnx

For the second New Year’s Eve in a row, blackbirds have fallen dead from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas.

Last year the mass death of birds were blamed on fireworks.  But this year the local police banned fireworks use on New Year’s Eve, and yet they’re still blaming fireworks for the new deaths.

Here’s the problem with blaming fireworks: Much more fireworks are used around July 4, than on New Year’s Eve, yet no mass die off of birds around July 4???  Also, as one commenter pointed out, why hasn’t it happened more often?

One commenter on a local Arkansas news site said his magnetic compass went crazy New Year’s Eve: “fire works going off ALL night and all day – no problems! There were more 500 LIVE ones in our yard this morning. BUT when the birds started dying, I had my compass out – it went crazy – spinning and unable to find north – it did this at two different times tonight – so fireworks messed up the compass??? It is not the fireworks!”-Al

There are also reports that local TV weather personnel said weather radar returns showed a large mass over Beebe, Arkansas, about the time the birds fell out of the sky.