Category Archives: International

Libya warned about ceasefire AND attacked by France at the same time

War monger Sarkozy said “If there is not an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of the forces that have been attacking civilian populations in the last few weeks, our countries will have recourse to military means.”

French President Sarkozy made the statement around 17:30 (5:30pm) Libyan time, yet, while he was demanding a ceasefire French aircraft were already in Libyan airspace attacking Libyan aircraft.  Shortly after Sarkozy made the statement regarding ceasefire he admitted they were already attacking Libya:  “As of now, our aircraft are preventing planes from attacking the town. Our French aircraft are ready to intervene against tanks.”

Earlier in the day rebels apparently shot down a Libyan Su-24 (might have been a single engined MiG-23) attack aircraft.  The Sukhoi Su-24 is made in Russia (as is the MiG-23).  Also, there is video of rebels armed with the latest brand new short range anti aircraft missiles, it is not possible they “captured” them from Gaddafi’s forces.  Some rebels are wearing brand new U.S. BDU (Battle Dress Uniform, no longer used by U.S. forces) style desert camo uniforms.  To me it is clear that this “revolution” in Libya was planned by outside, non-Libyan parties.

President Obama told the U.S. Congress that the military operations against Libya would days, not weeks or months. He better be right. Don’t forget, his predecessor (Bush Jr) made similar comments about Iraq.

Russia says attacking Libya will validate WMDs for extremists

Alexei Arbatov, the head of the International Security Center of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said attacking Libya will prove that obtaining WMDs is necessary to keep from being attacked by the West.

“An attack against Libya would be a gift for all violators of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. If Libya becomes an object of a military operation, it will lead some countries to believe that no one would think of threatening Gaddhafi with a military operation now if he had not voluntarily given up his nuclear program several years ago.”

In order to receive financing from western countries, and gain favor from western governments,  Gaddafi revealed his WMD program and allowed international inspection and dismantlement of that program.  That’s why President Bush Jr removed Gaddafi from the terrorist list.  Now the West is about to attack him.

Arbatov says “This will lead Iran, Syria, and some other countries violating the non-proliferation regime to make a new powerful step towards obtaining nuclear weapons.”

No Fly Zone is Hyperbole, UN becoming war monger

Technically a no fly zone simply means that no aircraft can fly in a specific area.  At the most this should mean that if an aircraft is found flying in such area it will be shot down.  But the current United Nations resolution against Libya is NOT a no fly zone.

The resolution allows any force necessary, that would mean air strikes, and even troops, on the ground.  That is NOT a no fly zone.  This is what UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said: “The resolution authorizes the use of ‘all necessary measures’, including a no-fly zone to prevent further casualties and loss of innocent lives.” In other words a no fly zone is just one part of the military operations that will take place.

Ed Luck, a special adviser on the protection of civilians,  said this current resolution is historic : “This is the first time that the council has taken Chapter 7 enforcement measures specifically to ensure the responsibility to protect.” He added that it “…authorizes a much greater use of coercive force if necessary.” In other words the UN (at the urging of France, United Kingdom & United States) has just moved closer to being willing to go to all out war with member nations.

Russia warns U.S. it will be held accountable in Libya

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, warned that any “humanitarian consequences” following any military action to enforce a no fly zone, will be on those enforcing the no fly zone: “Responsibility for inevitable humanitarian consequences caused by excessive use of outside force in the Libyan situation would be fully born by those who resorted to such actions.”

Russia abstained from voting on the no fly resolution, because there were no plans presented to actually protect peaceful Libyans.

Japan’s Prime Minister’s Grand Coalition attempt fails

Japan’s Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, says the situation in Japan is as worse as at the end of World War 2, after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Japan.  Because of that Kan tried to unite the main political parties, starting with the main opposition party.

Officials with the Liberal Democratic Party (right wing conservatives), the main opposition party, said no.  They pointed out that their party was already helping with the recover efforts, so they see no reason to unite under the PM’s office.

Ivory Coast, more proof of U.S. & French Hypocrisy

The UN is expressing shock at the violence in Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire). Yet, where’s the U.S. pushing for no fly zones and military action? Hypocrisy!

If the violence in Libya warrants military action by the UN, then why not in Ivory Coast?  Where’s war mongering French President Sarkozy?  Ivory Coast used to be a colony of France, yet Sarkozy has been salivating at the prospect of military action against Libya (a former Italian colony).  He’s been working hard to get support for war against Libya, he even convinced the Arab League to join in.

2010 election results, in Ivory Coast, were basically thrown out by the ruling party, and that started what now looks like a second civil war.   Hello, President Obama, what about the rights of the “people”?  Obama is quick to use such reasoning in regards to attacking Libya, but not Ivory Coast.

The United States Department of State estimates that at least 75,000 people have fled Ivory Coast into Liberia (a former U.S. colony).  Recent reports say dead bodies lie in the streets of the capitol.  An attack by government forces, on March 17, is being called a crime against humanity by the UN, but where’s the U.S. and France on this one.  Oh yeah they’re getting ready to bomb Libya.

Obama & Libya, Lies, Lies & more Lies

President Barak Obama spoke at a news conference, where he explained the reasoning behind the push for a no fly zone.

He stated that NATO, and Arab countries, will take the lead in enforcing the military option, while the U.S. will supply various support for the military action, and humanitarian aid.

Obama said this came after Gaddafi refused to back off of attacking “peaceful” protesters, and that he made threats of “no mercy” against the rebels.

Point 1: The Libyan protesters are NOT peaceful.  Look at how the protesters in Egypt and Tunis behaved.  Early on Libyan protesters attacked government forces, and police, then captured military weapons which they have been using since. The Egyptians & Tunisians did not do that.

It has become clear that Libyan rebels have also been supplied from outside Libya with weapons and ammo.  A Libyan arms dealer in Egypt has admitted that this is happening.  Libyan rebels have admitted the same.  We now know that some how the rebels have developed their own air force, seemingly overnight.

In the eastern half of Libya, where the majority of oil fields are by the way,  Libyan police and government forces joined the rebels, and it seems they were paid off.

This is not a case of peaceful protest, and certainly not on the same level as the events in Egypt and Tunis.  This is a full blown civil war.

Point 2: Many of the Arab League (League of Arab States), who are supporting the no fly zone, are at this very moment suppressing the peaceful protest going on in their countries.  Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Yemen, etc.  In fact Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirate are currently helping Bahrain suppress a truly peaceful protest by the majority of the population.

Point 3: The push for a no fly zone and military action against Libya started before Gaddafi made threats of “no mercy”.  In fact, very early on Obama demanded that Gaddafi step down.  Obama did not do this with Mubarak in Egypt!  The Obama administration actually made supporting statements for Mubarak for at least a week, before asking Mubarak to implement changes, and then finally asking Mubarak to step down. Very different treatment when compared to Gaddafi.

Point 4: If a similar situation happened in the United States; violent protests, attacking government forces, capturing military weapons, defections of military and police to the rebels side, you can be sure that President Obama, or any President, would not hesitate to do exactly what Gaddafi is doing.  This policy even has an official name: National Security.

Yes Gaddafi is bad, but so are the governments of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, etc.  Hey, don’t forget that President Bush Jr took Gaddafi off the terrorist list, in 2006.  And the UN lifted sanctions in 2003.

So President Obama, why are we helping “peaceful” heavily armed rebels in Libya, while ignoring the murders of truly peaceful protesters in other countries?  All I can hear is lies, lies and more lies.

Donations to Japan piddly compared to Haiti quake and Hurricane Katrina

A philanthropy newspaper reports that international non-profit donations to help Japan, one week after the 9.0 quake, total $87 million.

Compared to the number of donations, within the same time period, to Haiti and survivors of Hurricane Katrina, it is piddly.

Haiti received $275 million in donations to non-profits one week after their big quake.  Areas hit by Hurricane Katrina saw $522 million one week after that disaster.

This could be due to the bad economic situation, but I have seen plenty of comments on the web, many made by people in the United States, that show that a lot of people think Japan “deserves” this situation.  Xenophobia continues to build.